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>buying a entire wave of figures of characters you dont want from an upcoming movie that looks like shit just because the BAF is cool
Is this what rock bottom feels like?
no. that dog hair covered blanket being your best place to take a photo of the toy is rock bottom.
I don't have a dog.
You still haven't hit rock bottom. You're still conscious of your actions and have humility.

Rock bottom involves defending it and pretending it's better than it really is.
There's quite a few fanbases on this board with brown noses and sore bottoms. If you want to see what rock bottom actually looks like....
You should probably clean your blanket, then. People shouldn't also shed like dogs, that's a lot of loose hair.
Just sell the toys afterwards dumbass
>Buying the wave when you know they'll just release the BAF on it's own eventually
Yikes. The individual figures look like garbage but that BAF looks no better. None of the skin on any part of the body matches and it barely has articulation. Just shoulders and head?
I bought the entire Venompool wave just for Venompool. Didn't keep a single literal who
i dont think mcfarlane does that
Nice statue OP but the board for that is that way >>>>>/lgbt/
No, rock bottom is being too broke to buy your own toys, so you troll the toy boards with googled and stolen pics, and thinking your the sane one for believing that everyone is a Chinese shill payed in BK coupons.
At least dog hair anon is able to buy the whole wave, and post his own pics, secondary.
Eh, there's worse you can do. The Troll looks like the only fun thing in that line. I was just gonna wait for them to go on deep discount though, $20 a pop for them is straight robbery.

Someone hasn't hit 40 yet.

I don't get it, what's rock bottom about this? It looks way better then any of the McFarlane Warhammer stuff.

Yea, that's when you know someone is straight pathetic. Can't buy their own so they just get pissy at others for showing off their own toys.
This is rock bottom OP.
They've created a fantasy world to deflect and invalidate all criticism about a toy/toyline.

I posted it to get you guys to post in the thread, to demonstrate to OP how much lower he needs to go before he truly hits rock bottom

It's a $160 figure that has the paint job of a 90s Kenner toy, yet you guys don't find anything wrong with it.
In fact, here you are, trying to compare it to $20 figures that have obvious deficiencies to be $20 (despite being almost the same size, same level of poseability, and quality sculpt) to pretend there's nothing wrong with the $160 toy cheaping out in ways the price tag should denote.

pic is another example of how rock bottom people will say there's nothing wrong with their toys, despite coming broken in the package, because Joytoy uses the most brittle plastic in the industry. It's basically bootleg tier plastic.
I keep my bedding clean and take care of my hair, actually, so it's not that big of a deal for me. Sounds like you're just making excuses for your own filth.
>no elbow/knee and wrist/ankle articulation
>if it has leg articulation that loincloth definitely restricts a lot of movement
Not worth it
>They've created a fantasy world to deflect and invalidate all criticism about a toy/toyline.
neither of the posts you quoted did that, you fucking retard. kill yourself, subby. you're the absolute rock bottom.
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>make up fantasy about a guy because he criticizes toys for major issues
>they're not saying that to deflect and invalidate that criticism
Please tell me you're just samefagging, instead of being a THIRD anon who has hit rock bottom.

Pic is one of my own figures, showing how Joytoy isn't correctly molding the figures. This sort of flashing (that string of plastic coming out of the ankles) usually only happens at tne end of a mold's cycle from being so worn out.
Shit like this breaks a joint from too much plastic being inside the sockets and just looks ugly.

Most toy companies never get to this point and is something you only really see on bootlegs and dollar store shit, yet here it is on $40 3.75" figure.

>ib4 rock bottom cope that i stole this image... which wouldn't disprove the fact this is bootleg tier molding anyway
Can't wait for when you guys claim these are all AI images
one of them seemingly doesn't even realize who you are or how big of a retard you are, nevermind this sick delusional fantasy you've created where anyone who says they don't understand what you're sperging out about is "deflecting and invalidating criticism" of the thing you autistically obsess over.

kill yourself, subby.
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>it's only 1!
>this isn't deflecting and trying to invalidate an issue that happens from bad molding
Yeah, except it was more than one and was scraping shit out of my other figures before i remembered to take a photo for evidence. Nevermind molding issues like this wouldn't be a one time thing due to the mass manufacturing process.

