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Hey everyone, it's that time of year again. November 1st means it's secret santa time on /toy/!

Sign ups end November 8th.

Also, new this year (and discussed in the final thread last year) I added a limit to how long your wishlists can be. The limit is 2000 characters. I feel like that's more than enough space to write a list and also doesn't overwhelm me with massive lists to check over. If this becomes a problem for you say so but hopefully it'll be fine.

Sign up form: https://forms.gle/NgexfDTdyZrMbURS8
My email: toysecretsanta2024@gmail.com
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/jA4SUZUQ
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I've been looking forward to this. I missed /a/'s this year, so I'll be taking part again this year.
how's it going santa man
Pretty good.
Awesome, glad you're still doing this Santaman, you're the best.
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We're so back bros

Been waiting all year for this
>limit is 2000 characters and not 2000 words, on top of living in the oppressive third-world regime known as Canada
I'm still going to try making it a merry Christmas for my anon, I won't let (You) down!
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Skipped out last year, won't make that mistake this time. I look forward to this. Ready to spoil an anon.
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Was really spoiled by a generous anon last year. Toy has the best secret santas and have been looking forward to do it again
Why haven't I gotten my assignment yet
Calm down Satan, sign up is still on going for another week
Hey that's my doodle! It's been only a year and I forgot what BuffaloAnon was even about. Was he looking for updates on his package?
Very frequently, yes, before and during shipping
Extremely frequently
I'm unfortunately poorfaging hard this year so I won't be able to participate, even though I'd really love to. Last year was a lotta fun buying stuff for my Anon, and the Anon who bought for me went above and beyond with his purchases. I wish I could at least send out a card to someone with a drawing of their waifu or something, but it'd kinda defeat the purpose of this being a /toy/ thing if there's no toys involved huh...
lol I remember this.
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The time has come!

>POV Me giving a coomer a gift
How many people signed up last year Santa? From how many countries?
how many anons have been doxxed because of this?
None that I know of.
Participating this year and sending my chastity cage keys along with my gift to some lucky anon
None, it's a pretty low key SS here compared to other boards, so it's pretty airtight when it comes down to it. Usually if you want to contact an anon in the thread, you'd probably say like "anon from michigan" or something, but so far no one has gotten doxxed. (why would you do that anyway)

T. Been doing this for 6 years now
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santa man - I hope the request I made in the additional comments wasn't too much to ask.
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Just signed up, this is my last year doing this for a while, money is tighter this year, but I have to pass on the white elephant power of the force rose tiko figure to keep the tradition going!
cant believe its already time
Merry Christmas once again, everyone! I hope you're doing well, and I'm excited about my fourth round!
tbf there was 2 or 3 buffalo anons i believe
We had 44 people last year and about 7 different countries participating. I should note that the majority of people who sign up are from the US, with no more than 10 and usually less from other countries. And from that number usually about half are from the UK.
First timer:
Understood I can sign up with GMAIL but confirming I can put my YAHOO account (as that's what goes to my email client on my phone, so I would see instantly, and I check that spam folder daily).

Also, for address confirmation, you want the envelope, or will a redacted PAGE like a utility bill do?

FINALLY, is there someplace we COULD see a REDACTED wishlist? Or some anons willing to upload an old WISHLIST or perhaps an IMAGINARY wishlist so I could get an idea of what to use?

I think that's it, I read the FAQ's last year and asked some questions but didn't see this thread till after it has all started. Participated in the /co Secret Santa exchange for over a decade so happy to do this at least for a year since those people are complaining I have a bunch of toys on my Amazon wishlist (I don't collect comics any longer, I don't even collect DVDs/BluRays any longer!).
Sure, here's mine from last year

1. Any cool Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures from Nolzur's Marvelous Miniatures. Any creature that looks creepy, weird, or what the fuck is that!? For example, Nightwalker

2. Lego sets that focus on Construction. Construction equipment, bulldozers, cement trucks, the works.

3. Tron Select Tron Figure

4. Alice in Wonderland Disney Ultimates! Alice

5. Nendoroid: Shantae
>oppressive third-world regime known as Canada
I feel for you, anon. Hopefully you're in Ottawa and get paired with someone in the upper Mid West, or you're in BC and get paired with someone on the west coast. Have no idea what's up NORTH and near the NE, but if that's you, I'm sure someone toy anon lives in NJ, NY, VT or Maine.

