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Previous thread: >>11152431

Comic Cap and Daredevil are rolling in. Mine won't be here until next week, hope everyone got their orders in.

Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green". Expect December to get spread out amongst early 2025.

>Newly Available:
217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)
223 - DAREDEVIL (Comic Ver.)

>October 2024
219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)
222 - BATMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)
227 - LUKE SKYWALKER (The Mandalorian Ver)

>November 2024
>228 - RIDDLER (Hush Ver.)
229 - SCARECROW (Hush Ver.)
230 - BLACK PANTHER (Ver. 1.5)

>December 2024
231 - IRON MAN (Stealth Ver.)
232 - SUPERBOY (Return of Superman)
240 - 4-LOM (Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Ver.)
246 - TETSUJIN 28-GO (Original Color Ver.)

>January 2025
233 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 3 Ver.)
234 - CAINE (John Wick Chapter 4 Ver.)

>February 2025
237 - THE DEEP
239 - SPIDER-MAN 2099 (Comic Ver.)

>March 2025
243 - THE FLASH - (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)

>April 2025
242 - ROGUE (Comic Ver.)
244 - DR. FATE

>May 2025
247 - KNIGHTMARE THE JOKER (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)
248 - THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Totally Not No Way Home Ver.)

>June 2025
249 - WEAPON X (Age of Apocalypse Ver.)
250 - CYCLOPS (Age of Apocalypse Ver.)

>July 2025
251 - X-MAN (Nate Gray)
252 - A-TRAIN
Looks sick but is that paint bleed on his sticks already?
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I'm not sure, I don't see it in any of his other pics, though the guy does do edits.
It's white. Just rub it off with some alcohol.
thats a custom spidey head right? Mine doesnt look that ugly
Yeah, looks like a custom McFarlane-style head
Your pic is so gay Marvel OP.
Cap is up on amiami again if you want him
Just ordered mine
OP reminds me of Streets of Poison when DD fought Cap, Bullseye vs Crossbones and Red Skull vs Kingpin.
Now that Bandai is losing the Dragon Ball license is there any chance of Dragon Ball characters being made into Mafex figures? They'd probably do an amazing Perfect Cell.
I’ve grown to love my Mezco DD. not sure if I’m in a swapping mood there.

The cap, I’m monitoring the situation
I'm actually pretty happy with my Dragon Stars.
That's a Bandai line so that long with the SHFs are going to be going away.
Is this more speculation or have they actually come to a decision?
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while joker 2 is the biggest bomb i still want this nigga, how much time does it take for mafex to show it
He's making this up and shitting up every thread that has to do with an import company. He posted the same thing over in Revoltech gen. Probably the same guy who says Kaiyodo dropped MHA too.
i want him too, i didn’t think Joker 2 was bad as i didn’t expect anything huge like most people did.
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So no batfleck this month?
Have they announced it?
Is rather Yamaguchi gets the licence. Dynamic shonen muscle men is their specialty.
shf lives rent free in his head
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Will a mafex mjolnir fit in any of the hands the stealth suit cap comes with? Hoping the helmet holding hand might
Can't wait for the Matrix figures.
Any news if Brown Suit Wolverine is getting reissued?
HURRY UP!!!!!!!
No but CT Toys are making a bootleg at the end of October and they're generally considered pretty good.
I fuckin' love this guy
I don't really care for daredevil but seeing the poses has changed my mind. Got him an accessory too. Is there usually this much hype for mafex releases or is this a reflection of how good the figure is?
He really is great, I wish I had more time to mess with him before I had to pack him up for a move, but it is what it is. He's a great figure, i can't wait to play around with him when I can finally unpack my collection.
Just from an outsider looking in, what's the appeal? It looks like an incredibly standard release.
first real quality figure of DD that isn’t by hasbro & has tons of accessories
Pretty much >>11198414. It's the first really quality figure of Daredevil we've gotten in quite some time. Sure, there are Marvel Legends, but the classic costume is either on an extremely outdated buck or the update is locked behind a store exclusive three pack that, imo, didn't even use the best available buck they had for DD. It's just nice to finally have an actual quality figure of him.
Tbh I've soured on a lot of Medicom's recent output, particularly the DC comic stuff (I've stopped collecting them at this point) as I feel they're increasingly coming with less stuff for a higher price-point. Getting Cap and DD in succession has brought me back to the line, both have a quality feel, are more poseable than prior releases and have a good amount of accessories that feel worth the price tag.

