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This thing for $200 what is going on with the toy industry? and Revoltech asking $100 and more for their shit, Legends reaching $60, Mcfarlanes for $40, Mafex releases, the bubble will finally burst? This shit isn't a hobby anymore is a resale system where you buy expensive shit so you can sell it for even higher prices a few months later, looking at the Mafex X-Men collection or HasLabs or even Warbird, things weren't like that a few years ago, now I'm sure that if they released the HasLab Ghost Rider again for $400 it would fund nowadays with 90% of the buyers being scalpers and 100% of the collectors willing to pay even more like good paypigs, for how vomiting this hobby has become they can ask whatever they want, it's over
womp womp
>gets raped
>says thanks
Zoomers need to be lynched
I understand basic capitalistic models, kiddo. You're not special or unique, and you're never going to be known for anything. No one really cares about your point; we just want endless drama bait.

Would it make you feel better if I hit you with a "Ok boomer" since your too old to understand "bing bing wahooo, line must only go up"
If money is such an issue form you, you probably shouldn't be participating in this hobby.
Yeah, there is a ball joint.
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Price wouldn't be an issue if the product wasn't so insultingly shit. Like Jada straight up MOGS legend figures for around the same price and yet the legend shills still eat it up because there is no real competition for marvel figs. You can thank the autist for shitty overpriced figures.
ball joint that could barely move kinda like that first appearance spidey fig they did a while back
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Way I understand it is because he's scaled to be in line with other marvel legends figures, and sadly everything, literally EVERYTHING is going up price wise.

I'm a transformers collector and let me tell you I'm starting to make hard choices, I feel sporry for future generations provided they don't go all in on digital only skibabdi bullshit but hopefully by then I'll be like my hero
Inflation, dumbass.
Yeah, I buy toys of characters I care about, not toys of characters I don't even know just because the toy is marginally better than a Marvel Legend. Deal with it boy.
just because you have low standards doesn't mean everyone else does.
kys Nerdy
You realize toys are made with huge profit margins for the manufacturer and the inflation is just them refusing to cut into their profits at all right?
>Revoltech asking $100 and more for their shit
What's wrong with that? They are imports from Japan and have alot of separate parts that need to be assembled and painted. They also arnt made in giant batches like Marvel legends so the orders are more expensive. (Fewer toys in a order = more expensive) we don't even know if they do Revoltech's with one mold or not. Those metal molds are really expensive so companies try to cram in as many parts as possible to lower cost. I'm guessing the price for this guy comes from probably needed multiple molds to get all the large parts and joints to be molded in the correct color so they don't need to be painted which ruins joints and drives cost up even more. Paint is also a large factor. This Sentinel looks like it has a pretty good amount of paint for such a large figure so it's probably decently expensive to get done. Idk if all of this justify it being 200$ but I atleast see why Revos are the price they are.
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>ball joint that could barely move
kek poor fags smoldering this morning
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Western companies proved Japanese tier toys don't need to cost even 50% more than budget children toys.
So stuff like this was $30, which is basically a Figuarts clone, when Marvel Legends were $20 and Figuarts were going for ~$60

Japanese collector stuff only costs as much as it does because they're been fucking collectors up the ass ever since they were paying $100 for anime VHS tapes that had 2 episodes on them in the 80s.
Should be like $11.97 at K-mart.
Thanks for inflation, supply chains, covid, bank bailouts.
>They are imports from Japan and have alot of separate parts that need to be assembled and painted.
easily debunked when the knockoffs who have the same painted parts sell for $25, look at CT Anti Venom, the production is cheap as fuck, they're charging you $120 due to the license and design and being a bunch of scumbags, Revos used to cost $50
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I'll only pay for a MvC Sentinel. How did capcom get away with these redesigns?
>Buying toys you're interested in instead of toys you aren't interested in means you have low standards
I may have low standards, but at least I don't have a low IQ.
That's because the factories are just stealing molds already created. Molds are really expensive. These factories also don't charge themselves for labor when they make this shit. Revos use to cost 50 but they also started getting more parts and probably requitlre multiple molds. Disney could also be charging more for licenses. I'm not to knowledgeable about Disney's licensing fees though. Wouldn't be surpised if they bumped the price up a bunch. They did go into some hefty debt buying Fox and Lucas Films.
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I for one welcome our Chinese action figure making overlords.
I’m a fan of many brands including marvel, but legends are the absolute bottom of the barrel when it comes to toys so I refuse to buy. An actual retard would buy garbage because of brand name only. So not only do you have low standards, you indeed have a low IQ, dipshit.
>150 plus tip please!
>Raughs up blood from eating plastic rice
nta but it's really about priorities I think. Do you want to spend a bunch on an action figure or like, something else.
>That's because the factories are just stealing molds already created. Molds are really expensive.
at this point just suck my cock, Hasbro creates new molds for C-listers that nobody cares about that rot at Ollie's for $10, this "molds are expensive" BS is pathetic if they're willing to make new molds and parts for shit that nobody wants or cares about
You do know how often reuse is a thing right?
These threads never get any real good traction because people here are proud to spend more money to prove to anons they aren't poor, and think inflation is a magic explanation to every price increase.
In individual threads these same people bitch about prices but collectively don't want to sound like they're icky poors.
Apparently Marvel was pissed off about it but later relented since all the work had already been done
They also renamed it a model "COTA-94" to separate it from the shitty skinny one.
Should this be on store shelves at $75? Probably, but that's no longer an option due to a number of factors.
Hasbro refuses molds all the time because they are so expensive to make. What are you even talking about? You seem really passionate about the topic.
>These threads never get any real good traction because people here are proud to spend more money to prove to anons they aren't poor, and think inflation is a magic explanation to every price increase.
brainwashed by toy companies, can't imagine a worse fate, maybe being a weeb watching isekais every month, Hasbro whiteknights are some of the lowest shit eaters on the planet
These threads never get any real good traction because it's a thread on /toy/ and not some place where bitching will actually change anything. Is this your first echo chamber Mrs Faggot?
Figurarts and Figma used to be pretty affordable at one point
bitching anywhere doens't change anything, the only option you have is "don't buy", where the message will just be taken as "there's no market for this"
What? You'd rather own an inferior Dr. Doom over a superior Deejay?
A little bit, if I really liked Dr. Doom. Also, I'm sure there's some Deejay fans out there.
Which, let's be honest, no one will do because everyone is addicted to this stuff.
Considering I don't really care about Street Fighter, I don't even play it, and I do care about Dr. Doom, yeah, I would. I don't care if the Deejay is marginally better, I'll get the figure of the character I actually like. Why is this so weird to some of you?
>Why is this so weird to some of you?
nta but I'm guessing it's legit autism. It makes sense when you break it down to the bare minimum hard logic.
Make more money broke bitch. I preordered 3.
I have a bag of dog shit if you want for $20
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>if a toyline from a shitty movie sells poorly, it's not because no one wanted shitty designs from a shitty movie, it's because... because...
I'm at a lost at your logic train. SHF-tier copies = bankrupt?

Let's ignore than DC Direct is still running, thanks to McFarlane knowing they're profitable
Let's also ignore that the DCC SHF-tier line was canceled almost 6 years before DC Direct was put on the chopping block by WB.