Here's another picture i took of how Joytoy used to handle widespread issues: just glue it back together, bro!
They have been using shit plastics for years and years, hence needing to include extra joints and pamphlets like this warning you... instead of actually using better plastics.
obviously, they;'re still using shit plastics, hence that earlier image that an anon posted of his toy a couple months ago. And he wasn't the only anon who posted his broken in package $160 figure.

But again, you're only proving what rock bottom looks like. Completely in a fantasy world, trying your hardest to defend a toy company in every possible manner you can, pretending these issues aren't wide spread.
nobody gives a shit about those toys you keep obsessively screeching about. i don't care about joy toy or warhammer. i'm tired of you bringing this up non fucking stop you sick little freak. everyone on an anonymous toy forum instantly recognizes you and we all hate you. how do you not realize you're the absolute rock bottom?
>nobody gives a shit about those toys!
>yet recognizes the photos of said toys and need to come into the thread to deflect and invalidate all criticism about said toy in everyway possible
>everyone else instantly recognizes you... despite most people not giving a shit about me.
Rock bottom toy collector who's in complete denial about how bad his toy line is AND you're completely obsessed with me? Hue.

As I've said before countless times, I've talked shit about many toylines, yet it's very specific toylines where my criticism triggers their fanboys like crazy. These are the strung out junkies who live in fantasy worlds and have no sense of humility. Absolutely rock bottom.

There's a reeason i don't even have a collection of evidence for other toylines I've criticized: it's because they admit such and such was/is a problem. Hopefully the next ones are better. The end.
For toylines like WH40k by Joytoy? Proof needs to constantly be shown, otherwise "well you said that 2+2=4 yesterday, and that's not true today"... hence, pic related. 5 years after Joytoy stopped including joints with every single figure because they didn't want to fix their crumby plastic, they've started giving out extra joints to toy stores to give to customers who complain about their toys breaking.
Same problem from 8 years ago still exists today, because Joytoy doesn't want to spend the extra penny to use better plastics, despite their 3.75" toys costing $30-170. These high prices makes fanboys absolute fanatics, where they need to pretend they don't have problems (if they're poorly made) and everyone who complains is lying/poor/hitler.

So OP, i hope you feel better about yourself. You're not a complete bitch to a brand, don't need to come screeching into other threads to defend said brand, and don't live in a fantasy world. You're also not obsessed with some random anon who criticized poorly made toys that keep on breaking or use shit paint.
See OP, this is what it looks like to hit rock bottom.
>yet recognizes the photos of said toys
you label them you fucking retard
>and need to come into the thread to deflect and invalidate all criticism about said toy in everyway possible
i haven't said anything about the toys you fucking retard. you are sick.
So you're actively looking at file names in all threads just to shitpost because you're obsessed with me?

Or are you just pretending to not care about the toys, because you don't want to prove me right that you only recognize me from criticizing a toy from a brand you're a rock bottom loser for?

I don't think one is any less pathetic than the other....
>So you're actively looking at file names in all threads just to shitpost because you're obsessed with me?
you mean reading the highlighted and underlined words at the top of the post? you fucking retard.
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>i reworded what you said so it's not the same thing
and here you are, shitposting, because you're obsessed with me.

Nevermind that still isn't any less pathetic than crying about about me criticizing a toy company like Joytoy because it's constantly breaking and using kenner quality paint jobs, despite their toys costing x2 more than actual quality Japanese collector lines.

NEvermind this is probably just more deflection, because you wouldn't know about me if you weren't butthurt about me criticizing a toy brand, because the only people who are butthurt over me are rock bottom losers who fanboy over certain toy companies/brands.
again, i don't give a shit about joy toy. i'm tired of you obsessively posting about them every chance you get, autist. you just repeat the same shit over and over again. how are you not embarrassed?
>ITT: Mindbroken Pedophile seethes over a dead toy company with walls of text
>"They've created a fantasy world"
Says the guy that misrepresents others to rant about his schizophrenic delusions.
Seriously, this guy actually claimed that a BK coupons was expired, even when the date was clearly visable, and valid (and then waited a year to post the pic again when it would be expired, as "proof" that he's not crazy).

