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I don't care.
Thought you were trolling for a sec, then saw it on MFC. Glad I don't collect nendos. Looks fucking hideous. Genuinely worse than Hasbro's brief plastic free packaging. They better not try to pull this with figma.
Really fucking lame. I use boxes to store parts so I don't think it will actually be good for that. It exposes stored toys to humidity but maybe will help plasticizers leaking.

If they say its fucking for the environment fuck them
this had a big blow up on /a/.
this is going to kill the second hand nendo market and will start going into effect early 2025.
is this what quiet quitting is like, are they going to discontinue nendoroids?
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Plastic is actually worse for moisture than paper.
Since boxes are already made of cardboard, moisture gets in whether the inserts are plastic or paper. Since the plastic shells aren't air tight, moisture will get into the plastic clams and actually traps moisture in, since it can't get out as easily as it did coming in (vapor vs condensation).
Depending on the cardboard (whether it's waxed or laminated), cardboard inserts allow moisture to come out easier when it comes into the box.

But this is all rather moot. There's very little moisture coming into the boxes and you should control that by putting your cardboard boxes into airtight containers or using dehumidifiers. Moisture in itself does practically nothing to the toys and if there's enough moisture to cause mold, you seriously need to fix your house/room.

Also, plasticizers get trapped in plastic shells easier too. So it does more damage to your toys than cardboard does. The plastic shells also leak plasticizers and can damage your plastic toys.

In general, packaging isn't a pretty shit way to store your toys.
You people are awfully upset over the quality of your garbage. Plastic trays suck, are awful and the faster they stopped getting used the better.

Classified's plastic free boxes were probably some of the nicest and most user friendly toy packaging I've handled in my entire life. The art work on the boxes was nice and well presented front, the info of the toy was clear and well laid out on the back, the accessories were all bundled nicely together and easily accessible, with the more fragile stuff secured in specific cardboard supports, the figure came secured but not to the point of being damaged or difficult to remove and every figure came with a reusable, papercraft storage crate that also worked as a dio piece.

Now the boxes have the artwork crammed to the side, the back of the box barely shows the accessories, the boxes themselves are boring to look at, the accessories come pre-bent in awful plastic trays that you have to fight with to pull them free from and you have to either bend the figure/part or cut the tray to get figures and accessories free. Also, no free papergood storage bin and I can't just flatten the entire box for easy disposal in the trash.
i bet if they just kept the window no one would complain
This gives real
Wait, are the just going to have them in non descript boxes? That's fucking lame.
I doubt it, they will probably be similar but with no window to see what's actually inside.
Nendoroid bootleggers all over china just came in unison.
Honestly, if they just added a half sized window, it would've been enough to satisfy the window autists without ruining all the other positives about the old packaging. I buy 90% of my joes online anyway so windows never mattered to me to begin with. But they were so much nicer to open without those awful plastic trays and I wish they'd go back to the cardboard ties and footlocker storage.
If they were committed to the environment, they could do a proper blister out of plant-based packaging or maybe something like egg carton material. They obviously just want to make more money. I don't care about the box much, but the inside makes the figures come across as cheap when they aren't.
Shit. Definitely going to hit the boxed collector market. I don't see a point in buying two of anything anymore.
they probably got better packaging now too
Oh, I thought you were just talking about the inner packaging. Wow
i'm suprised the chinks did this AFTER hasbro tried and failed this.
really? are you that greedy you can't spend 0.0001 of a cent more to give us better packaging?
anyone falling for the "Muh environment!!!" shtick is just silly
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seconding your post with picrel.
i never would have even known that was a figure box if i saw i in a store
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When will those goofy Japs catch up with us
I really wish they kept the full sized art card, now its back to logo card backs. Anyway, the first few waves of classified had too much plastic, sounded like a car crash opening those toys up.
shut up; hasbro knows what they're doing
>an actual shill
goodsmile has been implementing a lot of hasbro's retarded shit for a while now, see how figures now come with their abcrunch and thigh cuts
THIS. Hasbro tried this and failed miserably. Sales for all the lines got way worse to the point where they admitted they fucked up and brought back the windows. You it's gotta be REALLY BAD when they do that.

Takara Tomy started doing windowless cardboard packs for the Pokemon Moncolle figures and everybody hates those. Why the fuck do companies keep trying to do this to "save the environment" which is all bullshit since the main product is entirely plastic anyway?
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It's unfortunate retards and kids are so retarded, because packaging like that can be amazing. You can place it on your wall as just art.

