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Last time on Busou Shinki & Friends, lots of one's and eights! >>11188181

Stylet gets a Swimsuit! A prepainted Gourai figure? BIG GOURAI!? But not least... Katsuguchi... has at long last, finally gotten a prototype...

What do you think? Are you ready for the new, biggest, 30ms girl?

Read the guide:

Official Skintone & Compatibility guides:

Upcoming Releases & Restocks:
>Megami device:
• Asra Ninja (Reissue)[Oct]
• Asra Archer (Reissue)[Nov]
• BUSTER DOLL Gunner Midnight Fang [Nov]
• Edelweiss Jaeger Repainted Color [Sep] [Kotoshop exclusive]
• BUSTER DOLL Knight Darkness Claw [Dec]
• BUSTER DOLL Tank Midnight Fang [Jan]
• Asra Nine-Tails Matsuri [Jan]
• Asra Tamamo-no-Mae Utage [Feb]
• Nodaka Takahata (Shimon) [Mar]

>Frame Arms Girl:
• Hand Scale Prime Body (Reissue)[Dec]
• Magatsuki (Cat Armor Ver.) [Jan]
• Izumo [Feb]
• Stylet (Swimsuit Ver.) [Apr]

>Cross Frame Girl
• Gaofighgar [Dec]

>Fumikane ART WORKS
• Artinia [Jan]
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Op part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sister
• Kogane Tsukioka [Oct]
• Rishetta (Freesia Wear) [Nov]
• Option Parts Set 14 (Spotter Costume) Color B [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Yuika Mitsumine / Kiriko Yukoku) [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Mamimi Tanaka / Sakuya Shirase) [Dec]
• Option Parts Set 15 (Nightmare Costume) Color C [Dec]
• SIS-N00 Sourei (Color B)[Feb]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 7 (Color A)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 8 (Color B)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Hair Style Parts Vol.11 (4 Types)[Mar]

>Dark Advent
• Rania Relax Ver. [Nov]

>Guilty Princess:
• GP-10 Dark Fairy Knight Grimlinde [Jan]

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]
• Rikka Takarada (Grid Tector Ver.) [May]

• I-hydra [Feb]

• VF-31A Kairos Reina Prowler [Oct]

• White Dragon Knight Galahad [Aug]Op part 2-----

>30 Minutes Sister
• Kogane Tsukioka [Oct]
• Rishetta (Freesia Wear) [Nov]
• Option Parts Set 14 (Spotter Costume) Color B [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Yuika Mitsumine / Kiriko Yukoku) [Nov]
• Option Hair Style & Face Parts Set (Mamimi Tanaka / Sakuya Shirase) [Dec]
• Option Parts Set 15 (Nightmare Costume) Color C [Dec]
• SIS-N00 Sourei (Color B)[Feb]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 7 (Color A)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Face Parts Expression Set 8 (Color B)[Mar]
• 30MS Option Hair Style Parts Vol.11 (4 Types)[Mar]

>Dark Advent
• Rania Relax Ver. [Nov]

>Guilty Princess:
• GP-10 Dark Fairy Knight Grimlinde [Jan]

• Charged Particle Cannon General-Purpose Fighter: Cuckoo [Nov]
• Rikka Takarada (Grid Tector Ver.) [May]

• I-hydra [Feb]

• VF-31A Kairos Reina Prowler [Oct]

• White Dragon Knight Galahad [Aug]
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Op part 3-----

In development (now in development!)

