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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

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City Space 2025 sets:

March set:
>60446 - Modular Galactic Spaceship - 717 pieces

January polybag:
>30694 - Space Science Mech - 49 pieces
I hope they do more space sets in the summer, they should introduce space bandits.
>year of space
They kind of gave up in the summer
>Modular spaceship
What does this even mean?
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I miss simple Lego. The ridiculous piece counts makes everything so daunting to take apart so it discourages MOCs, everything stays built collecting dust on a shelf because who the fuck has the time and patience to separate 1500 pieces
>disassemble 1000 piece set
>throw everything in the sonic cleaner
>6 pieces manage to disappear
every time
This is why I buy random bouts of pieces instead of sets for the most part, since its fun and more engaging to literally filter through lego pieces with my hands vs seeing “Oh boy, the same shitty sets are still on shelves” for example
It uses the same modules as the space station and the other bases.
Lads, do cmf hit discount or just dry up in stores? Got half the DnD set but there's still a few I'm eyeing. Don't want to miss out but I don't want to spend more than I have to.
They’ll dissapear before they discount, I’m maybe tempted to get them but I can’t get the scanner working and I don’t wanna be the freak sitting on the floor scanning them to see which has the orange fucker (for the baby dragon) and the dragonborn and vampire (for the rat), but thats just me
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Found these taking out the trash this morning. Minifig from Hogworts Hospital and a few bits from a Speed Champions Mercedes. The rest are fake. Anyone the best way to tell the 1 x 1 cones apart from the fakes? Just like the round 1 x 1 bricks I can’t find a lego stamp on them.
Which pieces? I have found that 1 x 1 tiles and cheese wedges can get lodged into 2 x 2 and larger bricks. This has happened in my bricklink orders before.
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I would. I’d love to find a 1500 piece set tossed in the trash. Would get no complaints from me.
Year of Formula 1 next
BDP sets came in. My wife's bf said the train is cool :D
Finally got city of lanterns and I also got a polybag will post it after my nap bros and then ill get building
How do you afford those? And two of the same one?
Is that your wife's bf infront of the boxes?
its a reddit faggot

it's a typical afol post on plebbt
>expensive boxes + retarded text mentioning wife or kids
Wow, you know an awful lot about reddit, go back.
wtf are these? I thought bricklink was used lego and shit
>Year of Space
>Year of F1
With the recent set with Mrs. Castillo, Master Wu and Johnny Thunder wearing cosplay of classic Castle characters is this foreshadowing for year of Castle in 2026?
God, actually getting small, inexpensive Castle sets would be fucking incredible. Especially if it released along with a new DND CMF series.
nope, you vill get year of disabilities or diversity and you vill be happy
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Nexo is peak KLOCKI
the waifufigs are good thats about it. should of called it sexo knights and focused on them
>>expensive boxes + retarded text mentioning wife or kids

Why are they like that

He doesn't have to some anon reposts everything from it here and you fall for it like a dumb faggot every time
BPD klocki
>I miss simple Lego. The ridiculous piece counts makes everything so daunting to take apart so it discourages MOCs, everything stays built collecting dust on a shelf because who the fuck has the time and patience to separate 1500 pieces

This is why i have been buying lego minecraft recently.
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Post characters you would like to see in the Sonic theme.
What country?
I’m waiting on mine.
I dislike all the Sonic sets despite being mostly okay with the series, it's just not for me.
I want to publicly thank Lego for their innovative new socialized piece distribution system. Every time a dwarf CMF has its box "selectively previewed" by a dedicated Lego fan, I pull out pic related to add to my collection. I'm up to 18. Thank you Lego for keeping both hardcore collectors and piece nerds satisfied! I don't know how you do it.
Do nerds not like the dwarf? It's a great fig for pieces, swap some normal legs on that sucker and you've got a good adventurer ready to roll
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>sexo knights
I like this title
yeah dwarf has amazing pieces
- ace piece
- little legs that move
- torso
- fur coat

burn other stuff
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Pretty much, other two cats are femoids, nice to have another bro in the house.
I have a job.
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They made the dwarf a black woman for no reason so it barely reads as a dwarf, people just see a black midget woman (who is also ginger so it doesn't make any character or person that exists so you can't use it for city or to represent a celebrity or character) and obviously don't want. Also made it ginger so they could replace a ginger with a black person which is some weird fetish they have it happens alarmingly often despite gingers being more of a minority than black people. If they just made it a male normal dwarf with a big ginger beard it would sell way better or they could make it black but at least include a big beard. Picrel from an earlier CMF is very popular.
Weird sex dungeon with weird sex toy at the bottom
Don't steal stuff bro.
My dark ages was 2008-2023.

