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They’ve been canceling things left and right, just saw that they canceled the Dungeons and Dragons Vecna that they were gonna do which I was actually interested in… then all the shit that happened with them losing Disney licenses. Are they as a company doing okay?
Who gives a shit about Super7? I would rather unironically have BST stuff.
It's ogre.
These things happen in threes. First Premium DNA, now Super7. Hopefully NECA next.
Stop detailing every damn thread about this shit, this is about super7 not NECA.
When pre orders are lower than the minimum needed to go into production, things get canceled. Simple as that.

Regarding the Disney license, it seems they pulled their Simpsons license to give ti to Jakks and then they may have refused to allow Super 7 to renew any other Disney licenses if sales were below estimates.
Sorry, it's just way too easy to set you guys off. And no, I don't think NECA will go under. Their stuff looks too nice.
>Are they as a company doing okay?
>SCORES of repaints
>SCORES of blind boxed repaints
>Massive losses last year with Ultimates getting clearanced everywhere
>MASSIVE loss on Disney trash like Lightyear and their unsellable $400 life size Sox figure
>loss on Willow 2 wave after Disney+ failure
>MASSIVE loss on R&D and promotion of failed Cobra Mothership
Honestly, I think the repaints are there to make up for the holes in their release schedule after they broke up with Disney

Brian Flynn is a cunt, a liar, a huckster that doesn't stand behind his work. They're massively overpriced on so much of their shit.

IF they do another gift card bonus sale this year, I won't be stocking up, I have little faith in them right now.
I don’t think they are going to go under, rather go back to being niche. Ultimates being the huge brand it was is clearly on the way out, you can see just based on their output compared to last year. They overextended and ignored customer complaints for too long, it’s caught up with them and they can’t keep the pace they had before.
They’re based in San Francisco.

I dont own any or even collect disney but that stuff looked pretty good and had some deep cut or lesser known characters. I guess dnd toys are cursed to be short lived
They're based in SF but not based. Flynn is a soi faggot.
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flyover states are trash
>When pre orders are lower than the minimum needed to go into production, things get canceled. Simple as that.
No other toy company does this barring the line just going under. They make figures, then put up the preorders as they are shipping out. S7's made to order nonsense is ridiculous.
*Domestic toy company
Is it still legal for a faggot to intentionally give someone AIDS in Commiefornia? And how many people have you given AIDS?
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>the largest size is out of stock
The fuck is wrong with you people?
>"are they doing okay?"
>faggot company run by basedboy manchildren
>bite off more IP than they can chew
>fail to produce quality or anything at all in some cases for higher end pricing for a domestic toy company
>blame customers for not liking the shit quality and high costs
>company lay offs likely coming next

It's a mystery.
Fucking autotype
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>he can’t get past 4chan’s word filters
I forgot how fucking gay this site has gotten in the last 6 years. Captchas and filters galore.
>flyover states are trash
Hey faggot, did you know San Francisco is NOT the entire state of Commiefornia? Did you also know it's one of the most EXPENSIVE cities in Commiefornia? Did you know how much overhead they could reduce just by moving over a little bit to Sacramento? Nobody is telling them to move to Nebraska, you fucking histrionic little child.
I was collecting their ultimates TMNT when I very first started buying toys (only been at this for 4 years), I thought they were the coolest thing ever but then I started buying other toys and while I still like the super 7 TMNT I dipped into other ultimates (Disney, mmpr, the worst) and hated them
This on top of the fact that they seem to be done with playmates TMNT ultimates is a reason I haven't been buying anything from them in over a year

That and the fact that when I started they were like 35 or something and now they're like 60

I realize now what I want when buying toys and ultimates generally don't cut it

Id still be interested in playmates TMNT ultimates if they ever get back to it
Why can't they make Rocko's Modern Life figures? They did those Ren and Stimpy figures back a few years ago and they were good.
That's common on any site that caters to the 'geeky' crowd.
the largest sizes always go first and you'll find the small ones on sale a year later as they try to get rid of them.
>playmates TMNT ultimates
I think they got in trouble with Playmates for that. IIRC S7 thought all 80s TMNT stuff was in their license but so many were PM designs and PM pitched a fit about it. They really haven't done dick with it since, including their ReAction figures which have since been nothing but repaints.
every company does it. stuff gets canceled before we even hear about it due to lack of orders from retailers.
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If they are going bust then good fucking riddance, I don't want to see this shit on my figure packages.
I like when I forget about the filters and type s-m-h or i-m-h-o and get a surprise. The best bit is that one of Australia's newspapers is the Sydney Morning Herald, and the filter fucks with any links posted. Also it's funny watching newfags repeatedly try and fail to circumvent them.
>Smh imho
Does baka not filter? Does imho not filter?
My whole life has been a lie.
Ok, baka is safe. Maybe it was imo that filtered to desu?
Isn't it hilarious how some of the most vile, repugnant, hateful people LOVE to hide behind such platitudes? I bet Brian Flynn kneeled during BLM and likely bent over for it as well while his wife watched.
It was t b h that gets turned to desu
>go direct to Super7 website
>buy product
>check out
>choose "no"
>rinse and repeat
>sign up for texts to win $500 gift card
Yeah, these grifters ARE having cash flow problems.
Try not being ignorant for once in your life.
That's no different than what Pizza Hut does if you order a pizza online, just for toys.
you don't buy any toys at all chungusfurry
We all know by now how utterly lonely and frustrating your life is, that you are bedbound and require the fire department to break down a wall in your home and transport you to Sea World to fit on the table for an x-ray and medical treatment.

