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Here’s the leaks for the upcoming Haslab Ecto-1, looks like it’s going to be GB2, but I’m sure it’ll come with parts to swap out to GB1. With Halloween right around the corner, it seems like a perfect time for a Ghosbusters thread. Feel free to post your proton packs and ghost traps as well.
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I shudder to think of the price. And I'm gonna need to buy two to have one of each.
What could they realistically charge for this? $200, $250 max?
They charged $350 for the Ghost Rider car. This has got to be $500 minimum.
I could consider $350 but there’s 7 figures and the car has a lot more paint/pieces than the ghost rider one did, $500 is probably not far off.
500 is a bit steep… plus idk where i would put it for now
Correct me if I’m wrong, but is this not 1/18? The pins and the headsculpts look more 1/18 scale to me. If it is indeed 1/12, then the figures seem like downgrades compared to the previous ones.
oh it’s 1/18? I’m out then if true
Not to mention the alt parts for the 1A. The entire roof looks to be different (not just the rack), as well as the wheels and the rear bumper. I think the sides of the car and the rear door will just be stickers, so you'll have to choose which version of it you want it to be. Would be nice if those areas could be done via alt parts so you can swap the car from 1 to 1A as you please, but I just don't see how it can be done. I would be shocked if it ends up being less than $700 for all you get.

>1:12 Ecto-1 (Needs Cadillac licensing, also the 1959 Miller-Meteor is a big fucking car)
>Ecto-1A roof, rear bumper, and wheels at the very least
>Full lights, the 1A digital signs, and more than likely sounds
>Four 6" GB2 Ghostbusters
>6" GB2 Louis Tully
>6" Slimer
>6" Library Ghost

You don't really need a second kidney, do you?
>Correct me if I’m wrong,
You're wrong. Those are the 6" Plasma Series figures. Hasbro already released a 1:18 Ecto-1 for Afterlife, and just released a GB1 retool/redeco of it earlier this year.
Stickers on a $500 toy is asinine but it’s hasbro so I wouldn’t put it past them.
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I probably am, the main thing that’s confusing me is that the heads look like significant downgrades from the previous figures. But it’s more about the car anyways.
I agree, but how else would you do it? Alternate doors could be done, but the 1A has the caution striping and text beyond the doors.

The Louis and Librarian heads look great. I'll chalk Egon up to a weird angle we're seeing it from.
Could be done with a lot of swappable parts. Rumor was this haslab would have a tier similar to the cantina that cost more money; people assumed it would mean for the ghostbusters themselves but the 2nd tier may be for the 1A parts instead. Maybe the ghostbusters are included in that tier and the slimer and librarian are part of the base offering?
I'd love to be wrong, but I just can't see them giving us the entire sides of the car as swappable parts. I think the base offering will be the standard Ecto-1, Librarian, and Slimer, as seen here >>11197167, with the premium tier including the 1A roof/wheels/bumper, GB2 Busters, and 1A decals, as seen here >>11197166. Louis isn't in either of those photos, so I think he'll be a stretch goal.
>What could they realistically charge for this? $200, $250 max?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! This is not just Hasbro, whose retail offerings are already priced exorbitantly, but a Haslab, which cranks up the price gouging to 11. You'll be lucky if the base offering is only $500 and the everything included package is $750.
who tf is gonna pay over 500 bucks for this??
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The same people who didn't pay $350 for pic related. Hasbro will think the Ecto-1 is a more iconic vehicle, and that Ghostbuster fans have deep pockets considering how much they spend on props, but the people who buy props and the people who buy action figures are two different camps. This won't fund at the ridiculous price Hasbro will ask.
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Hasbro accidentally posted these listings on Pulse earlier this month.
holy shit that would be roughly $650 and $850 in USD. No fucking way that’s what they’re charging for this, that is absolutely insane.
They don't do true conversions with these things, it's usually the same price in US dollars. So $600 and $800 respectively. Still crazy, but when you compare it to >>11197373 it's to be expected.
I think if this is the real price it’s got a very high chance of failing. That kind of price tag is limiting the market to super fans, many of which likely already bought the far superior blitzway or eaglemoss ecto-1s.
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This seems to dispel the notion of the 1A not just giving you stickers for the sides of the car.
Ooh, nice catch
idk what i am looking at explain plz
Haslab is limited to superfans regardles. So many casual interested parties had no idea about the Proton Pack or Trap/PKE until it was too late. The appeal of this car is 1:12. Blitzway Ecto is a monster, and even if you collect 1:6 and can afford it, it takes up a huge amount of space. Eaglemoss is smaller at 1:8, but still a fair amount larger than this 1:12 Ecto would be, and to my knowledge there are no 1:8 Ghostbuster figures to go with it. There has been demand for a 1:12 Ecto-1 since the Mattycollector line. Between Hasbro and Mattel, there is a very healthy collection of 6 inch scaled Ghostbusters figures begging for an Ecto-1. Mondo will soon be adding to that with 6" RGB figures, so I think this car has a chance of funding, but Hasbro is doing their damndest to price people out.
The tube isn’t on the GB1 version but is on the GB2 version and would require a different sculpt.