Mental illness (and true rock bottom)
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>you post with a Viking. All the dog hair you see is from his animal fur loincloth
Nah mate. Rock bottom is being Subjectanon.
Can you imagine going to a place, and everybody hates you and doesn't want to listen to your delusional shit anymore. And everyone tells you to fuck off, but you are such a loser that there is literally no other community that will tolerate you, so you keep coming over and acting like the world's biggest loser, and anytime someone tells you to fuck off because you're an annoying cunt that constantly complains about the exact same shit every time, you respond with "Hue. How did you know it was me. You must be obsessed with me."
That is rock bottom.
>misrepresents others
>know what the rock bottom collectors are like
>post a toy with clear issues of shitty paint despite the toy costing $160 to bring in the rock bottom collectors to bring them here
>rock bottom collectors come REEEing into the thread to insult, deflect, and lie to pretend the toyline has no problems
How can i be delusional if, out of 31 posts, over 1/3rd of the replies are rock bottom collectors shitposting?
How can i be delusional if nothing I've said is a lie?
All your posts and every single one of the pics have proven I'm right.
>How can i be delusional if, out of 31 posts, over 1/3rd of the replies are rock bottom collectors
>everyone that is sick of my shit is a Joy Toy collector
Nice little delusion you've got going there. Is this how you cope with the fact that every anon on this board would happily watch you get torn apart by alligators?
If you're not a Joytoy collector, what are you then?

I became infamous for shitting on the Figma Robocop. Lotta dumb fanboys got enraged, because i pointed out it has a shitty soft sculpt and looked awful. But i doubt you're a Figma fan, since Figmas have improved since then and my grudgeholders are newer.
Are you obsessed with me because i mocked the awful sculpts on Figuarts, because children toy companies like Hasbro have better sculptors than them?
Maybe you got superbutthurt because i pointed out that the Mythic Legions line has plastic that's as bad as Joytoy's and how they've also continued cheaping out on QC for just as long as Joytoy?

It has to be one of the expensive toylines, because I've never gotta people angry with any other toyline that they've become obsessed with me. So don't even lie, it has to be something expensive and a line i actually collect, otherwise i'd never comment on it.
It's why i think you guys are poorfags. You're buying stuff that's above your means, thus being super duper defensive and delusional, to justify not being able to afford food for a week/month to buy them.

This deluded desperation makes you into rock bottom losers. So initial point wasn't that Joytoy fanboys are the only rock bottom collectors, they're just the clearest modern example. I mean, even 4H fanboys seem to have given up their fandom, after 4H shat on them for publically posting the newest wave breaking as easily as Joytoy figures and in-stock sales going poorly.
The old Venompool looks nicer
>Are you obsessed with me
See >>11223168
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>deflection because he doesn't want to admit what toybrand he's a rock bottom loser for
Can you get any more pathetic when you know youre so cringe you don't want to ruin that toy brands' reputation by associating yourself with it?

pic of WH40k figures by Joytoy, where figures that are supposed to be in gold armor are the same color as the beige blinds in the background.
>tell me what you collect so I can shit up that general like I shit up every thread I comment in
>I became infamous for shitting on the Figma Robocop.
There are lots of reasons you became infamous. Being a retard that fails at being anonymous is the main one. Also bragging about guys flirting with you.
>Can you get any more pathetic when you know youre so cringe you don't want to ruin that toy brands' reputation by associating yourself with it?
Not knowing how cringe you are and continuing to act cringe for close to two decades is far more pathetic.
Good thing you can't ruin McFarlane's reputation. He did that himself.
>tell me what you collect so I can shit up that general like I shit up every thread I comment in
That's some mighty projecting.
I don't hold grudges like you, nor do i revenge post. I'm not a rock bottom collector like yourself.

I'm only asking because I know you're in hardcore defense mode and so delusional you can't admit you're not obsessed with me because i said a negative thing about your toyline.
If you admit you like one of the toylines I shat on, it proves me right: that you're a deluded collector who needs to lie to himself and others that your toy is better than it actually is.

