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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Last One: >>11196522
I like Lego

Also I hope the mother of the nexo spammer gets cancer and dies
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Don’t see MOCs like you used to anymore, personally would prefer to build like this vs the constant slope spam modern Mocs are
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Too bad incel polfag dreams will never come true.
nexo knights are just ok, not great or awful
Plenty of interesting parts that didn’t get the spotlight they deserved, due to Lego being in a weird phase then, only stuff that survived was the shield faces and the pyramid tops I think
Good solutions to cleaning lego besides just water? Dawn harms it I heard
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The longer you look at this print, the worse it gets. Sad because this is the only harley head with the full hood.
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Lego Batman Movie head with the hood would be the perfect version.
Movie versions are yet to be surpassed.
he's a big guy
He needs a wee hat and a car like his best movie outing
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>nexo knights are just ok, not great or awful
Nexo will always be remembered and nostalgia and fans count will be only growing.

We don't even at the point when Nexo-kids grew up to 25-30lvl yet. (im an adult fan of lego and i like Nexos for their classic color choices and vibes - for example the OP's plane looks like Ice Planet plane).

Nexo is more memorable than Chima.
And more controversal because polfags dont hate chima as much as they whine and cry about Nexo Knights.

It's banger of a theme
How does not liking nexo knights make you a "polfag"?
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How long more will this train set be on sale?

and this 1 2
You keep calling people catkiller and you’ve been doing it a while. Explain. Are you trying to reference the efforts of a decade ago and the French fag? I don’t get it and you never get a reply when you say it. So explain yourself. I’ve been here a long time and I am not picking up what you’re putting down.
It's some dumb meme about how all "lefties" are pedos and catkillers, just ignore him and hopefully he'll go back to /pol/ with the other retards.
Do these actually connect or is it just placed next to each other
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>Only the best is good enough
>Luxury toy brand
I can’t even find it when I google other than shit from a decade ago and I’ve been around longer than that. It just seems like someone trying to force a meme… but like why? What’s >>11198121
the end game here?
It's just one tranny who can't accept that not everybody likes nexo knights and then you are a pollfag for some reason. Better to just ignore his nexo spam posting.
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Classic legos trains are the SOVL of legos!
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Sets you won't buy but will regret later?
Nice try pedo catkiller
It's the board's resident schizo, a pedophile troon who tries to groom kids and killed their cat. They constantly try to shit up threads and bring up pol and other nonsense to cause arguments. Do not interact.
No exclusive pieces, just a parts pack
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New lego gaming theme releasing in March. What is it?
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>polfags crying about Nexo Knights "spam"
>while the real shitposting spam is a Lego Brainrot
bros...how do we stop lego brainrot...

It is simply too difficult for the richest toy manufacturer in the world. They are trying their best.
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Honestly i like both.
Chima is this Games of Thrones - Thundercats - Fabuland. The only negatives are these furfags.
Nexo knights is this Visionaries - Space thing. Only negatives ar it isnt Space nor Castle theme.
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>Do these actually connect or is it just placed next to each other
It's easy to MOC connections because Fortrex already has connector ports to connect to nexo Library set (picrelated)
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I also like both.
Chima and Nexo knights go perfectly together.

In fact - both of these sets remind me of epic 80s TV-shows where magic and technology was combined. Epic robots or animal-warriors.
For example:

Nexo Knights: https://youtu.be/ZviemBWC8SU

Chima: https://youtu.be/HcGNqrAtsgg

both are super kino themes. Im so thankful that these exist and cheap right now so i can collect them without worrying.
The way people hate them calling them tranny/furfag is even better - it makes easier to obtain rare or expensive sets because eyes of normies are on some slop-sets that coming out right now.

I'm in lego paradise right now.
I'm home....
>Nexo knights is this Visionaries - Space thing. Only negatives ar it isnt Space nor Castle theme.
lol i just read your post and saw Visionaries.
yeah geniuses think alike lol
>anon spends another 30 posts explaining how "polfags" are spamming the thread
Don't you have some cats to eat?
Not posting in the nexo thread. See ya in a couple days frens
What do you mean with go perfectly together? Theme or story-wise i dont see that working, besides a multiversity story.
They are different in design or colors. Thats where they could fit, because no camabilastionnor doubling.
Yeah, we see some toy design that are 80s inspired. Guess designers that grew up with the 80s and 90s stuff are now designing.
It is the nexo powers that is clearly from Visionaries.
Which thread?
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>What do you mean with go perfectly together?