I had an idea, what if they’re using magnets and you can swap out the pieces?
>idk what i am looking at explain plz
Ecto-1A has an extra hose on the side. What you're seeing on the left is the standard Ecto-1 with a plug for the hole needed for that hose.
Are you all dumb? These are obviously 1:18 / 4" figures. The bodies are all new and why the fuck would they tool completely new bodies if they already have existing ones? The heads and soft details are also a clear giveaway that these are 4"
>These are obviously 1:18 / 4" figures
You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.
>The bodies are all new and why the fuck would they tool completely new bodies if they already have existing ones?
Maybe because these are based on the GB2 uniforms which had differences?
are you? why would they make a haslab 1:18 ecto 1 when there's already one you can buy at retail?
Great more boring ass trolls
Look at the size of the pins in the arms here >>11197171 Have any 6" figures had pins that thick in diameter? No.
They're also prototypes.
Even for prototypes for figures that will eventually have their limbs be pinless, the pin diameter is never that large.....unless these are 4" figures
They are definitely 6” figures.
When is it supposed to go up?
Sometime this weekend after it's announced at NYCC.
$400, though they'll probably reach for $500 because of the bonus figures
When is Mondo talking about the RGBs?
>Have any 6" figures had pins that thick in diameter?
I've seen 7" figures with those huge pins.
Today's the day boys. 5:15 Hasbro panel. Can't wait to see people lose their minds when the pricing is conformed to be $599/$799.
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We won
Just a reminder the Batmobiles fit one figure, have only like seven moving parts, hollow, more iconic than the ecto1 will ever be (the name more than the design even) and most importantly almost completely one color.
Just in case people don't understand why one can go unsold in Target until its half off and this can't
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Deluxe is $399
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Base is $325
I'm actually shocked how reasonable this is compared to the Ghost Rider car. Even the base offering is a much better value than that was seeing as the Ecto-1 is much larger, has four doors, and sounds. The deluxe is an even better value for how much you get. The only downside is that there's no way to swap out the decals after they've been applied, so you pretty much need to commit to whether you want the Ecto-1 or 1A, or buy two to have one of each.
no stretch goals?
not that im complaining since I expect this will just barely meet its minimum
>Free Baloon-for-the-Kids Accessory
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It worries me that Tully is an early bird incentive and not a stretch. Not sure it can get fully funded in two weeks.
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>We needed something no one had ever done before, something that would blow the doors off the competition, and something that would really get the fandom’s collective engine revving. We’re beyond proud to announce the first-ever 6-inch-scale Ectomobile ever. EVER! And with both a base and deluxe model available, you get to choose your ride!
Where is the dumbfuck anon who was insisting this was 3 & 3/4"?
You think the mezco busters will fit in this? They're a lot bigger. I guess worst case I can just display them next to it...
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>The Green Ghost—or Slimer, as he’s more commonly known—is arguably the most famous ghost in the Ghostbusters universe, and the first successfully busted specter! From pigging out on leftover room service to charging and sliming Venkman, this ugly little spud was an immediate fan favorite. Now, he’s finally making his gluttonous debut in the Plasma Series, featuring 4 points of articulation and classic Ghostbusters design and detail. Includes stand.
It's weird how Hasbro counts articulation. Swivel hinge elbows and wrists should be 2POA each. This Slimer is realistically 8POA.
My Plasma series Venkman is considerably shorter than my PSCC figures, which use the Gomez buck. Depending on how articulated whatever buck Mezco used in the GB figures is, it's possible they might fit. I suspect the Ecto-1 will be backdrop fodder for them, though.
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The Hasbro figures are really small. They're not even a full 6 inches. The front seat looks like there's a comfortable amount of room though, so maybe, depending on how much leg room they give you. The back seats I would say probably not since they are more cramped.
It really is. Kudos to Hasbro on this one, even if it kind of reveals how ass some of the other HLs are from a value perspective.
My only oversight I see is the lack of monstrous head for the librarian ghost
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It needs more than a head swap, but If you collected the old Mattycollector line this perfectly compliments the fact that they made the monstrous library ghost, but not the human one. You can probably get one cheap these days.
I honestly wish there was an option for spending a little more for swappable parts cuz those stickers are permanent.
Could they possibly be something like colorforms where they aren't permanent?
Yeah, that works.
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Where my Ecto-1B'ros at?
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The two lines in general compliment each other really well in terms of ghosts, with Slimer now being the only overlap.