I mean, it's plain as day that something like pic has a shitty ass paint job, especially when it costs something like $160. This is the type of shit i shit on. Obvious errors, obvious shitty QC, obvious cheaping out.
When people like OP buy a shitty toy(s), he can admit it's bad. You can't, because you're at rock bottom. Deluded as fuck, and the rest of teh board suffers for your rock bottom mentality.

You need to go to other threads to revenge post, because someone said something negative about your toy brand. You need to cyberstalk people to shit on them for disagreeing with you. You hold grudges and obsess over anonymous people for years, because you got butthurt over them having a problem with something you saved 3 autism checks for. And you dont care it affects everyone else, because you're a selfish retard and butthurt.

pic of how a mexican was able to paint wood into an actual gold color, unlike Joytoy. For $150, you should expect better, unless you're a collector who's hit rock bottom.
>I don't hold grudges
We all know that's a lie, Subby.
Has anybody tried reporting his slop for automated spambot yet
He evade bans.
Isn't it hilarious, though, how hes throwing around "delusional" now? He's like a little kid that just got a brand new insult hurled at him! "No YOUR delusional!" Lmao
Rock bottom is mental illness
>I don't hold grudges
Says the retard with a folder full of every image he can find online showing QC issues for every toy company he has a grudge against. How many more Joy Toy images are you going to post in this thread to prove you don't have a grudge?
>You need to cyberstalk
If you used a trip, I would just filter you so I would never have to read your mentally dysfunctional posts and stale memes from two decades ago ever again. You are more like a dog turd on the footpath. A magical dog turd that keeps teleporting onto different footpaths that can't be avoided. I just don't want step in shit.
I don't know if this was supposed to be funny but this response put a smile on my face.
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>saving images onto a hard drive to post them, because rock bottom losers say that mustard brown looks like gold
>implying someone is supposed to delete images right away after using them once
Sure is rock bottom fanboy who shitposts on 4chan from the public library
>but you saved images of people posting their toys breaking!
Says the rock bottom fanboys who need to deny Joytoy figures use the shittiest plastics and haven't bothered to improve their plastic quality in almost a decade

Saving images isn't a form of grudge holding. Saving images is to provide proof that bootleg tier companies like Joytoy make bootleg tier toys and that you're rock bottom collectors who need to constantly lie, deflect, and shit the board up to defend a toy brand.

>but you responded against me and stating facts! that's a grudge!
>b-b-b-b-but I'm not allowed to respond to you!?
difference is I'm not doing it for revengeposting or deflection to defend a toy/brand. I'm responding to OP, to make him feel better that he's nowhere close to being near rock bottom. You're just here to shitpost because you admitted you have a grudge aganist me for talking shit about Joytoy's awful QC, despite pretending you're totally not one of their rock bottom fanboys.
>Thread started with a picture of McFarlane's embarrassing LOTR figures
>Subby immediately derails the thread and starts sperging about JoyToy
Every. Single. Time.
>I don't hold grudges
Bitch please, you seethe at my Mezco shelf every time it's posted.
>"I'm responding to OP, to make him feel better that he's nowhere close to being near rock bottom."
Oh, you definitely ARE making him feel better about his position, but not in the way that you think lmao.
Also, "I don't hold grudges" he says. Hey, how's about you post that pic of mine with the BK coupons that you saved? It didn't have a broken toy in it, so you couldn't have saved it to "prove how bad the toys are", which means you saved it for a grudge! Not even I, the creator of the pic, have it saved lol
C'mon, show OP what REAL rock bottom is! (And then reply to me with a made-up green text that has nothing to do with what I just typed, and bring up... Hmm, probably gonna be something about kenner doing gold better than joytoy...)
Mental illness, everyone.
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Ok. Let's talk about McFarlane's rock bottom plastic quality for nearly the entirety of his 30 year history. Let's discuss how the figures quite literally fall apart in the packet.
Or should we discuss how he sells unpainted "Artist Proof" figures for the exact same price as a fully painted figure because he's a greedy rat?
Holy fucking shit, that's like something I'd expect from NECA. Jesus christ.
>no u!
>using my own images against me to prove I've been lying is holding a grudge!
>well everything YOU like is shit!
This is exactly the problem with you rock bottom fanboys.

