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I’ll be real with you, I want to buy the canon catholic anime figurine.
that's a statue, it doesn't belong here.
I'm sure the Chinese will make it a reality eventually
Can't wait for the Nendo.
You can't make this shit up.
I'd have to repaint the eyes, the two colors and flair are just too weird.

Lucifer means 'light-bringer' so, yeah.
If it was 5poa and came with the other 3 unarticulate pets, it'd be /toy/ worthy
its pronounced "loo-che" schizo
It’s ironic that Protestants are so schizo about seeing lucifer everywhere when nearly every Protestant country turns into a luciferian narcissistic culturally void hellscape
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I can’t believe Satan can be this cute!
>Lucifer means 'light-bringer' so, yeah.
Same root word. This is not a coincidence.
Sorry, you are wrong there. I was raised a Catholic. And once again, it's pretty fucking obvious that her name and Lucifer share the same root word.
The Bible states Lucifer was hot, and he didn't lose his looks when he was cast out of heaven. I'm pretty sure it was in Ezekiel somewhere.
Fugg. You cracked the code.
I think you could recreate her from ob11/nendoroid doll parts, except the printed eyes and rosary
I can’t believe the Pope is going to make anime real
You’re such a sperg
Are these statues too?
No dipshit they’re McDonald’s toys
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But can he defeat Sparlock?
Honestly cute. I would buy a minifigure of her (?) despite not being religious. The Catholic church has an infamously spooky aesthetic traditionally so it is interesting to see them go against type.
As in light in Italian you doofus. They explain their reasoning right there in the OP image.
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Fumo when ?
I know you can already do a custom.
Quite a beautiful coomer fig if you ask me.
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>in the bible
Jesus is literally called "Light" in John
Now explain why they chose Luce instead of Luminoso or Illuminare.
Sorry incomplete Satan, but it was in Isaiah, and modern biblical scholars debate whether it refers to only a Babylonian king, or if it was intended to parallel The Adversary's fall.
Easier for kids to say
Probably because Luce is an actual name that a girl would actually have.
Modern biblical scholars more often just translate that word as “morning star” now because lucifer was the Latin name for the morning star, and weird things happen when translating between languages. You’re clinging to a vulgate idiosyncracy.
Not to mention that it’s the only reference to the morning star like that in the book, once in one of the longest works in human history. It’s absurd that not only does the Catholic Church live rent free in the minds of Protestants, even their translation errors and idiosyncrasies do.
Putting aside that this is an absurd name for an anime girl mascot, if they used this name you’d just pivot and accuse them of being illuminati because prots are psychotic, your “religion” creates consumerism and atheists.
It seems that Protestants live rent free in your head. I'm not a Protestant.
> I’m not a Protestant I just make insane schizophrenic claims about the church like a Protestant
If you’re not a Protestant then you’re something far more embarrassing, like a gnostic or an atheist
You are the reason people think Christians are insane.
>muh supreme papal authority
Are you happy now that you are allowed to be a tranny sodomite because an Argentinian war criminal said you could?
When will the statue be on sale?
Where can I buy her?
Luce sounds more like a name for one thing. It is also cuter.
If her name was fucking Beezle or something I could maybe see your point but as is you sound like one of those Santa=Satan loons.
AAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEEE ITS THE DEVIL SAVE ME JESUS but the version I concocted in my head while reading alone who is me but cool. Any other interpretation is heretical and probably made by a Jesuit.
Funnily enough, an angel sent by Jesus in Revelations calls him the "light bringer" so I guess he is the devil too.

NTA but we've had worse popes. It will pass, or not and we are in the actual end times when no church is legitimate because Jesus is coming down.
I hope you prayed today.
I believe there's a Cu-Poche set that's like 90 percent this design.
Sounds a little coomy to me.
So where can I purchase the official Luce figurine? I can't find it anywhere
You touch kids Athena
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Is there a demiurge toy
>NTA but we've had worse popes
Pope Urban VI? He had his reasons.
John XII was a total poonhound, and probably deserved it.
I need to put her in with my Coraline and not quite Rei figures. Or just repaint the eyes red and put her in as a custom Rei.
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>Statue crap

Why am I never surprised weabs are always pedophile looking weirdos.
You do know what site you're on right? If you're coming to 4chan and expecting nothing but social outcasts and 14 year old edgelords then that's your loss.
>Don't know what to tell ya bud, if you ain't down for a couple of skibidis here, and Chung is or two there, you really gotta know what's what and how to level up that gamer memer score of yours before slapping down a couple of chunkies
Damn I replied to Pedochungus furry by mistake, I'm sorry guys
Nice, the pedophile is sharing is coomer display.
>getting upset on 4chan
>I'm just a Wholesome little pedophile, I'm just an epic little child molester!