Medieval/Primitive stuff + Magic and technology.

Both- Chima and Nexo are basically fantasy worlds with technofantasy subgenre.

1) Nexo Knights have magical kingdom that using technology and technomagic.
Also demons and other fantasy monsters.

2) Chima have a magical kingdom of knights and barbarians and evil savage warriors (wof and crocodile packs) but they also use tehcnomagic and robots/vehicles.

They kinda look like they from the same planet - only Nexo Knights live in european area and Chima in somwhere near the equator, in a tropical environment (lions/gorillas/crocodiles/rhinos - all their animals kinda from tropical bioms).
Also chima crocodiles look like one the common fantasy enemies - lizardmen. If chima was KINO - they would probably look like this picture
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>hey would probably look like this picture
with the only exception - chima crocodile females actually have TITS.
their crocodile babies drink MOMMY MILK from titties

Imagine - even actual fantasy games avoid making ttity-lizards if the game not some Rule34 NSFW stuff.
While lego kids bilding blocks actually have CROCODILE MOMMY
The 3-1 castle is the best bang for your classic buck you can possibly get these days. I have four and might get another just to have one just because it’s just that good.
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will there be new legos trains sets next year ?
Just for you anon, there is a Fortnite train playset and a Zelda train GWP.
Get, it. Yes, you are right.
Cute Redhead-Ffalconer got me feeling things
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Monkie kid
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Why only minifigures?
Also crazy good armor mold holy
Thats the funniest part when anthro fans and furfags argue if reptiles have breast or not!
Just look up Diosoth in this board’s archives, He’s the catkiller pedophile you’re looking for
Dead cats bro
Oh I hear ya fren… time to head over to the redhead thread on /gif/
>ninjago has good villain designs again
Impressive, wanna see the sets
>Don't you have some cats to eat?
>Dead cats bro
What a fag
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i swear this looks like enemies from an unreleased nexo knights season

And im so happy they didnt just make the Dragonborn head.



and i fucked it up...
bros...not like this....
>ninjago gets nexo tier villains
>its kino
1st season red Nexo villains were the best.
i guess they want to absorb that formula and use it for their main theme since nexo knights theme is dead.
If only they would have vehicles and base. But maybe they are summer villains too?
i really hope they will have a whole line of their themed vehicles and playsets.

