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>David showed off the Stegosaurus painted prototype that was supposed to be part of the Cyberzoic kickstarter
>Hammond Collection Atrociraptor officially announced for release in January 2025
>Nanmu JP and Lost World pre-orders up they ship in February
>Creative Beast Studio Allosaurus Fragilis, Smilodon Populator, Dilophosaurus, Deinonychus, and Albino Zuniceratops start shipping this week
Size comparison
Is that the kickstarter cyberzoic smilodon or the regular release that's shipping?

Also as a former Coloradan; do want a stego.
it's the Melanistic Smilodon, not the cyberzoic smilodons.

In other smilodon related news, David showed off another smilodon repaint
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New Chaos Theory line toys revealed and WOW are some of the choices bizzare.
>Thapunngaka is Australia's biggest known pterosaur and it's still just snout pieces.
>Guemesia, lietrally only known from it's braincase and the smallest abelisaurid known.
>Farlowichnus is literal fucking footprints. That's it. No associated bones, just FOOTPRINTS.
isn't Farlowichnus literally only known from footprints?
>Not green with red plates
At least it does look good
It is, and it confuses me as to why Mattel chose it specifically and didn't even bother with the unique foot shape??
>Although the footprints are structurally tridactyl, or the imprints of three toes are visible, Farlowichnus was likely functionally monodactylous. The foot shape also indicates adaptations for running in soft, dry sand.
They’re lazy, or literally didn’t know. Either that or the show about dinosaurs, didn’t study their dinosaur facts.
By the way, if you couldn't back the mammoth, pre-orders are open on Backerkit. Everything is $5 more expensive than the crowdfund
BOTM dilo and allo are in stock at Everything Dinosaur. They were at Speelboer as well earlier this week, but maybe that was an error? My order is still "processing".

Who even has room for things like this? I'd much rather have a 1/35 version.
That's kind of disgusting
>I'd much rather have a 1/35 version.
yeah. I'm really hoping that he starts doing more 1/35 figures after the mammoth. The Stego is so absurdly large
I like my dinosaur toys to be huge. But that's probably because i started with the original JP line
I wish it looked like in the OP. I don't like the blue on the plates
What's the best smilodon or sabretooth in 1:18?
There isn't one until 2025
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Apparently David teased Austroraptor a Legionscon. Looks like it uses the Utahraptor body, but a different head and neck
No the body seems a lot skinnier and the arms much smaller
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Hammond Collection Scutosaurus!!!
he cute!
Looking good. I would have gone with a round pupil but that's personal prefference
The mouths they've been doing on these are so fucking gay.
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Oh shit, they can stand on without support
now lets see it with the armor on
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This isn't a new thing, all the smaller guys can stand fine. Wish we were getting way more smaller dinos in cyberzoic.
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Can even one foot without support, but it's a bit precarious.
The color schemes are always just that one step too far every time. Feels like it prevents a vast majority of figures from ever really feeling like definitive versions of the animal.
I feel exactly the same
More like two or three steps too far. The only good looking dinosaurs in this entire line are the ones with more simplistic paint jobs, like the pachyrhino, or the ones based on dino riders because those were made by actual toy designers who understood color theory.
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I agree. For example, i think the T. rex would be miles better if it looked like the concept art. Just dark reddish brown with a lighter underside
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As a matter of fact. Basically all of them look better in the concept art
anything like vid related?
I assume companies like safari, papo or schleich have made anomalocaris figurines
I really like this in a goofy kaiju kinda way.
I got the legacy collection Real Feel Carnotaurus at Target today. I didn't know that was a thing. It is pretty neat. There was also a set with a red and black raptor. Are there other legacy collection sets coming too?
Very nice!
Surprisingly, they haven't made an Anomalocaris, though CollectA has.
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The Nanmu Carno 3.0 is such a good boi
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What's the verdict on this one?
Now post him doing a mating dance.
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It really is a great little figure
Female and baby Chasmosaurus as well as Austroraptor got shown off
Oh hell yeah, i love Austroraptor. I hope he paints it after a muscovy duck
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Al arrived today and though I still have some quibbles with the stripes on the face, I'm loving this guy
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Al is pretty much a better figure in every way to Das
Carnosaur merch when
I love these ducks. Please do them justice.
So how come dirt cheap Papo figures are able to have better paint apps than a +$100 "collector" figure? The dilophosaurus looks even worse.
other than the red stripes on the antorbital fenestra I don't you're not talking about. The paint apps on Allosaurus are good and naturalistic.
David makes his color scheemes way too complex for the factory. His personal hand painted ones look good but the ones that get to customers not so much
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I don't know what you guys are bitching about. Al's paint look great outside of the four red stripes on its snout. Complaining about the figure as if the rest of it looks like that or pretending it looks like the bad paint jobs of the older figures sounds like pure sour grapes
NTA but I have been backing his stuff since the start and I probably have more of his dinos than you do. I stopped backing because the figures are too much and have not seen much improvement over paint (and articulation). Mattel getting better and more competition like Nanmu coming out have solidified my choice. Not all of them are terrible, like I like the green Trex despite the heaviness and bad articulation. The ugly paint on a lot of the figures is a legit complaint. Get that toxic positivity crap outta here.
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>I probably have more of his dinos than you do
Totally irrelevant to the discussion of Allosaurus and the recent wave of releases.
>have not seen much improvement over paint (and articulation)
both of those are dramatically improved in the Allosaurus. You want to bitch about the old lines or about the fact that it took 6 years for David to finally get better control on the deco, then I won't disagree with you, but if you are gonna pretend that's an issue with the current wave I'm gonna think you are not doing good faith criticism.
>The ugly paint on a lot of the figures is a legit complaint.
yeah, I know, I've complained about it a lot in the past.
>Get that toxic positivity crap outta here.
Liking a figure is not toxic positivity but crying about an issue older figures had and pretending it's a critique of a current figure is forced negativity. Me thinking that my velociraptor's blue snout looks terrible and nothing like what it was advertised or that Lythronax's patterning is cluttered and its "eye liner" looks awful has no baring on my opinion on Allosaurus. Just like my thoughts about Mattel's dogshit Baryonyx has no impact on my thoughts on their excellent Irritator.
Just compare the paint to Nanmu and you will see the staggering difference
Mind you, i don't think they are terrible, but for the asking price they sure could be a hell of a lot better
>Totally irrelevant to the discussion of Allosaurus and the recent wave of releases.

