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Why did this characters original figure make boomers piss their pants with excitement back when they were kids? Did alot of people even watch the holiday special cartoon when it aired back then and introduced robert feet?
Are zoomers incapable of controlling their bodily functions? They are always assuming other generations couldn't, so I have to wonder if the only basis of thought they have is their own inability to not soil their pants.
He had rizz.
Remember that time the family whos kid died on that battlestar galactica toy that got the boba fett missile feature to be pulled wrote that really weird letter to mattel over the battlestar galactica missile?

Seriously, what the fuck did they mean by this?
>shaped like a penis, which entices children to put it in their mouths
I laughed harder than expected.
have you ever considered that they mighta just thought he looked cool?
>Why did this anime original figure make zoomers piss their pants with excitement back when they were kids? Did alot of people even watch the cartoon made by pedophiles when it aired back then and introduced ching chong ding dong?
No no, it will be skibidi toilet, not anime. Anime is millennial.
Hardly anyone ever saw that travesty, they only aired it once.

Mysterious dude in cool armor stands around, talks back to Vader and then catches the indestructible good guys.

Only a idiot would wonder why people like him
Sounds like a little skibidi kino to me.
>really weird letter
That's no letter, that's the complaint filed with the court
Whether this is better or worse is up to you
Wasn't it Gen X?
Boomer means any one in their 30s and up to the little zoomies.
Not the literal baby boomers conceived from the large mass of soldiers returning from WW2 that came to prominence in the 60s
>Only a idiot would wonder why people like him

This. OP confirmed zoomer.
>Mysterious dude in cool armor
That was it. Disney having Mandalorians everywhere has made the mythos to be worthless.

It used to refer to baby boomers, or the post-WW2 kids generally born in the late 1940s/1950s. Retards who got a "quality" education by trannie and black teachers re-interpreted it to a new definition.
It's a meme, you dip.
The left can't meme. That's why you have to borrow a pre-existing term that belongs to your grandparents.
Zoomers will be 30 next year tho lol. Gen Alpha be looking at zoomers like they old men now.
Hopefully, one day you’ll realize that you’re just as stupid as the other side but, by then it will be too late to work together to do anything about your mutual oppression.
'It's a meme, you dip' is itself a meme.
I've been calling myself a 40 year old boomer for so long, I forgot when it started.
That site went to absolute shit since last I visited about a decade ago. The wiki was always superior (rip).
Top notch ads tho.
The whole internet has gone to shit in the last decade or so. I mainly use kym to find memes that I've downloaded from various boards but am too lazy to search through my folders to find.
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I know it's difficult for young people to conceive of, but St*r W*rs was once a well-regarded franchise that children were excited to partake of. Given the last decade I can understand why this claim invites skepticism.
Check how much of Disney and Microsoft is owned by Black Rock. It's always been a set up. Israel is coming for your land.
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The figure had a jet pack and rocket built in, is it really so difficult to understand why a kid may want to play with it?
You didn't notice the irony in using meme in the new definition rather than the original meaning in this post, did you?
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--Remember its 1st airing. I was pretty damn excited, but had a massive headache / fever.
--Wanted to know who the weird guy was talking to Vader.
--Later, toy packages made it more mysterious, me peeling off the sticker on the back of the card to see the original missile-firing art.
--Later, that cartoon look was revisited in the Droids cartoon.
What were in those boxes anyways?
>back pack
for sandwiches and such?
A merc's gotta eat
Nothing. Those boxes were printed with the wrong name on them - originally, Return of the Jedi was known as 'Revenge of the Jedi', and those boxes were printed in advance for the inevitable movie merch. When the film's final name was announced, all of the boxes had to be destroyed and new ones made with the proper name printed on them.
...who the fuck would write this?
>Seriously, what the fuck did they mean by this?
It reads like vintage /b/ pasta.
He was the original cool background guy. He kind of sucked and he didn't really do much in the actual source material but he looked cool and it isn't like most of our dads/grandads got to see the movies multiple times in the pre-VHS era to bring down their imagined version of the character. It is like how kids back in my day were all about Darth Maul and General Grievous despite how shitty they were in their movies.
Star Wars was really popular and Boba Fett was a cool looking new character with like a jetpack that shoots a missile, so people were excited for him. Empire didn't really let down on him either. He bests Han Solo, the coolest character in Star Wars, and leaves the movie on a huge cliffhanger. Also the cartoon that introduces him from the holiday special is easily the best part of that holiday special, and he's cool as fuck in it.
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We were about Grievous because of the cartoon, an interesting case where he was oversold as such a badass in the two months before the film that they told the Clone Wars crew to tone him down -because- of how much shit he was going to suck in the movie.
Grevious was cool in the movie fuck you

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