Like that island season that gave us unique stuff..
Patrician taste, my nigga
Island wave was only 4 sets...
Oh damn. my memory is blurry. I mixed this line with thouse DnD-like sets with island+Lava+Skull/skeleton dragon stuff
No new dragon head? The helmet is pretty cool but looks a bit too bulky and can't think of anywhere I'd use it.
Now these are interesting, I like that tengu armour helmet piece and sword. Pretty excited for the next monkey kid stuff if it will be based on chinese/japanese heaven mythology which is pretty kino.
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom bros... We won. Historical chinese lego kino INCOMING.
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Lets see if I got any messages back about the eye pieces
Better question is how many decades do I have to wait for Lego to release a good train?
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we must retvrn
Why ukraine flag?
Slava Ukraini
Your cats are still dead
Russia lost. Trump lost.
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Took apart my Creator Castle again, gonna start on my next build a bit later. This set is so much fun with the variety of instructions available for it.
>she needs instructions
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>Polfag's mind:
>theme about techno fantasy Paladins that also using classic Lego (polfags jerk off to that by the way) colors is for Trans People and because of that it sucks
>people who defend it kill cats
polfag incels have a real Lego Brainrot.
Fucking christ.
>chunky grey bricks
>dark grey panels
Maybe I should get it...
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Pedosoth kinda salty with your dead cats
>have all set pics
>nah gonna post some minifigs to gain new subs and tease
>wtf lego catched me, how???
Also you still kill cats pedophile, no matter how much you sneed
what language even that
I don't watch tiktok sorry
Next thread should be all about this guy
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Ok, so who is in this class of 2024?
Put in ChungusPedo getting dragged out by the Jannies near the back
On one hand 10 figs and a nice mansion. But it's also overpriced as shit and the sentinel is kinda fucking awful.
nexo/chima/dreamzzz spammer
dnd set is le best thing ever
3 in 1 castle is le best thing ever
jang/just2good life updates
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Just put the color sheet/interesting colors fag (aka me) in there, played a few roles here but this is the most consistent one
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>color sheet
more like color shit
>please notice me
>Ninjagochads win yet again
>Ninjago saving Lego as a whole yet again
I'm fucking tired of inflated piece count, bros. I'm sick of half the pieces being used to build an overly designed. Bring back BURPs and wall pieces.
Soulfags talking about the same 5 colours and how we must return to something that never went away because they are to fat and stupid to build anything themselves.
I think it's done to cut down on the amount of molds, and therefore reduces overhead costs, Lego is doing whatever they can to crank up the part count to inflate the prices, as cheaply as possible. Best thing you can hope for is a bootleg company that wants to make "classic" sets
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town makes my peepee hard
Don’t know at this point who else to afd
I had one of those white sharks. I highly suspected one of my cousins stole it since I don't lose things that important.
Calling Kramer to deposit leaked blacktron 2025 photos and save us from the fucking nexo pedo
does Lego not do octopuses anymore?
no Colossus?
no Kitty Pryde? (WTF they JUST made a lil dragon mold for the D&D CMF)
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heres your octopus bro
hate this, who the hell is gabby and why is the cat mermaid, dog octopus and yellow crab locked behind this set? its called gabbys dollhouse and yet its clearly a boat not a dollhouse. Lego is a total scam these days. I will try part out the animals off bricklink but I fear no one will buy this trite so no one will be able to sell pieces from it. All I wanted was more creatures for my lego city. The only creatures I currently own are several of the tiny green aliens from the space cmf and it's clear that these are not wildlife but deceptive imps who control lego humanity from the shadows... Not wholesome like the fish cat mermaid although if a fish cat was found in china it would immediately be seasoned into a dish. Dark times overall
>who the hell is gabby
She's from a preschool school called Gabby's Dollhouse.
>why is the cat mermaid, dog octopus and yellow crab locked behind this set?
It wouldn't be Lego if characters weren't paywalled behind sets nobody wants.
>its called gabbys dollhouse and yet its clearly a boat not a dollhouse.
The show's called Gabby's Dollhouse, it has dollhouse sets but this a vehicle.
jesus christ will you please fuck off you unfunny retard
How many times have you posted this same stupid image and not bothered to actually add anything to it?
Can you stop killing cats
The theme and show should be about MerCat not gabby. Then it would have way more potential as a friends-esque aquazone or atlantis theme
>friends-esque aquazone
You'd think they would do a mermaid wave when Elves was around, but nope
man nexo threads are laughably bad. why even engage might as well just wait for the next one. see ya
Didn't these just come out not too long ago?
yup, old school johnny thunder with a modern soulless car like that clashes too much. should have give him his own adventurer theme with animals and not shove him into a city subtheme.
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that small set probably sold like hotcakes and is running out of stock.

that's all that it takes for a set to "retire" it's not like they ever fire-up the factory to make more of anything, they simply make a bunch and move on to the next thing.

maybe something gets another run, but from a production standpoint, it makes sense to not have to reset things over and over. especially with Lego's aggressive release schedule (new sets every month!)
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>Lego's aggressive release schedule (new sets every month!)

It is funny how there is more choice of sets than ever, yet i don't care about most sets now (maybe because a lot is slop) But back in the day almost every set from the more limited catalogue was at least interesting enough to consider.
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So, I have finished my city, I am somewhat interested in selling all of it away except for the minifigs. Do you think it would make sense to sell an ENTIRE lego city or what, because most of the city is MOCs or alt bricks or too taken apart to be sold as the original set
I fucking wish
Did they just make a whole shitton of city space stuff? Hell, it's getting a polybag in a few months and it came before the jungle theme iirc
same, outside of the city space and dnd stuff, there's nothing that I want from lego currently
Are you trying to get rid of the entire batch for the least amount of effort on your part? Sell it as a bulk purchase.

Are you trying to get the most money for your collection? Part it out.
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Is it even possible to sell all of this as a bulk purchase?
Mouseslop. X-Men is probably the second most ruined franchise in history after Soi Wars.