I throw away most packaging because they don't have good art, especially Japanese lines that only have pictures of the toy. Boring and worthless.

to be fair, a lot of Japanese lines come in windowless packaging. Mostly candy toys, but they make up a huge portion of toy sales over there.
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I don't give much a shit about boxes, but there needs to be at least one window for there to be any secondhand value. I'd honestly prefer internal cardboard pieces for better storage, plus it'd still be light enough to avoid shipping increases (HA). It honestly feels like zero thought went into this, or what the consumer base would think.
>a lot of Japanese lines come in windowless packaging. Mostly candy toys
That's totally different than higher end figures that cost like 10x more though. These are collector items that people often display in box. Candy toys are cheap things that the package gets ripped apart instantly.
>open box
>cut an unnecessary amount of blister tape
>open plastic blister
>several small pieces fly everywhere because they aren't properly secured

Why do people want this?
So you want the alternative? Small parts all thrown into a paper bag and crumpled up and shoved in the box? Hasbro did it and what did we end up with? Missing parts, scuffed up parts, etc.
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>These are collector items that people often display in box.
That's fine for retailers who are showing off products, but good art >>> tacky comic book store look

Takes more effort to produce good art. Only the back of the box should have pictures of the toy, imfo.
He probably buys bootlegs anyways.
Good, unique art is fine for stuff like Nendoroids since they're rarely sold in stores, but to mass market lines like GI Joe, it was fucking stupid to put highly stylized (bad) art like this >>11213027 on the front of boxes that doesn't even represent the figure inside.
that Joe box also pisses me off cause the way they write her name like it's a nickname and not a codename.
anyone defending this is retarded and an unironic shill
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I actually have paid a premium for nice art, despite the same figure appearing in cheaper boxes.

But that's just me, because i love art.

And yeah, sometimes the art can be pretty shit. They used to use professional comic artists in the 00s and 10s. That Cover Girl is way too 00s insurance commercial quality. who knows where they got that artist from.
Reminder that GoodSmile owns a third of this site and they might have paid shills doing damage control here
nah ain't no way lol
And so Nendoslop makes its full transformation into Japanese Funkopops.
Unless they are cool with compromising on the plastic thing a little, and keeping the plastic bags inside, this really fucks up the Japanese resale scene. Pretty much every collector keeps their original packaging because selling shit loose is such a giant ding on aftermarket prices, and most collectors in Japan have to cycle their collectibles due to smaller living space and less room for storage.
If it's doing that shit Hasbro did with the little paper bags for accessories, and tape on everything, you're gonna essentially have to destroy the box to a degree to get the thing out in the first place.
this isn't even soulless, this is just.. I don't know what it is... it's horrifying
>be me
>check out the replies to this change
>it's mostly just "oh that's not that good looking and could lead to a lot of scamming but... YASSS LET'S SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT BY SHITTING UP BOXES FOR SELF-INDULGNET PLASTIC FIGURES!"
I shouldn't be surprised that this is nendoroid's target demographic, but it's still depressing.
Funkos literally have plastic windows and packaging, though.
I don't see how, if anything there's going to be less package condition autism which benefits the resale market.
You essentially damage the package more just by opening the thing. This will INCREASE package condition autism.
Do you know what Mandarake is? They barely sell loose shit unless it's super rare.
>Why the fuck do companies keep trying to do this to "save the environment" which is all bullshit since the main product is entirely plastic anyway?
because the product isn't the thing you throw away after you open it you fucking retard
Everything gets thrown away eventually, nobody is going to keep your shit forever after you die.
>but maybe will help plasticizers leaking.
This has already been such a problem already that GSC had to put out tips on how to deal with nendoroids and figmas left in their package.
The paper probably won't be any worse for it than plastic. Pieces will rattle much more inthe cardboard setups which will probably be an issue in time though.I can see them going back and using plastic for small pieces but keep the main figure in cardboard
imagine the cum on that MISB Miku nendo
The main product is a hunk of plastic that's got like 100x the amount in it than a thin piece of a plastic window on the package and the tray. This entire "save the environment" by eliminating a fraction of the amount of overall plastic in the product is fucking dumb.
The boxes will probably have all the fancy graphics on them but honestly if they actually package them in these plain ass cheap looking boxes at least I can guiltlessly throw them away instead of hoarding them in my cabinet
Shouldn't they at least lower the prices a little for these? Or are they not lowering the prices because the alternative would be raising them if they kept the more expensive packaging? Either way it's a cheap ass move.
they will even raise the prices because paper is not cheap. but it's saving the environment, so you will feel happy about it.
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They should make the trays in the same way those cardboard cupholders are made. Pressed together cardboard pulp
Cant wait to recieve figures and then they have missing parts/horrible qc/flat out are broken, and I cant return them because I opened the box...
bandai's been using it for toku DX toys
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It will be now with the resale scene gone lol
What are the tips?
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meanwhile pop up parade is 100% plastic
basically soaking warm, soapy water for a few hours
Be warned it's not a perfect solution, it may return, and I had some gloss stripped form a figure once doing this
Other figures, like nendo Kirby with the rubberized surface, should not be soaked and they recommend rubbing clear tape on it and then a clear, watery oil over it.
Not even a toy, you fucking retards.
thats barely even a figurine. I think the issue with pop up parade is that you dont even have any posibility
What about Nendoroid Light?
>The paper probably won't be any worse for it than plastic
paper absorbs the plasticizers/gas and can even allow it to pass through it, so it'll prevent it from just going back into the plastic.
Also, because the plastic tray is also made of plastic, the plasticizers laying on the plastic will cause it to decompose faster, which will in turn affect the plastic of the toy.

