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Which fast food place has the best kid's meal toys, and why is it Sonic?
McDo is still a comparably better competitor in general. I wouldn't have a place for Rock'em spoons
They're the fastest food around!
Then how come McDonald's gets all the actual Sonic toys
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They really have been killing it for a number of years now. I just wish I liked their food more. Wendys has been on a decent win streak too between last years' DC figures and this years' Frosty Frights.
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Sonics got the TTG! license 4 or 5 seperate times now. This is my favorite of their efforts.
I recently discovered Burger King Singapore had a set of Addams Family toys sometime in the last few years. Would have been nice if these saw release alongside this year's Addams Family menu.
Overall, I'd say McDonald's, but the mighty have fallen.
I can't think of anything that's compared to the Matoran or Inspector Gadget sets, but those were 20 years ago.
Last thing I've actually wanted was the Alice from those 100 Disney figures.
Those look great, reminds me of 90's stuff.
i thought these were exclusive to singapore but it seems like they did see release alongside the burger king addams menu? oh man im sad i missed out on these.
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I couldn't believe how shit McDonald's is
I picked up some McD's once and I wanted to play a joke on my stepdad by giving his food in a Happy Meal box. I get the box, but it also has the "toy" embedded inside the box. Here's a pencil, some cardboard and some paper.
You know what sucks? I can't remember the last time I actually got a Happy Meal and what the toy was. Though the last time I actually got a Happy Meal toy by just asking for one was of Mario under the effects of the Superstar, and he still lights up.
Because Sonic the Hedgehog is fucking terrible and has been since the aughts.
>Battleship but you can't even place the ships in the orientation you want on the grid
Oh gee, thanks.
the various attempts to replace physical toys with paper novelties really is reprehensible. just retire the notion of happy meal premiums at this point. that would be immensely preferable to the walls of knock off funko pops and little paper journals they've pushed for the last few years. its no surprise that so many people were thrilled by the 100 years of disney set of figures. it was the only line of actual figurines mcdonalds has put out in years.
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Hilarious because this set just hit Poland.
This looks like kinder egg crap. I want the frosties back.
same. it was just as jarring for me when I went back to wendys on sunday night in the hopes for a last minute score, since I ended up with two dupes of the witch along with one ghost and junior.
by halloween day they'ed already run out of addams stock at my resturant :')
Those were lame compared to the WDW 50 figures from two years prior. While the selection could've been better, it was far closer to a spiritual successor to the 2002 set.
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This was the last of the mcdonald's toy waves that I liked. I have the robot.
We don't have Sonic where I live.
I would have driven my mother nuts trying to get these as a child
crazy to think those are some of the few official pieces of TAWOG merch even now despite being as big a hit as AT and RS.
>tossing in capeshit and slop wars into disney's centennial celebration despite both being less than 15 yr old acquisitions
still activates my almonds even now
>AT and RS
What is RS? Hardees/Carl's Jr. did am AT set a while back, or at least there was a Meatwad toy.
Adventure Time and Regular Show.

Adventure Time BMO was the last time I was excited for a happy meal toy. Damn, that was a decade ago.
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I wish Carl's Jr/Hardee's would bring back the little Christmas ornaments they used to have. It seems like a no-brainer to capitalize on nostalgia like McDonald's did with the Boo Buckets.
It's kind of been depressing watching fast food toys get progressively worse over time (especially McDonalds)

Like I don't need a physical representation that the world is getting worse overtime guys, okay?

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