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This thing is pretty fun for making images of non-existent toys. See what you can make!
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It's doing way better at making Transformers toys than Bing, anyway.
Yeah. I'm sure it is.
It is. You should try it.
what kind of prompt did you use for the Transformers?
>Photograph of a female Decepticon toy, orange and brown camouflage colors, propellers on wings. Blank black background”.

Didn’t get the propellers on the wings but that’s actually okay because she isn’t supposed to have them (her alt mode is supposed to be a Cessna C132; the propellers fold back and the propeller mounts becomes her wrists with the hands transforming out of them, the propellers can be deployed as wrist-mounted blades, though), I just put that there to get less jet-looking wings.
> Cessna C132
*C-310. R-type, specifically, with the lengthened nose.
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>"You've yee'd your last haw, Megatron!"
I like how the AI captures all the hollow space in modern transformers toys.
I actually like the look of face plate with mouth. Has this look ever been done for real?
I know it's not exactly the same thing but maybe it just reminds you of Primal is why you like it?
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I have waited un eternito for this el Primo.
This garbage keeps crashing and telling me it's not allowed to make the characters I want.
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Transmetal Optimus Primal goes for that look.
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trying for nendoroid but couldn't get closer than this
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This entire thread shouldn't exist and should be banned
AI is not Art
It's Spam and Off Topic
>no fun allowed on a toy board
>AI is not Art
Nobody said it was. But it is fun.
This is actually pretty badass looking. Insee bits of Seed and Universal Century.
> AI is not Art
Nothing is art. The entire point of art is to hold a mirror up to the universe, but there simply isn’t a mirror big enough.
Get this back shit out of here.
Looks linda like Cyberverse Wild Wheel
Or that one bounty hunter from Clone Wars
Aren't there FIRRIB-style arguments about Hot Spot doing that?
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I want this to be a real predacon
This of the power that rests in Hasbro's hands, and yet they squander it. Why is that?
Not in the cartoon, and the average tf consoomer is a fat retard geewunner like RodimusPrimal
Someone make a Megatron out of a ZIL Punisher vehicle.
The lost Raptoricon
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>tits and tiny waist
I'm sorry. It's just never going to happen in a retail line ever again. Start hoarding thrilling 30 fembots now. Those things will be worth more than bitcoin in 10 years.
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Honestly this is better than anything Hasbro has churned out in years.

I got a whole bunch of great ones... this is pretty fun!
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A Spaceballs appreciator I see.
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best results out of 200+ gens, anytime i tried to specify the weapon it stopped doing the correct car type, also only would let me do square gens.
adding 'slender figure' will get some nice results
thinking i might 3d model one of these.
Megamigo is great, if only Mike Matei would write a comic for it
HONK HONK check out da bumpers on those babies

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