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Welcome to the 1:18th general. All 1:18th scale lines are welcome including larger scales that may work with 1:18th. Post pics of your latest purchases, dios, customs and whatever else you feel like posting. We encourage mixing lines. Let's keep this general fun and help each other out.

>1:18th lines
Acid Rain(post apocalyptic soldiers, mechs, robots, vehicles)
Boss Fight Studios(Fantasy, Zorro, Tarzan, Zombies, The Phantom, horses)
Dime Novel Legends(Western figures)
GI Joe
Hiya(Aliens, D.C., Predator, Robocop)
Indiana Jones
Jazwares(Halo, Fortnite)
Joy Toy(Warhammer 40k, Modern/futuristic military soldiers, mechs, dioramas, vehicles)
Jurassic Park
Marauder Gun Runners(Modern military, WWII)
Marvel Universe
Palisades: Army of the Dead
Planet Green Valley(Futuristic military females)
Schleich(Fantasy, civilians, playsets)
Shodo Kamen Rider
Star Wars TVC
The Corps
Beasts of the Mesozoic/Cyberzoic

>**Protip: Because of the slow nature of this thread it has been entering autosage prematurely due to the new implementation on the board. It is recommended to pin the thread in the catalog if you want to keep better track of it

Previous Thread: >>11163819
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Anyone have any Halloween related pics?
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Yo, anyone got some of them Roman Legionnaires? They are pretty SICK. I got a couple and let me tell you that they did a great job and wish they would do more but knowing BFS and their agenda I doubt it. But maybe if they look at the numbers they will think about it so buy more of them lol.
Kickstarter for Dime Novel Legends horses

BFS tooling or new ones? why not focus on mounts and accesories and re-use the BFS horses?
Backed it.
Why would they want customers to buy horses from a competing company? Also the BFS horses dont look like the America feral horses most cowboys woukd have ridden.
They want their own tooling. They've had the sculpts for a few years already.
they messed up in the sheaths though: they made a smaller pugio one where the Gladius is supposed to be and they made this ugly hook thing on the legionnaire back to put the gladius but it looks dumb. The old greek sheaths work as stand ins but they are missing the pointy end and they are wider which means the thinner gladius sword is swimming inside.

Love that the helmet brush or whatever is called is removable, although I noticed in at least one what seemed like glue.
Pre-Ordered a joy toy signifier to have a banner and hopefully take all his shit like bear fur and put it into a BFS legionnaire. Playmobil also has signifier/banner but those are rather simple.

wish BFS gets their shit together and expand into the roman theme.
I thought bfs and cft were besties not competitors.
Very cool
They are seperate companies, man. You can be friendly but at the end of the day you're always compitition. Plus, BFS recently had a change in ownership so who knows if they are even still on good terms. I know the CFT guys at least used to be good friends with Bobby Vala who tried to get them to switch to 1:12 scale and he has a very bad relationship with BFS and Mauraders so that could mean something but it's possible to be on good terms with people who dont like each other so that could be nothing.
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>BFS recently had a change in ownership
I thought they just fired some of the founders, who weren't actual owners? From the sounds of it, they fired the ones that were creating stupid drama that would fight over stupid shit.
Planet Green Valley female blanks on sale at AliExpress by the by

Ok fuck the links busted. Just search PGV on aliexpress and it should be the first result at the moment.
Whats the best place to pre-order Boris Pings new stuff? I loved his previous RE ladies and Regina has been a grail of mine forever so I cannot miss this release.
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Was the new Microman series brought up yet?
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Vehicles and stuff
Left group colouring looks more like Microman. And that dome head.
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I was gonna say LT Cave, since that's where I got my Resident Evil figures, but it looks like they don't sell them any more
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Strange backpacks.
I'm very interested because it looks like Yoji Shinkawa did the designs.
Yeah and Shinji Aramaki did the mechanical designs.
I had the same issue when I went looking. So far the only places I’ve seen it are ones I’ve never heard of like Alinnatoy which seems to have a pre-order listing for ~$32.
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The bike looks silly because the man goes inside it.
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>The bike looks silly because the man goes inside it.
>laughs in Ranger X
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Apparently McFarlane is doing a line of 1:18 figures for that new LOTR anime movie. They have a whopping 7 points of articulation including swivel hips. Hey at least they have soft good capes.
I don't want to be a McFarlane hater, I really don't. They can make some *very* nice figures when they put the effort in. But it feels like more often then not, they just churn out junk like this and call it a day.
where are the snow troll legs
Probably in some exclusive figure that hasn't been shown yet. Those all came from listings that went up on Walmart apparently.
With the girl.
The girl has the torso, which is split in half.
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It's my home made astronaut from gun runner parts and a star wars helmet.
I am hoping someone produces a yolk and helmet like one of the old versions of Ace had.
Soft goods cape? Fabric from an old sock looks better than that.

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