Matty GB1
>Monstrous Library Ghost
>Subway Ghost
>Cab Driver Ghost
>Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Matty GB2
>Tony Scoleri
>Nunzio Scoleri
>Cinema Ghost

>Human Library Ghost
>Zuul Terror Dog
>Vinz Clortho Terror Dog
honestly they might as well just have GB 1 and 2 versions for order instead of basic/deluxe because stickers are fucking lame
It would no doubt complicate the manufacturing process if different tampos had to be applied to different parts. Knowing Hasbro's QC, I could see people getting Ectos with the wrong symbols and such, so this is probably for the best. Also nothing annoys me more than when tampos are misaligned, and it happens often with Hasbro products. I've returned so many Transformers I've bought online because their chest symbols were badly off-center, so I'd rather be able to just apply the decals myself and be assured that they're perfect.
Vaccu form clear panels could work...

Time to ask one of the 3rd parties.
it could be done, however this is hasbro
it will be stickers
If they are in fact permanent stickers, I could see somewhere like GBFans replicating them and making them available on an as-needed basis so people always have the option to change them. Hell, if you know what you're doing you don't even need replacement stickers. Heat allows you to take most decals off without doing any damage to them. You'd probably need a bit of glue when reapplying though.
Did anybody here order & if so which one?
i don’t think it’s getting funded at all
seems to be off to a pretty good start
I ordered 2 Deluxe sets. Been wanting one for 6" figs since Matty teased us back in 2013
I'm waiting for the panel to hopefully give us more information on the decals. but if they are indeed regular, non-swappable stickers, I'll be buying two of the deluxe so I can have both Ectos. Reason I'd do two deluxe instead of one deluxe and one basic, is cause the deluxe is a much better value, and I can easily sell off the extra figures and 1A parts to recoup some of the cost.
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>Been wanting one for 6" figs since Matty teased us back in 2013
Matty's crowdfunding model was very poor, and I think contributed to the failure of their Ecto. Hasbro is direct about what their target it, and it updates in real time, so we have transparency in regards to how it's doing. Matty had an ambiguous percentage meter which they seemed to have to manually update. It didn't encourage people to back the thing when the meter seemingly never moved.
Hasbro didn't say anything about the stickers in the panel, or anything really that we didn't already know.
This >>11202703 anon is right but I'll never display it in movie 2 mode so I just ordered base
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Mondo announced Ray and Ghash (Mr. Ugly) two pack at NYCC
>I'm actually shocked how reasonable this is compared to the Ghost Rider car
The Disney/Marvel licensing fees are insane. GB as a brand is basically on life support after recent failed movies so they're probably a fraction of other popular brands
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Winston and Sandman two pack
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>The Disney/Marvel licensing fees are insane.
Which is the height of hilarity, given how bad Disney have fucked their IPs in the public perception.
I never picked up that first wave of the hasbro plasma series figures when they went on clearance a while back. Why does Egon's cost so much now?
Case breakdown.