Then why pull the "sour grapes" BS? How can you say anyone is arguing in bad faith when you say dumb crap like that? Then you back peddle when someone has some of the figures. lol You are just downplaying the bad paint as "bitching". That Allo paint doesn't look good, and it's worse considering the price is what, and that figure is more than half the BOTM Trex? Like 4 times a mattel Carno? Would look far better without the awkward harsh blue and brown paint, easily.
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I definitely think the Nanmu figures still have the edge on the BOTM figures when it comes to paint. Though the Melanistic Sabertooth really looks like it may almost be on par with them and is a tempting purchase if I didn't already have the cyberzoic sabertooth on pre-order. That being said, the red on the Allosaurus' eye that leads back into a stripe is well done almost on par with the blue on the male raptor's eyes and the white stripe going down its body and far better than any similar patterning that David's done before.
I do think the BOTM Allo has significantly better joint cuts than either the Nanmu figures which beyond looking nicer, don't sacrifice range of motion unlike the Velociraptor's neck or the Carno's waist.
Maybe after I get my hands on the $80 Nanmu V.rex and I can pose it alongside the Allo to see how the paint and articulation balance out I'll be less positive about the Allosaurus, because it's closer in size while being $40 cheaper, but the Carno and the Velociraptor are dwarfed by the Allo and their articulation is uglier so I'm less persuaded by the Raptor and Carno being $50 compared to the Allo's $110

One thing I will say that I'd like both companies to improve on is paint chipping issues. The paint chipping on my Nanmu Velociraptor's neck and my Daspletosaurus' hips are really noticeable because of the light colored plastic they are made of.

>Then you back peddle when someone has some of the figures
Why are you making shit up? I literally complained about the Allosaurus' face stripe in the very first post I made about the figure >>11231759 and I complained about the blue stripes on the Dilo's crest in the last thread >>11179106 for the same reason. The rest of the paint apps have improved significantly. You may not like the stylistic choice of making its display structure a harsh blue, but that's a stylistic opinion and not a critique of sloppy paint apps.
The thing with them for me is the overdesign of the color schemes. Like the red stripes on the allo's face are the part that looks bad, but it really didn't even need to have them. Just green with darker stripes and blue crests would have been enough
The back peddle was on the "sour grapes" BS and then when someone actually has these figures, you say it doesn't actually matter lmao No one has sour grapes in this thread, that is retarded.
So all you do is complain?
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yeah, I mostly agree. The red stripes on the snout are both poorly executed and kind unnecessary. I think the blue crest would have been enough contrast with the red crest of the upcoming jimmadseni.
are you illiterate? I was just defending the recent BOTM wave outside of a few minor critiques.
This one i think looks pretty good. I wish there was an option to mix and match the allo colors because i preffer fragilis' head
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what's the lowest this boy goes for?
Have they fixed the bicep issue? I was in the store yesterday and saw 3 of them, but they all had sorta sussy looking painting going on for the left bicep.
I think Target has a 25% off coupon for any single toy still going on their app.
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Behold, Recur's Deinochei- sorry, I mean, Therizinosaurus.

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