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THREAD CHALLENGE: Please post a moc
Thoughts on Lego Youtubers?
I dont give a damn...
How can I get monkie kid outside of the lego store?
fly out to China
>Lego customer support
>"We are connecting you to Baldeep"
diversity is our strength
Should I just get it off bricklink?
Just saw vidiyo figures for £1 each still don't want them lol
watching Jang self destruct has been amusing
New thread?
Worst thread yet

Why does it take 900 seconds to post???aaaaaaahhhh
A moderator probably put a penalty on your post time if it takes that long
Why? I just tell the OP to STOP MAKING NEW THREADS!

Is OP with the mods in a deal?
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big fan of this train
Maybe, I'm a different OP to the usual though, I made this because I don't like all the threads being the same theme... Last thread I did was insectoids.
Pretty good if you like that kind of train, too modern for my tastes though and a lack of studs
Can you buy them for me?
Completely ruined by SNOT, as always. What's the point of a train if you can't have dramatic battles on the top of the cars?
Check UK bricklink
That's not SNOT that's tiles... Snot is fine and it made that cool grille wedge thing. Just need to swap those slopes and tiles on top with regular plates
It’s my fault. I named names last thread again.
How do you guys get "normal" minifigures? All my minifigs are either space guys, aliens, batman villains, people in ridiculous costumes, etc. Only "normal" one I had was Emmet.
Just buy cheap City sets now and then, they go on sale all the time.
Then all my minifigures will be policemen, firemen and construction workers.
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There are plenty of cool civilians out there
Sets like these
Why don't they sell shit like this anymore? Or regular battlepacks? Everything has to be inflated with some vehicle or whatever that doubles the price.
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>Thoughts on Lego Youtubers
YouTube celebrities and "youtubers" are dumb because they are self important. Something about the way they shill and have fake voices. The only "big" one I like is Jang, and I actually trust his reviews even if I may disagree with him about valuing different things in sets. I watch a few smaller channels that do MOC stuff and have fun. I tried watching a video by a guy Slugger I think, when I was looking up Lego Adventures. He was talking about them being problematic and colonialism and I thought to myself that "Faggot" no longer means a homosexual slur, its definition is whatever people like "that" are. Like seriously, shut the fuck up. And so many Lego "Youtubers" are like him, massive faggots, with painful sticks up their rears. Dumbasses like that will keep Islanders/Pirate and Indians/Western sets forever untouchable by Lego at large.

My favorite is Bricks of Imagination, though he hasn't updated in ages. Very fun classic builds and lots of soul in each video. Dude just loves his bricks and I love him for it. Hope he is well.

I really like NicksAmazingBricks which recently rebranded as AlphaChadBricks and I lose my God damn mind laughing at his fake AI Joe Rogan/Jordan Petersen podcasts about Lego. His builds are really good too

Brick2Rick is a really great dude who loves having fun building MOCs and sharing them, full of soul. Highly recommend his MOC vids and he even makes step by step building instruction vids if your into that.

MightyThorngren does brick MOCs and actually plays with his Lego that he builds. He also makes videos about Godzilla stuff and comic book reviews, and posts here semi regularly. I know that because I am shilling myself here shamelessly. I hope to have a new MOC video up by Friday. And no, I don't think I'm a "youtuber", I just like making videos of things I like.
I’ll fight on your crew any day my guy!
I decided to disassemble all my licensed sets for parts and keep unlicensed sets assembled and focus on those themes more. Any good boxes for parts and minifigs?

I like monkie kid, ninjago and dreamzzz.

I wish I could buy LotR but the sets are too much and right now I buy lego on a budget since I'm a student and don't have a job yet.
Pure kino
Take your meds.
I'm not going to post my MOC because I'm tired of dumb cat eating jokes
If you have a single thought about them other than "I don't care" you should kill yourself.
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So agree about Jang. Up to this day he's one of few straight to the point lego reviewers.
The only other one i like besides him is Bricks by Mind because he's younger and has a fresh view on younger sets like Dreamzzz.