>1x Winston Zeddemore
>2x Peter Venkman
>2x Ray Stantz
>1x Egon Spengler
>1x Dana Barrett
>1x Gozer
I think because since he died a lot of people were just getting him
Am I really gonna have to resort to buying a $100 animated figure just to get a 6" Janine? Shame the Haslab didn't include her as a stretch goal with all the other GB2 stuff.
This HasLab sure is banking on Ghostbusters 2 nostalgia.
Didn't Hasbro already do a Plasma Series Ecto-1?
Decals are removable.

they made a 3.5 scale one.
Nice. I just bought a set of the plasma series wave 1. I will be very angry if this doesn't get funded
Okay never really backed anything from Haslab. How does it work? Does it charge me immediately if I back this or in December? If I don't back this in the first two week and Louis gets unlocked, do I still get one if I back it later? Thanks.
You don't get charged until the order period ends. You're safe until then.
They won't charge you until the campaign ends in December, and you can cancel I believe up to two weeks after the campaign ends, so you really have nothing to lose. Back it now and help Tully get funded.
GB2 is the best one.

I want to be excited for this, but the Plasma series just sucks. It wasn't handled very well...
Sad thing is I actually liked this but nowhere near $350 liked it
Does anyone here own the Haslab proton pack? It seems one of my lights seemed to stop working and I’m wondering if the bulb possibly got messed up, but I’m not sure that’s possible. Does anyone know what the issue could be?
>one of my lights seemed to stop working
You're not being subtle as you think you are retro spammer.
Fuck off
Think we're actually gonna get tully? We seem pretty far behind given how these things usually trend.
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I don't have high hopes for something like this funding in 2 weeks. If not, it'd be nice if Hasbro gave us another chance to get him as a stretch goal.
Hasbro does this early incentive bullshit all wrong. When it fails to fund in two weeks, it will leave a sour taste in everyone's mouth that we didn't get him. Better way to do it is to say everyone who backs it in the fist two weeks guts Tully if it funds. That does much more to move the needle from fencesitters because it's a guarantee.
They don't go far enough. They should place deadlines and strip more things out every week until the final deadline. Make it like shooting a hostage every hour that demands are not met. Really tap into that FOMO once and for all!
i think early birds are just a stupid idea either way
eternia lost a lot of steam once its early bird bonus ended, anyone who isn't tuned in to toy sites can easily miss out on these projects until they've been up for a while and being told you missed out on something just because you didn't learn about it soon enough, even while its still accepting orders blows.
3 days since launch and it sits at
44%. How is everyone's feeling on this funding? I think it may fund donw to the wire but won't hit Tully.
>I think it may fund donw to the wire but won't hit Tully.
That's where I'm at. If it gets to the wire they may throw Tully in to drag it across the line.
>eternia lost a lot of steam once its early bird bonus ended
I'm unfamiliar with that campaign, but I looked it up and see the early bird figure was also available as a stretch goal. Was that later added as a course correction? I agree with you, I think early bird figures are a bad idea in general, but maybe that's the best way to handle it if you feel the need to incentivize people to back early? Early backers are guaranteed to recieve it, but latecomers can still get it as a stretch. Though if it doesn't reach the stretch, it still leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths, though that can be said about stretch goals in general, and I'm glad this campaign doesn't have any and just gives you a complete package from the jump.