What are your favorite sets from that time period?

I've already caught up on Space Police 3, Monster Hunters, Ultra agents, Power Miners and Nexo Knights.
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>I've already caught up on Space Police 3, Monster Hunters, Ultra agents, Power Miners and Nexo Knights.
Galaxy Squad.
i came out of my dark age during the end of it. i remember seeing picrelated on shelves
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Venom bike polybag i got. I don't know anything about marvel but this polybag was cool and it was very cheap. I added a helmet from my own collection, I thought lego would include one since they care about all that lame stuff like diversity and global warming but apparently they don't care about road safety. It's not as good as the animal crossing polybag but for <£3 I can't complain.
Less than £3 I mean.

probably lord of the rings, because that is when i got out of my dark ages from 2005-2012
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Yo, where the visor at? You call that a helmet?
>2 cats
>why i dont buy used lego
I don't have any spare visors that would fit at the moment
Should some crazy dude with his pet parasite care about road safety?
How is that even fucking possible? Visors are a diamond dozen, you usually get like three extras in any set that has one.
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So, how many of those 2809 pieces are sausages?
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Old friends come for a visit on Halloween.

And wait for 14 minutes to fill an incomprehensible captcha.
I didn't for some reason... The only extra ones I have are all clone trooper ones that don't fit properly on normal helmets
Less than you've had in your ass.
Funny, I'm looking for used Lego today.
Is the modular ship actually a legit leak?
Why did the pirates make their railings out of sausages? Are they stupid? Those will rot away and then they won't have proper railings and will fall off...
>LEGO November releases: What I'm buying & My review predictions!
you're not buying shit bro you're broke
keep shitting out off brand reviews for sub 20k views on your dead channel
Double dead I think
>simple Lego
Anon Lego clearly had a problem with the nose candy.
>a coke dealer is making a drop in Lego city!
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holy shit this thing is AMAZING
i actually can buy this but i won't because there is no way i'm finding a space for it to display
I can't even store it normally in my place....

what the fuck this is the best thing ever...It feels bad because i won't be able to get it even if i see it right now.
I see such lego store display cases on Ebay sometimes and every time it's painful not to be able to buy them because of lack of space
kill yourself
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Happy Halloween /lg/
Those are latex and provide more safety and protection from blunt force trauma.
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>nose candy
You misunderstand. Lego's new easy-open package is specifically designed to allow afols to take a little peek, since TLG determined bag-crunching was too violent. Once the innovative single-user preview system has been activated, all the pieces inside are immediately socialized. I'm just manifesting Lego's zero-waste initiative. Shalom.
>kill yourself
polfag: The Awakening
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Happy Halloween bro!
A thousand kekles
So if they lock the shelf, what's the next step of your master plan?
the scan code is insulting

just print a word or number, why does it have to be a code scan thing?

don't make me have to download an app, for me to scan a code, or use my camera... ugh why won't it do it... move around the camera like an idiot in the store... argh c'mon... move the camera more like an idiot... oh! there's the number! it finally did it! so number 70 is THIS figure...

just PRINT the NUMBER on the bottom.

we all "get it" that you still want it to be a surprise for people who "don't know about the scan code" but I feel like doing the silly camera dance makes me look like a clown in the store. thanks Lego. thanks for making me feel like a clown, here's your money.
literally no one likes the blind thing, should just print a picture of the figure on the box
>why i dont buy used lego
Do they not have soap and hot water in your country?
>So if they lock the shelf, what's the next step of your master plan?
Laughing at the business for trying to sell impulse items while simultaneously keeping people from buying impulse items.
New /lmg/

>> 11218827
>> 11218827
>> 11218827
one of the Walmarts near me has the entire Lego section behind a locked glass wall

sales data should quickly show how much that impacts the customer's decisions. is the drop in profits worse than the loss from potential theft? somebody will find out (or already knows)
>>> 11218827
Any way, there’s new moc thread.
But I’m retarded and don’t know how to link the thread. I’ll show myself out
Here you go.