That said, I still think DD could be just a smidgen more bulky in the arms and lats. Plus the batons got a bit of red paint bleed the second they touched his hands, it's a really tight grip

Bit of both, it's a good Mafex release but I think people are mostly starved for a decent DD figure (to the point that a third party is making their own Revoltech now because people are sick of waiting)
Gonna grab my first Mafex fig which should I get-
Hush Batman
Knightfall Batman
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based on the photos and videos I've seen it's the articulation + accessories giving it that 'jumped off the page' look
posing seriously looks wild
hush batman is better, knightfall neck kinda make it unfun to pose
I feel like people just sleep on a lot of Mafex figures until people start getting them in hand. Daredevil just is a less popular character so he’s sold out everywhere already.
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Do all Mafex Spider-Man comic versions have the shoulder QC issue or just the one from 2022?
shoulder qc issue?
It makes me smile seeing so many people hyped for Cap and DD after it feels like I was one of the few defending them for the past year+
Hoping Iceman turns out as good and then after that I really want a mafex Vision.
Shoulders are put on backwards.
Looks really good, Mafex was in need of a win
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Vision is a must have, as is a Scarlet Witch. My heart desperately yearns for a Mafex Hawkeye more than anything though. I'd be pretty content with a classic Avengers line-up with just that
Hush, if you can find it for a good price.
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Don't forget Hulk
Lack of options in the 6 inch scale, especially if you're a DC fan. Things are a little better with Marvel but you're also fighting scalpers for the few really good figures at which point you may as well pay for the Mafex anyway.
cap is still up on hobby search hurry hurry
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>missed out on Mafex Magneto
>not even sure how or why
>now the prices are awful
Reissue soon, please Mafex. I beg.
We've all been there at some point. At least in your case, a reissue is likely.
Mafex made me suffer for skipping the tiger stripe wolverine in 2019, now the fomo is to big for me to skip figures that I’m slightly interested in
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Agreed, Hawkeye, Vision, Scarlett Witch and maybe Black Panther would be perfect for the era Mafex are going for. As much as I love Hank and Jan and the other various additions like Beast, Moon Dragon, Wonderman, etc. they aren't really necessary.

Hulk was only an avenger for the first 2 issue before cap and before im got the suit the mafex was based on. You'd have to be a movie casual to want him for your classic comic display.

If you had said MAFEX classic defenders on the other hand, then YES, that would be awesome.
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>no Matt Murdock head with Daredevil
>no Miguel O'Hara head with 2099
Mafex, what the fuck?
How long until we get a Bullseye to go with him?
Yeah, I admit I don't know much about comic Avengers (more of an X-Men guy). But Hulk, Colosuss, Nightcrawler and Beast are my biggest wants from this line.
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Finally came in, so glad I don't have to wait for Hasbro to make non-shit versions of two of my favorite characters
my iron spider has no shoulder issue
I may just buy the aftermarket ones. Save me, bros.
COMIC versions. I said it in my post.
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I'm really regretting not preordering Daredevil. I thought having the ML 3 pack would be enough but seeing all the in hand pictures has me wanting it bad.
we're barely getting daredevil now, and we don't even have a non symbiote spider man villain
2035? even mafex is even still around by then
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Same. It always feels great to get definitive versions of characters. They're not perfect by any means but they're damn good. Cap missing saluting hands is a crime though.
they’ll probably include an unmasked head with the inevitable red/yellow repaint
It's brown and yellow noob.
It's burgundy, a shade of red.
No thanks, I'm not that desperate or poor.
can't wait for the chinese KO of these to be put on line!
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the one on the left look like dogshit

it that the bootleg?
no, mafex has been doing alts.
Same, I got Cap in and this one is the Hush Superman of Captain Americas. There won't be a better figure than this.
Can't wait for Daredevil
Oh wow, just realized the hands I thought were for saluting are attached to the throwing piece

He's so good, I feel bad for people who missed out because the promo pics were ass

>I feel bad for people who missed out because the promo pics were ass
I very nearly did. Those photos were disgusting. But the more I thought about it, and realized my options were either AY, Hasbro, or Mezco (lol), the more I realized I should just take a leap of faith and get the Mafex.

Now I'm wondering if I should get Mafex Thor as well. I know that one has been struggling to fly off shelves, and BF is coming up.
>232 - SUPERBOY (Return of Superman)

Do people think this will just go up in price or will it come down the way the Steel and, at least for a while, the Cyborg Superman did? I'm just not that interested in paying that much money for something that doesn't come with anything extra like 3-5 heads. If it did, I would be fine with the current scalper prices.