However, anyone with an ounce of intelligence knows that 5POA was what Gen X grew up with, NOT zoomers. In your need to spew bile and attempt (and fail) to make everyone as miserable as you are, you still fucked up, and fell on your fat face here. Get your shit straight, you absolute loser.
i don't like flynn at all but i'll take him over you any day chungus
Not that dipshit, but saying "chungus" makes you sound like a total child.
Look, you wanna come up with a better name for him we can all agree on, by all means. I didn't start calling him chungus, it just seems to be what we've decided on.
Nobody "decided" on shit, faggot. Imagine being this unoriginal!
Plenty of people around here call him it, don't know what to tell you.
You really are an NPC and incapable of coming up with your own thoughts. How fucking sad.
>durrrrrrr other people said it!
You're a fucking PARROT then. Insults are an art form. You're just a newfag.
Super 7 isn't a wholesome small business though
The point is to identify him so no one wastes their time attempting to have legitimate conversation with him, nothing more. I don't really give a shit about actually insulting him.
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>their ReAction figures which have since been nothing but repaints

That hurts the worst. That's one of my favorite lines. Was hoping it would go one for a while longer. Just need one more undercover Turtle
They're still cranking out the repaints, there's still a chance. Still sucks how they've dropped the ball on ALL of their cartoon ReActions.
>1 with white eyes
>2 with pupils
Super7 really hates its supporters. These figures don't even match.
Yeah, I do have hope they'll finish the repaint series.

In their defense, the Don is from an earlier series. He's not meant to match, I was just stubbing him in.
I call him Pedothena, because he’s very obsessed with little boys
>Clicks on a Super7 thread to see what's going on with Super7
>Is instantly overwhelmed with arguments and complaints about faggots and wokeism and politics and a whole bunch of shit that has nothing to do with toys
Jesus Christ, you people.
>too stupid to see how Super7's wokeism affects what they do
I mean, they made Xena figures but refuse to make Hercules because Kevin Sorbo is a conservative.
>muh arguments and complaints
go back to plebbit where you need to be coddled, faggot
Super 7 is shit.
have you tried crying about it?
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He probably should have spent more time QC checking his product instead of virtue signalling.
>buying faggot propaganda

Sorbo is a little more than conservative, the dude is a huge shitposter on Twitter, that’s really what has alienated him from any new work or merchandise. He falls for any and every right wing grift in the same way Hollywood will stick up for any and all woke leftist bullshit. They are probably what caused him to fall so far off the deep end, but it is what it is.
Oh fucking please. Like the lefties don't fall for every lefty grift and still get made as toys. You're being disingenuous, like all lefties.
>Everyone I don’t like is a leftist
Thank you for proving you do not understand nuance, no wonder why you’re sticking up so hard for Sorbo of all fucking people.
The point was Hollywood is a woke hivemend and he rocked the boat so hard he fell overboard, it’s no one’s fault but his own for not reading the room to just shitpost anonymously, much like we are doing here.
>continues to gaslight and twist what I said.
Never read past the first part, so you wasted your limp wristed time, you gaslighting faggot.
You are doing a pretty good job of that yourself pal.
Well I think part of the problem is Super 7 brought it up. If they did not, it wouldn't be brought up against them. Businesses, whether toy companies or otherwise, need to be in the business of giving their consumer what the consumer wants, no questions asked, as long as its legal. And cheap shit from China is definitely legal, since America has been built on it from the point China was opened up to the west and began making cheap toys. Never alienate your potential customers about stuff unrelated to what you are selling. You're only reducing the amount of potential toys you can sell and thus money made. This is probably in entry level business classes, and it's easy to understand.
>they pulled their Simpsons license to give ti to Jakks

Actually the license was up. Jakks made an offer to Disney for it and S7 couldn't meet what Jakks was offered to Disney.

>that stuff looked pretty good and had some deep cut or lesser known characters
And that was the problem. Had they started out with a few "regular" figures in each wave it would have resonated better with Disney collectors.
Wave 1:Mikey and Donald
Wave 2: Minnie and Goofy
Wave 3: Pluto and ...
Then sprinkle in some deep cuts to finish the waves. I would have bought every Robin Hood character in the movie but I knew with the formula they were using, they would never get to even just the main cast. Disney's vault of characters was just too huge.
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Should Super7 be sent to the shadow realm?
your downfall is motuc toys cosplaying other 80s franchises. that overpriced shiut can't print money forever. look at what happened to matty when they banked on them if you want a history lesson.
looking forward to your shit rotting at ollies. might buy the cobra twins if they show up there. my advice is buy up one of those 1/12 chinese blank bodies and start making them cosplay 90s and 00s franchises.
finally, please stop your open worship fags and eunuchs if you want you company to last.

t. guy who bought some of your shit
So I remember Super 7's last big sale on BBTS and Brian and other people said no more, that won't be happening anymore now that they are tightening their belt and shifting down production. You won't see their toys on deep discount anymore these people said. And yet here were are, BBTS has another huge sale on Super 7 stuff that they can't move up. Is anyone surprised?
They are based in San Fran. They are some of the gayest faggots on the planet.
Trash Dimension…
How is their Dino Megazord? Worth it for $40? I honestly love to death how it looks but the articulation is the only thing stopping me from getting it. That and wondering if it might drop below $40

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