>30 Minutes Sisters
BUNBUN Fighter

>Megami Device
Eva Unit 1
Ebikawa designed pair
Tsukuyomi Regalia
Face parts m.s.g. for Bullet Knights/SOL
Garden Spikes
Block 2 Armor sets/new series
B1R Chassis Kit M&L
Amaterasu Eclipse Regalia
Ame-no-Uzume Regalia
SOL Raptor Beast Mode
>Frame Arms Girl
Katsuguchi, Wilber-Nine, Shingen, Rayfalx, Gourai II, Hresvelgr Rufus Qipao version, Big scale Gourai, Finished Figure Gourai
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Asking this from the previous thread. Is it worth it now or wait?
Fuck forgot to link from the previous post mentioning the slight discount.
I can't imagine a shipment that cheap saving you any money in the long run with the discount unless the next items are huge and you'd want to split the delivery anyway. These coupons are really only beneficial if you already have everything you want to ship ready to go or you just want to be punished less for your impatience.
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Thank you for the input.
Im unsure since the next shipment maybe huge due to the amount of model kits(2 moderoids, 1 hg sized box, and whatever size the new ZEUS destiny unit is) I ordered which is why im on the edge.
Last time shipping costed me around 11k for two MD susanoo sized kits which is why im paranoid about shipping right now. This order ironically costed more than the 11k shipping order I mentioned.
What would usually be your threshold before shipping?
>My private warehouse has been empty since September 30th
>EMS was 20kY
>DHL was lol
I hope I'm not the only whale here. I don't even think of shipping until DHL rates have left sanity behind, nevermind 5k.
Were you the guy who who posted his FUCK HUGE HLJ shipment in response to me earlier this year when I was asking about shipping prices?
>What would usually be your threshold before shipping?
My threshold is having all of my crap in stock. I've never shipped early because of those coupons because the risk:reward ratio is skewed. You're looking at "saving" 530 yen, which is... $3.50? At the risk of spending $20+ in extra shipping later? Nope. If the order is large enough to warrant splitting you can probably save that much with clever combination anyway.
If you want your shit before Christmas, this is the best time to ship. Once the holidays start shipping will be a pain in the ass as always.
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Maybe. I order a lot of kits and they're bulky. Here's the latest box with the air bags removed. I have no self control.
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>I order a lot of kits and they're bulky.
Im scared to ask how much the shipping was.
Im honestly in no rush (well technically 6 months wait time and 2 is already up for one item)
>27 products
Jesus christ. I guess thats what >>11198534 meant when he said clever combination.
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I'm just gonna bite the bullet and ship my stuff out.
I'm tired of waiting for my mao and soffiera.

Had to divide my packages into 3 shipments for max efficiency.
I still have some stuff left in PW but it's not at full capacity so I'll let them wait till next discount.

If you want to wait, hlj does have 20% discount as well, but there's no telling when.

Looking for me?
My bad, I realized why you deleted your post but trust me, noone will or has done shit with those numbers since almost everyone here has better things to do.
And yeah, it mayve been you since someone was showing me a HUGE shipping price.
And total came out as 27700 yen ($193.68)
>noone will or has done shit with those numbers
Dang it! You saw it! (lol)
I just try to be careful cuz I've had shit happen before with having numbers of stuff on screenshots.
Any idea of when Charmed will go up for preorder? If she's already got her colors and everything then it should be soon right?
Oh okay, i'll admit im wrong than. I accidentally posted info before on worse boards and noone did anything with it. Sorry to hear that and I wont do shit with it, if anything.
It's fine.
Worst that'll happen is someone trying to change the address but notification will get sent to my email anyway.

Just got a call from my card company asking about the big charge
>Card company: Hey! You just got charged multiple times for almost $200 on something.
>Me: You guys never seen a guy shit out $200 just for shipping? lol
Good to know they're doing their job. =b
I bet Kagutsuchi is coming in 2026!
Late 2025 probably. Wilbur will be out mid 2025.
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I've had my card lock while trying to purchase gk's from booth for fraudulent activity multiple times.

For those unfamiliar with Booth, some gk's sell out in seconds and never get reprints. Now call your card company and explain that to them and listen to them not give two shits.
The speed that Koto are coming out with a lot of releases lately makes me think she'll up at least up for pre-order by this time next year.
I'd say grey proto means po in 6 months and release in a year, but md Arnval... took damn near 10 years...
Thankfully there is zero Konami involvement in our dear Kagutsuchi.
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I'm running out of display space and now I want to try SST
11am (JST) October 16, which is 10 pm tonight if you're on the US east coast and can't into time zones. Might show up a couple hours later on HLJ, they seem a bit slow with updates. Honestly just check Koto's xwitter feed, they usually announce them there a couple of days ahead of time.
Buy more display space, SST girls are cute cute cute and quick, simple builds since you don't have to build a bunch of armour and weapons and such. I recommend swimsuit Koyomi.
There's still four more cubes for girls anon
I have exactly one SST, the short redhead. I plan to assemble her either tomorrow or the day after
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I see plenty of room up here.
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did anyone ITT get this Galahad kit? it looks like they're doing another printing since gundamit lists it as "coming soon" again
I did but I still havent built it.
It's an "ok" kit.
Lots of fitting issues, tiny joints that are easy to break, ugly face.
Design itself looks really nice though and the limited edition(?) wing is beautiful.
Can't say it's a horrible kit, but it's not a good one either.
I'd give it a 5.5/10
it seems like ugly faces is a universal problem among chinese girlpla
I had an LE locked down and canceled it. Didn't trust the manufacturer.
A few US sites which have them in stock still have the wings of light first edition printing.

