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Lots of reveals at NYCC, including Samurai Jack which I know a lot of people here have been waiting for.
Looks shit
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Another company other than super7 doing Conan stuff thank god
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Crab Louie looks neat, would go well with the Fury Toys sharks coming out
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Another classic pulp hero with Doc Savage
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Agent Gomez 1975
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Rumble Society Woodford
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Doc Nocturnal is getting a trike thing
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Tangerine: Badass for Hire
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New Baron Bends teased
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Terrifier going up soon
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Aliester Gangreene
this just makes me want a race bannon
Wtf is it with Americans not knowing shit about their own guns? Clearly is a Mac not an Uzi.
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Comic Thor
He has the proportions of a midget.
My jungle fever is kicking in on this one
Between the recent Mafex and Revoltech Thors, I think I may be all Thored out. This excites me more in the hope that we may finally get a decent Loki out of it. Mezco's Marvel villains have been consistently great and they're the only company really doing any
Can't wait for Doc Ock and still butthurt I could never get a Red Skull
Looks like single jointed elbows.
Sometimes I question how mezco is still around, most people online I see seem to have issues with them and for every good figure, there’s 5 to 10 mediocre ones. They just seem super overpriced even with all the accessories you get. Who’s buying all their stuff?
Eh, they have some cool concepts, and they do figures no one else does. I don't understand not wanting a company to be around just because you don't personally buy their stuff, unless they're corrupt in some way.
I’m not against them being around, I mean I even own some of their stuff, just surprised they’re still around.
>Wtf is it with Americans not knowing shit about their own guns?
Contrary to what you might think, most Americans don't own or give a fuck about guns. They're fictional shit for movie characters to hold. Caring what they "ACKSHUALLY" are is pretty cringe, desu.
Mac-10s and micro uzis are visually similar enough that movies and games have confused the two for decades.
>most Americans don't own guns
Its the country with the highest civilian gun ownership by a long shot. But you're right, they don't seem to give a fuck about guns just like anything else they mindlessly consume.
Sure you can call me pedantic but no wonder America has so much gun violence when most of them don't have any knowledge or appreciation for these potentially dangerous tools they are swimming in. Even in this toy context it just cheapens the product by reducing the authenticity and presentation, the little things do count especially given the premium prices Mezco charges.
Many such cases of American ignorance perpetuated by their media!
considering how popular games like CoD are, i bet i a female was in charge of graphics for that image.
It's very hard not to know the name of a gun is if you're a male and like male things.

>surprised that a company you buy toys from is still around
I wish her ‘fro was bigger.
>last thread died before 40 replies
Yeah, we don't need another one of these so soon.
This phenomena is so oddly specific to guns. Literally anything else specific like cars or locations or pop culture gets a modicum of research put into it. Certainly more research than the 1 second it takes to look up an image of an Uzi online and distinguish it from a Mac-10.
I think its this weird unspoken rule that liberals who outwardsly disavow violence and are extremely ignorant on all affairs regarding the military, police and weaponry are the ones given a monopoly of control and depiction of violence in American society; both because America is an aggressive violent culture in denial and that liberals actually crave violence to push their agendas moreso than any other group in America.
Look at the size of that noggin
ok this is dope
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More people know about guns than they do the locations of other cities or countries, at least with guys.
And other countries know a lot about guns too, like Chavland, Japan, Germany, france, etc etc etc.

Guys generally love anything to do with violent stuff.
This, its baffling how America of all places is somehow the opposite where they know more about their neighbouring counties and comic book trivia despite having the most liberal gun ownership laws. Even the Japs at Capcom called Claire's Mac in Re2 remake the MQ-11 in a cute legally distinct nod to the Mac-11 and stated its in .380 thus explaining its shit damage per bullet compared to a handgun. How is even this basic appreciation of firearms suddenly lost when some hollywood writer, comic artist or game dev from the west coast touches upon the subject?
>More people know about guns than they do the locations of other cities or countries, at least with guys.
Lol, you couldn't tell that from the posters on this board, you included subs. I doubt you've even seen a gun irl, let alone handled one.
Commiefornia is its own incredibly gay country
I call it "little canada"
Popeye reissue is in stock on BBTS, really solid figure if you missed out on it the first time.
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>its baffling how America of all places is somehow the opposite
That's just hollywood though. The directors and actors get the limelight, while everyone else is ignored by the media.
Everyone else loves guns.