Threads are no longer about toys or whatever. You just enter to shit them up, because you're butthurt and need to take revenge. your arguments are off topic and just exist to deflect, and it can be any thread on /toy/.

Shit's been happening since Figma and Revoltech both started making Neon Genesis Evangelion figures and then when Revoltechs started making Alien figures, fanboys started shitting up the NECA threads to shit on the NECA alien figures.
Most of the DC and Marvel Generals are just made of up rock bottom fanboys just shitting the threads up, because they're angry other brands exist making the same characters.
If you rock bottom fanboys disappeared one day, which has happened from time to time, a thread's mood is almost always instantly elevated. Other threads also improve, because there's less shitposting from you rock bottom fanboys needing to take revenge.

Also, the McFarlane brand is nowhere near as bad as Joytoy's figures. More people buy McFarlane toys yet there's way fewer complaints about stuff just breaking. Whereas most people who have purchased a Joytoy figure has had a problem. A lot of people self report their problems in that thread, have talked about multiple figures breaking, and even reviewers have had more than one figure fall apart on them in some manner. Personally, I've had more than 6 figures just snap on me, but thankfully, i have baggies of extra joints that Joytoy used to give out to replace them.
Bootleg tier QC, yet they charge 2-8x more than a McFarlane/Hasbro/Jazware toy that are very hard to break even on purpose. Nevermind shitty paint apps despite being a collector brand. They give other Chinese brands a bad name, like 52toys and Hiya.
>Threads are no longer about toys or whatever. You just enter to shit them up, because you're butthurt and need to take revenge.
Why are you talking about your own posts?
>Also, the McFarlane brand is nowhere near as bad as Joytoy's figures.
Pic related is another example of McFarlane using rock bottom plastics and skimping on paint apps to save a few cents because he is a greedy scammer.
>when Revoltechs started making Alien figures, fanboys started shitting up the NECA threads to shit on the NECA alien figures.
Nobody needs an excuse to shit on NECA figures. They're absolute bottom-of-the-barrel trash.
>Bootleg tier QC,
t. Hamhands. I've had two minor QC issues with JoyToy so far, only one of which required customer service contact (a missing part which was quickly replaced). The other was just a tiny doodad that had come slightly unglued and was easy enough to reattach.
> yet they charge 2-8x more than a McFarlane/Hasbro/Jazware toy
You can literally buy an Intercessor for less than a McFarlane, retard.
>Nevermind shitty paint apps despite being a collector brand.
Fucking where? JoyToy has some of the best paint in the game, especially for the price. Mythic Legions is the only brand I can think of that's in the same ballpark and they're more expensive.
>t. Hamhands.
I own literally thousands of toys from over a hundred brands. The only two toy brands I've bought in the past decade that have broken on me are 4H and Joytoy. Unshockingly, tons of people have reported problems with these toy companies.
When you have shit QC, of course shit is going to break. Buy enough of their product and you're going to become aware, which the Warhammer 40k thread knows all about, including yourself.

>Fucking where?
Uh, pic? This is supposed to be gold. Not biege. Not brown. Gold is supposed to look shiny and GOLD.
Since you're a rock bottom collector i need to demonstrate how retarded you are. Pic shows how a children's toy company does gold better than Joytoy does. A budget children's toy shouldn't do gold better than a $160 figure.

No doubt, you'll deflect, lie and insult, instead of actually admitting this is a shitty job.

Also, take notice of the peg on C3P0 at the bottom of the netting. Notice it's the same color as Joytoy's gold. This means Hasbro actually knows plastic gold is completely shit, so it's hidden inside the joint/sockets, and used actual gold paint for the rest of the figure. Joytoy is literally using the same shitty gold plastic but doesn't want to spend the extra penny Hasbro did, despite the figures costing 2-8x less.

also also
>comparing aliexpress prices for a 4.5" figure to a American store prices for a 7'5" figure
sure is retard who is comparing apples to oranges, because he's a rock bottom fanboy that can't logically defend poorly made toys.
Us X-Fags had to buy a whole wave of shitty Avengers figures so we could get Onslaught and then we had to wait longer for his head to be included in the X-Men wave.
At least the characters from that wave hit deep discount reliably. Nowadays entire waves of crap figures sell out because the BAF is kinda cool. And then six months later they just sell a slightly recolored version of the BAF in it's own box and people buy that one up as well.

