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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

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Previous: >>11198112
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>/lg/ rule on making a new thread:
-previous thread must hit 310 posts;
-close to image limit, like a 100 pictures;
-don't use the same OP picture for every thread, rotate themes, not every edition needs to be based on the same theme.
Thanks for laying down the law janny
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Lego died when Tan became a standard color
He does it for free.
Ninjago leaks, thoughts on season 3 of Dragons Rising sets? I think they finally good great villain designs.
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Meant "got great villain designs"
I want to get some weird obscure parts, any recommendations?
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Why didn't Lego make heaven the villain in Wokey Kid?
What is this anti-christian propaganda? What is this, Hazbin Hotel? Monkey Kid should just end already.
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this doesnt even look like lego. gross
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Why is that minifig in that condition?
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A lot of weird pieces
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Heaven are kinda evil though in journey lore


You are lame bro
I like this dragon a bit but I don't think I will buy it, it's expensive and also doesn't have knees... It's strange how far figures came with bionicle, then they threw it all away with CCBS, then they threw away even CCBS and we're back to knights kingdom tier garbage builds... Bionicle is like greek fire, they had this advanced thing in the past but they don't know how to replicate it.
Anything nexo knights
It's chinese heaven not christian heaven. The message Lego are really trying to send is that the chinese are evil, when they do bible sets like Noah's Ark for icons obviously heaven will be the good guys.
Posted a part >>11199902, looking for interesting misc parts more than anything or stuff that works well with random builds
I hate the red and purple colors scheme, it looks like ass. I have the red and purple wolf warrior and while a cool minifigure, looks worse than the original.
These remind me of nexo knights

Hell even this reminds me of nexo knights...

mental illness
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I will post some from my bricklink list. Here is Ant which is a useful and cool looking animal. You can also get a blue one but not sure what kind of ant that is. I though bullet ants were blue but I googled it and they are brown...
Is it ok if I store minifigs in a plastic box and bricks too?
China stole the concept of heaven from the Christians, only to make them villains and douchebags. With the previous season having a non-binary character and heaven being evil, this is like a Vivziepop cartoon.
Who doesn't do this? Do some people store their lego in a burlap sack or something?
Nonbinary? Who? Mei?
Already own some of those ants from getting both of the crystal skulls sets which had en when they released as a kid lol, but more Ants wouldn’t hurt desu
You mean journey to west is like that? I don't know what viziepop is but Monkie Kid is just copying journey to the west since they couldn't get dragon ball license.
I store them in their boxes
And yeah the ant pieces are great, more is always good
I tried to do this but the smaller pieces fall out, how do you get them to stay in?
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Which sets convey pure wholesome cozyness? Like which sets would Apu the frog live in?

Hard mode: no animal crossing
Animal crossing or Fabuland
That bird guy from a couple seasons ago.
Yeah, JTTW is pro China, anti Christian propaganda, that's probably why it sells so much in China. I hate chiggers.
>I don't know what viziepop is
Feminazi animator, creator of Hazbin Hotel on Amazon. It's about uwu softboi gay demons taking down the evil the evil heavens.
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Belville teddy. It is a good giant teddy, it was in a toys r us promotional set as well in the window of a toys r us store. There's also a regular sized teddy but it's nowhere near as good as this one.
Heaven are good guys in dragon ball since it's Japanese so hopefully we get that next year and we will get some sets of it.
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a e s t h e t i c
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>taller than a minifig
Damn, thats pretty cool, Belville has a lot of parts I have my eyes on like for instance this gnarly skull you would expect to see in an Exo-Force moc maybe, but this being added I don’t mind lol
Because it’s like 6-7 years old? It’s seen some play.
It's slightly smaller than a minfigure with the shortest legs
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Cypress tree. Great huge prefab tree that goes good with the pine and fruit tree pieces
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I saw one of those (unbroken) in person and it was selling for 55 dollars, a very high ask for a single tree especially considering my current financial state
That's a scam, it's only worth about 10 euros (still a lot).
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Arch 3 x 6 x 5 Ornamented
come in black, bright light yellow (why does this colour exist?), light bluish grey, tan and white.
Death Star Plans head piece
Aquazone and Life on Mars control panel slopes and plates
Mars Mission cockpit piece
Space/Aquazone window pieces
Dobby's sock
Life on Mars aliens
Spongebob minifigures
Space Police III aliens
Spiky Exo-Force hair pieces
Exo-Force robot minifigures
Bionicle minifigures
CMF tennis racket
Lightbulb covers without bars
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here's your halloween theme bro
>CMF tennis racket
Can't be that rare, as I have several. I think it was either in a minidoll set, or in a BAM bin at one point.
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Fence 1 x 2 x 1 2/3 with Diagonal Bar
This comes in black, reddish brown and white, it's useful for scaffolds and such
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Pot, which comes in a few colours I can't be bothered to list. It's almost exclusive to harry potter sets
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Belville lattice wall. There is also curved end pieces and a corner piece. I wanted to use this in a moc but I couldn't fit it anywhere because it was too big. Looks really cool though
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Minifigure, Utensil Bowl with Blue Rim and Dragon Pattern and Minifigure, Utensil Bowl with White Rim and Waves Pattern. Good decorative bowls
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Belville Wall, Ivy Wall with Window 1 x 8 x 12
Comes in many translucent colours, probably too big to be used in a moc but if you can fit in in somehow it will look awesome.
Man, thats a lot, thanks for the recs man
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does anyone even care
I really lack the creativity to do anything with the bricks once I'm done building a set so I just put it on the display. Any advice?
No, boring and ugly overpriced set that only exists to sell minifigs for investors to resell... They should of just done an x-men cmf instead of this.
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it's not really your fault. the excessive shitty tiny bricks and color bloat are not conducive to fun and creativity. not to mention how daunting it is to take a set apart when they are thousands of pieces
the exception
bionicle isnt lego regardless of how many colors it uses
Check out older simple sets like that one or older and you can usually build them with approximate parts in your collection, and then you can detail them more with your newer parts
who's the black dude in blue?
you will not make it to heaven
>black dude in blue
I don't know
Why not?
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Just wanted to remind everyone there was once a time where every set was basically a 3(plus!) in 1
where were the instructions though
What a depressing post, you're part of the problem. Any creative kid could easily figure out 90% of it and invent the rest just by looking at the model. I hate zoomers so much it's unreal