But WB is a penny pinching conglomerate. They have accountants who worked out the math that selling mid-10k units of SHF-clones was profitable for only $9 more than your standard Marvel Legend. Unfortunately, the line sold like shit, because all of DC's movie shit is shit.
Sorry, but Japan just likes to fuck their fanboys up the ass if they want any sort of toy better amde than their dog chew toys. Pic related. 4" figures that cost $20, when Hasbro was making better articulated figures with more paint for only $9

Revoltechs used to cost $24 when they were launched in the mid-00s. They had less articulation than Marvel Legends and were smaller too. Marvel Legends back then cost $8.
Japanese companies know their fanboys will pay out the ass for collector shit, hence marking up their prices to Apple levels of greed. Even companies like China are copying Japan, despite having worse QC, like Joytoy.
>I'm at a lost
It's never not amusing to see you do this. It's "I'm at a loss" you retard.
And then you'll cry when nobody buys your resells and the industry will cry when no one buys their overpriced product and everyone will cry when the line dies.
Is it Didney™'s Marvel™'s Dog Shit? If not, no thanks!
This shit will just make Hasjew more greedy to the point where they start incorporating it into the main legends line. Have fun paying over $30 for one legends figure before taxes and shipping retards. Lol
at this point, where the hell are the third party bootlegs
Every now and then, Subjectautist lets his ESL slip and reveals that he or his mother swam the Colorado River to get into California.
don't worry, he'll blame it on his phone or that his retarded speech impediment was misinterpreted when using voice to text.
>>150 plus tip please!
>>Raughs up blood from eating plastic rice
Don't be dunkin' on muh Pumpin' Princess! Her recycled rice tastes delicious! Circle up coomers!
>Revoltechs used to cost $24 when they were launched in the mid-00s. They had less articulation than Marvel Legends and were smaller too. Marvel Legends back then cost $8.
you're going too far away
in 2017 Revo Gwen, Wolverine, Venom, etc all went for $50 worldwide, that was the regular price, SH Figuarts too and I mean some of their greatest figures like SQ Harley Quinn she went for $50, not talking about 20 years ago, just like 6 years ago everything was great, suddenly they started to charge $120 for their shit because paypigs like >>11204432
don't care about it because they're too stupid to see the truth and they believe whatever gayass excuse they see on reddit to justify a greedy ass company earning 500% of each release
>Make more money broke bitch. I preordered 3.
me too, but I did to resell for $350 each because paypigs like you love to waste money on Hasbro garbage so it'll be easy to sell them for twice their price to retards like you that will want more kek
>$150 plus tip please!
I paid $90. Let me guess, BBTS price? How the fuck does this board have so many retards?
Buy your Nipponese toys at the Nipponese toy shop of your choice.
Buy your chink toys from the most trustworthy Chinaman you can find.
Buy Amerishart toys from Shartmart, Target, Ollie's, Ross, and failing that, BBTS or EE.
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>you're going too far away
Does it matter?
Point is, Japanese stuff has always been disgustingly expensive because of stupid fanboys who'll stretch their asshole everytime a new toy is announced, to ensure the assfucking goes as smoothly as possible. Shit's been going on since the 80s and won't stop because of these fanboys.

And that isn't to say i haven't bought Japanese figures, because sometimes they're the only toy company to do a toy i want, but man, fuck them.

pic is another example of a Mattel DCUC-tier toy in the mid-10s, costing more than an ML.
2018 isn't mid-10s, retard.
2700 yen in 2018 works out to roughly $23US according to the mid market exchange rate in November 2018, and a Marvel Legends RRP was $20 at the time.
>Japanese stuff has always been disgustingly expensive
Hyperbolic much?
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>calling someone retarded because his definition of mid-10s is different from yours
Sure is overly defensive weeaboo trying to nitpick because he has no real argument

And yes, $23 > $19.99 and it is disgusting for it to be that much when it's straight out of 2004 that looked outdated in 2002.
Just as disgusting as when a $60 figure isn't any better than a $30 figure.

But that's Japan for you. They love inflating prices because lol, look at the otaku already bending over and getting the lube as soon as the toy is announced. I mean, look at you, trying to defend Bandai/Kaiyodo/GoodSmile/PlayArt's fucking your infected, prolapsing anus.
The worst part is companies from China are trying to imitate Japan with equally as overpriced figures but at half the quality.

Pic is another example of something even smaller going for way too much money. Looks like something you'd find in 2005 for $5, except this is more than a decade later and for more than twice the price.
If i wasn't lazy, I'd find a dozen modern toys from Bandai's current catalogue for more than the price of a modern ML and still looks as low quality as this.
I'm at a lost for for words.
>Inflation, dumbass.
>it's not inflation
It is inflation
What is this, are they rereleasing Haslabs?
>to prove to anons they aren't poor
I bet these anons think they are making an "investment".
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>calling someone retarded because his definition of mid-10s is different from yours
Yes. Mid would be in the middle. 2018 is literally the second last year in the decade. That nearly as far away from the middle as you can go.
As for the rest of your blathering which I am not reading, pic related.
$180 isn't that much money. It's clear from how pissy you guys get over $100 that you don't have other hobbies. Most hobbies are a lot more expensive than toy collecting.
This makes no sense, as nobody even wants that for free. This sentinel however you want and would accept it if given to you.
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>resulting in shitty QC
That never happened. You're one of those dumbshits who heard about the TAS figures breaking (that only affected a wave) and thought all of DCD's figures had the same problem.
Again, here's a pic of how Japanese companies enjoy gaping otaku asses by charging $15 for 80s level articulation and paint in the mid-10s, when in America you got twice as much articulation and paint for only $10.
If you look at other Japanese nerd industries, like DVD/BD anime, they do the same shit. Saying the quality is better/worse is just cope because you can't believe your asshole is so sore for no reason other than they like fucking your ass.

Missing the point. Just because i can afford to buy a house or car doesn't mean I won't balk at paying $30 for usb-c cable. IT's ridiculous for it to cost that much when a $8 one is just as good and does the same shit.
Same applies with toys, especially when pic related looks so bad even if it was the 1990s. The toy industry has a ton of competitors making the same shit, hence /toy/'s most popular lines being budget children toys and most people don't see a reason to pay $2-5x more when the competition doesn't even offer 1.2x better features. The fact other people even make comparisons about which looks better just shows how nearly identical they really are.
If they were even 2x better (muchless 3-5x to reflect the price), there'd be no arguments.

>more dumb nitpicking to move argument away from being a dumb weeaboo who spreads his ass
It's not decent to me because I know nothing about the franchise. I'm not going to buy something just because it looks cool. That's how you wind up with far too much crap.
I'm sorry but I can't take anything you seriously when you can't even say commonly used phrases correctly. It's like watching something mimic with it thinks normal people behave like.
It's Subjectanon. He is poor. He is also retarded and doesn't realise that the cost of things is often determined by economies of scale, and that Japan are only really producing most of their stuff for a domestic population that is slightly more than a third of the US population, while Hasbro etc produce things for a global market. He also ignores how small the action figure collecting community is in Japan compared to the statue and gunpla market and fails to take that into account. He also ignores American independent shit like Loose Collector costing as much as a Figma for less than ML levels of quality or engineering, which again has an inflated price due to being produced in such low numbers.
If licking windows was an Olympic sport, he would have a dozen gold medals.
It's more of a diss on this pay piggy's taste. If they are willing to buy 3 of this shitty looking product, I thought why wouldn't they want a bag of dog shit for only $20?
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>cognitive dissonance and non-arguments because his anus is still oozing and peeling from when his last import went in dry

If Hasbro, Mattel, McFarlane, Jada, Jazwares, Spinmasters, and Jakks, were charging as much as Japanese companies did, every thread on /toy/ would be like OP.
Look at this chintzy crap that's going for $30. Can you imagine if every single ML or MCFarlane figure were $30? /toy/ would be raging and the toy industry would be in jeopardy. But for Japan? It's Sunday and they're going to walk to their corner drug store for more lube.

