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A thead to discuss and post lego mocs, techniques and everything moc related
Lego Octan Factory by JangBricks
>>11218834 #
Strange choice for an OP image, but here's a better picture of the bastard in the background. His name is Muhjizzto
I know the ones on the shelf are sets,
But is that whole table Jang’s mocs or are there sets sprinkled in?
I liked it because it shows the technique of the roof,
there's sets sprinkled in
some are slightly modified official sets
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I'm still trying to make this into a system that I can incorporate into a regular building. Right now my geometry is a little fucked up because the footprint needs to be a half-stud shorter than it is wide, which is gonna make walls annoying to construct since I want a half-stud inset so the edges look like trim. The back can look like whatever but I'm trying to at least nail the front and sides.
Another incomprehensible shot of the bottom. Really the takeaway here is I made two identical assemblies and made them buttsex with the green 1x1 rounds and bars so it's one symmetrical roof assembly. The clips in the middle are for connecting to the center of the final structure.

The goal is a little horse pasture diorama with a run-in shed and white fence. Maybe a jacked up apple tree with planks supporting the branches. I dunno, something cute.
his city is gone now . demolished.
in new jang city Octan where a coffee cup manufacturer.
that was a cup factory , see the big cup at entrance
there is 2 lmg , the gotard is at work i assume , what a sad human being it is
Where’s his beard?
>that x-pod stack
I kneel.
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Have you one of these in your collection yet?
what is it ?!?
Lego DS Case, used for assembling a puzzle out of tiles on the back, theres also a dark red version for Indiana Jones thats pretty cheap to get complete
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I have some storage cases.
Still pretty good
I need to buy a bulk amount of common pieces to build a MOC, is there a way of figuring out which stores have the best prices, can I just assume based on their ratings / number of items, or will I have to manually go through and get quotes from each seller
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I haven't heard that phrase in a long ass-time and it suddenly awoke a massive wave of 2000's era notalgia in me. I now understand why millenials basedface when they see heccin wholesome marvelerino
I need to collect their cases again
I suggest making a wanted list with some manner of pieces you selected you would want, then filter on price as a baseline
I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at, but it looks like you could simplify it greatly by eliminating the system of bars-and-studs and instead just clipping the two halves down separately.
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i use biscuit tins , they are stackable
>MOC general
>it's just oldfags whning about old lego being SOVL and new is trash
this why your threads are always dead, because people who like mocs but dont like shace or castle crap or...fucking X-pods lmao won't post there.

the life wa soooo much better back then. Space SOVL right?
Yeah it's pretty incomprehensible. Whatever image was used as the OP is much better at showing the concept. I used the bars and studs to invert the assemblies because those areas were already being filled with 1x1 rounds to allow the brackets to rotate, so I didn't lose any space. I'd also likely end up with a tiny gap down the middle since everything was already so complicated and jacked up. I ended up simplifying the whole thing once I gave up on a rear facade when the total length geometry started getting too wack. This new design just flips from regular 1x2 brackets (nougat) to inverted ones (purple) after a couple rows.
I hate when shit looks overdesigned but I love hiding overdesigns that create deceptively simple results verification not required
>getting upset on 4chan
i was severely abused throughout my whole childhood
Who fingered you?
why not just use hinges?? what's the point
Different overlap, different roof pitch, tiles stay at the correct angle, I don't have to fuck with jumper grids, and I can handle it without it exploding. Show me what you have in mind though.
Oh, and they actually meet in the middle for a nice crest. I'm not interested in calling a long string of 1x1 rounds a roof ridge.
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>the life wa soooo much better back then. Space SOVL right?
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I posted this on a lego general thread, made in stud.io, right now I'm out of ideas on what to build but I really like small builds like robots or animals, anyone got some ideas?
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other stuff that I already built.
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>this why your threads
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>armed animal crossing fig
I'll take a slow thread of original posts over the same unoriginal bitching and whining that happens on /lg/

Why reply to week-old trolling?
Why do you care?
Didn't ask.
awesome blue falcon
really love these guys, really cool robots
Well SOMEONE did
The side wings remind me of some old technic sets. Making them with blue curved technic panels and some detailing would probably look pretty sick.
Red looks better than white. Looks great anon, which sets did you use to get the parts?
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MEantot finish this dude's update for Halloween but then personal shit came up. oh well.

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