He's sort of Zoomer version of Jang. I don't need other tubers besides these two honestly.
I don't hate Slug because he's a harmless schizo at this point. Some autist fixated on some specific crap.
But yeah i understand where this thing is coming from.
Such stuff made me dislike Just2Good back then when Jang was popular and i was searching for other youtubers and just2good was also popular but it was so fucking annoying.

These days i hate Duckbricks.
what an absolute self-centered faggot with "rich NFT crypto cuck" energy.
When that new dreamzzz wave was released this FAGGOT didn't even bother to review sets completely and was using shitty camera (a shitty camera despite how rich and excessive he is with lego) which shows that he don't really give a fuck about viewers - this whole channel is just a big flex to him.

Jang+Bricksbymind is honestly all you need. Jang is old but good and Bricksbymind can be watched to have a more fresh view on newer sets.

i watch some niche channels like Chima collectors or niche lego music video guys but i doubt people interested (and i keep forgetting their names but watch them when i see their updates on youtube)
I like ashnflash
>reviewing offbrand lego
Jang is finished
>These days i hate Duckbricks.
>what an absolute self-centered faggot with "rich NFT crypto cuck" energy.
>When that new dreamzzz wave was released this FAGGOT didn't even bother to review sets completely and was using shitty camera (a shitty camera despite how rich and excessive he is with lego) which shows that he don't really give a fuck about viewers - this whole channel is just a big flex to him.
That and it's my conspiracy theory that he caused Justin to troon out, by brainwashing him into becoming Duck's perfect femboy boyfriend.
Think about it, Justin never showed any symptoms of mental illness until 2022, semi recently, the two shared a hotel room in the Piece by Piece review (probably to bang) and how Justin stopped collecting Lego because "Duckbricks has it all" (because he's probably sharing the Lego collection, like a housewife).
I hate that chigger.
>TLG besmirching based JANG
You mad he is reviewing a set people actually want and calling out TLG for price gouging?
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I can't believe Halloween is almost over...
Schizo makes another shitty thread and it's already shat up by YouTube faggots.
cry about it
And here you are, replying to the thread you claim to not support.
Go suck Jang's cock, faggot.

I'm showing my disapproval. That's what we do here.
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less chat more LEGO
this MOC is highly problematic
You must be new. We don't post Lego here. We just shitpost and talk about youtubers. Jang is so dreamy.
based and islander pilled
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reminder that this guy WON the Lego Masters TV series, AND was featured on the Collector's Call show, where the Lego "expert" evaluated his collection worth 1 million dollars.

they heavily wreaked his "winning build" into this lame set, but to be honest, none of the finalists on that season had an impressive final build that would have WOW'd everyone as a real set, and it seems like they just gave this guy the win to create a Lego "celebrity" of sorts, because he did some charity work in Africa (did it work? we're talking about the guy)
>I'm rewarding OP with attention
I do not understand how this can have over 1k pieces
All those Dots tiles add up.
You're rewarding me with attention. Thanks btw. ;^)
NP, you seem lonely.
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Seeing Just2good going from a nerdy likeable guy with a girlfriend and successful channel to a tranny who literally says he doesn't care about lego anymore with tens of thousands people unsubscribing while still pumping out mediocre video's for money to fund his movie script about a tranny and all the junkfood has been a wild ride.
Keep it coming. This void isn't getting filled just watching some guy seethe over seeing the word /pol/faggot.
>stopped making lego videos
>still frequently posted about on /lg/
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Anyone else watched dragons rising?
Because this general is filled with retarded faggots.
He still makes lego videos, he just admitted that his interest isn't there anymore and dislikes doing it. The only reason he is still doing it is trying to keep his channel alive for the money, but people keep unsubscribing, which is logical when you say you don't like lego anymore and see yourself as a tranny director.
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Creator Castle on its way to D&D
Dude needs to invest in a mascara brush.
>Refuses to review the amazing LEGO Harry Potter sets because of JKR opinions.