The worst thing about this price is that Japanese consumers are actually worse off than Americans and Europoors, so to them, it's not actually "$30", but the equivalent of $46 (not even taking into account the fact their jobs pay less).

Nevermind this is the equivalent of a Spinmasters or Jakks Pacific figure in terms of quality. That's stuff no one actually likes to talk about on /toy/, because they're so shit. The collector shit is the actual butt rape prices.

forgot my pic

I'm not ignoring economies of scale, because a lot Japanese collector lines (SHF, Playarts, Figma, etc) have official distribution in the US too and they still require you to get fucked in the ass..
Just shows how ignorant you are and can only come up with dumbshit excuses.
>he thinks that just because they also have international distribution that SHF, Figma and PAK have production runs as large as ML
My sides are in orbit.
I like how you're basically admitting MLs/BS/etc are able to look as nice as Japanese collector toys.
And it'd be nuts to say they aren't.
Yes, American companies do sell way more, hence having all the features collectors like.

Still, my point was that collector toys in the US can be complete copycats of Japanese lines and DCC/WB doesn't have international reach. Like Mcfarlane, they barely even get stuff to europoors. Whereas most Japanese lines have no problem getting stuff in the US. So there's no excuses as to why Japanese lines require you to spread your ass for them.

Speaking of which, i bet most of you are from mudhut countries, so you never pay American prices. For people not living in Japan or America, you're paying nearly the same price for an ML as a Mafex. You never get the benefit of enjoying super cheap prices for budget children toys that are nearly as good (or sometimes better) as toys that cost 3-5x more.

>audiophile fallacy and other dumb cope

Also, remember when you could buy Figmas on clearance for $20 at Targets? or Figuarts/RDs for $25-35 at TRUs? Obviously, those lines failed, because people didn't think they were worth it.
Even popular stuff aimed specifically at Americans, like TMNT went nowhere. Yet all the western brands have grown and other companies keep being added to the list of TMNT action figure licensors.

(ib4 anyone mentions that Japan does have cheap children toys that are well made and are pretty cheap, but they seem to purposely be dumbed down. Costs to make them better aren't $20 more, hence my belief the more expensive ones i've posted are purposely inflated like collector shit)
I'm still at a lost for words right now...
Thing is though Subby, those designs are fairly popular. Hell Todd is even redoing them again right now, Mafex redid them recently too. So, no it wasn't because people didn't want to buy toys of Snyderverse Batman and Superman, it was because that DC Direct's SHF knockoffs just weren't that good. I got to handle one in person, I was friends with the owner of my LCS, and no, it was not even close to SHF quality, and that's not saying much, SHF quality isn't amazing by any means, but it was certainly better than that crap.
It is price gouging, not due to a massive increase on labor costs and materials.
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>I like how you're basically admitting MLs/BS/etc are able to look as nice as Japanese collector toys
I didn't say that at all. 90% of Hasbro female figures look like trannies. Hasbro is aimed at the lowest common denominator poorfags that shop at Walmart.
>DCC/WB doesn't have international reach.
One of the world's largest media companies merchandising wing doesn't have international reach? Do you know how popular Batman toys are all over the planet?
I know I've called you retarded a few times already, but at this point, I am certain that the coathanger poked your brain out when you mother tried to abort you. Pic related is you.
I am also at a lost for words.
The majority of Americans shop at walmart. That's why it's so big. Are trying to pretend you're Richie Rich?
>shitty looking product
You're only calling it shitty for the price. If it was $10 you wouldn't be complaining. That's why your analogy doesn't make any sense.
This entire thread isn't about a newly revealed figure looking bad, it's about the price being too high (for you)
>needs to lie to have an argument
thank you for confirming you're butthurt, not just from japanese companies gaping you, but from me saying the truth.

Remember the Revoltech TMNT figures? Woof.
Not only did the prices turn off most collectors, but the engineering was awful. They had some really sweet sculpts though and i don't think anyone has released anything better, which is an oxymoron, huh?

BTW, are you even from the US? Because if you aren't, you really don't understand OP's perspective. We're the land of cheap toys and he's worried we won't be anymore. For people not in the US, as mentioned in the last post, you never got your toys for cheap unless they fell out of the back of a truck.

>those designs are fairly popular.
Clueless. Everyone of those bombed, hence no one ever expanded on character selection.
McFarlane is only doing them because he's seen success from the Batman movies figures and thinks he can do the same shit with Superman. Without a doubt, they'll be found at Ross like the Blue Beetle, Black Adam, and Flash movie shit.
I mean, fucking LOL, can you even remember that the synder movies were all shat on and considered box office disappointments? You might as well be telling me the Star War sequels are popular with fans too.

Again, if something did sell, like the western TMNT toylines, they'd have expanded on the line. Or like McFarlane continuing to make stuff from the old batman movies.
Why is there an anon here obsessing over butt sex? Is it his outlet for repressed desires?
We're not your therapists.
Subjectanon still crying about Bandai kek
The reason the majority of Americans shop at Walmart is because they are poor. This isn't the post WW2 period anymore. The golden years are over. America had its heyday, and has been in decline for decades.
And just because you are poor, doesn't mean you can't have dignity. You will save more money at Costco, and the membership fee helps filter out all the meth heads, Fentanyl Floyds, and third world wetbacks like Subby. Then you can spend the money you save on nice looking toys instead of Marvel trannies and Star Wars pajeetas.
Demand is too high for toys due to all the lunatic collectors who would pay double MSRP for something that costs less than half MSRP to make. Any noise companies make about cost issues are due to them not getting the same level of rapacious profits they are used to.
lmao what the fuck, why would dignity be paying a membership to buy slop in bulk? The only real boon places like costco have are nonperishables that would be worth buying in bulk and occasional deals, but you shouldn't do your grocery shopping there. Mostly high sodium, frozen junk and crap like that.I know they sell produce too but the value is almost never signifigant.
You get more value getting produce at a farmers market and using it through the week, and buy meat as needed. And while Wal-mart isn't the best quality, in a lot of areas the prices are competitive enough on the fresh food as to be worth it for most people.
I am not surprised the anons who are butthurt from being told that Japanese collector companies rape collectors in the ass by inflating their prices are foreigners.

I know education is bad in third world countries, but i didn't think it was that bad.

You shouldn't be so quick to shit on America, since America is why toys are still as cheap as they are. If companies like Hasbro are struggling to keep prices low, that means smaller companies like going to be hit twice as hard. This is why imports are already at $100 or near that price. Maybe you're not as materialistic as OP, so you can be fine buying half as many toys as you used to if prices go up to $130 for a 5.8" Figma or $100 for a Mafex.

