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Previous thread:

Anthro and feral figures galore.

>The Rules:
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Fury Toys Angryler finally up for preorder on 5ktoys, both colored and translucent versions
>Xesray Studios Balathu up for preorder on 5ktoys
>Jakks Streets of Rage Roo and Altered Beasts Weredragon showing up at Walmarts
>Nacelle Biker Mice from Mars now at Wal-Mart!
>Rage Toys "Not Bebop" up for pre-order
>NECA Cryin Houn, Stump Wrestling Leatherhead, Archie Mondo Gecko, Mirage Triceraton Gladiator all in stores
>Earthworm Jim figures showing up on AliExpress
>Savage Crucible wave 1 shipping out now!
>Nacelle C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa wave 1 up for pre-order
>Loose Collector The Crypt Great Wolves:
>Animal Warriors of The Kingdom Primal Collection
>FuRay Planet Kensai the Nameless One 1/12 Scale Figure
>Abyss Force Sharks are up on 5Ktoys in singles and a 3 pack
>Fury Toys Azure Lion
>LADo Toys 1/12 Wolf Girl Liya up for preorder on 5ktoys
Nice to see the Angryler finally went up, I’ve been waiting months for any updates. Are the Fury Toys sharks coming out soon as well?
Speaking of fish pussy, Savage Crucible wave 3 is up for pre-order on their website, it's all them fish boys: https://www.savagecrucible.com/order-page.html#/
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Y'all realize that all the angler-fish you see IRL are female. The males are basically tiny parasites that attach to a large female host. So that means that the figure in OP's pic is female...

...Which means that some anon out there is gonna hotglue on this lovely lady of the sea.
DEI in muh toys? Neat. That was always my thing
I neve knew that
lucky bastards those males
there are also species of them that don't reproduce this way
How big are these? Getting a pack of 10 new heads that seem pretty large and detailed seems almost like too good of a deal for $18. That'll outfit an entire unique squad for the cost of a single figure.
>The male atrophies until all that remains are gonads fused to the female's flesh
God I wish that were me.
Lego Minerva Mink when?
covers it fairly well.
I absolutely love the lizards, I guess I'm going to have to spend money and get some of these fish guys too.
Did he have a stroke mid filming? He did the size comparisons twice lol
hmm, I wonder if the final figures will still have that semi-translucent look to them. That would sell me on the line instantly, it looks great for an aquatic creature.
Anyone know if Roo has been up on Walmarts site yet? He has a listing but it's always been out of stock.
I haven't seen it go up... I haven't even seen new stock in stores yet, either. Granted most stores are sitting on pegwarmers.
He and Weredragon were briefly up in Canada, but their listings sold out. I also saw one Roo in person. I assume more will flow in soon, but some stores seem to not be selling out of certain figures (aiai and axel) so hopefully they can clear those out.
monke on pre-order on BBTS
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Niiice. Wondering if someone will kitbash some for a custom Roger Jr. (and mom) figure to face off with the other Tekken figures.
what I would like is Storm collectibles to do Roger/Alex. now that would be nice
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Interesting kickstarter, Army Ant and the Mutant Multiverse: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/treasuremonstertoys/army-ant
>the worst transformation
but why
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AWOK's elephant looks...awesome.
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Combat Creatures has finalized the packaging.
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Thought I was looking at a remake of McFarlane's Poacher for a sec.
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These are cool and come with a lot, but I backed out of the KS back when it was going. Hopefully they turn out great because I like the idea of them and would like to see more, but some points of articulation like the way the wrists and ankles are done seemed a bit odd to me. They showed off those more Battle Beast style articulated figures, and that's probably more what I'd be interested in in this style.
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half funded already. Not a bad record
This is awesome. I want to see more unproduced prototypes get 3D scanned, cleaned up, and released.