>still sore for passing on the Apocalypse wave when it was on sale and having to settle for purple Apocalypse instead.
>I own literally thousands of toys from over a hundred brands.
Of course you do. Like all those minis you totally own.
>When you have shit QC, of course shit is going to break.
Explains why I've never had anything break then. Sounds to me like you're just a hamhands.
>Uh, pic? This is supposed to be gold.
Which it is? It might not be gaudy chrome (thank god) but it's definitely gold. Sounds to me like you have a terminal case of retardation.
> Joytoy is literally using the same shitty gold plastic
...That's paint, spastic. It's not super-shiny-polished-chrome gold, sure, but that wouldn't be appropriate for the character (polished gold isn't going to stay polished on the battlefield) and it would look fucking hideous. Also
>comparing a polished brass robot to a guy in ancient armour with battered gold elements
Were you dropped as a baby?
>comparing aliexpress prices for a 4.5" figure to a American store prices for a 7'5" figure
Oh excuuuuuse me princess, I wasn't aware that comparing retail prices for a figure from its own country to retail prices for another figure from its home country was "apples to oranges". But then, what should I expect from the guy who thinks McFarlane's simplistic, underpainted toys should cost more than JoyToy's far more sophisticated and heabily painted figures because "grug like big toy" even though the cost of figures comes down to partscount and not just raw size. Jesus, you aren't very clever are you?
The funny thing is that the new Intercessors are $25 on BBTS. Meanwhile McFartlane is charging $30 for a Batman with barely any paint by labelling it a "Collector's Edition" because Todd is a rock bottom scammer.
Pic related is proof that Todd can't into toys because even getting the bat symbol straight was too much effort for a $30 Collectors Edition.
>"I own literally thousands of toys from over a hundred brands."
No you don't, you own thousand of OTHER PEOPLES pictures.

>"No doubt, you'll deflect, lie and insult,"
That's what you do, literally every time.

Subby, the mentally ill "toy collector". Thanks for demonstrating rock bottom for OP!
>you don't own anything because you criticized my toys! And because you don't own anything you can't say the QC is shit, despite all photographic evidence! Everyone who even complains in the WH40k thread is samefag!
>Everything you like is shit because you criticized my toys and that's why I'll revenge post everywhere!
Keep proving that you're a retarded fanboy with this rock bottom mentality.

>b-b-b-but C3PO is brass
Sure is retard who has no idea hes called goldenrod in the movies because of his golden appearance.
You don't even know what gold or brass looks like, but i guess this is why you think it's okay for a collector toy company to charge $160 for this shit.
Nevermind that C3PO isn't using the chromium look, just a regular gold paint job that any toy company should be able to do, unless they'er cheaping out like Kenner and Joytoy.

BTW, brass and gold are so alike that they use brass to counterfeit gold.
>Everything you like is shit because you criticized my toys and that's why I'll revenge post everywhere
Is that what you are doing? Did the WH40K thread laugh at your hard-on for McFarlane one time too many?
Pic related is what Todd thinks Henry Cavill looks like because he uses the cheapest sculptors he can find to make toys out of the cheapest plastic he can find.
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>you've proven how ignorant i am in trying to defend $160 toys that can't afford good paint jobs, so I'll deflect that criticism by saying this $25 toy is worse!
Rock bottom logic by a rock bottom collector.

You only keep proving me right.

Companies like Joytoy are ripping you off when overcharging you $160 for a 7" figure that cheaps out on paint like Kenner did in the 90s, but you don't want to admit this, because you've hit rock bottom. You're deluded and angry
Nothing that you said in this post relates to what the other post was talking about, so the only thing proven is your schizophrenic delusions.