Yeah, I think they overestimated how much people want Tully from one of the dumber bits in the second movie. Should have done Janine as a stretch goal.
People want Tully, but the Plasma Series has been dormant for almost two years, and the last figures released were just a low effort set of glow in the dark repaints. 12k backers in 14 days is a big ask for a line that most people assumed was dead after Frozen Empire came and went without any new figures. And aside from this Haslab, it basically is a dead line. There was no mention of any future figures, and I have to imagine Hasbro has no plans for future figures, or else they wouldn't be bundling a full set of dark suit GB2 figures with Proton Packs AND Slime Blowers in with this Haslab for practically nothing.
I wish they would've waited to do this. I want this, but not super badly because the Plasma series sucks. But I really do love the Ecto 1-A...and it looks nice.
What would waiting change?
You don't have to use this car with the Plasma Series if you don't like them, there's plenty of other 6 inch GB offerings. You can use it with the old Mattycollector line, Mezco 1:12, the upcoming Mondo RGBs. I doubt there will ever be another 1:12 Ecto-1, and there will almost certainly never another 1A.
Hasbro should've offered a $600 super deluxe bundle which includes a second stripped down car body for people who would like to have one of each Ecto. Buying a deluxe and basic is $725, and you'll end up with duplicate parts/figures you don't need.2p2k2
Where do you see that?
>the upcoming Mondo RGBs.
FUCK, the lack of 6 inch scale Real Ghostbusters made me less interested in this. You've destroyed me, anon.
Yeah the plasma series being shit is why I’m hesitating too. You’re buying a huge display piece for a line that is otherwise awful. Like these were not even good for the low bar that is hasbro figures. If I get it it’s going to be for the Mezco or upcoming mondo ones; obviously a cartoon version would be better for the mondos but it’s not realistic thats going to happen, and if mondo themselves made it it’d be 2x this price easily.
Yeah, exactly. This is a crown jewel to set on top of a pile of garbage. It's very frustrating. But those lights and shit on the Ecto 1A are soooo pretty.
I wouldn't say the Plasma Series is terrible, but it hasn't been great. I'm actually very happy with the secondary characters. Gozer, Zuul Dana, Vinz Louis, the Terror Dogs, even the Afterlife kids are solid. Slimer, the Librarian, and GB Louis look great.

My problem with the Plasma Series is just the four OG Busters. They feel like a lateral move from the Matty Collector figures. They're better in some ways, and worse in others. I feel as if I actually prefer the Mattel guys in spite of their shortcomings. The two biggest issues for me in regards to the Hasbro figures are the scale and the suit color.

The plastic color used for the suits of the series 1 GBs is just awful. It's way too bright, and the suit details of the sculpt are lost in it. The Afterlife figures fixed this, and the glow in the dark slimed repaints sort of fixed this (they're a darker shade of tan than series 1 Plasma, but not as dark as the Afterlife figures which I'd consider the perfect color), but if you want the four guys young and in clean khaki flight suits, you're stuck with the bright washed out looking suits.