I know from occasionally buying from mom and pop Canadian comic shops on EB that the west coast ones can get me a lower shipping whereas the toy dealer near Niagara Falls just made a deal prohibitively ridiculous.

Yeah, I found out to late last year so this will be my first time, but I've had that happen. Fortunately, I got an early EOY bonus last month so I know I'm good this winter.

I just remembered to look for this when I was looking for the custom board or probably would have gone to the movies and forgotten to check till later this week!

Excited for my first!

Many thanks, helps!
Santaman, don't have any mail on me, but can I use an invoice from a package I got?
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LET'S GO! This year has kind of been a busy hot mess, I've been looking forward to my end of the year toybros payoff.
I'm in the enviable city called Toronto, and I've shipped to like, California before, it is what it is.
>pretty sure they acknowledged the gift but never opened it/posted about it
>>11219423 (OP)
Ignore this question, I found a shipping label with a date and my street address and photographed that:

>>11220962 (You)
>Also, for address confirmation


>>11220962 (You)
>someplace we COULD see a REDACTED wishlist

I sent my form just a few minutes ago, I am probably over the 2000 character count because I could NOT get a character count, even opening the word processing program on my laptop, sorry.

Thank you.

I got a lot of 10 toys last year from a comic shop in Montreal (sent to California), but it was totally worth it; about $35 via some parcel post system they found; one of that lot just sold for $100 at an auction, so the shipping spread out over 10 toys was still a bargain since it was a great price at $450 for the entire lot.

I am about to buy some old Mattel DC 3.75" in their packages from someone in British Columbia and she somehow figured out how to send three in one package under $10 but they must weigh about 6 ounces each even in their clamshell cards.

I told her she could recycle those and just send me the figures and accessories but she isn't willing to do that in case their is some shipment issue.
>chastity cage key
How much of a hassle is it for someone to drive across the border to somewhere in New York and just go to someone post office? I mean, that doesn't help anyone sending TO Canada. But still.
>sign up form:
If I am logged into Google/GMAIL, I see the form I submitted - so that info isn't loss, but hitting submit isn't do diddly. And yes, I've done GLE Forms before. I used a non-GMAIL account and so far I haven't gotten a copy sent to me. I tried submitting two more times and got the recaptcha both but all it says is 'your progress has been saved' or some such?
can Santa man see the submissions already? if so email him and to see if he has it.
I mean if you're willing to make the two-hour drive it's not too bad?
Maybe to go to Niagra Falls for the afternoon. I can't imagine wanting to go to effing Buffalo. Although perhaps last winter's Buffalo Anons can have a mini /toys/ meet-up?
What was the year with the lowest participation, santa-anon
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Just signed up. Someone out there better be ready to get Christmas'd.
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I signed up. I'll be treating my anon with a few bonus items. I should really consider using a third party shipping company.
That does sound strange. Send me an email with the name you used to sign up and I'll check if it went through. It might be due to your browser or whatever add-ons you're using fucking with google's server. That's the only thing I can think of being the cause.

2017. Only 15 people signed up.
Hey, Buffalo is actually nice overall.
On the other hand, the city of Niagara Falls itself is depressingly ghetto as fuck.
>actually nice overall
Sounds like something Buffalo Anon would want you to accept.

>third party shipping company.
Was going to see how Fed Ex Ground compared to USPS Ground since it was cheaper the last two times I tested it out for an eBay item I sold, at least to those two cities.

Are you talking domestic?
>don't have piece of mail on hand
>remember that USPS informed delivery scans all the incoming mail to you
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Wow, time again for /ss/? I participated last year but am unsure if it would be a good idea for me this year. I want to buy an anon some gifts, don’t get me wrong. But I’ve narrowed down my toy purchases to only one line now and idk if it would even be fun to shop for someone like me. What do you guys think? It’s also hard to see myself using this site too much after the recent changes, too, so I won’t be around to monitor the thread really, which was half the fun.
What's the toyline, do you at least have five things in that toyline, and maybe other things you might be open to receiving
The 15 minutes is annoying but you just need to download one different browser to a desktop computer or laptop and let it accept cookies, at least for a few days.

If you are a phone poster and you clear your cookies (which I do as well, and not on a phone, after a few days), then yeah you're SOL if you can't deal with it for a few days.