>tiny joints that are easy to break
Did you break something or what? I haven't built mine yet either but I was sent a revised manual after buying it
>sent a revised manual after buying it
But why? Legitimately curious. Did they fuck up the original one or something?
God I'm gonna be pissed if it arrives w/o the iridescent wings because hlj was too busy dicking around to get first print
Got her, thanks
Was confused because I remember seeing that date somewhere but on Koto's hobby show page she was still listed as TBD.
You should cancel your preorder and buy from those other stores then.
>Mr. Cement SP, for example, is some of the best stuff for it. Works on ABS more smoothly than others do. Cheap and easy to get as well.
have you used it personally for ABS? my bottle arrived today and on the ABS runner it really barely holds, might be even weaker than the revell on. accidently bought the black one too because i'm retarded
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Welp, here it is. My very first girlpla kit.
I'm a bit overwhelmed, not by the amount of parts, but by how packed the box is. The content is so efficiently packed like goddamn Tetris. Are most Koto's kits packed like this? Maybe I should've gone with some smaller and cheaper 30MS kit first.
Anyway I've read that Koto's kits' joints have pretty tight fit, making sanding them almost mandatory. For joint sanding do I just sand them like how I would sand normal parts (going from coarse > fine grit), or can I just stop at coarse grit since I won't be seeing them anyway?
I built this one and she was alright. The shoulder joints are a bit tight, you're just sanding a bit to adjust the fit not smoothing out nubs/seams. I find a glass file works well, nothing too aggressive. Sometimes just working the joint back and forth a few times after assembling seems to help. Also, be careful with the gold decals, I've had adhesion issues with them in the past. A gloss clear coat definitely helps. And yes, the boxes are usually pretty packed, although the SST ones maybe a bit less. I also stabbed my thumb on her spikey hair, be aware she may demand a blood sacrifice. Happy building!
I see. I can just skip straight to glass file then. Thanks.
>I also stabbed my thumb on her spikey hair
I guess the sharp edges warning wasn't just for show. I also seen a few japanese streamers got themselves stabbed while assembling Soffiera
First girlpla or first plamo? Anyway, Koto still has tight joints, but not to the extent they gained their reputation for. Just check tightness as you assemble, work some in or sand the worst cases and you'll be fine. Silicone oil is also an option.

The blood sacrifice must be performed and Koto has provided other alternatives if you're too slick to cut yourself with your knife.
If you didn't bleed on her, you didn't build her right.
That doesn't sound like an ok kit, it sounds like a shit kit.
>First girlpla or first plamo?
First girlpla. I've done few SD, HG, and a single MG gunplas. But that was almost a decade ago, and I didn't even have proper edged tools back then. Just some shitty nipper and $2 X-acto knock-off. I'm been getting back into it starting with Bandai's 30MM kits, and having actual tools makes it much easier.
I feel your pain.
I've ordered some 30MF from HLJ and they still don't have them.
But what can I do? Other shops offered 1 per customer (an no overseas) while HLJ offered 3 per.
You mean the singular release from a brand new line? Yeah can't believe those all sold out super fast. Joke aside they'll be getting reprints every 3 or so months for the next few years easily so it's just a matter of time.
I honestly probably should. I have something else on PO + stuff in warehouse that I wanted to ship together but fuck it, the other PO got delayed until November anyways
don't preorder chinese plastic on japanese websites unless you are actually inside japan
I keep saying this but anons keep failing this one simple step.
that's because you're ignoring the visual design which is the most highly weighted part and is pretty great (face prints aside)
if you wanna experience a truly shit kit go buy some boomer plane model made on 60 year old molds
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I actually just got her recently! My opinion is pretty much the oppsite of the other anon itt - I really love her. I will agree that she has joint tolerance issues - specifically, pretty much all the parts on the one POM runner she has are varying amounts of over-tight. Otherwise though I didn't have any notable issues with the build. Her faces are also probably the best I've personally seen on a chinese kit, and I've built a bunch. I really love her design overall, super cool kit
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maybe you don't know this, but especially with particular couriers like FedEx, maxing the number of items send on a single shippment is worse in almost all cases.