>Keeps eating highly processed goyslop from multinationals who sabotage small companies trying to sell healthy foods


Crazy to think how we used to make fun of j2g for posting his waifigs in the /lg/.
I hate that you’re right. I used to like Chris and even chatted with him on stream doing some builds before he blew up. But this is from Justin’s last video as Justin. You can just see it in the eyes.
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City Space
I think it's over for him
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Sets pics for 2025 dreamzzz when?
it used to be one of the best train designs of its time, but i realized the trains are too short and the wheelbase too high. i hope the next Train set is based on the Duplex model
What did Nya experience?
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>unironic Ninjagoposting
I'm convinced no one here likes anything because if you post ANY theme you get replied with some sad_old_man_reaction_image.jpg bullshit
She discovered that Zane was fully functional
Do you prefer Nexoposting? It IS the best Castle theme.
>I'm convinced no one here likes anything because if you post ANY theme you get replied with some sad_old_man_reaction_image.jpg bullshit
hey i like Nexo Knights and don't afraid to post.

Remember - it's the same polfaggot that cries about catkillers or some shit
And he's a massive faggot schizo
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all 8 classic castle shields 1978-1983
i want to be a train fag but i dont have a spare room
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Wow, did the jannies clean out the catalogue or did some retard get banned and it deleted his threads?
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The great debate that broke /lg/!
I guess we'll find out in 200 posts.
Light and Sound > that garbage
Hopefully can stop making threads early
It's more than one person because I am one of them... "polfag" is everyone catkiller (probably you) doesn't like, and I don't hate any theme except hero factory, which no one posts about anyway since it sucks so hard.
Build giant lego pillars and girders in your room and suspend the train tracks above head height, then get a stool out whenever you want to play with your lego trains
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Has anyone built this?
I saw a really cool setup where the dude suspended the entire traintrack from the ceiling.
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Why do people get so butthurt about Ninjago? Do they really think this looks bad? Seems like a kino theme to me.
Hey that looks cool!
There isn't a single theme that doesn't make some anon butthurt. It's impossible.
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Seems they cleaned up the extra threads, anyways
Everybody loves pirates
I'd like it if it didn't come back after Chima temporarily replaced it, and it feels like it's been taking up space that another Monster Fighter or Agents would have filled in. Also, Bionicle fans coping and hyping it up as a "spiritual successor" was embarrassing, and the over reliance on vehicles and mechs is fuckin lame, unless the mechs are able to move independently like Titanfall
Where tf did that last part come from
Man, I just like intelligent robots
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Whats you favourite legos train ?!?

Mine is Inter-City Passenger Train 7740 (1980) extended with sets 7815 Passenger Carriage / Sleeper and 7819 Postal Container Wagon

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2/2 extended 7740 7819 & 7815
>catkiller (probably you)
i dont even know what the fuck is catkiller. I have 2 cats actually.
I assume it's some inner polfag zchizo meme i'm infamiliar with because i don't visit /pol/
That anon likes to screech about some boogeyman and thinks anyone who tells him off is the same guy.
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I'm extremely picky and almost all feel like Reddit personalities
It's shill stuff, obnoxious personalities, autism and others it feels
So I mostly just pick random videos and filter/pick and choose till I find my answers

Never heard of "BrickinNick" but he's based to me only for offering actual part breakdowns, Instructions and a Bricklink list for the Fortnite Lego builds like Work Stations
I might get that monkie kid set if it is still in stock in december to make it, but was wondering if anyone has built it in case ther are any problems with it
hopefully the janny archiving all /lg/ threads means they wont let what's been going on fly anymore
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Either that space police train that keeps getting posted or picrel. Or any space monorail train.
Catkiller is the guy who whines about "polfags" when there aren't even any politics in the thread ever, and he killed his cats and is a pedophile. He is rampant on this board and some others like /tv/. It's nothing to do with pol.
They don't care. They only gave a shit when that one idiot posted a Lego headstone or the creep with the technic chastity device. This is a shitposter's paradise.
Can you even prove this guy kills cats?
Look up diosoth on an archive site.
I'm not doing your homework. Post proof.
I usually part out stuff in Bricklink orders to pad orders so I end up getting a few just normal civilians
Do you not buy city sets?
What are some good civilian parts/figs to add to my wanted list?
Not much, and when I do they are usually construction/fire/police so there aren't civilians. I don't know any good city sets with civilians in. The most recent set I got was Family Reunion which had some civilians but all my minifgures look out of place in it which is why i'm asking.
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I'm honestly not sure the polwhining is from Diosoth because that guy has zero self control and can't stop himself from melting down about Christchuds and Rechudlicans and white people in general. I think it's just more general election tourists who are interested in lego but hate to see DEI initiatives criticized. (queue the usual DEI isn't even real lol obsessed take ur meds)