As far as the only one line, I understand what you mean since that's also me, but more only one franchise/universe, so I found a few things I wouldn't normally check or buy for myself.
There was a year with no secret santa. I think it was '13 or '14.
It's my browser, and the add-ons, I'm cleaning it up but thanks for the suggestion. if nothing happens soon, I'll just email him!
more like shippo or stamps.com where you print out a label. USPS direct is pricy af unless your anon is like 1-2 states over.
I'll look into this, I don't think stamps.com is really worth it, when I first started selling on eBay, I looked into it, but even discounting the discount we get from the site for buying their USPS mailing labels, it really wasn't any better.

I live in a suburb that's really right next to a big city, but I have two post offices, some Mail Box, etc. type places, two FedEx Offices and an actual UPS (not a UPS store) within less than a mile walking/biking from my complex. Unless I end up with a Canadian, I am good to go, but would rather spend money on the gifts and other stuff than on shipping fees.
hey that's the picture I took of my gifts last year!
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Is the 15 Minutes thing just for the election do you think? Hopefully it will be over in January. Annoying that its interfering with our wholesome Santa thread.
No, just like the recaptcha change, I am sure it is here to stay for a while at least.
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ugh. I guess none of us are truly anons anymore
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agreed. I don't want to spend $50 on a $30 gift because of shipping being needlessly pricy. I could just order something and have it shipped to the giftee, but it lacks the sincerity and charm.
>It might be due to your browser or whatever add-ons you're using fucking with google's server.
I didn't think of this until you mentioned it, but that is what it was. Using Safari which has only AdBlock+ and not all the other extensions I have on Firefox worked like a charm, and I didn't even have to sit through any advertising!

I got it to close and submit as I am used to and I also got the email to the correct address. I can send an email to double check but I think we are good to go, thank you for responding!

I'm not giving HiroMoot my email address and if I were, I would use one of those proton accounts that I use for Mega, but I assume they do something annoying like have you verify in real time.

i've never actually been lucky enough to catch this until this year, super excited

hope my list wasn't too vague, I'm an impulse buyer so if I put like 'oh I want this figure that I can easily get' i'd probably have snapped it before I even typed it out, I gave one specific though, don't want it to just be a shopping list

now you remind me I really need a santy clause figure
I've never understood the unfavorable view of listing specific items for this secret santa (/a/'s too. Tho with how anime gets a wide variety of merch its way easier to just list a manga or show)
I do it so my santa doesn't get something I already have. It doesn't really ruin the surprise, i think, since i still won't know what's coming.
I do get the logic of it being kind of lame and shopping list like, but specific things is how i always did Christmas lists as a child.
>just a list of 5 very specific items, some of them expensive or unfindable
>have to pick between the 2-3 they listed
>don't want to name an extremely broad genre or toyline and make anon fearfully pick something random he hopes I don't own or dislike
How frowned upon is it to add a pastebin listing everything I DO have
I kind of had something like that happen a couple years ago. My person only listed 3 things, one of which hadn't even released yet. I generally try to spoil my giftee, but they didn't really list too much to go off of, so I just got the two things they listed, another thing that was in their wheelhouse, and then a bunch of little trinkets and stuff.

5 items feels like so few to list. I get the point that the expectation is to just buy one or two of those things, but if you only list a few things, feels like you know what you're already getting. Might as well just buy the items yourself at that point. I'd rather see a big list so I can surprise my anon.
well shit, i guess next year I'll go full autism and ramble about stuff, fuck
>started writing a pastebin for the things I do have and don't have
>end up listing every anime I enjoyed, since I don't have anything for most of those things
>worry that my anon might not care about any of this and would just feel fed up the instant he saw a pastebin link
Santa Man specifically added the 2000 character limit to discourage that, I presume, because previous years people were writing lengthy lists that were a headache.

I just listed three or four toylines I collect, and then a few items from those lines I don't have. Then I listed a few other properties I like, but didn't list anything specific from them, but don't really own anything from, just to leave it up to them to do whatever they want.
>literally nothing specific I've listed are things anon will be able to reasonably find unless super lucky (last year somehow they did)
>can't list 40 shows that I did enjoy and own 0 things for, since "model kits" and "posable robots" is too broad
Well, time to submit my regular list with the link and see what happens, receiving a 5-item list was extremely stressful one year because most of them weren't in stock or anywhere near the price range
Be sure to resubmit your form if it says "progress restored" without giving you the submission page or a confirmation email!
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I listed very specific things, even including years and wave since we had 2000 characters and it wasn't taking up as much as I thought. But that's because I don't want to receive duplicates of things I have so putting "Marvel Legends Spider-Man" - which fits under the $40 limit, isn't enough.