Stop giving this reply bait shit attention
Just report it and move on
Nigger activity
I'm not the one tearing the boxes open so I don't really care.
Hey thanks anon,
GypsyAnon? You back, or just somebody following in his legacy?
new slugkino dropped
Take the axe head as well if you’re gonna steal those, thats how you get some value for your Vikings. Any plans on using these in a snow moc?
Youtube fags deserve the rope.
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>rekindles my love for lego
>won't become an actual theme
fuckin hell now what? unlicensed castle has been so shit, there's nothing for me to get excited about. I mean I'm happy doing MOCs but I do wish there were sets I could look forward to
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Happy halloween fren
Time cruisers fetish porno at the end
>five nights at slugger's
holy autism
it's surprisingly well done though
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That was me. Still keeping on eye on the ground for Lego.
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Comfy Halloween posting.
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and after a few drinks they gangbanged the zesty elf
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Had fun with this, the spooky barn is a pretty flexible facade all things considered. Thinking my next goal is to house the baddies in the Majisto GWP and the heroes in two Dreamzzz Village sets combined into a half face tower.
Nice, glad to see you’re ok
India is the only nation can think of that pretty consistantly hates cats, so he does not have access to a toilet let alone soap and hot water, such is the pajeet's life
People who can't clean their own bodies can't begin to imagine cleaning Lego. You're on 4chan so you're gonna see a lot of slick grimeballs whose only magical association to cleanliness is he feeling of shmearing finger grease on a freshly unboxed nendoroid.
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Is /lg/ ready for the Lego Ninjago Movie 2?
Hopefully, they cast some hot actresses for the female roles. What are your fancasts?
jack black as lloyd
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today I will remind them
Olive Glass as Nya
You bros ready for trick-or-treaters?
I want that house
Wish they had Josh Cooley do it

Also, they say Ninjago is animated here

Also. Live action? So none are animated of other ones? Then all must be based on original lego IPs or else I dont get it why do this?
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>Virtuous individuals combat the malevolent forces of a video game-inspired Roman Empire, which manipulates children’s dreams through harmful gaming experiences.
Too tall
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>Morro is back

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>Hageman bros make a new animated live action Ninjago movie
>ninjago is peak next year
>dreamzzz is peak
>3 more lego films in the works
We are SO BACK

>Morro is back


Is that Toxita from Ninjago? Are we having another Ninjago crossover?
>Toxita from Ninjago
Holy newfag...
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I mean the Toxita from Ninjago Dragons Rising, I know Toxita originates from Ultra Agents.
Villain name is D Shock according to set listing leaks
This kind of feels like an alien invasion story
>Lego Castle movie
How fucking dare you feed me false hope like this, you cur.
We're so close
>lego universal monsters
monsterfighterbros we are so back
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>lego universal monsters
They better make the movie in black & white
and all the sets from it will be so much grey bricks
shit idea dont do that
>car set
Well fuck, that’s a bad omen
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I'm calling it:
it will start out black & white, and somehow be moved into color. like they will be watching an old movie, then the monsters will crawl out of the TV and be like "whoa! colors!" and Frankenstein will be like "oh! I'm green!" and Dracula will be like "WTF I'm still black & white!" (with the white face and black clothes) and the mummy will say "me, too!" (with the white bandages) and werewolf will be like "sucks to be you! I'm BROWN!" and then Dracula will say quietly "what's wrong with sucking?" OMG I'm writing this movie!
>"sucks to be you! I'm BROWN!"
They better include The Invisible Man, The Swamp Thing, and maybe even the Hunchback of Notre Dame even
Have the dracula look excited at tge mirror to check out the new colours only to see nothing
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Happy Halloween my Lego bros. Enjoy the spooky season

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they need to make a joke about this guy never getting "named"

sometimes they call him "Gill-Man"
other people say he's simply "The Creature"
and others use "Creature from the Black Lagoon" or "Black Lagoon" by itself

poor guy I always kinda feel bad for him. even in his movie they capture him and put him in a zoo, and nobody ever gives him a name!
(he does get the signature music sting, which is the best part... you know the duh-duh-duh-DAAAHHH! duh-duh-duh-DAAAHHH! lol I'm typing the sounds)
Ween named him, he's Ocean Man.
Modern Lego Castle will have too many women its going to make me ding my bell
I wish classic space wasnt the only minifig that got endless recolors in modern day. Id love to see more spyrius droids. Seeing that recolored into exploriens was so cool as a kid.
We get it you smoke pot.
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I’m just trying to make an interesting minifigure outfit array for space or semi space, for example this helmet and respirator combo, I agree they should bring back more odd minifigures from Space because UFO is kino
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All jokes and memes aside, should I watch Ninjago?
watch the movie, buy the movie sets, and skip the movie
munsters called him uncle gilbert
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Speaking of the munsters, kinda crazy that back then they let the official designer make an official video showcasing the haunted house while wearing a munsters shirt and literally naming the frankenstein butler "the lurch" which is literally copyright infringement