I mean, go look at how anti-war the US was in the 00s. Tons and tons of people were protesting almost everyday for over a decade. Obama ran for president to get us out of Iraq/Afghanistan and other wars. He WON on that platform (despite never actually realizing it). Yet the 00s was huge for war video games. Tons and tons of those, including Call of Duty. All of them featuring real guns.

Despite most soccermoms being anti-war, some of the biggest toylines of the 00s were all war stuff. There were multiple real war vehicles and soldier toylines back then. Unimax. 21st Century.
GI Joe became the biggest it had been since the 80s, running for over over a decade and only got killed because the second movie got delayed. That fucked over the toy line, because retailers already had stock ready to sell two months before the movie was supposed to release.

I think you're ignoring a ton of gun fans, just because of a vocal few. I think it's only recent that we learned about few video game developers who hate guns, but that obviously wasn't a thing before, considering how prominent gun shit was before and how stuff like CoD has insane amount of customization for their gun.
Anyone selling a doctor doom new for a reasonable amount?
Thats fair. They basically silence the people who know actual shit about guns and doing physical activities in general in favour of useful idiots absolutely clueless about everything but social justice and thus dependant on the government to do anything. Instead of people who appreciate nation building and the destructiveness of war, all the people empowered to support awful government policies are liberals who preach humanism and anti violence but in reality sow tribalized divisions within America and support violence against the non aligned third world if it means preserving their twisted sense of democracy and justice.

Thats a nice Hornet, is that one of those Chap Meis?
Does anyone own any of the Dick Tracy Mezcos? They seem to be some of their best figures ever and I’m not even the biggest Tracy fan
>Thats a nice Hornet, is that one of those Chap Meis?
NtA, but that's one of Bbi's. I'll never stop missing the true 1:18 manufacturers.
I have the two pack, they are great. Definitely some of their best work, I don’t have a strong enough attachment to the franchise to want the other villains but they look just as good.
My god the price on that thing. Guess that answers my question about that being a custom paintjob or not. Extreme respect to that anon and also concern over the price creep of 1:18 to 1:12. Still a superior vehicle play scale but the price difference is seriously closing.
The worst part is that these used to be on store shelves. Wish I could remember what the big Bbi birds (F-18, F-16) retailed for. I want to say under $100.
I don't think I've seen a bad word about them. Probably better grab them sooner rather than later.
>Thats a nice Hornet, is that one of those Chap Meis?
LOL. If it was Chinese, it'd be a glossy plastic in a single color, with maybe a sticker to break up the monotony, and 1/3rd the size.
BBI and 21st Century are still unmatched in terms of their vehicles after 15 years. Everything is like Fisher Price crap compared to them. The attention to detail, the moving parts, the paint... nothing really comes close. Of course, 21st used diecast for the body.
Ok, maybe Hiya comes close, with their working electronics, but stuff comes molded on instead of being seperate pieces that can open up. Acid Rain does nice vehicles, but they're all half scale.

And i wouldn't say that they silence anyone, they're just what people focus on. No one is stopping interviews with the little guys, muchless asking these writers/developers/etc what they think on twitter. There's tons and tons of reviewers/commentators who do give a shit on youtube anyway.
I think this only shows that you personally don't pay attention and also go along with MSM's celebrity worship.

BBI and Motorworks stuff was under $60. I think after 2008 their prices ballooned because they were no longer sold at Target and Walmarts (for BBI). Too rich for my blood back then.
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Damn thats fine craftsmanship, better than anything I've ever seen at a mass produced scale. This is an American maker?

I do exclusively watch alt media but the point is mass media drowns out the based people and is the reason why America keeps speeding into the abyss with no brakes as a wider whole.
So, like all bodybuilders.
>Damn thats fine craftsmanship, better than anything I've ever seen at a mass produced scale. This is an American maker?
NtA again. 21st Century Toys was an American company. Sadly they shuttered operations many years back.
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Thats a true thewesthasfallen moment. I'd have bought all of those if I was an adult back then and likely be collecting 1/18 armies today rather than anime figures.
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The most amazing part is that the door on the back ramp also opens.
Even that M114 in the back has a working door.

IT's easily better than light up lamps and screens.
There's so much play value to doors, hatches and compartments opening up it doesn't even compare.

The only thing missing is being able just to take the entire top off so you can actually fiddle around with the crew that can sit inside the chairs and benches.
These vehicles are larger than most playsets, so they could use that.