And my stuff isn't as simple as "Super Mario" with plenty of recent stuff if, for example, I hasn't bought anything since before the movie, and said, okay with "anything recent."

It's also a long enough list that I would definitely be surprised.

>5 items
I think I listed 40 things but don't expect more than two (of the say under $20 items) and I am fine with a box with the kind of candy I requested, cartoons and art, and a stocking with tiny things like blind bags or ornaments and for that I said "anything" in what is my wheelhouse, which is a major brand so there's all sorts of things from fast food toys to buttons, decals, pins, etc.

>full autism and ramble
It's OCD and I didn't ramble. I even proof read and spell checked.

>Then I listed a few other properties I like, but didn't list anything specific from them,
I listed a type of toy in my wheelhouse that I do not collect but would be happy to receive (e.g. plushies - something I would never buy for myself but could put the right two on my bed and from my list of the specific plastic toys, I'm sure any person that cared could figure out what two plushies I might enjoy). Ditto something else that was inexpensive that I wouldn't buy for myself.

>them weren't in stock or anywhere near the price range
That was another reason why I wasted an hour, making sure at least two online places had it and I could find at least one under the price cap for some of the 'older' toys on my list, which was quite a few. But I also put plenty of new stock that would be at say a Target, GameStop or WalMart, or even could be remaindered at say Ollies or Ross.
I also don't know what other toys and figures are out there or are good, e.g. I have no idea what Revoltechs were like or are like nowadays, but I can't just write "send me a revoltech, see what happens"
>That was another reason why I wasted an hour, making sure at least two online places had it
I also have absolutely no idea how the stock is in the states either, I think they get way more frequent sales, as well as have a bunch of larger online stores to order from.
>mentioned to anon that he could throw in something from clearance too
>have to hope that he doesn't send a box solely full of unwanted C-lister clearance randos
I also opted to get recommendations from anon, if there was something he was absolutely sure I'd like from knowing my tastes. If I'm listing 5 things that I know are good and I know I can get... why am I even here? There's a few cheap things I didn't bother listing because I was hoping to get them this month, I want to be surprised by anon's thoughtful and careful picking that I can trust, from a fellow person who goes on /toy/ and other boards.
The problem for me, for example, is getting an anon who wants Super Mario or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. I see both at Targets and I see that stuff on clearance at Ross as well. I would probably go to Entertainment Earth or BBTS since I am wanting to put together an order at both stores for myself in the next 30 or so days, and find something "new" but it would likely be something said Anon probably has - so I think a curated list is good. And then I would maybe find 2-3 of the small things at Ross just to toss in to fill out the box, or put in a stocking stuffer, etc maybe

And someone who has a list that says they like anime type female figures (which when I was lurking the threads last December seemed to be popular with some people here), I would have absolutely no clue what is garbage and what isn't.
Why not just ask if you're picking something for two gigantic franchises, maybe even ask about a third one to throw them off
Granted that I picked an extremely large genre and subgenre, but I think it's probably fair to ask if it's something broad like that. I couldn't name you a single toy for either of those that I'm aware of, but I'd imagine there's a lot out at this point. I think TMNT had a fun line years back with Usagi Yojimbo, beyond that it'd be really nice if anon would specify. Is he fine with several small gachapon-tier rubber statues you can't really pose, or would he prefer something higher-grade
>anime girls
I'm vaguely aware of some lines and brands but again, I'd imagine a lot has changed over the years.
Toys are hard
I plan to ask in the generals if I am stumped.

I also plan to bake some loaded brownies and if they weren't difficult to shop for (or made it as painless as possible), I might toss one or two in the box!
>I've never understood the unfavorable view of listing specific items for this secret santa
It is? I've never noticed that but then again I don't read every comment in these threads.
All the anons I've gotten in the past have asked for specific things, or a mix or specific and "anything from X franchise".
Normally I just list specific things but this year I left it more open ended because I just couldn't think of much.
>he saw a pastebin link
pastebin is doing this weird things for the past few years, since they got all annoyed that people aren't using it for coding and the engineer crap they originally designed it for, because they were being dinged for child porn links and similar crap. So they set a lot of pastebins to private and did all these others that happen when you try to click on one, so I wouldn't invest the energy typing up all that info.