Thats pretty cool
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My spooky boys are having a good night
Yes I buy non jew lego
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>why yes, I love bootlego, how could you tell?
>production budget of $16 million
wtf that's dirt cheap
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Because it's fairly new so it will take some time for someone to upload the part's list usually takes around a month fren :)
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I hate sorting, to the point with this tray I have no idea what to do with this shit.
I love sorting lego but I like digging in rocks too so it must be a me thing
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>"T-this time it'll totally sell!"
this is mind blowing
why did they do the SAME set?
it makes no sense
(okay it's slightly different, like two versions of a Fire Truck or something)

(I'm still upset that her hair piece is so transparent. she looks bald you can see her head right through it. not so obvious on the package, but on display in the Lego store I was like WTF looks like that girl is balding how is that possible?)
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WTF some kind of brain spider sucking the life out of that poor little thing - yikes what a nightmare

also, WTF... did they make "anime tentacle" pieces?
Look godawful but at least I can now bricklink some official Lego hentacles.
>Did they make a heckerooni hentai meme?
Lego back then:
>Buy this 300$ dust collector to get this minifig
Lego now:
>Buy this 300$ dust collector as early as possible to have a shot at a lottery to get this minifig
would love to see /lg/ waifufigs held up by that hentai spider
fleshies make lego look like offbrand shit
You rape kids Athena
>nexo shields
>shadow of nexo knights still lives on
What if Universal is making a Nexo Knights movie?
That's more or less the same set, lol.
Yes, but the price is different.

Captain America set with Red Hulk is $54.99

Dreamzzz jet is $19.99
I saw the 4+ Lego Space set for 16 dollars today, is that a good price
He looks like as if he's giving a thumbs-down.
argh it's Black Panther and Miles Morales Spider-Man and War Machine all over again! Why can't Marvel learn? you have to SEE the "black man" inside the suit. it could be anybody in there. it's not "oh so powerful" [diversity] if you can't see it.

that's the ONE THING that new Cap had going for him, at least you could tell he was [diversity] but now they give him a solid helmet? Ugh

if he NEEDS the helmet, it's bad writing to put him in a situation where he needs to wear it.

in situations where he "could" wear it, he should refuse because he wants to heroically send a good message, and the lack of safety is "worth it" (it's not "logical", but a good hero thing to do, for the audience watching)
First we got Morro return, and now a Ninjago movie that is live action got announced.

I'm very excited for it especially because of it being live action. It might be a weird decision, but I love when there's something done that we haven't seen yet. And that also means that lego does care about Ninjago and that the theme is doing good so far for it to be one of the 4 new lego movies. I'm also interested as on what would it be about, and I do see some options for that:

1. A live action version of the story from the pilots, or the story from s1 - s2(but that might be too much content for just one movie).

2. Something completely new with the characters from the show, but done in a unique way, So basicaly just like The Lego Ninjago Movie.

3. It's a part of the main ninjago canon, and it would we some side story inbetween some seasons(The most likely would be before DR and after s15).