Outside of the toy industry, everyone is basically reliant on America's influence and economy. If it falters even one bit, it spells doom for entire industries and some countries.
Maybe in 30-40 years someone will be able to reach America's level and it wouldn't spell immediate doom for billions if America falters, but until then, pray for the good health of Americans.
The price is high, not unaffordable. Clearly there is an upcharge for such a basic product. I don’t like being someone’s paypig, I don’t like being ripped off (like most collectors). The mindless drones will eat this figure up unfortunately, giving hasbro no real reason to improve on future products while raising the prices even higher. This has already been proven with their most recent releases, re-release of old bodies with no upgrade to articulation or body proportions, but with a much higher price tag.

I bring up the bag of shit because it seems these retards will pay for anything if it is within the branding. If the bag was decorated with art of marvel heroes and came with a BAF part, they would buy it.
Why do people talk about America like its some magic talisman rather than a superpower. How is it keeping the price of toys low? With magic? Explain the economic mechanism? By consuming toys in large quantities? Then all you need is more consumers elsewhere.
>I don’t like being ripped off (like most collectors).
That's what it means to be a collector. MSRP is always higher than the cost to manufacture. You're always being ripped off for profit.
I know I won’t be paying for figures at cost the company needs to make profit, but hasbro legends in particular seems to be gouging their consumers whether they are aware of it or not.
No one wants to write a thesis paper to explain it.
You should have paid attention in your economics class in HS, if not attended college.

For a simple tl;dr: demand in like 20 subcategories. Demand by consomers. Demand for resources. Demand for production. Demand for capital. Demand for workers. Demand for shipping. etc etc etc

It's a huge fucking list that all requires explanation and there's shit in addition to "demand" that is also important, but requires even more explanation.

And you can't create more consumers out of nowhere. You need ~10 years to grow that AND hope for the best.
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With inflation, this + 8 figures would be $114. Toy Biz had a bonus not needing to pay license fees but that's still almost half the cost of what Hasbro's charging, with other figures taken into account.
It's also about 6 inches smaller than Hasbro, which is significant, but hasbro's has almost minimal paint apps.
What am I getting at? I'm not entirely sure myself. I can both see why the price is what it is, but also think it's a bad deal overall.
China has grown quite a lot of consumers in the past 10 years
Current legends collectors wouldn't like that figure since to them it looks "dirty." They hate realism and paint and want shiny bare plastic happy meal toys.
> it looks "dirty."
it does though.
>The price is high, not unaffordable
Yeah. That why I've ordered 4. At the end of the day I want it. Unlike the Engine of vengeance which I didn't support and hasbro would have learned a lesson from that.
>This is why imports are already at $100 or near that price.
You are retarded. You can get Naruto SHFs on BBTS for $35. Other characters with a smaller production run are more expensive. Can you figure out why Naruto is cheaper? Can you grasp economies of scale yet?
And that's if you are stupid enough to pay the BBTS import tax. Buying Jap figures from Japan like anyone with a functioning brain does, even Figma and Revos, which have seen price rises drastically, are still below $100US.
>Outside of the toy industry, everyone is basically reliant on America's influence and economy
You overestimate your importance. This is why you got merced by a bunch of dune coons. Your influence at the behest of Israel only makes the world a worse place. The sooner Best Korea nukes northern Mexico and your smelly brown hands are turned to ash, the better.
That's the intent, because realism demands dirt and grime. Figures that simulate how something would look like in real life would need to look dirty.
>Are you suggesting TMNT fans are as a rule cheapskates? They weren't that expensive.
at he time, they absolutely were cheapskates, which is why the line ended up being discounted. Same with SHF TMNT, despite being the best classic turtles we've ever gotten, but sold poorly because they seemed like too much to collectors who nitpicked the heads
Irony is the Neca stuff will cost the same as those cost a few years ago(and be shittier)
Well you say that but it's a much cheaper deal going all in on a twofer when buying domestically, otherwise money is simply being left on the table.
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Still not up to the point of America.
Ask again in another 10 years, but that also means America has another 10 years of growth (or not).
Everything is so codependant on shit that you really can't just change things without it being catastrophic. Even a small country like Mexico or Spain fucking up can be pretty bad.

Did a quick google and i don't see an updated version for pic. I saw a 2022 report using the same stats, so maybe they haven't done an update for a while. I saw a few projections, but theyre only projections and also done before 2022.
If there's any changes to this chart, i doubt there'd be a difference more than in the single digits in the past 10 years. Maybe even shrinkage, given COVID and hard economic times affecting other nations more.

>cherrypicking the lowest prices to say prices are lower than they really are
>ignores all examples of import products that were being sold in the biggest retail stores in the US
>You overestimate your importance.
biggest oof.

BTW, are you the anon who used his implessive third worlder brain power to deduce I was mexican just because you saw hispanic names on that Medieval kickstarter?
Just wondering if there's one or two hilariously stupid retards on /toy/.
So you are dirty and covered in grime?
Checks out
Doesn't seem bad at all. The haslab sentinel was $350 vs $175 and only 3 1/2 inches taller. If your figures are $20-25 this is more than ok for something so large.

That said, if you're upset at the prices for 1/12 crap perhaps you should consider 1/18.
If I was fighting the X-Men I would be
>you should consider 1/18.
Action figures for ants
The funny thing is it's based on a single particular Sentinel
>uses BBTS prices when comparing import prices
are western collectors usually this retarded or
Isn't BBTS a scam like premium DNA?
>BTW, are you the anon who used his implessive third worlder brain power to deduce I was mexican
No, we can tell you are ESL because the grammatical mistakes you make are ones most commonly made by ESLs, such as unnecessary pluralizing words, and getting the tense wrong. Like how you used to complain about "articulations" and said "I'm at a lost for words" in this very thread. You are either Mexican or pajeet. You definitely aren't white.
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>you made a spelling mistake thus you're an ESL
Sure is third worlder thinking Americans are perfect, despite spending half the thread hating on America.
Mistakes are a diamond dozen, trash picker. Also, are you going to confirm whether you're the retard who thinks because a few hispanic names appeared in the KS, it means everyone who backed it is Mexican?

Of course, you're only nitpicking like this and saying "no u" because you want to draw attention away from the fact that Japan has always been overcharging for their collector stuff since the they noticed otaku will take it up the ass to have something made for them.
America has always been more fair with their pricing, actually giving you the most value for your money. Most countries want to imitate America because of their success, even China... but since they still hold their communistic basics, they made a ton of bad decisions and can't even go to war to take back what they keep pretending is rightfully theirs, because all their investments in other countries would go bad and their make believe economy would instantly crash, causing civil strife

In pic, you can instantly recognize the imports because of how wonky their proportions are and how poor the sculpt is on the Figuart. The most expensive are the worst looking ones too. Whereas the budget children's toy is the most acccurate and still very poseable, that can do 100% of the stuff you see in the movies.
$20 > $25 >>> $60 > $65