Try to limit yourself to like 50 words and do a text image and load it on IMGUR and provide a link to that. On the captions to an IMGUR file, you can also provide text, not sure what the limit is....
Sorry, I've sort of been trying to respond to this all day, but the timer resets every time I remember I'm allowed to post now, baka. I collect Star Wars Black Series only now, but Santa did mention side interests and I bought anon TCg cards last year too, so I can put other stuff on my list.
Thanks for the tip and it's good to know other people like me are signing up too, so I think I might.
Yeah, it was such an awesome picture that I had to save it. Really hope you like them/got some use for photos this year. I'm sorry if I didn't buy you quite the right gifts (like the motorcycle). I was brand new to buying toys last year.
>TCg cards
That's a good idea, if I was paired with someone who had only one thing on their list, like say Netflix Witcher, I might buy them some random inexpensive stuff they probably already had and toss in say an Amazon gift card in the $25 amount. But that wouldn't be that fun to unwrap so I would then need to fill up a box with tiny inexpensive things or something like that, which can also create more work.
Theoretically, could I sign up just as a backup Santa in case someone gets grinched? I already signed up normally, but may not want to recieve gifts in future years myself but still might want to participate.
I would think that the form could let you do that. Just fill it out normally, EXCEPT leave the wishlist part blank - and put, "not looking to receive, only to give" or whatever you want to actually say about it. And you can do one of two things - in the COMMENTS say, you would like to be assigned to someone to send them a gift, so that you definitely participate, which works if there were say 15 (which is an odd number) like here: >>11221746
>2017. Only 15 people signed up.

AND/OR you can do that OR just say you will be one of the BACK UPs only.

I only suggest you might want to participate at least to give so you for sure get to participate in the giving part, but you may not care about that either?
Thanks, it's good to know that I could participate that way if I want to do so in the future. I'm going to fully participate again this year, but maybe next year I won't want to recieve gifts, and I would still want to give, or at least be there as a backup. I already have enough toys for myself is the honest truth.
Do not fill in the form with the wishlist blank. A majority of people who sign up not to get a gift but to give one. To participate everyone gives something and gets something in return. It's not fair if I have one person not obligated to send anything which is what will happen.
Just put something cheap and easy on your wishlist so your Santa can have the experience of gifting
You would likely need a good three to four "cheap and easy" things. But that's not too hard.
Oh so you were just talking out of your ass, then.
homie - that motorcycle is one of my fav gifts I've received. It was totally unexpected - it's super detailed - and honestly so out of the realm of things I would look for normally AND IT WORKS PERFECT with my favorite scale of figures.

You 110% nailed what I like about this event.
I was offering an opinion, friend.

As I said, "I would think" and "could let" - no need to take offense or be offensive.
I noticed today while I was looking for toys for myself, that Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshall's were filthy with wrapping paper and already had holiday stuff up.

I also scored something unexpected for myself at Target that I can take off my holiday wish lost for the secret santa exchange on /co, I better just go and clean that up in general.
48 hours remain until the deadline for submitting a form. Make sure you are checking your email in case I have to contact you. I've already sent one email out and haven't gotten a response yet.
How many submissions have you got so far?
22. This number will probably double because I usually get a ton of sign ups on the last day.
can i ask for bootlegs? they cheap and i dont mind the wait.
Sure, just make sure you list what you want and where to find it. It would be easy for someone to get legits and not know it if what you really want is bootlegs only.
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cool, something like pic related "CT toys wolverine" Its pretty cheap, ill add links if need be but most of it will be on aliexpress.
is 44 or so close to be the high?

>I've already sent one email out and haven't gotten a response yet.
I'm even checking my spam folder.
if someone gets your list towards the 15th or 20th, is this going to arrive in time without them having to pay a premium for shipping? For example, stuff I ordered for myself from Entertainment Earth already shipped Tuesday and I should get it by Friday and something else I ordered from GameStop yesterday shipped today and will also arrive on Friday, and both of those are coming via the post office.
Really glad that you like it man, and here I was worried that it was kind of sillty. I also like that people get you things that you never would have thought to grab for yourself. It's a cool event that we have here.
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If it’s bought today, then it should arrive within a week to two weeks. I buy from AliExpress often, and that timeframe usually holds. Plus, shipping for these items is free, so no worries there. It does depend a bit on the seller, as some might take longer, but as a rule of thumb, go for the one with the highest seller rating, number of sales, or best reviews with pics
>is 44 or so close to be the high?
Yes. We usually have 40 or so people who participate each year. And I always get at least 10 people or more that sign up at the last minute. I already got a few more sign ups since the last count I posted too.
There's no need to be offended, anon. It's a common figure of speech when referring to people who don't know what they're talking about. I would also advise caution, your "opinion" was delivered in an awfully authoritative manner and it would be unwise to spread misinformation in our best thread. Still, I do appreciate you trying to help, we're here to give after all.
>1 day away from the submission deadline and my anon hasn't pre-emptively sent me his wishlist or come by in person to show how serious he is about Christmas
This year doesn't look very promising...
Did you not get the brick through the window with the word "Buffalo?" etched on it?
Do you think I would be posting this if the brick was properly gift-wrapped?
I think we're going to have to ban the city and species of Buffalo from participating, by the looks of it.
My Entertainment Earth package was actually outside my door when my Lyft came for me at 8:30 in the morning for my breakfast meeting, so they either left it last night after I got home and since they didn't knock, I didn't know, or they left it really early this AM.