He cute

God that's fucking sick
Zero percent chance they make a female minifig head like that these days though
yup, i offer 1 dollar +shipping cost.
Maybe but if you don't point out the bootlego you are a cunt
Part count is way off makes the shitty Photoshop look even less legit
yeah thats also a concern of mine which is why I may just end up selling what can be sold as a full set and downsizing the rest/storage
The maersk train and arcade are bootlego
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is it? that's a modern lego build we're talking about. the piece count on the car alone must be pretty extensive. wouldnt surprise me if the fake box isnt the actual piece count of the moc
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youre an idiot
I don't understand why you don't want to take it apart and build something else, rather than get rid of it.
Link the parts list faggot
literally zero(0) reason to lie

>systems on the box
Nigger this isn’t 1999.
I may be fleeing my country soon that's why
>not bringing along a trunk full of klocki to bribe the border guards
Im going to need more details on fleeing the country? Why and where to?
Not a parts list M8 got the instructions?
sorry english is not my first language i am just seeing family for years
Best bet is to try to part them out and see if you can find an afol near you to unload them all on but only expect half of what you value them. Facebook marketplace always had legos but it’s hit or miss. May your journey be fruitful.
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which is the better set?
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nooooooo how can the johnny thunder car plus mummy carriage be almost 300 pieces? thats totally ridiculous the person who made the moc must be lying because... he just is ok?
left was probably better for value but i'd argue the right one is better based on detail and content
Nice wedding ring, Jang. Too bad it's a grift.

Sorry anons, he's been lying to us all the whole time. Marriage records are public in California. Jang isnt married. Maybe it's a live in girlfriend, but also citing lack of photo evidence and the fact he had like 3 bedrooms in the house dedicated to toys, I think its safe to say Jang isn't married.

I mean for christ's sake, look at the man.
which is the better set
- the harbor with a single ship and a jetski?
- the harbor with a large ship, small police ship, atv, forklift and truck?
gee i wonder
That’s also not his real name. He picked something that when you google you can only find him.
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please stop gossiping about these people fren

eat shit
i though he was living in San Francisco
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big lol
Well you're right about one thing. You are a fag.
That racetrack build is sick
Oh a link to his own site. I guess I’m out in my place.
Prove anything in that is a really happened. Show me a photo from hs with Shangobunmi in it. I’ll wait. Search the colleges and you get nothing but jangs website. Shangobunmi is a stage name and something he made up a long time ago but it’s not his real name and the entire persona is a crafted hype job you all fell for. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on the Lego payroll the entire time.
Meds. Now.
>his own website again and a linkdin profile that he made
Anon. Come on.
Absolutely nothing on that resume before he started as a youtuber can be independently verified. The entire person is made up.
Was looking at the Minecraft sets in the store the other day and they get a pretty insane amount of variety. I suppose the builds aren’t as complex, but damn what I would give for a fantasy theme with similar variety. Though I imagine if you liked MC this is already the best case scenario.
Just mod the builds so they look more like the fantasy you want.
Nice! I don't come here as much as I used to but I think it's been a while since /lg/ stumbled upon a new conspiracy. Anyone want to give the synopsis of how this was discovered?
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>nexo posting stops
>immidiate jewtuber drama no one gives a shit about
Why are the dragons head design so stupid looking with that little beaklike snout? Way to strip away the coolness of what's supposed to be the coolest of animal monsters
The name sounded too retarded to not be made up and the only references anywhere to Bamidele O. Shangobunmi can all be sourced back to Jang or some webcrawler script that got it’s info from Jang. Bamidele O. Shangobunmi is a fake name Jang made up from the start and I wouldn’t be surprised if he worked for Lego.
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Nexo knights tier
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>heaven are villains
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I did something bad.

I bought Barud Dur.
they still haven't made those specialized limbs poseable?
I hate those people. I get that there's nostalgia and that old sets might have had more interesting subject matter, but from a building standpoint, nuLego and modern MOCs are objectively better. Modern Lego has made a ton of pieces that I used to only dream of, like all those curved tiles and slopes, the 1x1 nipple pieces, the new Technic bricks, and the Animal Crossing 1x2 bricks with central studs. NuLego has opened up a whole world of possibilities to take MOCing to the next level; opposing that is just being anti-innovation.
How can it not be independently verified? I bet if one of you fags called paypal pretending to verify employment history, you'd find out for certain

Plus who would use a fake name on linkedin?

