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we need to go back to cool gimmicks over articulation, no more adult collector crap
Nah, I don't play with my toys like a child. Tried it a couple of times and couldn't make my adult brain do it. I'll stick with my high end figures thank you. But enjoy your babyslop
I am an adult collector, but I have to admit that the adult collector has really fucked up the toy market even more than Bidenflation has.

I don't want gimmicks, but I don't want hyperarticulated toys that look too visually chopped-up. This shit goes on a shelf or in a plastic storage bin, so what do I give a fuck if it has 20 POA? I'd rather have an aesthetically attractive figure.
You don't pose much? I care about articulation. But I do photography.
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Articulation and aesthetics just don't go together on any action figure except for robots.
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You do know that toys with gimmicks and action features still exist, right? You do know that nothing is stopping you from buying them, right?
An OFF switch would make this thing so much better.
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Never get why it's an "either/or" thing. The best gimmick toys also had awesome sculpts and good articulation.
Even that Buzz in your OP is better because it isn't just 5PoA, you can mostly pull off his package art pose.
I do think a lot of people here get autistic over articulation and seeing people update their imports every 3 years because of a slightly better headsculpt is kind of dumb, but it's also a shame that the gimmick toys we get these days are clearly budget cut, low effort releases.
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The only good Buzz toy will always and forever will be SHF Lightyear. But what I really miss are the old 2000's Toybiz Spider-man classics line, where they still made variants and gimmicks with modern articulation. That's a return id like to see
bait thread by the 5 poa schizo
This was actually my favorite Buzz Lightyear growing up.
I always liked this figure because it looked like an updated version of the Vampire Armor Spider-Man.
fucking this. the constant console warring and push for malibu stacies with new hats has made the hobby irksome to say the least. I wish we could go back to the toybiz balance of articulation and wacky variation. their amazing spiderman toyline stands unparalleled even now.
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hasbro would never do it but it sure would be cool to see some of those toybiz variants revisited with modern articulation
>t. manchild
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Toy story is cringe

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