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Loads of announcements by Mondo at NewYork ComicCon, let's start with their new line of Aliens based on the Kenner's figures, just like the upcoming Real Ghostbusters line the figures will come in 2 packs, the first one is Mantis Alien and Hicks, not promos yet but based on the Real Ghostbusters ones I guess the figures will be 1/12 scale
And $80 a pack, if not more.
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Talking about Real Ghostbusters they show promos of Ray and Ghash 2-pack
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In SDCC they said the RGB 2-packs will be $202 bucks (pretty shitty, I knoe) so probably will be the same.

Winston and Sandman 2-pack
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and Janine, not sure if she will include her desk or if she will be in a 2-pack like the rest
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TMNT line in 1/6
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Gargoyles figures in 1/6 too
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Mondo Squads of A Goofy Movie
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and Mondo Naruto Shippuden articulated figures and soft vinyl, I can't find info of the scale or other details
glad they are showing her off before the line even launches, I guess they realize at these prices its not going to be a long lived line.
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Faker was displayed at their booth
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and Trap Jaw
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Harley Quinn
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Montana Max looks like that?!
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and pics of the previous 2-packs of RGB at SDCC
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>No He-man 2002 update
>Updated Kenner Aliens that aren't the shitty NECA ones
Yes fucking please.
You didn't post Yu Gi Oh which they are also doing. I heard from the panel that they're doing large cards, I assume dub anime accurate ones, but I couldn't really follow what else. Will there be figures for that too?
Criticizing a company you fanboy for is not trolling. NECA's nondurable goods are not worth the price, and I know this from bitter experience.
No, they aren't. They are poorly made, regularly break out the package, often suffer from warped parts and sloppy paint, have bad articulation and cost as much as some imports.
Yes they are. They are not poorly made, they don't break, warping isn't an issue either, and if there IS any, like ANY toy, it can heated up. Dumbass. The articulation is very good and no, they don't cost as much as imports.

But hey, enjoy Mondo's overpriced shit. Can't wait to hear you whine about the $200 price tag.
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>All these lies
Shilling for companies is against the board rules, you know.
Reminder that NECA deliberately avoided taking promo pics with Ash's arms out to the side to avoid exposing the dogshit sculpting that's visible if you lift them at all.
Cool, post a pic with Ash's arms lifted out to the side then.
So you can't? Or do you not want to because you know it looks like shit and you don't want to make NECA look bad?
Nothing about it looks like shit. That's your debilitating autism running your little brain, dude. The fact that this is what you gall back on to troll with shows what a disgusting, simple-minded individual you are.
If it doesn't look like shit you'll have no problem posting it then?
No, I wouldn't want you to shit yourself in rage over a toy. You've already embarrassed yourself enough.
So you're afraid of proving that NECA Ash has badly done shoulders. I accept your concession.
Nah, it doesn't have bad anything. Sounds like you need to change your diapers from all the pissing and moaning you just did.
So why don't you post it to prove how wrong I am?
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>This is what NECAnon thinks is a "great toy"
Why don't you? You have your troll images saved. So come on.
Is there supposed to be something wrong here? Or are you just stupid?
I'm not in the habit of stockpiling images of shitty toys I have no interest in buying. Also the /toy/ archive doesn't let you search anymore. But surely, as NECA's #1 fan who buys all their releases, you can post a picture of yours?
>He can't see the horrifically bent chainsaw
C'mon, son.
>horrifically bent chainsaw
You mean the part made of softer plastic so it won't break because it's a thinner piece? The one that can EASILY be put back into shape with heat? Oh you poor, poor, pooor first world bitch baby. You are truly pathetic.
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>It's OK because you can do NECA's QC department's job for them and fix it yourself!
Shilling is STILL against the rules.
And good news! I found the pic so you don't have to! Seriously, look at this. Fucking disgraceful.
Oh no! There it is! Your autism is flaring up! Careful anon, you're going to pass out from being this stupid.
>Having standards is now autism
Lmao. Pathetic shilling.
Is that what you nicknamed your autism? You must be literally shaking huh? Loser.
Trying too hard, pathetic shill troll.
Yes you are
I accept your concession, pathetic shill troll. Now please stop derailing the thread because you can't handle someone criticizing a brand you shill for.
Please stop derailing the thread, pathetic shill troll. You've already conceded, no need to shit up the thread further.
Now this is cope. Jesus.
What was that? Because it doesn't sound like you stopping with derailing the thread, pathetic shill troll.
I'm not the one derailing the thread because someone criticized my favourite brand, NECAhmed.
You literally are, but again, you have no self awareness.
>Mention how I'm happy a brand that isn't NECA is making a toy
>NECAnon gets his panties in a bunch and starts derailing the thread because someone dared criticize his favourite brand
Try harder next time.
Parroting is an admission of defeat, NECAnon.
>More NO U
You lost.
>autist still throwing a tantrum
That is rich from you.
You can stop derailing the thread now, pathetic shill troll.
Uh-huh, how's that self awareness coming along?
I accept your concession. Anything you post from here on is simply you raging like a disturbed child. Remember that.
>He has to get the last word in
So are you going to stop derailing the thread now, pathetic shill troll?
>he has to get the last word in
So you're not going to stop breaking the board rules by posting off-topic trolling?
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>He's still going
I don’t know, huge ghostbusters fans are willing to shell out the big bucks a lot of the time.
NECA - Easily Put Back Into Shape With Heat
Damn these are cool, too rich for my blood though. Lucky for me they aren't Extreme Ghostbusters.

C'mon if you spent more than five minutes on this board you know bringing up NECA like that is just begging for this shit to happen.
He was trolling to start with, that's why he brought it up. Don't even bother trying to pity him.
What sort of issues has Mondo had in the past?
>Do you throw tantrums like this on a daily basis?
Holy fuck, you really do lack self awareness!

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