It's no wonder Bandai pulled waaaaay back on their planned Star Wars line, because STar Wars collectors didn't see the value in their overpriced figures.
Kaiyodo plain stopped after a point and never looked back, because no one wanted their shit.
>Mistakes are a diamond dozen
Is that what your mother told you when you asked her why she tried to abort you?
>Mistakes are a diamond dozen
Lmao. The phrase is "a dime, a dozen" you ESL retard.
I don't know if he's necessarily ESL. The mistakes he makes are more like a small child mishearing an adult say an idiom and repeating it. Think about the examples from this very thread; "I'm at a lost", "no nothing", "diamond dozen". Like he tenuously grasps the meaning of the idiom, but says the idiom wrong. I don't know if he does it on purpose because he thinks he's being cheeky, or if he's just genuinely stupid, either way, it doesn't really come off as ESL behavior, more like developmental disorder behavior.
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>DCC Bootleguarts
(A) they were official releases, from WB Consumer Products, the parent company of DC Direct/DC Essentials/DC Collectibles.
>You mean the line that sucked so hard it didn't even last two releases
(B) the DC Collectibles and DC Essentials line only ended because those lines themselves ended, it's like saying McDonald's discontinued McFlurries or McRibs - meaningless and stupid
>the company that made it went under?
(c) again, DC still exists and Warner Consumer Products still exists - all they did, post the ATT/Warner Media merger, was stop doing it in house AND outsourcing some of it to Mattel and others, BUT instead outsourced ALL toys to McFarlane and others. McFarlane still gets to use the DC Direct branding and could, if they wanted, use DC Collectibles or DC Essentials or anything else as well.
Just saw the series of familiar subby pics so took a quick glance. I am amazed he still goes on and on with the same materials some more than a decade old? TLDR but some of his points I never understand...

On about price gauging otakus, but he post toys that are aimed towards children. So the kids or their normie parents buy those, not otakus as targets.

Things fail because the figure was shit or too expensive? Nothing to do with oh I don't know, the IP sucks? Like SW having zero impact on China for example. You look at top grossing movies of Japan and the first Superhero movie is at 95th place or something and it was 2002 Spider-Man. Oh American IPs are done poorly or perform poorly in Japan but it's all the toy maker's fault?

Distribution numbers clearly affects the prices. Clearly. So small target group like the otaku obviously isn't mass produced like a ML, or even the kids toys there, there aren't as many kids! Famously! And even when a Japanese toy has some US distribution, that's still "some" extra, not like in the same level as the Hasbro figures. Maybe the modern 3, 4000 yen SHFiguarts get to that number, you know, made by the biggest Japanese toy company using the biggest IPs' main characters. Only then a better quality figure is close to price to the American market's standards? Yeah how dare all those other smaller companies not do the same thing with less popular characters.

Anyways, I think the reasoning for the prices are clear cut. I don't care if subby went into details somewhere answering these not reading and tracking all of these.
gouging I mean.
>Ignoring being called an ESL retard to reiterate a point you made two days ago
You scared subby?
Oh, he's definitely got a developmental delay disorder, but it's not just that. He used to constantly complain about "articulations" on certain figs, and he would keep making that mistake even after being corrected. That was when I started to think he is probably ESL.
His hyperpatriotism reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons when Apu is trying to avoid being deported and speaks like an American. Even full blown patriots on /pol/ don't sound as forced as he does. It really comes off as a refugee that is grateful for his life in America.
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>i can't believe someone keeps saying 2+2=4
Yeah, i know it's hard to believe what was true yesterday is still true today. Hence Japanese collector companies still gouging their customers.
It's funny you bring up IPs failing, yet some retards tried to say that the Man of Steel toys failed only because DCD sucked, yet ignores the movie was considered a disappointment, badly reviewed, and all toylines about it dropped fast.
At the same time, TMNT licenses have been a massive success for NECA, Playmates, Loyal Subjects, and a couple of others, yet bombed hard for Kaiyodo and Bandai, despite being picked up major retailers in the US. Even NECA couldn't get that level of support until years later.
Same thing with other western properties like Star Wars, WWF, and Harry Potter. And despite big support in the US, their prices were actually higher than toylines like DBZ... which also had and stilll has major retail support in the US.

So like the other third worlders, your'e revealing you're not American. Or maybe just a loser NEET who's never left his home? You don't sound retarded, but you're massively ignorant.

I mean, i get it, foreigners just don't understand what it's like to pay so little for action figures that are almost as good (and sometimes better) as Japanese collector lines that cost 2-5x more. American companies just have higher standards overall.
pic is a $10 American budget actoin figure for kids vs a $16 premium Japanese action figure for kids

You're talking to a 3rd worlder, who doesn't even understand the diamond dozen/doggy dog world memes, and you expect them to understand how businesses work? They're not educated and are basically trolling this thread right now because they're upset someone told them that toy companies aren't supposed to rape your ass.
It's shocking how fanboys are so quick to defend rape. IT's almost an oxymoron that they'er so upset over me, despite being so butthurt. Maybe I don't butthurt them enough.
>diamond dozen/doggy dog world memes,
I swear to God you're doing it on purpose. It's "dog eat dog world" and a diamond dozen refers to diamonds being used in the making of diamond drillbits, look it up. You're doing literally the same thing I would do when I was 6.
>people don't get my 2007 Reddit memes that I use to prove I'm an oldfag
All it proves is that you do have a developmental delay.
Now explain to the class why you used to pluralize "articulation" like you were an ESL...
>posting 12 year old toys as a gotcha
The funniest thing is this guy isn't even American himself. The entire thread is a LARP.
>no nothing
>I'm at a lost
>Diamond dozen
>Doggy Dog World
You literally can't even make this shit up.
Love it when weeaboos can't defend bending over for Japanese companies gauging their customers and can only attack me by saying I'm a retarded third worlder like themselves.

Pic of how a Chinese company wanted to imitate Japan by raping their customers, but had to halve their prices, because westerners aren't that happy in getting ass raped. Lots of Joytoy's figures were found on clearance for over a year thanks to fans rejecting their prices.
Of course, China isn't even half the quality as Japanese lines, so their figures are brittle and use lower end paints.
warhammer products have literally always raped their consumers you would know this if you knew literally anything about games workshop subby
I'm sorry, but when you make so many mistakes like >>11206847 I can't take you seriously.
>can only attack me by saying I'm a retarded third worlder like themselves
But you aren't like me. I'm white.
other anon here
WH40K JoyToy stuff looks good but I prefer bigger figures. McFart figures scale well with 1/12 stuff I have (I mean only Space Marines figures, Genestealers and Necrons, the rest of his toyline is questionable scalewise)
I don't lurk 40K general, sad to hear you anons have "general schizo". Many such cases.
>developmental disorder
Definitely something with a name. I really like to know what it's called, because otherwise a normal person can't keep coming back saying the same shit getting corrections and countered by dozens of people every time and don't get bothered because of the mentality "they must be all wrong because I'm always right". What is that? Funny thing is I know some of his crap he picks up from anons telling him he's wrong or outdated. I taught him about the existence of RKF for sure, all he had was stupid Disk Wars before then. But he takes that and warps the little facts he knows for his weird narrative. Which are mostly pretty much apples and oranges type of comparisons. Now RKF is his one of regulars to this day like it's some kind of trophy. I don't even remember what that was about. I'm sure most are like that and not firsthand experience. Some kind of extreme selective memory where anything negative is forgotten. When anons stop talking about the toys he takes it as a victory, even though what needed to be said were said and simply stopped because it is like talking to a wall. Personal attacks are taken as "they can't disprove me" and the cycle starts all over.
>"they must be all wrong because I'm always right"
That's definitely some kind of narcissism.
No matter how many times you shill DCC's dead lines, it doesn't change the fact they were shit even at $30. Same goes for DC Icons, hence why it failed as a line. Just like how you're a failure at life too, you sad sack of shit.
Fucking kek. I remember when he used to genuinely believe that "delusionment" was a real word.
One thing is clear: we need more threads like this to act as containment for Subjectautist so he can keep his stupidity in one place while putting his retardation on full display. Fucker just can't resist coming back for more even when he's beaten down, like a battered wife.
I don't know how he keeps coming back. If I knew an entire community genuinely thought I was retarded and tried to laugh me out of the room any time I posted, I'd probably try going somewhere that I felt welcome. Is it a complete lack of shame and self awareness, or is it because he has nowhere else left?
Probably no self awareness. He thinks people are laughing with him, not at him.
All of the above. Since he has nowhere else to go it's clear that he also craves the attention, especially when he's previously acted proud about being hit on by gay men, obviously not realizing how it makes him sound like a faggot.
You can easily course correct this but it has to be done at an industry level by first getting rid of all DEI/ESG. The amount of money hemorrhaged by Marvel/Hasbro by stuff like the Eternals and Dr Strange MoM, the TV shows full of DEI civilians sitting on the shelf is mind-blowing. Millions of figures nobody will buy from series nobody is gushing over. You can't find Deadpool Wolverine but you sure as hell can find American Chavez and Agent Wu or We Wuz Kangz on the pegs at Walmart for $24 AND Ollie's for $9.99.