Also, notice how subby is still going on with the "no u" by calling the other guy "rock bottom" (when that's what we said about him), and deluded (I'm the one constantly pointing out his own delusions [see above]), and the other anon was the one calling him angry and holding a grudge.
Literal child tier arguments lmao

Also also, notice how he STILL hasn't posted a single pic of his supposed "thousands of toys from hundreds of brands"?

Also also also, he's trying to copy me in >>11227278 with his "also also"!
Fucking worthless tool steals writing styles now!
>you're a child for calling me on my deflection because you criticized my toy brand!
>and you can't even post your own toys, despite my needing to say all photos you've taken in the past aren't yours because I'm angry someone who owns my toy brand will say they have a lot of problems from it!
Even if i didn't own them, there's tons of reviewers who have had constant problems with shit falling apart, including shills like awesomeactiontoys and the wh40k thread itself.
>ib4 you're samefagging despite them providing photos of their Joytoy figures crumbling apart

Nevermind the fact that every single review and photo has proven Joytoy is cheaping out by not using actual gold paint, because that's apparently too expensive for their $160 7" toys... despite companies like Hasbro using it on budget children toys.

also also, you might as well pretend you invented sarcasm too. "also also" has been in use since at least the 90s, which is where i copied it from. Nevermind our archive shows its oldest use is one of my own posts, including "also also also". 2015 and 2016, btw.
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>Even if i didn't own them,
Which you don't, because you are a rock bottom poorfag that needs to pretend you still buy toys.
>Nevermind the fact that every single review and photo has proven Joytoy is cheaping out by not using actual gold paint
He still doesn't get it. It's like watching someone get stuck in the mud and flooring the accelerator to try to get out, only to get bogged deeper.
>Nevermind our archive shows its oldest use is one of my own posts
Subby will tell us he invented the English language next.
Also also, pic related is an example of how McFarlane has been using cheap plastic for nearly 30 years because his company is so rock bottom that the reason he started making McStatues is because most of his figures end up being McStatues after you have to glue them back together.
Hasbro don't paint C3PO with vac metal anymore. Are you aware of what decade it is? You are comparing Taliaferro Apples and oranges.
">you're a child for calling me on my deflection because you criticized my toy brand!"
No, your a child because whenever anybody starts calling you something, you spin around and literally say "no, YOU".
We pointed out your delusions, you called us delusional, as seen in >>11221491
(Notice how what I reference actually has to do with what I'm saying? Furthermore, it actually DOES back my assertions, unlike your literal misrepresentations of green text).
Of course, asking for proof is "moving the goalposts" (except for when you do it).
No proof of "also also" always being around, either, just copying me. No link to any of these supposed archives demonstrating this, just "trust me, bro".
Yeah, ok, we're gonna trust the guy that tried to pass off fan art as "official" art lmao.

And of course, still not a single screenshot of any of your "thousands of toys from hundreds of brands", because proof is for Chinese shills paid in BK coupons by the CIA, huh?

Rock bottom.
>NO U x100 and everything you say is a lie because i said so!
All because I dared criticize a toy brand in front of rock bottom collectors who are so deluded, they can't actually defend how cheap Joytoy is. Thus: deflection, lying, and namecalling.

>exampling an ancient 30 year old $5 toy breaking to defend modern $160 Joytoy figures breaking and using shitty paints that modern budget children toys can do better.

also also, do i really need to link to our archive? Any dumbshit just needs to put "also also" (for dumbshits: with quotation marks) into the search box and click back to the oldest posts. Might as well tell me that copying and pasting the Webster dictionary defintion of a word wouldn't be proof either, despite everyone knowing how to look it up on Webster
I might just be talking to bots that can't do anything beyond generating word vomit on 4chan.

Can you even describe what's going on in this photo? Their brands and what colors that are featured on them? Obviously, a bot can't actually see the colors and won't be able to accurately identify them, hence the earlier description of "brass" despite brass and gold being so similar testing needs to be involved to accurately identify them.