She's right
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I've decided to try to trawl facebook marketplace since it seems like I keep seeing posts of rare hauls and low prices, but all the sellers who are selling things that arent literally still available at target are way too far from me and unwilling to ship or deliver. Also they take forever to reply.
It's also really weird being on a platform where you can actually see the seller's face and name as opposed to some random username like on Ebay or Bricklink. A lot of seller unsurprisingly look like basedjaks, but there are also a lot of middle age women sellers for some reason, plus weird mexican/arab/italian looking dudebros with edgy 2000's myspace tier memes on their facebooks
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The red guys look like they're from nexo knights. Very happy to see that ninjago is going back to fantasy theme. And i'll be able to build up my demon army a bit more.
I cared but it came out much lamer than it should have, a X-Mansion wave with several parts of it as different sets would have been much more fun, like how they do the minifig scale Hogwarts now, Daily Bugle is still king despite being a lame ass press building
Bishop the time traveller
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People still seething about my plastic :)
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Posting myselt but I found some Nigerian or something selling an unprinted copy of this head in green for a dollar plus, should I bite?
Who the fuck? Throw this nigga away and give me Blade
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Nevermind its Sand Green, false Alarm, OG green pic is a mystery
Kinda hate how later Bionicle was all dark colors and silver though.
The middle age women are mums selling their kids old toys.
no thx
I think the ones selling just bulk lots are selling their kids old toys, but there are a lot just selling sealed sets with the set number and everything. A lot of random housewives just get into online selling as a side hobby
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>Malfoy Mansion looks better than the X-Men Mansion
>1/3rd the price
People will buy it for the exclusive minifigs. The quality of the set itself is irrelevant.
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not defending the x mansion but malfoy mansion will be a facade this deep
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oh boy i love a giant facade. why does lego insist buildings cant be more than six studs deep? its like a movie set
Weirdly I only want the building lol; will make half my money back from the figs
extra cost that doesnt substantially show up on the box cover nor the shelf display
Whoa, it's almost like a playset is designed like a playset...
It’s likely meant a s a proper play set, you can mess with the interior without disassembling it at all.
>a playset
>a facade so thin you can barely fit figs
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"facade" with actual space
still waiting for jang's review
what are the prices?
sun wukong was wreaking havoc in heaven until the emperor asked buddha to stop him
Kind of wish they did re-runs of old CMF series. Some of these older minifgs are real cool, but I don’t know if I’ll pay 8-15 dollars for them at a second store/site.
most cmfs are exclusively made in china meaning most of the unique molds are immediately discarded. they couldnt bring them back even if they wanted to
I didn’t like the Minecraft Minifigs (specifically the heads) at first, but getting my hands on some of them, it’s very easy to imagine them as heist masks or disguises if you use them in regular sets.
>it’s very easy to imagine them as heist masks or disguises if you use them in regular sets.
no its not
Guys I didn't like Yoda(specifically the head) at first, but getting my hands on him, it's very easy to imagine as an halloween costume or diguise if you use him in regular sets.
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It better fuckin be Blacktron II, I want to see it with the trans bright green
That's not true anymore, not sure when the change was made
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it would be really funny if she had an horse cock ahahah
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heartwarming :')
that nigga came out ages ago
Oh fuck, thanks Anon, now I need to buy him the Vampyr hair
What is the best "dollhouse" type of set right now I can get for under $200?
71767 is a good example of this.
At least reddit posts pictures of their own shit we barely do that anymore
I started collecting those Turbo tiles because every bricklink seller has them so I kept adding them to my order. Its just the most 90s tile Ive ever seen.
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I get that there are limits to what can be done with lego, but $60 seems like a big ask for something with such a lackluster looking sail. I feel like how nice the sails look are what really make or break most lego ships.
It's so depressing how Lego could have done so many actual animal heads for actual animal characters(think vidiyo/dnd dragonborn) instead of all the idiotic person in a costume bullshit. Would be cheaper too since they wouldn't have to print an actual head along with the mask

Pic is from 2020 btw, the amount of stupid suits must have tripled by now
Chima wasn't enough for you, furfag?
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Not a furry but animal characters are endearing and can be useful for a variety of things.
Chima heads are shit too because they are neither here or there with a headmask with eyeholes on top of a normal head
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Animal heads are excellent for fantasy races. Costumes are just lolrandom useless idiocy
anything Jack Stone or Znap
lol, common dogfucker L

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