Anyway, legos. I like EXO FORCE. It has mechs, intelligent robots, and lots of asian representation.
You could try rue modulars. Lots of regular folk in there. I used to go on BrickLink and search for cool looking parts for minifigs. Now I have too many.
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This piece is that old?
I thought it was from like 2020's
exo force ran so ninjago could walk and fall over
This set would be really cool but for some reason instead of yellow it's a weird off-orange colour. Why???
You want your cranes made of Lego flesh? You're sick.
maybe lego trying something new? yellow on construction vehicles while accurate is basically the only main colour used
Ninjago was barely about mechs up untill like 4 years ago
And there's a mech posted already in this thread that absolutely shits on every single exo force mech combined but sure
Yes and I buy yellow hardhats to replace the red ones muahaha (red is for fire fighters and that activates my autism)
It looks really awkward and I don't have much of this colour, only set in my collection with it is the Shin Hati half of the shin hati/e-wing set
It's from 2008, I would not call it "old" but I guess now it is.
“Literal Animal Abuse 1”/“Animal Abuse 2”
wow really, the mech that costs £90 and was released in 2024 is better than the £20/30 mechs from 2006-09? check the knee joints
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Post funny cars
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Wait until you guys hear about Bionicle
Ninjago if it was good
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Its a fun theme, purple’s final test was here and to kill off Teal for a while fun fact
>posts bionicle
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The body is merely a mech for the soul. Here's Bionicle mechs though.
Yes, the "please don't poke your eyes out, kids" spike originated with Exo Force as far as I know.

I'm a sucker for those slightly burned yellows, I think it looks great.

I'd be curious to know what mech you're talking about.
jang took plant biology as a major in college, this set means a lot to him

>I'm a sucker for those slightly burned yellows, I think it looks great.
It's ok just not for construction vehicles. Also this colour is really translucent, might be a problem with most new lego though.
system mechs and bionicle mechs very different though
i think its the cole titan mech
I think he was referring to knees, anyway, 4-10 ft tall robots filled with guts are cool
>hop into mechs
>immediately find them limiting
>leave them behind on autopilot to act as guards
>get destroyed immediately after they reappear in the story
what did Bionicle mean by this?
If lego didn't destroy bionicle molds system mechs could be 100x better and benefit from a lot of useful bionicle parts, look at the techniques they use on larger bionicle sets, system mechs could really benefit from it
The Exo-Toa were actually made for the Makuta, I think to replicate the Toa's power, so for Toa they are pretty pointless. Cool looking though
>asked to post proof
And that's why you need to take your meds.
>Spoonfeed me stuff I already know because I did it
Are you retarded catkiller
Your concession is accepted.
agreed, but those new double ratchet joints used in modern mech hips/shoulders are interesting
Huh, I thought they only used them as automated guards and temporary bodies, but yeah they are cool, I wish I had more than one
I ask for proof and you have none. Meds now.
You think they could make a green and purple construction vehicle now or no
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>is too retarded to use the archive search
This is why you crawled out of the abortion bucket huh
Only if it's for the Joker like picrel
>still not posting proof
I accept your concession.
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You would report it pedo, and you are afraid. Simply search the filenames I gave out and you will have your answer buckbroken pedomong
>buzzword buzzword buzzword
It's okay if you don't have proof. I'm sure mommy still loves you. She just didn't think she raised a liar.
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You lost Catkiller. I broke you.
>posting shitty brickarms knockoffs
>poltard babble
>gets called out for being retarded
>uh huh you're the one who's broken
I said I accept your concession. You can take your meds now.
this might just be a worse thread than the nexoknights one
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This is just average post 1mil /toy/ hours, sucks n’ all
Did you take the wrong meds? It's the one labeled cyanide.
What was that? Can’t hear your IESLB slop
And you call me broken? If you've ever had it, it's definitely lost now.
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What was that? Couldn’t hear you
What was that? Couldn’t hear you losing
conversation about exo force and mechs gets RAILED by irrelevant argument
Do all poltards eventually devolve into shit spewing or are you a special case?