What about the Pope who supposedly had a succubus on speed-dial? The one who dabbled in math back when it was mostly the purvey of heretics and infidels?
Sylvester II or something?
Based anon getting upset on 4chan
You still rape kids Singamutt Athena
>Singamutt Athena
These insults are too weird.
Calling the monkey exactly what he is.
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this nigga doesn't know about Saint Lucy
Protestants unironically believe Saints are an attempt by the Church to reinstate polytheism.
Of course Athenofaggot is also the statue autist.
Sounds like you're getting a big chunky ravioli of a boner thinking about those coomer figs
You still rape kids Pedothena
Yeah, that was Sylvester II. If he were alive today, he would be the King of /x/ with his succubus summoning powers.
A lot of Popes end up on the receiving end of anti Catholic propaganda, and that's what it sounds like with Sylvester II. There's no doubt he helped bring arabic numerals to Europe though. I think being a mathematician is less of a crime than ordering a bunch of traitorous cardinals be tortured and executed, and then complaining that their screams weren't loud enough while they were being tortured, but like I said, Urban VI had his reasons. The War of the Eight Saints and the Western Schism was a pretty crazy time, and it felt like Urban VI got played by elites politicking.
Carried Dante to Purgatory. :P
It's really funny how many (You)s I've gotten for a tongue in cheek joke on a Cantonese tapestry messageboard.
Still going on about Prots like the fundie that you are. You do know that there are multiple sects that don't believe in supreme papal authority, right? You are no better than a Muslim.
get thee behind me, satan
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"Christ didn't come to earth to give us the willies. He came to help us out!"
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Bravo anon bravo
>We’ve had worse popes.
You know that’s not true. Alexander VI and other “bad popes” were bad because they were personally sinful. But there has never been a putative pope as habitually in error on faith and morals (and therefore a spiritual danger to more than 1 billion people) than BerGoGlio.
Mendacity does not win people to the church, anon. It drives them away.
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>he's bad because he's a "war criminal"
Oh, now we can see who's behind these posts
>people think Christians are insane when they point out that being schizophrenic about words derived from the latin word for "light" is insanity
>they definitely don't think Christians are insane because of the ones who see satan literally everywhere
>there are multiple sects that don't believe in supreme papal authority, right?
>I'm a catholic who doesn't believe in supreme papal authority
>meet my friends, a communist who supports open market trading, a buddhist who supports hedonism, and a vegan who eats meat
I won't deny that there are people who THINK that they are catholics who profess those kinds of beliefs, that doesn't mean they're what they say they are
Luce means light, no?
>your “religion” creates atheists
also catholicism creates protestants
it was the first step towards sanity

religious institutes are just another means of control
I can respect someone needing a story or fairytale to cope with life, but I'm not going to give anyone special privileges or subject to a made up hierarchy because of it
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I have more of an issue with him pandering to trannies and sodomites, honestly. Notice I didn't bring up the previous one who was a member of the Hitler Youth and wanted faggots as far away from the priesthood as possible? That's because he was based.
>I'm a papist dog and think that the pope is always right despite the fact that John XII killed a bunch of dudes and fucked everything that moved including his niece
Letting sinners tell you how to worship Jesus is pretty crazy. I sure hope you guys don't do that.
Oh wait. You do.
Yes. And she was made by pic related.
Because they're in fucking ITALY not Spain or France retard. I bet you think they should have named her Hikari too right?
>anon è ritardato
Luminoso and illuminare ARE Italian, dipshit. I didn't spend 7 years studying the fucking language to be corrected by some retard that doesn't even realise that all three of these languages have their root in Latin. The absolute state of this mental midget.
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how did you know I own Dirty Pair on laserdisc?
Why does the church need an anime girl mascot