If two weeks turnaround is normal, that seems reasonable. And YEAH, I would always go with the more trustworthy options. But I don't really want to pay an absurd amount to ship someone their things or pay any absurd amounts to buy someone their things. I'd rather spend that money ON THE ACTUAL cost of the gifts.

I just got a three month Amazon Prime (for free) just to avoid this. I live in Entertainment Earth's back yard so that would also work for me and I have something for myself I can order to make sure I get free shipping. Plus enough options to buy retail depending on what the person I get wants.

Good to know. I bought something for myself because the Target employee found it in the back when none of the stores in my county had it in stock, and he was actually supposed to look for something else. That's why these stores putting all brands on the same product code is annoying. They had three things in the back that show up as out of stock to order and out of stock as physically in stores but there they were, one of which I wanted and cheaper than on-line.

So now I have to go and edit my wish list tonight as well!
Last year my giftee asked for "translucent" toys - I had no idea what that meant as far as collecting toys goes since it was a type of plastic rather than a franchise.

I got them two of the Pocket Elite figures - and a bunch of generalized /toy/ tier stuff. It was the only year I never saw my giftee post in the thread an image of what they got. I was checking every day too.

I felt really bummed that I completely whiffed on getting them something enjoyable :c

Pic related being one of the figures.
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Looking at my past four orders from AliExpress this year, three of them arrived almost exactly in two weeks, and one arrived significantly sooner. The most I spent on shipping out of the four was $11, mostly because these sellers often offer free shipping.
24 hours remain until the deadline.
>never saw my giftee post in the thread an image of what they got. I was checking every day too.
Don't folks post retroactively? That's what we do in the /co Secret Santa? I had a gift that had to go Royal Mail to Argentina because the person was being cute to avoid customs and to avoid people not wanting to buy for them because they were on a foreign Amazon (for those that don't know, you are posting an Amazon wish list from any global site and someone random selects and gifts you an item from your list, so usually someone in the UK for others in the UK, Canada for Canada, etc. and a few flush people spread it around.

I knew the gift had gotten delivered but never heard from the person in the thread, but the following December, they confirmed they got that Graphic Novel.
>got some things ordered for /a/
>ordered yesterday or so
>shipment has started, they're estimating January 2
>have to fucking hope it's wrong and it's one of those cases where my gifts showed up 2 months ahead of schedule, instead of disappearing for 3 months and needing a refund/re-order
I'm not entirely sure what's happening from start to finish for any weird requests like this, or gag gifts, or "anything's fine"
To my knowledge, I think I'm the only one who got grinched last year, but an awesome anon swooped in last minute and took care of me with some great goodies. Very grateful for that! Also, my assignment never posted pics of the gifts I sent them. Would have loved to see those, but that's alright. Unfortunately, due to moving expenses, I won't be participating this time and may end up selling some things on the BST instead. You peeps have fun :D
That's unfortunate anon, I can imagine how bummed you must have felt. I'm sure anon did like your gift and just forgot to post. This year will be better, I'm sure.
I don't recall Santa mentioning that last year, as a matter of fact, I recall him congratulating us for no one getting grinched. I guess if a backup Santa is invoked, we just don't know.
>And I always get at least 10 people or more that sign up at the last minute
I will be one of those! Just gotta make my wishlist readable still
I just cut some things out and tried to clean up the NOTE at the end, I assume you get something that tells you that the lists have been revised and in any event, you don't really do anything with them until tonight or tomorrow?