Also personal data sites like this dont contain bogus names or aliases: https://www.truepeoplesearch.com/find/person/pr9l8r668692u9nrr846
>that is just being anti-innovation
innovation is unnecessary and gay
I called that two threads ago. It was nice while it lasted.
The larger truck set he comes with is really cool; it's got a backseat and a moving camera arm. I have no idea why you'd freak out over this little ATV set when you can get a much better set with the same minifigure for not much more, especially considering we just got a better Johnny Thunder minifigure with a backpack and all in the CMFs a few years ago.
The amount of good sets has remained the same, so not much has changed (aside from a selection of good sets that grew every year). I'll admit, Ninjago has taken a bit of a hit when they retired Legacy and replaced it with Evo (especially considering there were so many villain sets to remake) and put the focus on mechs and dragons rather than non-walking vehicles and locations, but the upcoming F91 wave has me hoping that things may change in the future.
How so? You can still build anything you want; you just have options to make your builds cooler. Isn't a MOC built in such a way that you admire the building techniques, details, and good usage of specialized parts more interesting than just a regular old square brick? This "classic soulful" attitude is something I've only seen from non-builders, so do you even build Lego, or are you just trying to relive your childhood? Every builder loves having these new specialized pieces; even 10-year-old me knew it was a good thing.
Oh shit. The dragon is a separate little dragon that becomes the guy's helmet. Sick as fuck.
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It's the SAME fucking concept
Nexo knights lives on
Aw these suck and after the minifigs leaked yesterday were so cool. Dissapointing.
an car
You do realize you don't have to put your real name on Paypal if it's a business account?
Also, why are you so obsessed with him? Are you gay?
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stop trying to doxx jang
he's already having a hard time with the #NotSponsored reviews and his commenters bullying him over small mistakes
why am I not in the image
This is actually a great set!
1) red orc dude - perfect fantasy thing
2) green vyvenr (if you remove those transparent blocks and ninja stuff) - also perfect fantasy creature
And it's a small set probably will be $11-15 on sale.

i really like this dragon thing but that car...i dont know where to use it.
But i'm 100% sure this minifigure will be in magazines
This looks like it should be around 100$ but knowing monkie kid it'll probably be 150$+
>>heaven are villains
And the problem is...?

You trying to put this concept on a christian rails.
It's another culture and mythology. Outside of christ-cuck stuff creatures and gods that live in heaven can be bad guys too.

Also nothing prevents you from buying that set and making heaven guys into angels or ...what do you want.
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>ugly puke colors
>giant plastic non brick built head

i'm waiting for polfaggots verdict.
If you hated Picrelated and called it "tranny colors" - i'm dying to know what you think about this absolute garbage with colors than WORSE THAN ANYTHING FROM DREAMZZZ

damn i still have to buy this shark ship
You seem to be viewing this through a very vapid american lens so it is probably foolish for me to even engage with you but in journey to the west (what monkie kid is based on) they are good guys but monkey often gets into trouble with them
>the head
Wait... it can't be...
Awesome looks like a yugioh monster
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This piece comes in brown? Anyone know anything about this? No listings on bricklink and it's not in any sets but it clearly exists.
god i fucking hate AFOLs

This shows they could easily make an awesome balrog but lotr is forever doomed to be in perpetual 100$+ afol hell
Anybody else finds these new dragon minfigures...cute?

i kinda like how chubby they look with stubby little legs.
I imagine they run around like cute little chubsters
52 minutes to highway 237 west , depending on traffic conditions.
Is this the great debate that will finally break lg?
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Reminds me of this
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Lego really needs to fix their printing... That green part is supposed to be yellow.
for that it would have to be a close call
He’s lying because he said it’s a leak and billing it as an upcoming set when it’s clearly something a fan made and posted on eurobricks then reposted here with a retarded filename. Simple as.
lego would never make a good build of 2 decent sized vehicles at 300 pcs, they need to inflate the piece count with 600 tiny 1x1 pieces so the ppp ratio is high enough for them to charge $60+ for it
i saw a listing once from a store that sells factory errors like that, the description claimed it was a prototype. it was put up for like £1.5k, iirc
ok jang
the "leak" is a /lg/ shitpost, the person who made the moc for the contest(not the /lg/er trying to pass it off as real) literally claimed it has 292 pieces. the person who made the moc has virtually zero reason to lie about it and it sounds like a perfectly reasonable number. he could have just thrown a random number into the box for demonstrative purposes but that aint so because he also literally mentions the piece count on the post itself explaining the build >>11198882