This reeks of out of touch boomers desperately seeking relevance
To create meme fun on the internet which is what young people like. They want to convert people and this is simply a wholesome way to do so that still appeals to modern people.
That didn't counter any of his arguments at all. His points remain valid regardless of your denomination (or lack thereof).
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>your “religion” creates consumerism
Do you mean like creating anime girls that people want to buy? What kind of consumerist religion would do that?
americans create nothing but woketarded shit like dust born
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Ah, there's the seething brownoid.
american games fucking suck
You rape kids Athena
That one wasn't even Americans.
You are literally a troon retard.
Outside of dietary concerns (mainly Muslims and Jews) most religions don't give a fuck about who makes their objects, just that the assigned process is followed.
Notice how communion wafers aren't even required to be made by a Christian, as an example. Neither is the craftsman who carves a crucifix required to be of the denomination. The message is what matters, not the origin of the symbols used to spread it.
You're inventing objections about sourcing to artificially make yourself upset, while posting on a website with dedicated tranny and gay boards created by a cross-dressing loser and currently operated by a godless Asian. Frankly, it's embarrassing.
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I love Luce, she is so cute
>The message is what matters, not the origin of the symbols used to spread it.
I guess it helps that you are fine with faggots inventing your symbols now that Franky said sodomites are fine with him. I'm glad the First Ecumenical Council of the Vatican took such a stance against liberalism and modernism while voting for papal infallibility, all so that an infallible pope could let the modern incarnation of Sodom and Gomorrah into your flock.
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The two ad hominem attacks in that post plus the previous one invalidated his own argument, because in the end his argument was "you interpreted it wrong because you're a Protestant, and no matter what, you would complain because you are a psychotic prot." It was obvious that he wasn't interested in discussing scripture or a scholarly debate about its meaning. I'm not wasting my time on someone like that.
Yes, the literal translation is morning star, but it's not unanimous what that passage was referring to (scholars aren't even 100% sure of which Babylonian king it is in reference to), and like I had previously said, some modern scholars believe that the use of Lucifer in that passage was deliberately translated that way to parallel the Babylonian king's fall with The Adversary's fall from grace.
As for Luce being an actual girl's name, I knew a girl called Lumina. There is a Star Wars character name Luminara.
Seriously, when you say Lucifer to someone, what do you think their first thought is? That one time in John that Jesus was called Lucifer, or the well known name for the devil that is used in the vast majority of media and pop culture thanks to Divine Comedy and Paradise Lost?
Do you remember the false rumour that the telescope on Mt Graham was named Lucifer by the Vatican? Now how long do you think it will take your average Joe make the same connection? It's not like the Vatican has an issue with optics as it is.
Anyway, I've put in a lot of effort to defend my original shitpost, and I will continue to double down that an organisation that shields pedos from justice and is accused of being satanic probably shouldn't let faggots design their mascots and then give them a name that is similar to Helel's commonly known name.
Have a Luce for being civil.
>You're inventing objections about sourcing to artificially make yourself upset
You're the one that's assuming I'm upset, and you have been ever since I made the Luce(ifer) post, which was just a shitpost, but the reaction to it has just encouraged me to keep this going.
Meanwhile I've been Luceposting on /pol/ and /bant/ while faggots like you seethe at me here, accusing me of being a Protestant while you defend faggotry infiltrating your church.
>while posting on a website with dedicated tranny and gay boards
Society has dedicated tranny and gay festivals and celebration days. I guess I shouldn't live in a society either. Should I even use calendars anymore since they label when Pride Month is?
>Frankly, it's embarrassing
Not as embarrassing as letting gays into your church because the Pope suddenly said it's ok.
I'm sorry for noooticing, but it's not my fault that faggots ruin everything whenever we accept them. That's why we have those containment boards like /mlp/ so we don't have to interact with them as much.
Here, have my fave Luce.
Because they are desperately seeking relevance. It kind of worked too considering that this is the first time I have seen people outside of the Catholic church speaking positively about anything they are doing in I don't know how long.

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