I expect that they would make sets from it, because it would be weird if they didn't. So it would be interesting to see the ninja having regular skin colors
>live action rendition of a lego IP
instant bomb
Galidor is as close to success as it will ever get, and we saw how badly that went
So these are the hero sets people are supposed to buy over the shark ship and raven? Seriously?
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How the fuck does a polybag have the "flying game controller thingy" concept vastly better realized than the $20 set?!
>big brain pieces
I can finally build obsidian fury with that
It has 3 alternate builds
He is going supersonic in the trailers...he needs a helmet
It's so chinese audiences don't have to see him because all the diversity shit is fake and gay
It's one black guy. In an action movie
They are just racist as shit
Lego wants original themes and anything associated with the way Lego used to be to fail. Only be eliminating the old can they make a clear path for globohomo.
Honestly for 20$ this looks fine
If it didn't have those stupid off-blue and off-yellow colours you could moc it into a space-police style space firemen spaceship
>m-muh space police
fuck off. Dreamzzz is superior as is.
Space police is way better than dreamzzz you must have extremely serious brain damage if you think dreamzzz is better. Go see a doctor.
I remeber that set. i used to get lego club magazines during this era and seeing it appear in one of the issues. i always wanted it but i've never asked my parents for it. i wish lego did more of these sets. maybe im just talking out of my nostalgic ass, but these early 2010 sets do have a certain charm to them that newer sets don't. i miss lego orginial themes
Do you like it for what? Original themes, spare parts, cheaper "licensed" sets?
Do I start watching Ninjago from Season 1, or do I watch the pilot episodes? Is it all canon?
Watch the pilot episodes first, it's literally the beginning of Ninjago. Season 1 not only references the pilot, but has a direct flashback episode.
It's the Lego stuff that Lego® won't give us anymore.
>poorfags trying to force their cringe Chinese poison plastic knockoffs onto /lg/ yet again
Fuck off, no one is interested.
Lego is also chinese poison plastic now desu
>they like a different off brand non TM product than I like
>they must be poor!
Post your collection richboi!
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Anyone have this? Thinking about getting it. It is, as I understand it, a Great Vehicle.
Fuckin pandering asses man.
Sticks are high in lignin and cellulose, and your home compost isn't likely to be active long enough to break them down in a reasonable time leading to mold and rot. Not what you’re wanting in compost.
>we picked up a stick
Meanwhile >>11219701
Isn't she throwing the stick for the dog to fetch?
thats a cat
1. its a cat
2. i dont know why she is thrwoing the stick clearly not throwing it into the trash, it looks like she is throwing it at the garbage men which is kind of messed up and evil.
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>messed up and evil
it tracks
They make the endurance too long and the lifeboat too tall? What the fuck Lego.
I don't care for star wars but jabba's sail barge looks cool. Too bad it's $500. Do you think I could moc it into an airship or something cool like that?
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Just get the ninjago skybound sets
You'll save more money and have more useful pieces
Too many tiles for it to work
You people are fucking miserable. Hardly any of you did anything fun or creative for Halloween.
You spent the entire day bitching about new releases (again), bitching about dei (again), bitching about women (again).
Make a fucking discord already if all you want to do is circle jerking about the same handful of bullshit day after day.
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god ninjago is soulful
meant for >>11219700
I'm just getting back into lego. What do you mean by too many tiles?
Small tiles are bloatware basicslly, same with spamming 1*1 studs and such, cancer to builds
ninjagochads, i kneel...
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When legos switched from 12 volt trains to 9 volt trains in 1990 , was there a big backlash for the 12 volt bros?
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He's probably wrong about it preventing you turning it into something else but he's right that the tiles are cancer. Current lego sets are often covered in tile pieces to hide all the studs, maybe out of shame of being lego, which bloats the piece counts and prices even further, and makes it a pain to pose minifigs in them. Pic related is the interior of the sail barge, what should probably just be a flat plate is tiled over.
You'd be better off doing your own airship from scratch or using the 3 in 1 pirate ship if you MUST use a currently available set
No, 9 volt is cheaper so it was good and you really don't need a 12v for a lego train (even 9 volt feels kind of overkill)
>flat plate
I mean a single studded plate, sorry, bad wording
Are those tubes flexible? Dang, what a time to get back into Legos.
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Based Sky Pirates arc...i loved it so much
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>Original themes, spare parts, cheaper "licensed" sets?
cheaper parts, sometimes more diverse, keeping to generic themes rather than franchises and licenses. Even the lego themes that have actual sets like Ninjago or Dreamz have problems with things looking overdesigned. It's mostly the former though because relatively few bootlego brands do any nice small sets, too many are just looking for afols who want display pieces
Isn't this film like 10 years old now? Why would they do that?
They're making a live-action version with lots of blacks.
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I'd bet you a fiver this will use this dragon head for toothless
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So this is how we get vikings theme back, sorta
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Please do it
Oh, won't watch or buy sets then. Lego, seriously? Do a good film like Blues Brothers or the original Blade Runner...
That dragon is how they should make the mechs and dragons and animals and such, perfect blend of system and bionicle...
Wasn’t there a friends set with a yellow crab? Or am I just misremembering
Yeah, plenty of bizarre bricks to use, wonder what stuff I need to get to make a new one
https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=54215&name=Dinosaur%20Wing%20-%20Left&category=%5BAnimal,%20Body%20Part%5D https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=54214&name=Dinosaur%20Wing%20-%20Right&category=%5BAnimal,%20Body%20Part%5D these two should be interesting for mocs
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Post obscure Lego Pieces
Dead show
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but all the 12 volt track and kit the 12 volt bros brought was now obsolete
Which train track is the best
So what will it be? Power plant? Elementary school? Moe's bar is kinda not kids friendly.
The rumor is saying it's Krusty Burger.
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It's complicated.
Just give us a good tutorial on how to make custom lego train sets
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Wife and my haul today
>not buying them separately and getting two copies of the reading set
I am disappointed in the redditor you stole that from
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just a lil treat from the missus to cheer my up after my vasectomy
Shut the fuck up
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>Comfy Halloween posting.
Comfy Halloween reposting.
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Based on this earlier version
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>depression era carnival glass
Nigger you can’t marry your mom. Are you Chrischan? Also clearly just Reddit reposts. >>11220000 checked though what a waste of digits.
nta but a lot of zoomettes are into decorating their homes with the grandma aesthetic.
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do you have paypal?
No, going to have and work out how to order the shit myself
I had not heard of this. I only know what it is because I inherited a shitload… you’re saying I can con retards into buying it and use that money for legos?
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>wanting to see girls raped by spiders instead of falling at the feet of your self insert
it's so over ntr cuck
Wow it's nothing
>ninjago is still succesful enough to get a second iteration of a Hollywood big budget film
Where were you when Ninjago surpassed Bionicle?
This is the same bigfig from the Hulk Vs. Red Hulk set, right?
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wow those Iron Man armory sets must SELL
this is the 4th one they've done
What's next Lego Shrek?
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different face print
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Best Crate colors?
Black because the dum minifigure stands you probably have zillions of can be used as lids
Who the hell is Tony?? Shouldn't that say "Andy's Toys"?
Lol what the fuck is that retarded hunchback of notre dame Igor looking thing
Its Igor
>random 16 year gap before it comes back again
>first set reintroducing it does the tech you mentioned
Nice choice
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Different pant print too.

