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About the size of and looks like it would fit a cabbage patch doll head. No markings.
I think this is the pencil; the others could be part of a scientist set or something.

You can identify just about anything with Google Lens these days, it's a good tool for collectors.
hm looks similar but thats not it
Retard alert.
It's identical, idiot
jm idk. not seeing it.
NTA but the fucking exact same goggles and the exact same circular (DNA strand?) element are right on the left side to the doll.

Jeez Louise.
Nope, not seeing it, you sir are incorrect. NEXT!
Don't bother, he's screwing with you. He's done this in similar threads.
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I mean, I appreciate that there appears to be minimal political nonsense or meme buzz words tossed around here compared to some of the other boards on this mongoloid basket-weaving paradise but ...

Jeez Louise does /toys/ also seem to have a huge amount of people who seems to have nothing better to do that low effort bait threads, shit post other generals and troll post other generals.

>$1.99 for the pencil.
>$4.89 for the postage.
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Is that a Berbadette doll?
That is terrible. The tits are way too small.
Google Lens has immense drawbacks now in that it will purely try to show you stuff that can currently be bought (much like most other reverse search engines in current year it’s been hijacked to sell you shit), so it’s absolutely useless a lot of the time for finding rare, vintage or more obscure sources.

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