The other new sculpts they have are not good though. They're kinda ugly, and fail to capture that style. That's unfortunate.
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That is a stunningly sexy bulge.
I dig this fella but that teeth and spikes look like they will snap over time or after a fall.
most figures these days are made of relatively soft pvc to avoid exactly this, i dunno why you;d think they'd make this out of hard plastic
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This looks perfect, god damn.
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Really? I guess I'm more tempted to get Angryler, a damn shame the translucent version is not a common retail figure though.
i kinda like the fact that he has a soft goods scarf
I really like Jada's take on making toys of mascot brands, I'm curious about the Cheetos one, apparently the SDCC version only glows under UV lights and barely.
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Scooby could be the new rape dog.
You just know /ctg/ will have a field day once that Scoob starts shipping.
I mean you can get the translucent on 5ktoys right now…
Could be worse, Ace duck over here >>11201849
is /ctg/ bait and no one has noticed.
No reason why it can't still be male. Maybe if they released a to-scale female figure it would be like 2 feet tall
If it makes you feel any better, I'm only going to pose hiim fucking Shaggy.
>not Velma
I shiggy diggy doo.
Velma was built for Scrappy
Not really, they look completely different. All the features you're used to are from female anglerfish.
It's cool, but not $72 cool. I'm also a little put off by the fact that the translucent one is MORE expensive for some reason, even though it has next to no paint budget to cover.
Ace will have his dick day. Just you wait.
I noticed. I'm already painting a corkscrew flesh tone in anticipation.
As someone who's never owned a 5ktoys figure, is it confirmed that the plastic is gummy/soft? I say this cause there's stuff like McFarlane where the plastic is quite hard, or the 3A stuff where the plastic looked hollow and brittle.
Still no Velma figure in that line sadly
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What's the hold up with this? It's been like a year and a half since she was first revealed.
There's no way they're doing a Scoob line and not making the fan favorite nerdy girl.
I'm still waiting for Snail Shells Yutsune.
5ktoys is just the website that sells the toys, they don't actually make these things. The Angler Fish dude is made by Fury Toys, and from what I hear previous releases have been pretty solid. I don't see them making a figure with those kinds of teeth and making them brittle though. They'll probably be firm but bendable plastic that'll probably warp before they actually break.
I got 2 of the lizard warriors. They are great in detail and articulation but the scale sucks. ~5" tall. The shipping on the blue fish guy is $15, and that killed it. Not worth $55.
>I say this cause there's stuff like McFarlane where the plastic is quite hard, or the 3A stuff where the plastic looked hollow and brittle.
Bro you are all kinds of misinformed. McFarlane plastic is actually on the softer side, in the sense that it flexes rather than snaps when stressed. And you're just making assumptions about ThreeA without ever owning any? Ridiculous. Anyway, ThreeA DID use hard plastics in some areas, but they were not inherently brittle when handling (aside from a few poorly designed fringe examples). But this was only for smaller pieces, much of the larger pieces were rotocast vinyl, which is extremely durable. And yes, they were largely hollow, but it was by design, they had to keep the weight down since their designs were often top-heavy with thin limbs and tiny feet.
and they just showed off a ton of shit
Release previously revealed cuties before you show off more, dammit!
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The short video on Kemopla's Twitter account has a bunch of teaser silhouettes of upcoming characters:
The size feels good though. Especially with how bulky they can get with all the armor and accessories.
Velma is going to be held back for two reasons:
1. If they don't absolutely nail the fan favourite, it will kill the line. They're taking the time to tweak her.
2. People will generally stop paying attention to the line once they have Velma in hand. As excited as I am for possibilities like the black knight, the witch doctor, the ghost of captain cutler, or especially space kook, no one else really gives a shit, they want the main five or maybe JUST Velma and they're out. "Is Velma out yet" is effectively word-of-mouth marketing.
>average millennial couple
Is this the sexy repair chick? Or...no, it isn't right?
no this is someone else
Ooooh. Cute too.
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Ooo, really liking the soda dog mech
Very KND
and the construction mech looks like something Rubble from PAW Patrol would drive
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not me fuming that we're getting this instead of Tail Concerto/Sora to Robo merch
Kind of want... that just looks fun.
yea man, not all furry figs have to be sexy, some of it can be just fun
HOLY SHIT I just noticed she has tiddies!
And it looks like she's wearing a male mantis head on her crotch..
Yes, boob bug
Guess that poor mantis got head.
So much so that he's now her second head.

> 1. If they don't absolutely nail the fan favourite, it will kill the line. They're taking the time to tweak her.

They better damn well make sure they've got five restraining orders up warding away Mindy Kaling and the studio execs if they even wanna make a mint off of Velma.
Jakks Streets of Rage Roo was up on Walmarts site for a moment. Not sure how long but when I checked it said 3 in stock. Maybe they're going up every so often? If you want one like I did I'd check now and then. He's out of stock now so I'm glad I was able to grab one.
And he's now back in stock as of this moment.
Shit, thanks!
Glad I could help out. Been checking off and on and figured someone else may be waiting too. 17 or so shipped from Walmart is much better than the 50+ from eBay.
Only 6 Roo's left up on Walmart.
Wonder when the weredragon will go up
My roo shipped already. I wasn't expecting Walmart to actually fill an order.
damn this would sell good in australia
...Would it? I thought Aussies hated kangaroos? They're just like...pests there right? They run over them on the road and shit.
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>More furry female figures
Nature is healing straightfags.
Speaking of that series/world I am saddened that we won't ever get anything from Fuga.
I want a Mei just so I can pose her being a little gun gremlin.
>Speaking of that series/world I am saddened that we won't ever get anything from Fuga.
At this point I'll be glad if they at least finish the trilogy itself, they've been awfully quiet about the third game and with the second one ending on a bombshell of a cliffhanger it would be bad to have the series end like this.

>I want a Mei just so I can pose her being a little gun gremlin.
I would build a soul cannon chamber just for her.
nah i would definitely buy one to sit on the dash of my wagon, but im not paying like 100AUD on ebay
Mondo might have me with their Gargoyles. I can't even imagine the size and space they'd take up, but I'm happy to get more Brooklyn merch. $300 a pop easily, though...that one's gonna hurt.
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>fuck you I'm a dragon!
Wow he's pretty cute. Wasn't expecting to, but might need to snag him. Do his wings or tail come off?
Altered Beast, you could cure cancer but all you're doing is turning people into dragons!
he doesn't want to cure cancer. he wants to turn people into dragons.
And then sell them some cars.
Some very warm, fresh, lushly-Corinthian-leathered freshly-used cars...
That's a lot of articulation points for a 10 dollar figure. So weird they're doing this, the altered Beast wolf, and Roo before other more popular things. Maybe there's a furfag on the team?
I ain't complainin!
You could say that it looks grrrrreat.
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Fuckin' come to daddy.
Needs a wash or more shading on the body, but otherwise looks good
When we getting a thick Amazonian female? Like a hippo or boar or elephant warrior girl. Curvy enough to be hot, strong enough for snusnu.
>Maybe there's a furfag on the team?
My alternative guess is that they're trying to dig into a niche, everyone's a super serious toy company for collectors, making serious toys of humans (with varying levels of resemblance/success), so why not make the weird cartoony shit no one is touching?
I could see us maybe getting a female minotaur/tauren from one of the Warcraft lines.
Saw this on Toy Anxiety and had to grab one myself. Super cute looking.
Konatsuya's designs are nice, I have the original colors Sakiros from her. Genkosha's style has a similar vibe too.

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