In terms of longevity, paper in general is the better material for long term storage than the plastic used in toy packaging... if you keep it away from bugs and moisture.

Packaging is still pretty shit, because it's made to be disposable. There's very few toylines where manufacturers pay a pretty penny to make it a long term deal. Most times you only see that with board games.
>have figures stored in packages inside of large plastic totes inside of a closed up closet
>for going on 7-10 years
Gonna be fun when you open those back up to see which ones are leaking.
Schrodingers plasticizers my friend
Also there some really heavy boxes blocking the closet, honestly just a pain to get into.
its made by goodsmile dumass if they are changing the packaging for ecological reasons what is the logic of keeping all plastic packaging for their other product lines
And those crappy statues ensure that it'll be nigh-impossible to get an actual playable figma.

...where the fuck is my Korone figma with actual detachable yubis and a King Hassan with actual articulation
>people want to preserve the environment
>get triggered
Good goy. Exxon-Mobil has desposited two shekels directly to your bank account.
This is /toy/. I think you want >>>/box/

>be me
you're buying literal plastic figures, dumbfuck
They should make figurines completely digital. Like you play with them in VR. They could look more detailed and no quality control issues. Like it's almost 2025. Do better.
yes, and you would save the world that way
Seen a concept video for a game with a similar idea, though it's plamodel:
Imagine storing these in a couple of years only to realize you have to open every single box because you can't tell which box is which
Seems pointless. Not like this is helping the environment at all. Only good thing about Cardboard is that it decomposed in the landfills. It still creates alot of waste to produce and we have to kill trees to make it. Guess this is a move to make them look more aware?
I slowed down on buying Nendos anyway. Morgan and Yoko 2.0 will probably be my last ones if this is how they are going to do things.
McFarlane is already trying to brainwash people into this literally. It isn't working on real collectors but somehow he has made at least 1 mil on it so far.
Reminds me of NFTs.
Technically isn't this better for storage as the packaging will not leak plasticizer onto the figure?
Whatever I discard all the boxes anyway.
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>redesign boxes to reduce plastic
>still use too much plastic anyway with all those wrappings
bravo GSC!
At least its more compact.
It's not main nendoroid series, I don't think that counts
Just remember: for every paper straw that falls apart in your mouth or every paper box insert that gets crushed in transit, a subhuman with brown skin shits into a plastic bag and throws it into a river of trash.
I also don't exactly buy plastic figures with the idea of saving the environment in the back of my head.
Congrats it looks horrible
looks like genuine garbage
looks great
also you still have microplastics in your brain
Much better, now I can keep them in the box and stack them like Funko pops
So does everyone. Humanity will destroy itself.
I don't think there is any "will" about it.
It's already happened.
Korone figma soon inshallah.
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>My Shadow The Hedgehog nendroid box won't match my other Sonic nendroid boxes
Not me, I'm built different.
you'll still see loose stuff on Mandarake, even if the paper containers are ripped or damaged. I mean even candy toys get resold on Manda and they're not expensive.
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No way they don't run this back after the amount of pushback they're getting. It will not become a real thing.
I thought they cut connections after that was revealed
Sounds like a terrible investment. No wonder they have a factory that only makes articulated FunkoPops.
Hell no
just bandaifags seething because they are reddit
>your nendos will live in ze pods and eat ze bugs
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Man, these boxes are gonna get smashed to shit in transit
I bet once everyone is used to the new cardboard box they'll use it as an excuse to include even less accesories
15 years ago we had the all k-on girls for 3000-4000 yen with their instrument
Now you get v-tuber for 11k with no accessories
your wrong Anon they ALREADY use it

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