Pic related are some calculations I did for my specific case (Mexico, almost all gunpla) and found that the best price per item is when the shipment is at 13k jpy. At that price the Lah Gundam in the shipment costs only 1,085 jpy to ship. Add another item (standar HG box) to the package and the shipping cost balloons by a whooping 3,000 and the price to ship the Lah Gundam increases to 1,234 jpy. That is what the other anon is referring to with clever combination.
Can you upload the revised manual somewhere. Customer service never got back to me about it.
But... But HLJ good!
You are much better off getting CN kits from places like Gundamit/ShowZ, Bumbusbee, etc.
Update: holy shit she comes with eleven pairs of hands and enough of the little swivel wrist things for all of them
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>I haven't built mine yet either

The pdf quality sent was a blurry mess as it look like someone went to paint and resized by 200
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Update to the update: her waist is so narrow. Also because she's supposed to be a short girl in a 1/10 scale, I'll have to compare her to my 1/12 figures
fuck it; i'll build my own Emma too because the weather's too shit to chrome the Strato Hound's shoulder trims.
That's it, I'm having one of my other SSTs bridal carry her. But first I have to finish Durga II...
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>[Color C]
Thanks anon.
Tell me how it is goes, I'm thinking of buying her.
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Not him, but she is probably one of if not the best sousai girl so far. Her mold detail is fantastic and her expressions are super full of character. Her add on set is also probably my favorite, the tiny agnirage is great.
I already bought Mao so I'm gonna get her too, I like the small ones.
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Almost missed this dork going up for PO
That's because you only make stuff that spoonfeed you like bandai or koto.
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taken shortly before disaster when the skirt peg got too loose after 2 months of being in place
my favorite
any good recipes for color C that don't require lascivious line stuff, the only paints we can get consistently here are tamiya, citadel and ak stuff.
I would personally suggest to just pick shade on your own instead of trying to emulate official ones. In my opinion old "heavy skin tone" from Vallejo Game Color was very nice dark skin but they discontinued it. With GW, maybe either Cadian Fleshtone or Bugman Glow? Or beige Red or Brown Rose from AK?
Theoretically Vallejo new Game Color "Elf Skin tone" and "Barbarian Skin" would fit but I'm not a fan of their new formulation.
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Emma, I don't think you should hang out with them...
it's more to do with me being heavily colorblind so i mostly stick to recipes in the manual or solid colors but skin tone is a crapshoot when its not Caucasian for me at least with acrylics i can do it with oils but can't really airbrush oil.
Pellis et sanguinis pro Plamor...
>But they're my friends, dad!
So that Sousaishojoteien Emma girl...
What was the point of adding a light version of her kit exactly?
She's the only one that has a light version right? Others are just recolors and different outfits and shit?
>What was the point of adding a light version of her kit exactly?
People doesn't have to pay full price for the blank body of that unique body type for that IP

> She's the only one that has a light version

>Others are just recolors and different outfits and shit?
I either lost my Bullet Knights Launcher sticker sheet or she didn’t come with it, hard to say since I bought her a couple years back. Anyone know where I can get a replacement one or am I just fucked? Don’t ask why I didn’t finish building her, I honestly couldn’t tell you
I think there's a specific piece in the full kit you can build so she can sit seiza.
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My mistake, she's not sitting seiza, she's doing some sort of gremlin pose
They come with water slides
Great. I either lost my Bullet Knights Launcher WATER SLIDES sheet or she didn’t come with it, hard to say since I bought her a couple years back. Anyone know where I can get a replacement one or am I just fucked? Don’t ask why I didn’t finish building her, I honestly couldn’t tell you
You're fucked. If you're in Japan you can use Koto's replacement parts order service, but it doesn't work outside of Japan. If you ordered through HLJ they can do it for you, and quickly to boot, but only if you ordered within a reasonable amount of time from receiving the product. If neither of those options apply to you, your one and only option is looking for decal sheets being sold separately on Yahoo Auction Japan.
I understand. I will be ending my life this evening
I got it off Amazon some years back, my dad thinks he may have thrown it away thinking it went to something else
Fuck my Chungus life

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