It's not my fault he keeps replying to me.
Except ->ME<-
very nice train
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What was that? Can’t hear your slopposts
How long until you get bored? I'm thinking you won't ever because you're the spergiest sperglord.
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What was that? Couldn’t hear you or your generic post
new thread?
>I posted a Lego piece, so I'm on topic with my offtopic screeching
Kill yourself faggot.
It’d get cleaned up, also notice how all the old threads got nuked?
Here you go

You're so mad because you can't slay pussy. It's sad.
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What was that? Couldn’t hear you over your dead cats ghosts yowling
Post christian mocs
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I accept your admission of permavirgin status.
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jesus funko pop
Reminds me of the 90’s style of human figs you saw in that one lego encyclopaedia
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What was that? Couldn’t hear you over you sucking your own dick
Pure kino.
You stick that piece in yours and it still sticks out when all the way in.
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this one looks nice
What was that? Couldn’t hear you over the sound of you jobbing
Keep going. I'm sure there's probably one person on here who thinks you're sane. Gotta prove them wrong.
Yea, me. Fuck off catkiller
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What was that? Couldn’t hear you over your match in 1992
You two should meet and suck each others dicks. It's like what you're doing now, but more gratifying.
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What was that? Couldn’t hear you over your cats shitting themselves to death
Rent free
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What was that? Was that the sound of a schoolbus passing by? Better go chase after it pedophile
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Wish we had more mocs like this
Please keep replying to me if you think you need your meds.
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I'm glad I can hide one reply and it automatically hides the rest of the chain
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What was that? Was it you not learning your lesson and continually wanting to be raped? Don’t mind if I do!
lego sci fi trains are so kino
Your concession is noted. Do you need someone to come to your house to help you take your meds? Must be hard when you have just one singualr thought in that empty head.
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What was that? Was it you accepting you lost? Smells like your diaper was shitted too
The only loss I see is yours. I'll wait for your well thought out reply. I'm sure >AAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE will be in there.
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What was that? You lost? How does the Jersey air smell btw? Like shit like you?
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>studs aren't aligned properly
If I was rich I'd have an entire basement full of space monorail trains
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What Lego set have you ever spent the most money on?

I spent 250$ on pic related(aftermarket) but I'll probably be buying the dnd tower soon which is a lot more
I need to build one train MOC and keep it more like that one vs the overdetailed ones that get peddled about
Why would Sp2 have a train?
why would that matter? its cool as hell (prisoner transport)
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Prisoner storage
is the red-white-blue stickers?
Prints I assume, it looks to be old dark gray and old trains have higher quality production (less stickers)
Opinions on stolen MOCs?

This guy saw his MOC listed on AliExpress and bought it lol
Final update: February 21st, 2011

he is dead now most likely
depends on who/how. if its just a recreation of a moc for yourself is fine, but stealing it to sell is cringe
Sad… I like the looks of his mocs
Also check out this crazy one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oyUcPQakGo
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My first set since I got back into lego
Bricks, prints and stickers, bit of everything.
not that anon but holy shit, that's a beast. Impressive
That is awesome