My otber big issue, the scale, is a weird one to have. The original Ghostbusters were all 6 feet or over. Winston was the shortest at 6' flat, Egon was the tallest at 6'2". Hasbro made the guys about 5.75", which makes them tiny compared to other 6 inch lines. What's weirder though, is that they're the only Plasma Series characters scaled this small. In pic related you can see 6'1" Venkman (wearing boots which would easily give him an extra inch) next to a barefoot 5'11" Dana, and yet she's taller! She ironically scales better with the Mattel Egon on her left than her own wavemates. That's a pretty big fail. The legs of the Plasma Busters in general look very stumpy, which really hurts their overall sculpt.
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Another scale example, you have 6'1" Ray wearing boot which would put him at 6'2", next to Gozer, whose actress was 5'8", in heels which would bump her up to about 5'11". They're eye level with each other. Why the fuck did Hasbro make their Ghostbusters manlets?
Is this all ghost buster fans talk about? What a dead brand
It finally hit 50%. Don't have high hopes for another 6k in the next 9 days though.
I think it’ll fund in time, Tully is a fan favorite character
I don’t see it happening unless there is a huge influx of international backers that haven’t been added yet.
All projects like this get a large bump in backers on the final day. Not saying it will fund, but you can't really say something won't until the very end.
If you think Ghostrider's hotbox mobile has anywhere near the cultural signicance as Ecto 1 I don't know what to tell you. People have been asking for 1/12 Ecto-1 for years.
Matty Collector didn't even have a 3D model of the car, just a photo on a piece of cardboard and promises.
My Dana literally came with 2 left feet. I wonder if I should just buy a replacement on ebay.
We're not talking about the final day of the entire campaign which typically has a surge, we're talking about the end of the stupid early bird period which nets everyone Tully. Will there be a big surge for him at the end of next week? I don't see it.
Hasbro posted a video answering some questions.


Mostly stuff we already know spelled out for retards. They confirmed no metal on the car (I think we all assumed as much), and in regards to the decals...

>Regarding the decals, Hasbro is using their standard repositionable vinyl, which means they won’t have a permanent adhesion. They can be repositioned after applying to the vehicle, with an expected durability of at least five reapplications, potentially up to 10. Additionally, a few extra decals will be provided as backups.

I find this disappointing. I'd hoped they had a better solution than something which would have limits. I was leaning towards buying two regardless, but I liked the idea of being able to make the Ecto-1B on occasion.
I think there will be a surge but not enough to make it. I hope this at least teaches hasbro to stop doing the early bird shit when it fails to hit the mark.
I think they miscalculated how quick this would fund, assuming it would be similar to the pack and trap/PKE despite the market for expensive props and action figure vehicles being vastly different. It's gonna put Hasbro in a bad position when it fails to hit the early bird target. They either reneg and include Tully regardless, or they upset their current backers, and give future backers one less reason to fund it. The only face saving measure Hasbro has is to artificially bump the meter up to 100% before the two week deadline, which I honestly wouldn't doubt. I get the sense they're committed to making this thing even if they have to fudge the numbers. It seems much further along than other Haslabs.
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There's tracking of the campaign here which updates every so often.


Interesting to see it's on pace with the Proton Pack, though looks like it will fall well short of Tully.
I think it’ll hit Tully personally
What happened on the 8th day to cause the Ghost Rider car to tank?
Failure to fund the early bird Robbie Reyes, I'd think.
Why the fuck would they try to do the early bird nonsense again after it already tanked one Haslab?
What specific day is the deadline for Tully?
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Pretty fair offering by Hasbro, but the early bird idea was fucking stupid.
November 2, 11:59 pm EST

Would be great if it wasn't a hundred fucking dollars and forced me to buy a $100 animated Ghostbuster with it.
>November 2, 11:59 pm EST

Also, I'll never NOT be pissed that Mondo originally said they'd be around $80-90 for the pair THEN went to $202. Fucking cunts. I'm glad they're spacing these out, I'll probably just get the first four, Janine will have to come with something spectacular but even then...
They teased in the Toy Anxiety video that Janine has a desk etc.
The fact that the super expensive Mondo figures are going up for pre-order at the same time of this super expensive Haslab is asinine planning from the powers that be. Sales are gonna suffer one way or the other.
Give me a Janine, desk, TULLY AND a cool decent sized ghost and MAYBE I'll part with another $202
>the powers that be.
Hasbro, Mondo, different companies, dumb fuck. Mondo isn't going to sit around letting bills pile up because Hasbro stole their thunder.
>Hasbro, Mondo, different companies, dumb fuck.
Those companies are all licensed through Sony, specifically their Ghost Corps department. The people at Ghost Corps should have been smarter than to allow both of these things to happen at the same time.
Yeah, I'm sure they attend each others meetings, and I'm sure Hasbro actually gives a fuck.

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