You can't recoup losses like that without pushing prices through the roof and expecting collectors to pick up the bill. Do I want to pay $25 for another Brother Voodoo or Moon Knight to complete my Blackheart BAF when they were $14 a few years ago? No, but someone has to pay for the failed ESG choices and hires within Marvel/Disney/Hasbro. You want cheaper figures you get rid of DEI and you lower gas/oil/transportation prices. Everything else takes care of itself. I only mention oil prices because everything has gone up in price because of how much it costs to power the boats, planes, and trucks that bring us our products including action figures. ESG/DEI has more weight than transportation prices right now, that's how bad it's gotten.
Ooof, the third worlders started turning the thread into a butthurt support group.

None of that matters

COVID fucked up the supply chain and prices never went back down, and since stockholders demand that revenue/profits always go up, that means any new bump in the road will add up costs. They're not absorbing hits like they used to.
From 2014-2021, MLs were at $19.99 despite costs increasing. Not since the 90s did we not see such a length of time of no price increases. In the collectors realm, we saw companies like NECA, McFarlane, Kaiyodoi, Good Smile, etc increase their prices for every bump. And that's actually normal, since they're not large companies and can't absorb hiccups.

Only way to drive prices down is by not buying new shit. Given how the butthurt support group rallies around defending toy companies overcharging them, that's not going to happen.

What's going to happen is that fans will silently slink away, as they slowly can no longer afford to buy new toys and their interest in toys will wane. Toy companies will produce fewer toys, which we've been seeing for the past 4 years now, and prices will still increase, to make up for that losses in buyers. So toy companies revenue may increase or just hold steady, but they'll definintely see the market shrinking.
What their long term plan to turn things around is, who knows.
Your dad thinks you are a disappointment and your mom is a coal burner. Go back to dressing up like a little girl, faggot, and remember to bark for your master.
Supply chain issues are done, that was a tiny bump in the MASSIVE Blackrock/Vanguard stock market push for DEI in manufacturing, all industry. Is there an issue with getting natural gas to cracking plants to make action figure plastic? Are shipping companies somehow held back through covid regulations and no new figures are appearing on the shelves?

No. All those issues ended years ago. What we have now is an administration that is pushing equity and diversity into every manufacturing company because they are joined with Larry Fink of BlackRock manipulating the stock market to basically force DEI initiatives. What you get are employees lacking any sort of skill and are hired solely to check a box on race and gender.

So now not only are the employees lacking in skill but the decisions they make are harming the company. From a design and manufacturing standpoint the decisions are costing every industry hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue. But the CEOs of these companies are still getting their kickback from Black Rock while quality and production suffer along with prices doubling to recoup the losses. Design teams are feeling the bite as well as more and more unqualified de hires are inserted lowering standards.

There's no excuses anymore. No supply chain problems, no foreign wars or Russian agent interventions. It's all on the backs of companies to wake up and stop the dei insanity before more jobs are lost and more product sits unsold on the shelves. Of course we can say no we're not going to buy anything. We can tell everybody things are too expensive and we will not pay those prices. But the CEOs of these giant corporations still get paid by this huge equity firm run by a little Jewish guy who thinks it's cool to blow money and watch people suffer because of it.
What collector site isn't a scam really? Even amazon is scamming customers these days with algorithmic pricing.
>algorithmic pricing
So if you just bought cheaper things wouldn't it lower?
The prices are the same for everyone, not customized to you, the algorithms just adjust up the prices for things that are seeing a lot of demand, making figures people actually want abnormally expensive.
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>Supply chain issues are done
point is that prices never went down after supply issues were over. So any problems we've gotten later are going to add to already high prices.

The DEI shit you're talking about is the bump in the road, which is magnified by COVID-era inflation and cost increases. And yes, it's a bump in the road, because it's nothing but a stupid fad that we always get over. IT's no worse than the parental groups from the 80s and then all the stupid educational shit from the 90s and 00s.

If anything, fads like Funko trash hit us worse. See also the hipstershit fad from the late 00s, like pic related. Unlike the Star Wars sequels, trash like this affected multiple properties, all stores tried to jump on the hype train, and we're still seeing the ramifications from toy stores switching their entire business model to carry this shit. They'll eventually change, if they don't go out of business...

Whereas the early 20s cost increases is the NEW normal and there's no going back.
>That never happened.
I don't see you proving it, fatso
>to make up for that losses in buyers
There it is. Pluralizing words that don't need to be pluralized.
You really are an ESL.
The prices aren't being adjusted for each person, that would break several FTC and other laws, at least in the USA (and it's probably far more severe in the EU).

However, WHAT you are SHOWN and what you are told is available, unless you want to spend the time digging and making sure, which most lazy sods won't waste time doing, IS definitely customized to you.

So maybe they aren't offering you the best price on say Toy A, that is available, not necessarily that they are jacking up the prices specifically to you.
Well I think most dedicated collectors know what they want from manufacturer product reveals and search specifically for it or use direct links to it.
>ESL who is proud of his third worlder english courses he spent 10 seashells for every week, because he thinks he blends in with American message boards with his "perfect" English
>sticks out like a sore thumb to Americans because only ESLs give a shit about 1800s English rules that wanted to be more like the stubborn French language
Do you even have anything to say about toys? Because it sounds like you want to avoid acknowledging the fact that Japanese collector lines fuck their collectors up the ass and you're proof that you need to defend how wide they gape your asshole.
What's the excuse for this toy being almost twice as expensive as an ML, despite having less articulation and way more simplistic paint? This toy isn't even 3x better than the candy toys that cost 3x less.

Japan is already at the point that OP fears and it's no wonder that most people who import regularly sell off their figures, because otherwise they couldn't afford this hobby.
This is where I'm at, basically.

I don't mind going all in on figures, because when I do it's usually something I'm already hyped up about. What aggravates me is when I get it and it's a piece of shit that had no QC. Hasbro burned me twice with the ZAP megazord and fine. Fuck me. SHould have known with hasbro.