Good luck with all this and thanks for all your hard work, BTW!
my wishlist this year is 46 words. the fact that some of you wrote 2000 word wishlists (4 pages) last year freaking baffles me.
Just counted mine and it comes to about 33 words, how people are writing 2000 words I'll never know.
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so obviously not as a primary gift but what are folks using as stocking stuffers.

i lurked the thread last winter some of the time and based on that, when I was looking for wrapping paper I saw some stuff I thought would be good for stocking stuffers, which I am mostly going to use candy and maybe an ornament, which if I don't run out of time might include a personalized homemade one (something that fits the anon's franchise/theme/character, etc.)
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OR stuff like this? I went to see what the EF >>11223211
>Star Wars Black Series
meant and I assume THAT person, if he was being that picky to only want these, would NOT want even as a stocking stuffer type gift something like either of these?

I liked the way some anons gave multiple smaller items so people could open more than one gift, but don't intend to spend a small mint. OTOH, I don't want to waste money and, essentially, stick something that an anon would consider pointless or undesirable, etc.?
I usually pick stocking stuffers based on their interests. One year my assignment asked for Spiderman figures so I looked around in 5 below and saw a Hallmark spiderman ornament and grabbed that for 4 dollars. Another year my assignment had transformer figs, so I dug through my local second hand toy store's loose figure discount bin and found some cheap small transformers and made them into an ornament.
>just have to pray that at least two of those items are available in whatever country or city anon is in, assuming all five items are within budget
Having a broader list helps anons not stress out from being unable to pick from among the gifts (You) already picked out for yourself
6 hours remain.
>wrote at length about how much I like robots
Oh boy
I'm throwing in classic stuff like a Lite Brite, Etch n Sketch, and a Rubix Cube.
>Rubix Cube
That's cool, I could use another Rubik's Cube, I guess. I posted mine in a puzzle toys thread and some anon told me my speed cube was really outdated by today's standards. I didn't know there was still so much active development on them.
2 hours to go.
wrong part of the country

>Rubix Cube.
Yeah, I want a slinky for myself, but finding the large sized ones seems like work but that's what gave me the idea.

And yeah, thanks, that's what I was thinking but didn't want people to point at me and laugh. And the ornament idea is a good one, better than mine to make one from scratch with wood and paint, as yours I can definitely squeeze in my schedule. Hopefully, I don't end up with anime girls and stuff I have no clue about!

Same as this guy: >>11226732; I buy stuff regularly and don't want for much, luckily, and there's not a lot I don't buy for myself except its older, harder to find, or more expensive, so I came up with a long list with details (I can't just Star Wars Black Series because for a franchise I can put that for, there's little I don't already own THAT I WANT and what's other I don't own, I honestly do not want, even if someone PAID me on top of giving it to me for free).

It's not a chore to skim a list (e.g. "Star War's Black Random Marketing Word Collector's Edition of Emperor Palpatine, 2015 anniversary release").
One more hour to go.
>Star War's Black Random Marketing Word Collector's Edition of Emperor Palpatine, 2015 anniversary release
I tried to avoid this as much as possible, it seems sort of unfair to list toys that are only available on the secondary market. In fact, I removed everything except one item on my list that had to be purchased on the secondary market to make it easier and more fun for anon to shop. It's kind of lame if anon just has to order all of your stuff on ebay. Anyways, I'm glad the 2000 character rule exists now because it seems like it was really needed.
Looks like I got 9 minutes!
And with that sign up has ended. Slightly smaller turn out than I expected but still about as many as usual.
In the end we had 30 people sign up.

Keep watch over your emails, not just for assignments but if I have any questions for you. The faster people respond, the faster I can get everyone assigned. Assignment emails should be going out by the end of the day on the 9th or the 10th. Once that is done I'll make a post reminding everyone how proof of purchase works. If you've done this before, it's no different than last year, it's just for those that are new.
I included stuff that you could find on Amazon and Walmart, although I know some of those are secondary sellers; and I specifically picked stuff that was under $40. I also included some new/recent Super7s that were also available additional places, like BBTS and Entertainment Earth, and were under $20 each, plus reasonably recent stuff in my franchise. I hope it comes across as reasonable to parse, but again it's my first time trying this.

>Assignment emails should be going out by the end of the day on the 9th or the 10th.
Thanks for the heads up and the work you put in.
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hi santaman, is it ok if we send pics of our collections so our gifter gets a better idea of what we would like or to avoid getting a duplicate figure?
In prior years I listed what I had or made it available upon request
I link my instagram with all my toy photos if they want to look through things I already have.
That's organized!