you fuckers have zero reading comprehension or are just willfully stupid
this is the opinion of the vast majority of people who aren't posting bait or stupidly falling for it
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for me its Dungeons and Dragons
why is the dragon fucking the tower?
Fucking? I thought he is sitting on his toilet, dumping a big one!
She's laying the egg
My point is it doesn’t matter because it’s not a fucking real Lego you troglodyte. It just a moc with a box who cares what the supposed piece count is?
What the fuck do you think we're arguing about? Refer to >>11198870 and read the reply chain. Fucking morons
She is literally canonically female. Like seriously, it's in the booklet
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These colours make me happy. :)
This. Tan is pointless when yellow, light grey and white exist
Oh thank god! I thought for a second D&D and Lego were all about imagining and creating a world of your own. What a retard I was!
yellow sand is shit, the western sets wouldn't have been half as soulful if they were built on yellow baseplates
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Woah is that a solid brick of pee? Im gonna SOVL, I'm SOVLINNNGGGG!
Anyone excited for the wicked sets?
ah yes let's have all of the other colors in the set be realistic to their real life counterpart except sand for some dumb reason hurr dee durrr
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on the contrary, yellow baseplates provide an instant soulboost
>all of the other colors in the set be realistic
>i'm waiting for polfaggots verdict.
Just pick a random post and declare him to be the "polfaggot" like you always do.
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There's no place for desaturated colors in my lego
>leaves are green
>trunk is brown
>rock is gray
>water is blue
what am i missing?
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> have a craving to go through old catalogs and magazines
> archive.org is down
Scarlet red boat
Scarlet red clothes
Blue dye was extremely rare and expensive but it's on the boat seats and clothes of fucking pirates
Pearly white bones
Yellow skin

Lego is a symbolic abstraction, even if you pretend they are freshly stolen expensive fabrics and cushions, the shade of red isn't realistic, the shade of blue isn't realistic. You know what tan is? It's a desaturated shade of yellow.
>videogame themes are taking over
We have
>lego minecraft, sonic, mario, fortnite, legend of zelda, animal crossing
Whats next?

Back in 1980s was lego space, castle, original themes, in the 2000s was licensed movie themes and now in 2020s is videogame themes
Lego pokemon? And I don't mean statues, but proper sets.
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request a replacement through their process, if you've never done it before, it's really simple online form.

constant bothering is the only solution, they need to "know" it's a problem

I requested like, three times, a replacement for my The Mandolorian's helmet because the print was off-centered. at that point they made me send a picture of the bad ones (they were truly not centered, I wasn't trying to get extra free helmets), but I eventually got one that was perfect. (I was like WTF I spent $30 for this figure, it should not look goofy with a crooked face, it was the most important part of the set!)
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just2good lore is getting even weirder guys, I'm almost done with my investigation. Stay tuned.
im excited man. is it gonna be a video?
More leaks when?
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This is $10

Pic related is $20
A Justin video in the style of the Jang video, I'm excited.
>just2good lore is getting even weirder guys
My childhood Lego youtuber trooned out. I don't know how it can get weirder unless he was fucking his mom or was groomed by Duckbricks.
Are there aquanauts factions??
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Pic related is $50
This might be around $80
im on /lg/ of course im gay
For fucking what??? This looks like 35$ at most
Sup jang! Tell us your real name!
>Are there Aquazone factions??
ftfy and yes

Can I ask them to add cleavage printing as well? I miss cleavage printing on female figs, she has the entire top half of her chest showing but there is just nothing... Even if she was horrifically flat, surely there would be some kind of indentation at least? Might be too far for me to ask this though
Both of those have happened and they aren't even the weirdest things
Welcome to lego prices
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Pic related is $280

Malfoy manor is $120
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X meeeeeeeen
This is from fateful lego you didnt leak this
>better set is cheaper