No one other than the rock bottom fanboys said they still use the chromium look. Sad, likely because that's too expensive for budget children's toys to use now, but for a $160 figure of a demi-god? ... obviously, we have a couple of retarded fanboys here who are arguing Kenner quality gold plastic from the 90s is high quality enough....
>No one other than the rock bottom fanboys said they still use the chromium look
Then why did you use it as your comparison photo? Is it because the only thing you are capable of making are false equivalencies and fallacious arguments?
>Then why did you use it as your comparison photo
because a budget children's toy company did it better than Joytoy that makes $160 toys with 1990s Kenner quality colored plastic. Again, no one other than deluded fanboys who have hit rock bottom claimed Hasbro used it in this thread and i had to correct him, because he's a bot who can't actually see the photographs being posted.

>false equivalencies
LMAO WAT? Do you even know what that means? You're just tossing out words without understanding what they mean.

Literally two toys made of plastic and it's sad that a budget children's line did it better. Apples to apples.
Both are supposed to look like they're using GOLD and the children's budget figure is doing a better job at it than a $160 Joytoy figures. Apples to apples.

A budget children's figure that cost $4 [b]shouldn't[/b] have done [u]anything[/] better than a premium collector by Joytoy that costs $150, but there it is.

>fallacious arguments
... just more proof of bots who can only generate word vomit.

>ib4 you're not allowed to compare a budget children's toy to a premium collectors toy
I shouldn't, but the point is a juxtaposition, that Joytoy's standards are so damn low and there's collectors who have hit rock bottom that they need to defend that Kenner quality colored plastic.
It's okay if a children's budget toy has shit paint, because it's a budget children's toy, but a premium collector toy that costs twice as much as quality Japanese collector figures? LOL, no, it's not okay.
Double LOL when a budget children's toy does it better.
Triple LOL when collectors are defending a collector company who fails that hard.
Quadruple LOL collectors got angry over that criticism.

This all adds up to the rock bottom mentality of the posters in this thread, and the fact there's so many retarded excuses and defenses is a correlation that should surprise nobody.
Comparing a figure from 25+ years ago that features a paint process that the company no longer uses to a modern figure is a false equivalency. I bet you don't even know why vac metal is rarely done anymore because all of your toy knowledge is decades out of date.
>A budget children's figure that cost $4 [b]shouldn't[/b] have done [u]anything[/] better than a premium collector by Joytoy that costs $150, but there it is.
And they don't. Also
>Trying to use bbcode on 4chan
Fucking kek.
Post models BTW.
>Trying to use bbcode on 4chan
What did you expect from someone whose brain is trapped in the 90s?
This one breaking hurt a lot as a kid, he was one of my favorite figures at the time due to the wrist swivels and interesting angle the shoulders sat at. Ended up using an old missile as a replacement pin and holding it in place with copius amounts of hot glue (my access to replacement resources was limited as a 90s kid). I still have it and the fix still "works", but he can't bend that arm at all these days.
>Gets called out for misrepresentative green texts
>Replies with a misrepresentative green text
Delusional subby; proven.

Also, when SUBBY compares an ancient toy, it's legit proof, but when someone ELSE does it, it's ridiculous!
Delusional subby; proven again.

Also also, tried what you said, it only searches OPs. Maybe I'm doing it wrong cuz I'm on mobile, but the fact remains that subby still fails to provide actual proof (like always. Yes, your stolen screenshots have yet to be proof of anything, besides your delusions, because they don't even verify what your asserting).

Also also also, lmao calling us bots, when you reply with the same few delusions, especially when they're not even the subject at hand!
Delusional subby; proven three fold.

Also also also also, let's compare how subby types in >>11230592 vs >>11230633; not a single use of "also also". This can also be seen by simply scrolling up; he copied me once (likely an attempt to try to samefag? He has been caught trying to pretend to be multiple anons), and then didn't when called out as an attempt to gaslight us that he's always said it, despite endless walls of text with no other uses.
Yet more proof that subby speaks pure nonsense, and is a schizo.

Mental illness is true rock bottom.
At this point you're being just as autistic as he is.
>just as autistic as he is
I'm guessing it's intentional.
To defeat the Subjectanon, you must become the Subjectanon. But beware.
>He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.
This parallel implies that I am unreasonable, which is untrue, as I only RESPOND, never do I initiate the delusional walls of text. I've also taken to only replying to him in dead threads [yes, he does get bothered by lack of (you)s].

Also, I post my own stuff, with timestamps and everything.

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