he posted on Twitter and Reddit in 2016
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The guy who made it was german, he managed to get a ton of sets together to make stuff like this, he linked his brickshelf gallery in the description. Legit you never see beasts like this anymore because armybuilder types either don’t supply the figs with something interesting to use or just make multiple of the sets instead of crazy cool shit sadly
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Also here’s a build he never made a video on but is a showcase of what I’m talking about, using a ton of sets and combining them together into a bizarro crawler prison train is super kino that we just don’t see much nowadays. Now its more just trying to make shit smooth instead of cool
https://brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=346498 Even supplied a piece instruction kit for this one, anyways does anybody else have any cool mocs like this they wanna share?
Also probably way too expensive to make today
>mousecuck slop
Get back out, please.
Get over it and I use it for futuron anyways
Darn, yeah. Most of the ones who even have that money nowadays are coocoo crazy like the one tipper truck guy
ship looks cool but some of the colors don't convince me, I don't know what's the source so probably I'm missing something
i think its from the new asoka show? i havent been keeping up with sw since disney making like 50 new series
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Not like you need to, DisneyWars is crap and most of its sets follow the same rules
Soon as you go back, sure.
It looks cooler than the source imo, I dont care about the star wars thing I got it because it reminded me of classic space sets
Go back to the lego store to buy more lego star wars you mean?
Lion knights castle. I kinda regret it though
Such a simple set up, but it really gets the environment across.
I wasn't questioning your purchase, I don't follow star wars either (I liked it as a kid though) but yeah some of the sets can be pretty cool, especially the spaceships
Because Youtubers have replaced "that friend" for people. People love to have parasocial relationships considering how fucking difficult it is to communicate with people because there is no shared cultural zeitgeist anymore or because of the effects of social media or social anxiety or whatever else. The reason why normal people go nuts over some viral Netflix show is because they might have something to actually talk to with people.

The only other way to get hobby friends is either, friends are randomly into it or they get into it or you go to conventions.
No, Star Trek is good but it fucking sucks at the same time
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Still trying to figure out how Bricklink works
save us from this thread men who likes to talk about dinosaurs

what dinosaurs are you into lately?
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Post cars you would like to see in Speed Champions
Used to watch Jang, till he lost his marbles, for a watched bug man before his face reveal then kinda got too self centered instead of talking about sets. Now on Ashnflash, he talks about the sets, gives an opion, and that is it, no more, no less
Why so early?
Is barely 230 posts the usual?
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Still into Pteros, want to get some of these weird brickbuilt dinos from 2001 or something
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The Excalibur III (1978)
I hate carshit
Someone asked. I provided.
Get back to twitch streaming, Jang. That mortgage isn't gonna pay itself
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I said it once and I will say it again. You don't need any other solid colors.
Where are my sand colours...
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This is really cool
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in the trash where they belong
I hate how he cut up Lego pieces when it would have been fine without it.
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search your hearts and realize more colors just makes everything worse
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I'm glad that my favorite color is there
That's mine too, I don't regret it though because I took up some extra work for a couple of days specifically to buy it, so it feels like I traded time for it, not money.
Remember you can always sell it after it retires.
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Dino Bro
Les gooo
Dinosaurs set's were kino and soul
Nice poem fren
I agree 5+ shades of blue/yellow/green is excessive, but I'm still happy we have tan, purple, orange, silver/gold. I think it's worth having a light and dark variant of blue at least too. And sand colours are absolute kino.
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as a looney tunes most of this is horrifying and I'm shocked it was deemed good enough to be publicly distributed
Do the other looney tunes agree with you?
when the fuck are we getting a Sly Cooper CMF?
Dinosaurs are an interesting thing to try and pick up
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I miss Lego
list is long
Maybe the Original 1992-1995 Dodge Viper the most.
I would also like a the MK4 Toyota Supra
or an 1961 Jaguar E-type Roadster.