He stole it from me
>Iceman is white
I don't even care that Lego does make fully transparent figures, even if he had a solid torso and lines, he'd look fine.
why is harry potter in arkham asylum?
Kill yourself, youtube faggot.
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DC Chads are more powerful so Lego don't want to anger them with subpar figs... Meanwhile, they know that limp-wristed basedboys who love marvel can't lift a finger to stop them, so they will cheap out on figs, and restrict them to extremely expensive sets instead of putting them in CMFs and playsets.
I would like to see the remaining Ninjago 2025 sets, as well as the Dreamzzz 2025 sets and the City Space sets. That is all I am interested in. I have no particular interest in Harry Potter. Additionally, if there are any images of Fortnite sets available, I would appreciate it if you could share them. Please post these, Fatefullego; I am aware of your presence here.
seconding the city space stuff
I love how this absolute nobody gets amazing full printing and differnet coloured limbs with even a clear one
he was entirely white until the 90's
DC up to 2020 completely mogged Marlel, Batman Movie is the greatest licensed subtheme ver
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Sorry, but your greed is hurting the economy. It all has to go to ninjago.
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lol it doesn't work like that
you simply fill out the form, the first time it's very simple and robotic (they don't want to waste any money discussing it, just send out a new piece, trust you are not trying to get a free piece [you might be shocked by the "honor" system of it all])

but after the 2nd or 3rd one, they'll email and ask you to send pictures

and THEN you can probably insert some comment about WTF happened to the boob lines (to which they will reply "it's for your own good, so you can MOC that torso for a girl OR a thin boy! see? isn't that better?! [sarcasm mode])

your comments might not get the piece you want with the cleavage marks, but maybe in the future they will stop insulting girls by removing their so-powerful bodies and include those back in future prints
Never fucking mind, it's in micro scale isn't it?
Can't I just send them the picture right away? Where do I do this anyway?
I don't remember exactly, but lego dot shop dot com shop whatever should have a contact-us thing and request a replacement piece type of option

it's a simple form where you type in a set number or piece number (from the back of the instructions book) and your address and email or something

it will be so fast you'll think something was wrong, (like they don't ask for any proof of purchase or anything, wtf can I just get free pieces now? is this really an honor system??!)

then after a few painful slow weeks, the replacement piece comes (still with the lighter printing? hopefully not?) you can re-do the request, and then they might flag it in the system for needing more clarification on what was wrong, and request you send pictures or something
New thread when?
When you kill yourself
Neither does his idiotic whining over a nonexistent boogeyman instead of taking it like a man and just posting sets
Killing cats and being a paedophile contributes negatively to us all though - I would much rather someone make a post on 4chan that doesn't contribute anything than THAT.
Tomorrow is grand opening of first official lego store in my area, what exclusive lego sets should I buy?
The Concorde and any Monkie Kid sets you like
Awful choice

Get barad dur
Lego league of legends sets in march
Thank God dnd fags got bored
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I am curious abut the F1 cmf
jurassic park?
but you fuck gerbils, how is that any better?
Awful theme
Welcome to /lg/ !!!


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>/lg/ rule on making a new thread:
-previous thread must hit 310 posts;
-close to image limit, like a 100 pictures;
-don't use the same OP picture for every thread, rotate themes, not every edition needs to be based on the same theme.

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

Thank you based retard
Uhhhh uhhh

New thread????
awful waste of life
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Next thread should be a lego wicked edition!
Not yours to command pal.
Has there been any legitimate leaks about this? I saw some but then saw that some of them were fake leaks?
Yeah, we know the legit leak is they are small cars like polybags but have a driver head and helmet and small body, like xalax or early racers sets. Wonder how they pull it
Uh oh new thread

Tuk tok

Tik tak

Tik tok

Tik tak
This is for you… seems like you could use one.
Cant eat my intelect!
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No! Dragonian edition!
Lego shill. Concorde is actually cool and not pop culture crap and it's reasonably priced unlike barad ur which is a total scam.
Cool I love the space cmf and good use of that gwp and the weirder figs from the cmf
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Taiping Rebellion edition
New thread please?
Oh, so that leak was legit. I hope it's not like the speed champions sets and they do some old cars and drivers.
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Reality edition
We’re on page one faggot.

Ummm no


Concorde is something no one heard of

Barad dur is iconic, worth of an ICON(S) set

I'd rather recommend him buy Monkie Kid than concorde

Lame, fast threads mean healthy general and engagement
Has Lego completely stopped using the adult male and adult female minidoll torsos? It looks weird how these are supposed to be grownups but they're all using the same torsos as the young teenagers.
Whats the fucking difference? Never knew they are different, care to explain or post a pic?
Kys tourist.
>fast threads mean healthy general and engagement
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