But even my jap figures are coming in with misaligned mouths. The fuck.
You seem really triggered by anons calling you an ESL. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
That's from Hamlet. I don't think they teach Shakespeare at Boyle Heights Continuation High School, Jose, so I thought I would explain it to you.
>almost twice as expensive as an ML
Apparently their math curriculum isn't very good either.
Let's discuss toys then. Is it true that you found a way to insert a fleshlight into your Rancor?
Western toys are shit other than Jada. Jada is the cheapest and the best sculpted and engineered by a long mile. Japanese toys are overpriced but you absolutely can wait for a discount and all of the sudden youll only be paying 10 bucks more for an import that is just lightyears superior to western slop in every regard. Western figures are so fucking overpriced other than Jada. Such a shit industry that I hope implodes so more passionate Jada like companies can take their place.
In Australia I literally need to pay 60 bucks for a shitty black series with 1 accessory and no extra hands + 20 shipping if I cant find it in stores when I can preorder a new figuarts or figma for 70 bucks and split the 20 dollar international shipping in half by ordering two figures at once.
When you arent American and thus need to import both western toys and Asian toys, the price difference really isnt there especially considering how astronomically superior Asian toys are to Western toys.
China also has plenty of cheap 20 dollar range lower quality toys you can buy that nonetheless still blow any western toy out of the water. Western toys are shit and overpriced for what they are and OP is right you may as well spend the 10% extra to get a far superior asian import.
>dedicated collectors k
I don't disagree you with - not even just dedicated collectors, but anyone who cares. I'm needing replacement cutting blocks and shaver foils for my Braun electric razor and stuck having to get KO parts from Crapazom. But the buyer I bought from before apparently no longer exists and Bezo's fucking algorithm is suggesting everything and anything that has nothing to do with my specific brand, so I wasted 30+ minutes and still don't have my replacement blades, which I know they have since Amazon.CA coughs them up, but I can't get that page to load in .COM.

Direct links do help, but it's also a hassle. McFarlanes are almost all dead except for BBTS and EE, even if those tell you 'sold out.' I assume other manufacturers are no better (e.g. Jada, NECA, Hasbro, etc.). You shouldn't need direct links for Amazon, the exact description should work BUT DOESN'T.
MAFEX Sentinel when?
4400 yen is $29.
How the fuck is that twice as expensive as a ML? You do know that's it's 2024 and any ML other than the shit at Ollie's is $25 now, right? What fucking year are you trapped in?
It's a shitty example to begin with, because for slightly more yen you can get the SH Figuarts of Gavv. But that ruins his argument about it being worse than a ML (but kid's toy ver. is more on par really). He cherry picks his examples to force his views so that's why they are such weird ones. Mostly the infrequent occasions Japanese companies decides to give some crap about Western properties which seems to be the greatest crime of all time.
Jada is only slightly better than MLs though and their price reflects that.
Not even shitting on Jada, just repeating the fact that western toy companies are giving you more value for your money. So i don't understand the criticism for other western lines, when they're all pretty good value for their price, albiet getting too high for our comfort.

foreign countries are shit that can't produce anything of value, hence their reliance on America and Japan. You view point is worthless because of how fucked over your country is.

You're stuck paying $60 for budget children toys because your country wants to protect domestic goods, yet no one produces any domestic goods of value because you guys have no talent and everything is too costly to even produce shit.
And where are all the European action figure companies? Nowhere, because they also have worthless policies. Fucking South America has more action figure companies than all of the eastern hemisphere that isn't asia.

Learn how to read.
It's $29 to US consumers who are paying with their mighty American dollar. To Japanese consumers, who are paid in their weak yen, they're paying ¥4400, which is roughly $40 . That is very expensive for them, and is a huge jump from where they were in the 10s (pic related).
I've been talking about how Japanese nerd companies fuck over their otaku because they learned they'll stretch their assholes with every new announcement for overpriced goods. They also noticed that nerds abroad will pay that price too, hence exporting their goods at near 1:1 conversion despite their yen being weak for 20 years. Obviously, they've had mixed results, with various lines bombing and losing support from major retailers. So they remain relatively niche, while western collector lines have gained more support

Also, i like how these figures were 100 yen cheaper from ones that came out a few months later. The Japanese economy is rough as fuck.
Are DVDs like massively expensive in Japan?
Funny he shit talks on the latest Kamen Rider Action Figure line, when they're budget S.H. Figuarts and far more superior to the American toys in terms of being action figures. The elbows and knees range are slightly lesser than Figuarts and the black weapons are bad but nothing uncommon to American toys too.

They're nothing alike, over double the price is appropriate even if the Gavv figures were made then. Pick toys you know about pal.
its 175. Tax + free ship. Pay next year. Whats the problem? Save now.
>Whats the problem? Save now goyim!
>Jada is only slightly better than MLs
You obviously don't play with your toys because jada figures absolutely MOG in terms of articulation. Steet fighter anatomy is way better too.
Even Rocco the great thinks the sentinel and the haslab are great and he hates everything hasbro.

Your edge lordness is done.
Go back to /pol/ nobody cares.

Preordering Mondo Venom for kicks and I'm not even jewish. Be sad you're poor and you are garbage at negotiating better pay at your job.
>Jada and ML are competitors?
The guy who runs Jada's megaman and street fighter is a huge fan of ML. You're trying to create a war that there is none.
You're trying to be a social media influencer right here trying to tell us there's no value in the sentinel, Edge Lord.

Go cry back to your castle. Hasbro did right on this. It was cheaper than Giantman who is about to ship.
if only chungusfurry could afford to buy his own toys
theres only one rocco in the toy community, and its rocco botte bitches.
Rocco is one major faggot. He’s trying to achieve a good relationship with hasjew so he can get early review samples.
>It's $29 to US consumers who are paying with their mighty American dollar. To Japanese consumers, who are paid in their weak yen, they're paying ¥4400, which is roughly $40 .
That's not how it works, because that still means that the Japanese with their weak yen have to pay 3800¥ for a ML. So no matter how you want to twist it, that figure isn't nearly twice as expensive as a ML.
Maybe you would understand if you weren't an ESL with brain damage and a ghetto education.
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The punchline is that subjectautist hasn't really bought many figures (if at all) in the last couple of years so his talking points are all just hot air and generic claims. Best of all, he always bitches and moans every time this is brought up as a way to deflect how he constantly injects himself into a hobby that he rarely ever participates in. It's like a pretentious foodie who doesn't even fucking eat and just yaps about food all day.
this is what happens anon, when you talk shit about rocco botte, you get banned.
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I have no idea how you got any of that from what i said, so i think you might need medication.

>That's not how it works
You think a Japanese mcdonalds worker is going to get paid more just because the yen is now weaker than the US dollar?
That ¥2300 toyline he loved from 5 years ago is now ¥4400. How do you think he's enjoying his toy hobby when McDonalds is only paying him ¥1,550 an hour, which is ¥100 more than last year thanks to his raise?

Japanese companies just like fucking collectors in the ass. MLs haven't increased in price this crazily, only by 20% in the same time frame (and even ten years). Not double. Sucks that the yen is weaker, but that's not Hasbro raising their prices, whereas Japan companies do increase their price extremely for one thing but not the other. Why's that? For some reason, candy toys (and the lower end figures) are nowhere near as expensive.

