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Give me your best Zombie/Undead girl toys.
She keeps tempting me but I do not need a titty figure like that in my life
I'll never hear the end of it
The Hot Topic variant of this is tempting me, but I don't think it's worth $100.
>I wanna fuck a rotting corpse!
Of all "monstergirl" enthusiasts, zombie fags are the strangest to me
We’re not imagining the smell and most of them aren’t really rotting.
Also vamps and mummies don’t get the same derision even thought they’re also dead and based on dead body’s appearances
you don't need any kind figure in your life
>"You're everything I've ever longed for, anon! I will LITERALLY give my left arm for you!"
She doesn't look rotten, a lot of them Chinese zombies are depicted as recently dead

Nothing a heating stick can't fix I guess
Says you
And a pomade.

…wait. I know we get all the cool zombiegirl figures coming up soon, but where's the plant girl figures to fight them with?

C'mon, who wouldn't wanna play a sexier Plants Vs. Zombimbos?
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I really want the bloody one personally, but probably won't be able to donate to the kickstarter in time.
If I liked Hexa Gear more I'd deffo grab the zombie girls.
>where's the plant girl figures to fight them with?
If only Bandai wasn't so inept at handling the Digimon license.
her design checks my boxes for toy design. Flat feet, instead of heels, and bulky forearms. And unlike >>11207031 her ass is on her legs instead of that stupid plate us americans won't stop utilizing for some reason. So I'm buying her for coom, but MAINLY because it's a cool toy
Beautiful as she is, she's more human than plant. Gimme those alraunes whose lower halves are just big flowers, give me plantgirl figures with tentacle-arms that can flex and retain their shape to emulate the Tangle Kelp!

...ah, those unholy thoughts about Peashooters are flooding back. Two Peashooters to deal with Grisa, please!
With vamps I get it because they're extremely lively and rarely depicted as decomposed. Mostly just pale people to the point they can often trick humans into thinking they're alive. Bitch in the OP literally has an arm off though.

See above, she's so decayed her arm fell off. And this one >>11207031 has chunks out of her.
First I've seen of her. Is she part of some sort of titty monster girl line, or something?
Just a solo figure by Snail Shell. At least from what I've seen, they haven't done any other monster girls or horror stuff outside of a "Pumpkin Princess"
Is this what you want, you sick fuck!?(I'd buy one)

She'd be a brick overall down there unless the flowers were modular or something, but it'd be damn fun to get one made that somehow defies the odds to be super-posable (and customizable. Imagine a line of flower-based girl figures with swappable leaves and flowers).
Like, if you think about it long enough, most figure-makers are missing out on the possibility of creating a super-articulated figure with only a single set of "legs" that somehow can twist around for some really dynamic poses, like mermaid or naga-women.

A hypothetical alraune figure could be great for this sort of line, especially if it follows the criteria I mentioned above (has a lot of customization options). Hell, you could pull a LEGO Botanical Collection and release multiple Alraune base bodies with multiple customization packs (sold as seed packets, lol) in waves, so you can hook buyers of all demographics into buying them!

(...that and also some sexy Peashooters. I've seen some really depraved transformation art out there and I wanna see someone making some lewd Peashooters as actual figures.)

...wait this is a zombie thread. Right, back on topic:
What if: mushroom zombie girls? Like, imagine if there were accessory packs that let you convert preexisting action figures into plant zombies/fungus zombies. Wouldn't that be amazing? (And a bit hard to implement admittedly. Stick to a 1/12 scale here.)
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They've done a succubus too
> shf
But have they done any cute zombimbos yet?

it's just the mentally ill shill with a hate boner for snail shell
> shf
But have they done any cute zombimbos yet?

Go away, brandwarfag.
This schizo tried the same shit with Figma last year. He is likely the same schizo hating figuarts because the Berserk figuarts he hyped up as the Figma killers turned out to be utterly dogwater worst figures of the year material.
Now he is trying to hype figuarts as a Snail Shell killer which is just laughable seeing that if anything is as good or better than Figma, its Snail Shell.
He spent so long trying to get the shf thread to shit on the figma thread and vice versa but ended up giving up and seething 24/7 in the shf thread, and constantly bringing up how much he hates shf in other threads.
I can't wait for Snails Shells clear supremacy to further buck break him. At this point he will run out of import lines to compare shf with and will stoop to hate bonering Jada or something. The funniest part is even against Jada, shf isn't guaranteed to have the superior products fucking kek.
Yeah the schizo is a schizo because he spreads both anti and dickriding rhetoric on shf but theres obviously several other shf anons who ceaselessly shill for that low effort line and do immediate damage control for the inevitable dozens of issues that surface after each wave ships.

if she came with an alternate, tamer, chest plate I'd have bit day one.

but even upon my legions of scantily clad girls, those tits are just too far. I can't justify having that on my shelf
Original poster, this is honestly that's a great idea. I'd love a version that lets you swap chests. Have a more normal, presentable one and then one that's the titty monster seen here.
Would leave the door open for 3rd party/customs for even stupider sizes
I'm pretty sure that, if you're talking about the supposed areolas, I don't think the actual figure is going to have those. I think for some reason, they're just photoshopping lighting onto the figure, making it look like ridiculously huge areolas, as some of the photos don't really seem to have them at all. I think the figure won't even have those. Or they won't be nearly as prominent.

>Would leave the door open for 3rd party/customs for even stupider sizes
There are already 3P and customizers that DO make stupid size tits for some of the figures. Even some official figures like the Second Axe figures have had add-on parts for stupidly huge tits.
Huh, just goes to show how little I know
Honestly it runs counter to what I've said because again, I would never hear the end of having a titty figure that big. But at the same time, I'd totally do it just because ones like the zombie girl LOOK good. Plus, the potential to give her an even bigger set of tits would appeal to the degenerate side of me.
Maybe one day.
You still rape kids Athena

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