I got this set on clearance for the purple m-tron tires so it's funny to see how pricey it is on bricklink now.
Actually looking at it closely, this new one is the bigfig with a removable head, isn't it?
There is no god damn way the Hulk set is $55 Retail
They are out of their god damn mind if that's true
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>That price difference
Holy FUCK Marvelcucks are braindead
No god damn way. $55 for that shit?
Dreamzzz chads REIGN
Man first thought looking at the red hulks set was, that looks like $20 in pieces bet it'll be $30 in store.
Can't wait to find it at target for $15 when they inevitably have to clean the shelves for the next round of mouseslop.
I dig this fence design.
can you please post pics of the mechanism underneath the build that allow the plates to spin? I would like to borrow this technique kind anon
>Shilling troon shit
Get banned already
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>I dig this fence design.
Already took them apart but there's a wide gear under each circular plate (where the minifigs are standing). The vertical gears on the crank axle push the horizontal gears under the circular plates.
How much did that stem cost?
Can the big figs head come off?
>literally dancing on someones grave

If they can, they can rotate

You NEED to k ill yourself and get perma'd already you inbred troglodyte
Didn't we already get like this exact set? and shitty Igor?
Or is this somehow a worse Igor?
Why the space in Kill
I sneezed, It's also 5:30 am for me so my brain is shutting down
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No we didn't - we got a bigger one with an Igor that actually can move its elbows.
And you just KNOW that this is going to cost just as much as the original.
>Didn't buy these back then
This is one of the things I liked about the D&D set. With the exception of some stairs, almost every horizontal surface is exposed studs.
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>live action Ninjago
Bionicle btfo
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What will the story be about?
fuck this shit is a major downgrade

Just look at this blue mech: >>11220565
Im not a marvelfag and i would buy it to moc into something. and use the rest of peices.
While this >>11220094 thing SUCKS ass...
Anon. This is 50 dollars >>11219471

And this is 20 dollars

Marvel is a joke
Oh no
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Lego movies always have great sets
So 4 new movies are a great thing

Hopefully they wont kill upcoming original themes like lego batman movie and ninjago movie sets killed nexo knights
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New thread

fuck off to the moc thread, or did it die again cause it's just the same few people circle jerking over the same few pics of mocs.
I didn't even realise it was a new one from the thumbnail.
>How much did that stem cost?
It's from a Hidden Side set
>not image limit
can you homo hold off for a literal day
Remember to feed him attention instead of reporting the spam.
"Some folks are born, silver spoon in hand...."
What's the point, the jannies obviously can't be arsed to do their jobs.
>pew pew

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