Funny how VHS (and BETA) used to be hugely expensive in America too. OF course, in America, they realized they could make way more money by selling a billion copies at a cheaper price instead of a thousand at a higher price. Japan? Oh, what's the fun in not fucking their otaku? Guilt trip them into paying more to support a series, to prove they're real fans.
VHS/DVD market used to be massive in the US, btw. It turned mediocre box office movies into super profitable franchises and popular movies' sales led to invincible pedo-kings. Shit like The Land Before Time got like a million sequels that were funded purely from home sales.
Streaming killed all that. Or rather, greedy movie companies fucked themselves over.
So bring back dvds after most streaming is dead?
executives admitting they're fucking up? hilarious.

What next? otaku and weeaboos saying they think getting fucked in the ass isn't fair?
You pic brings back so many memories.
TRU Japan was such a nice place until Amazon Japan and other online retailers killed it.
Didn't help they were always overpriced too.

Currently, it's cheaper to buy ML on Amazon USA (paid with US$) and have it shipped to me in Japan.

In regards to screwing over the fans, it doesn't help that when there are events, demand is 4x higher than supply, they resort to the lottery system and charge whatever they want....
(I tried to get USJ One-Piece live show and Sanji's restaurant tickets for my son. Damn near impossible...)
>You think a Japanese mcdonalds worker is going to get paid more just because the yen is now weaker than the US dollar?
Do you think Hasbro or BBTS is going to sell ML to Japanese customers for cheaper just because the yen is weaker?
That figure still isn't nearly twice as expensive as a ML. No amount of you twisting facts will change that. Keep writing essays to prove how retarded you are.
It amuses me when you guys spend entire threads in daisy chain conversations and then throw out 'so and so' is subjectautist or subjectanon since that's been typed as the only response to something I wrote, and I had no fucking idea what y'all were going on about.

You can tell from pictures and yes sometimes by how someone types or word choices they make or written language mistakes who people are, but someone of you feel like stalkers, paranoid delusional shit posters, and like you're back in grade school, in your home room, arguing with the same four kids on your block.
If you don't know who subjectanon is you need to simply lurk moar. We used to have a decorum on this website where you lurked for a sufficient time to learn the culture and lore around here before you posted. Whatever happened to that?
Subby doesn't post in every thread, so it's easy to dodge him if you only collect Figma or Revos, for example.
As long as someone gets the culture, I can forgive them for not knowing who notorious shitposters are. In fact, I envy anyone who has never encountered Subjectanon. Blessed are the blind, for they know not enough to ask why.
'someone of you'
Ugh, even I've learned to recognize this jeetspeak.
Do not redeem
Good animation is dead in the US because 3D and tweening is much easier.
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>ignores the fact that Japanese lines still cost more
It's obviously the distributors are taking advantage, not Hasbro. Shit like BS and MLs are considered "kidult" now, when they were considered kiddy shit just a couple of years ago. Prices were basically 1:1 conversion rate before, like Japan does with us, taking into account the conversion fee.
Again, these labels are to justify higher prices, while the actual kiddy shit hasn't shifted in price like the collector shit does. So again, why does kiddy shit prices remain flat? Transformers, Jurassic World, and other American brands are basically 1:1.

And as another anon said, it's cheaper to buy certain lines from the US now AFTER shipping for shit like MLs.

Stop defending rape.

They're butthurt third worlders who can't actually defend having their asses gaped, so they're just throwing out any insults now.

Funny thing is, I generally say nothing about Figma because they're actually good. So when i post, no one gives a shit, because I'm positive.

Revoltechs and Figuarts? Oof... i used to criticize them back when they still produced great stuff. Why'd i criticize them? Because they started to cheap out, so they slowly became worse and worse. I stopped giving a shit about Revoltechs when it was just Yamaguchi's trash sculpts. And with Figuarts, i stopped paying attention about 4 years ago when the engineering became awful. So i know almost nothing about them now, aside from the fact that they're still fucking over their customers by overcharging them.

... and that isn't to say i won't buy a Figuart here and there, because sometimes the retarded engineering is somewhat hidden. pic contains the last figuart i bought, right next to the William Stout book in the middle.
>Funny thing is, I generally say nothing about Figma because they're actually good
Lmao Figma is easily the most generic imo. They do some good stuff, but I've been more impressed by other companies, even Bandai.
>bought the most universally despised SHF of the last few years for rape prices at SDCC
The only thing you prove with your posts is your level of mental disability.
Figma is the only one that consistently gets anime figures right, even if more realistic characters from games and live action can drop the ball.
>It's obviously the distributors are taking advantage, not Hasbro.
Buy ML from BBTS: $25 = 3800¥
Buy ML from Amazon: $25 = 3800¥
Buy ML from Hasbro Pulse: $25 = 3800¥
But it's the distributors taking advantage? Despite the fact that $25 on Hasbro Pulse still converts to 3800¥ at today's exchange rate?
>And as another anon said, it's cheaper to buy certain lines from the US now AFTER shipping for shit like MLs.
I've been using the fucking US RRP converted to yen this whole fucking time, you fucking dense cunt.
Jada is cheaper than ML and infinitely better in anatomy sculpt and joint placement + cuts. The difference is night and day. It just shows how little of a shit most other western companies give when they can't even get the anatomy and joint setups right which doesnt even cost extra money to improve.
The only thing thats good value with western toys are the heads with their photoreal tech. Star Wars Black series is the worst offender where they usually give you just the figure and a single fucking accessory.
If thats subby theres something surprisingly comfy knowing he doesn't have any gripe with Figma.

The generic anime girl is so lame sentiment evaporated immediately when I took one second to look at the "alternatives" and realized Figuarts to this very day cant get anime faces right lmao. Figma made it seem so easy its easy to forget they were the only ones who could do the figures they do until very recently when the Chinese of all people finally stepped up to the same level with all these Snail Shell and Hasuki releases.
>The reason the majority of Americans shop at Walmart is because they are poor. This isn't the post WW2 period anymore. The golden years are over. America had its heyday, and has been in decline for decades.

I hate to agree but you're right. Most of us are poorer in real spending terms. What else could be the result of sending jobs to brown countries while importing as many brown people as possible? There's been a growing class divide and most people that think they're middle class are in reality on the upper edge of the poor side of a massive canyon. That's why all of these retailers have shut down, it's so fucking difficult to start a small business, and scams seem like the only way to get ahead. We're toast until we seriously push back against these forces that are fucking us raw.
>completely ignore Japanese shipping prices when comparing to BBTS prices
Are eastern collectors usually this retarded? Yeah, seems so.
Never said they were outright bad, just that otehr companies feel a bit higher quality than they do. Granted, I haven't gotten a figma since the MHA guys.
Gasp, oh no, 200 freedumb bucks, for a figure over 10 times bigger than my $20 kids toy. It should only be $75 max because I'm a struggling teen collector and can't afford this hobby I just picked up. Waaaaaahhh.
There's lots of us that don't live in America so shipping from BBTS would be the same as any other import store.
Too many people make too many 'exceptions ' for figures they think are too expensive but buy them anyway due to whatever reason. A desired character, fomo, impression others are ok with the price so they should be too, a momentary lapse in judgment, or many such things. This lets manufacturers get away with over all higher prices.
I just want to remind you that you're getting this mad over toys.
FOMO is very much a real thing. Some things skyrocket in price on the aftermarket.
That doesn't mean to listen to the fomo

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