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>toy i really wanted to come out
>wait for months with no update
>finally gets some distribution in fucking mexico but no where else
>lazy beaners refuse to put any units for sale online
>finally one of them gets listed but its over 100$ for a 5$ item from some shithead in washington
Pic related is me when i find that scalper ebay seller
At least tell us what the toy was
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The clayface figure in imaginext DC series 8 blind bags
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I got my swamp thing at Target and I've seen them at three different Targets.
Thats a different wave
Elaborate. Was the series 8 mini figures distributed in your country but for some reason the clay face from the series was only available in Mexico no
No series 8 was not released here but the next wave afterwards carry overed the GITD swamp thing
You have finally hit rock bottom
>Throwing a temper tantrum because you couldn't get your baby toy
Checks out.
>having a mega meltdown over something they're probably going to sell at Big Lots in two months

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