But the most important thing: I don't want stickers. I am sick and tired of stickers, put prints on the parts, or design them to represent the cars without stickers because important details like headlights, taillights, vents and brand logos being stickers is the worst thing that plagues the Speed Champions lineup.
Im just waiting for Jang to fuck his mom
I spent $1500 on the 2006 Batcave based on the animated series
waste of fucking money

Damn, I never realized just how colorful modern sets are. The classic palette is where its at, maybe with an orange or purple. Whatever the fags use on a pride flag
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Only purple that should be there is the original purple

Old brown and grays too
>come back after Chima temporarily replaced it
Okay, so it's just more weeb vs furry twitter drama.
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How many times do I have to tell you? Lego doesn't need fucking purple for anything
Yeah replace the two modern shades of gray with the classic ones and boom perfect pallet
As a Star Wars, I think you're full of shit.
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When monkeys fly out of my butt.
The only bad one is the Road Runner. It's much more animal then the other ones.
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reply to this post if books are your passion
Didn't ask
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>tfw all the previous generals that kept on hogging the catalog because a certain autists cannot wait to make a new general finally deadified
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did you collect em all?
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>old browns
fool the problem became way worse with reddish brown

didnt get the lady of pain nor the bird as i had no interest in them
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should I buy it for the little tortle?
Old Brown had better quality plastic and basins vs Reddish plastic especially nowadays contrarianfaggot
>desperately needs to shove heads with vitiligo into EVERYTHING - don't even need a face on them anymore
I guess they didn't just make lampshades.
It's possible. They already made two other Transformers.
Bought the D&D set at the start of October. Prior to that, probably something Monkie Kid.
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still not convinced they should stick with classic colours?
T and N Bricks posted a hype reel on YouTube, and at the end of the 2025 teasers, there’s a clip of Homer from the LEGO episode saying that he feels like he’s seen this toy before, the toy in question being the 2014 Simpsons’ House. Since it’s been over a decade and LEGO’s adult market has expanded, I’m not surprised they’re remaking it. It’ll be interesting to see all of the differences between the two models, as well as how they do the minifigures.

He also teased:
>gandalf vs balrog set
>the shire
>horizon thunderjaw set
>looney tunes set
This would genuinely be a good set if the back of the book case was made from weighted bricks and could be used as a bookend.
>looney tunes set
more cursed shit >>11210520
Devastator is not even in top 5 of priorities
Firsr they absolutely need arcee, megatron, starscream, shockwave and soundwave
Orange and purple can look good in select scenarios, Arctic 2000 is an example
Ninjago is peak
Ninjago is bleak
Should I buy fortnite battle bus today? If I buy it I will have a $10 discount.
$20 !!!! Discount

My bad
Thats enough then. Thx
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its unnecessary bloat
New thread?
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Here we go again.
>looney tunes set
huh? I don't see anything looney tunes? did you mean the goonies? or gremlins?

Can you at least make trans neon red
Ferrari Testarossa
it's probably impossible to make the side intake detail without stickers at that scale though
carshitters make me sick
Can't wait for the year of F1 in 2025 bros
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Do this one next.
I don't think perfection can be improved upon
Not Lego
yellow limbs? You probably need to turn him into a straight up doohead
hang yourself
Wish we could use his eye color
Wait we do, its just the regular trans dark pink right?
The fact that people want this trash to come back is mind boggling. Literally Galidor and Belville tier.

Nostalgia is one hell of a drug
Also this guy still hasn’t gotten back, I wonder if theres any trans dark pink bohrok eyes out there, they might make for an interesting part of a build
The trans-orange bohrok eye is most likely a bootleg, there are a lot of bootleg bionicle in eastern countries
New Thread: >>11210831
New Thread: >>11210831
New Thread: >>11210831
New Thread: >>11210831
New Thread: >>11210831
What's the point of the cab having a windshield when the driver can't see shit past that front?
In a normal train the train goes so fast that the driver can barely see what's in front of him so imagine a space train that's probably 10x faster he can't see shit anyway
>battles on top of a train going at 186mph
>nostalgia is one hell of a chunky heckin boner
Porky's teenfig legs in light flesh were perfect for my moc after I removed the hoof printing.
Post the moc?
You rape children Chungus
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yoe yoe yeo yoe yoe /lg/!
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what would happen if you made a train FTL?
old Jang made a space train back in day.

LEGO Rail Rider Blast - Classic Space racing train MOC
You cannot start building without dark red, dark green, and dark blue
Reminds me a bit of the DMC Delorean
I want to agree with you but I'm still on the fence about tan.
Ready for the Redbull Soapbox Race.

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