I really wish i had money back when these came out. I'd have bought 3 or 4. Instead, i only got the tan one of these and the blue and tan one. Troop carriers are always damn great and they're small enough to actually be playable. Larger full scale Abram tanks, jets and helicoptors are just unwieldy. Having large full scale vehicles like that made me appreciate my half sized GI Joe tanks/jets/helis more.
>helicoptors are just unwieldy.
The UH-60, AH-64 and *maybe* the AH-1W are a bit unwieldy, but the other ones aren't bad, and there's nothing like Wild Bill and Lift Ticket riding in real helos.
I never even knew these existed. Its literally my dream toy, wished I owned these instead of my Lego stuff. This is stunning.
Did they ever make a Sheridan or Soviet stuff? Those are pretty compact. Imagine having an opfor regiment of Bmps. Also wonder if they did WW2 stuff too.
The only Russian stuff I recall is the MiG-15s they did. 21st Century prototyped a Sheridan, but it was never released, same for their PBR.
As for WWII, the majority of the stuff 21st did *was* WWII.
I guess any Opfor force will need Chap Meis for modern equipment. Hiss tanks are essentially Killdozers improvised into Ifvs so that'll have to make do instead of Bmps.
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Most of what 21st Century made was WW2 shit. They made a ton of that stuff and slowly made their way to Vietnam and modern.
Unforunately, stores like Walmart were changing their stock/ordering policies in the mid-to-late 00s, so companies like bbi and 21st Century couldn't really as produce much and slowly went out of business.

I'm unsure of what happened with bbi, as they seemed to devolve into a budget brand as Unimax. Their stuff was still good, but obviously not as great as they used to be... and there was one last reincarnation that I'm fuzzy if they used the unimax brands with some bargain basement tier quality stuff.

Anyway, i think any from 21st Century is well worth the money today. Beats the shit out of Acid Rain and... does anyone else even make vehicles? And if you get any of 21st Century tanks, you'll feel like you're getting your money's worth considering they're heavy diecast. BBi's stuff is waaaay expensive and the budget brand stuff isn't worth it. You'll have to do some research on which of their land vehicles are worth it, because only the early era stuff is.
Worth noting, the figures from both brands pretty basic. swivels everywhere.

oh, the kiowa and little bird are fine. Kinda wish i had bought more of those too... but man, being a poorfag college student really sucked. I was also getting back into comics back then too, so my budget was way limited.
... and thinking about it more, i wouldn't have had the space back then for more shit anyway. I only had a bedroom and that was it for my personal space.
I never understand why designers, sculptors or the marketing people decided, if there is only going to be one face or it's the face to promote with, that it always needs to be a serious, about-to-get-down expression.
For Doc Savage it makes sense, since he usually has a stoic look like that, but since it’s Mezco he definitely will come with more heads.
Mmm. Not likely.
I hate how this was before my time. Engineering on action figures may have improved and Lego has gotten extremely autistic but it feels like all other toys have regressed so much. The cultural regression of the west has also killed military toys especially hard. This is my dream toyline all along and Im sad I didn't live through it. These guys are unfathomably based, something more niche like Bulldog tank isnt something Id imagine anyone making but here it is. Absolutely gorgeous. I like the figures too. Beautifully sculpted and detailed static figures beat all the articulated ones that are cheap and look shit.
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>he cultural regression of the west has also killed military toys especially hard
I mean, we have GI Joes going again after a 5-4 year hiatus. Toy companies have tried getting Call of Duty going again. sAme with Halo.
Megabloks has had GI Joe prototypes leaking out, so they might be trying to make another military line going.
Japanese lines have been upping their game in war shit and so has China. Mezco is too.
So i think we're actually seeing more military/war stuff than we did in the last half of the 2010s. It's not the highpoints of the 2000s, but we're seeing more of it again. I hope Mezco's GI Joes are doing well, because i'd really like to see them do Bludd and Stalker.

I think one of the biggest problems are companies have been fucking up their licenses. We saw Jazwares rush their Call of Duty line and release only a few figures, because the license was taken away, thanks to Microsoft buying Activision. We saw the same thing happen with McFarlane and Elder Scrolls/Doom/Fallout. So McFarlane had shit planned out that never got released, thanks to Microsoft buying Bethesda.
Plus COVID fuck ups that delayed/changed shit up, without any real world input and just what executives can gleam from social media. Obviously, the past two years has been a reality check for them.
Joes are carrying army guy toys pretty hard but everything has to be tied to a popular game or media IP to exist now. Theres a handful of Joes that look pretty authentic but in the past there was always a bunch of toys that tried to depict real life military stuff rather than being legally distinct. Thats what I feel has disappeared. The asian market does thankfully more than make up for this.
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Mezco plz make xenozoic tales

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