That shield looks nice, hopefully the attachment won't break/detach/not hold as easily as some of the Hasbro version I returned did.
the mafex thor is very good if you can deal with him being small, if size is everything to you just stick with the 80th legends, but its objectively a better figure than that especially at the discounts you can find him at now
the new announcement should be soon yea?
3-4 days. usually around the 22nd
Did a little bit of kitbashing with some KO Mezcos I got ages ago. The harness and belt fit nicely onto Cap, gives him a more modern look like the Brubaker run or something (would need to be a darker blue to be exact of course). Won't be displaying him like this but it's neat to have the option
The damaged head from DD also fits nicely onto the Mafex with a little bit of tack and the colour matches quite well. The radar effect and alternate batons are a nice thing to have too
Oddly enough I think I actually prefer the KO Mezco shield (on left of pic) to the Mafex one (right). It's a little more metallic instead of glossy but the crappy bootleg colours are a little desaturated which actually makes it match the Mafex Cap's colours surprisingly well. I also prefer the smaller size, think I'll keep it on him
Is nice to finally have the boys together
The Avengers look great together, even with short prince Thor. Bring me Hawkeye Medicom!
>Thor: Actually Tony, 5'6 is the ideal height for a man of my build

I actually didn't mind Thor's height until getting Cap and now he feels distractingly small, like he was might for an ever so slightly smaller scale. He's also not the most poseable figure
>was able to snag Mafex Cap on Plaza Japan
Feels good, bros.
Got mine on Friday when it was restocked last Monday. The figure is just incredible.
>5'11 vs 6'0
is John Mafex going to tell us the next announcements soon?? I haven’t had anything interesting since Garfield Spidey
What were they THINKING with that Thor?
DD restocked at NinNin
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The time has finally come.
Neat. They look great together. Can't wait to get cap. I have some Ninnin points so bought him separately, but they took ages to ship that DD arrived first.
We should see the next announcements tomorrow, but I wouldn't expect them to be anything we haven't already seen displayed at conventions.
I would say up until Bane they never actually attempted to make characters appropriately scale with each other. If they made Thor now he would probably be taller. Oh well.
not true. Steel was released alongside Thor and was bigger. They even both had hammers. I remember getting them at the same time and wished Thor was his size.
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all i care about from the DCEU is Keaton Batman, Ezra, Knightmare Batman, Suicide Squad 2, Peackmaker & Harley. i don’t care for Shazam
how did shazam 2 bomb so hard? i thought people loved the first one.
DCEU was officially dead at that point. no reason to care. Even with Shazam 1 being good
Ezra ones are a good investment for when everyone finally realizes he’s innocent and actually a rape victim
I needs a Ratcatcher II
There's an accessory that's never gonna leave the tray.
On the brightside for those who want it, the Mafex Joker will probably shelf warm on sites pretty long after the sequel.
Her face looks like ass
Three in a month is nice to see considering how many prototypes they recently revealed. I wonder if this is a special case? Would be nice if they unfucked their release schedule and could put more releases out
I was going to say Jordan is a reissue but I forgot the first one was in red
mannnn I kneeed to pickup a Daredevil!!
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>Daredevil and Cap both have bad promo pics
>both end up being kino
What did Mafex mean by this?
now if we can just get a beast I can finally be free of the ML on my shelves
Jordan is scheduled for March while the other two are scheduled for August, so it seems like they are basically treating it as a reissue. Makes sense considering he doesn't require any new tooling.
>$92 on HLJ
I means she is 13,750 yen
Inflation is real. I got emails from just about every service and subscription recently telling me about increases. Even my barber just sent me a new price list.
coat looks terrible
James Pedophile Gunn announced his new DC shit shortly before this movie came out.
>13,750 yen
That fucking yen better take an even bigger nosedive
Where is Robin
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The new head sculpt for him is really good.
>13,750 yen

LMAO. Yeah I'm just gonna wait for retailers to slash her to normal prices. This is ridiculous lmao.
Hush Superman and Batman scale fine with each other. Most of the Marvel characters scale really well too. It's just Thor, and that was intentional because 60's Thor isn't a gigachad. He's supposed to be the same size as Iron Man and just slightly taller than Cap.
Obviously he was raped. That doesn't make him innocent of his own crimes.
anon when the internet for over 2 years falsely characterizes someone as an evil kidnapping violent pedo—then it turns out “oopsie, my bad, it was actually just drunk karaoke & walking past a “Do Not Enter” sign”…the person is now functionally innocent in comparison.
the human response to learning much of what was rumored about someone was never true is empathy, not doubling down on the 10% that was true.
Hi Ezra. Flash sucked.
deflect all you want, but you know I’m right.
the only people hating the guy were always the retards who falsely accused him, and I won’t be a cuck for someone else’s hate campaign or worse like you.
>he thinks Joker will sit when the first movie won an oscar, a billion dollars & became the GOAT Joker

ok lol
Agreed. Free R Kelly.
>he thinks Joker 2 did not do irreparable damage to this version of Joker
ok lol
no one saw it & the box office numbers show it. Everyone always speculated that he wasn’t the Joker & now that it was confirmed u tards cry home about it.

Also ur an idiot if u had high hopes thinking it would show him building up his empire.
Lol that's a lot of assumptions there, anon.

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