I did that in reverse by specifically listing what I didn't have that I would like to receive. It's unfortunately specific, albeit lengthy enough to be a surprise at what I specifically get.
I mentioned a few specific things I'd like, but in the very likely chance that it's out of stock, I mentioned all the things I do have, to give some vague idea of tastes, and mentioned some new things I wouldn't mind getting into
>and mentioned some new things I wouldn't mind getting into
I'm a little like Black Series Star Wars guy above. I only buy one franchise now because it would all be one big money pit. So that makes it a big harder for me, but I did find one thing that's available in plenty of stores that I would enjoy getting so tossed that in there.

I agree with you that:
>mentioned some new things I wouldn't mind getting into
would be helpful and if I get someone with something I have no real clue about, they did that because otherwise I would probably get them, mistakenly, something they had or wouldn't really have gotten for themselves.
This reminds me that the new archie stuff is such a downgrade form what it once was. I miss the ongoing
There's new Archie.

But drawn by Dan Parent.
And written by Tom King.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for my animated Sabrina holiday movie.
Every minute that goes by without a santa email worries me my form didn't go through - but I did submit one and got the "your google form answers" email back - so I know I am in - I'm just always anxious before the emails arrive. eep.
Who's the anon who asked for a mint in box Grand Maximus?

I love your taste but Santa doesn't have that kind of scratch
IIRC last year, someone gave their anon a Hasbro Haslab Sentinel or Galactus or something, didn't they? Maybe someone else remembers, or maybe it was the year before last.
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Now, that's not very Christmasly of you.
I remember! In fact, I actually asked for some hot toys just in case I got that guy. def not holding my breath though.
When you submit your form, you get an email back at whatever email you provided in the email field. If you got that email, it means your form went through. If you didn't get that email, you should email me. I'm still assigning pairs so I have a chance to fix things before they're final.
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Only for the off chance my Santa is a generous oil prince! I still have cheap stuff on my list.
I just don't have it in me to ask for something like that, maybe it's a childhood thing idk, but I would feel pretty damn guilty if anon dropped that kind of cash on me, it's why I didn't ask for anything beyond the $40 range, yet I plan on spoiling my own anon with around $100 like I did last year. What's my deal? Anyways, I hope all of your Christmas dreams come true, anon.
Same here, like 1-2 of the things I asked for are really like above 40, and even then only like 5-10 bucks above that range. Honestly just asked for a basic series so my santa has a wide variety of shit to choose from then.
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I need to give a shoutout because I don’t think I had the chance last year. My assignment from last year sent me back a $20 Amazon gift card—thank you! I assume that means you liked the gifts I got you lol, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what they were. I do remember sending a stocking, like I do every year so if you see this thanks agian.
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It's possible, I skipped last year but I am in this year and I am one of the anons that does 3-5 hundred on my anon depending on what they ask. Honestly a hot toy would probably be cheaper since usually a not insignificant portion of the costs goes into shipping the imported toys to me. Let just say if you see this goat in your box I'd wager you got a good Christmas
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>but for the life of me, I can’t remember what they were.
I have to reorder the cutter block and shave foil for my electric razor and am reduced to buying KOs from China because Braun sells my replacements in Europe but not in the NA or the rest of the planet. So I had to go back through my old orders past 2020 on Amazon.

I ran across all these gifts from the /co/ Secret Santa, some I didn't remember either, but I noticed I bought art supplies a lot of the times, instead of buying animation DVDs, comic books or toys (there's certainly some of those, but a high amount of art supplies).
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>Still no assignment
Didn't he say tonight and tomorrow night - meaning whenever nighttime is for him, I guess?
>thought sign ups ended on the 11th for some reason
Oh well, have fun, see you next year
He said the night of the 9th or 10th. >>11227097
Gotcha thanks!
I always keep my wishlist modest based on the guidelines. Not sure how that would work for me.
Then generally i get everything on the list and maybe several of a line, or just something extra. last time i did it i threw in a milk tea girl for the fuck of it
Trust santa man he has never let us down. Praise santa man!
I'm thinking of throwing in a silver coin along with a short manifesto about the imminent collapse of global financial institutions, but your idea sounds cool, too.
...Are you the same anon that did that in a previous year?
Wait, theres ANOTHER schizo precious metals anon? It would be funny as fuck to exchange gifts with him. I’d happily read his ramblings Christmas morning and be like, “This guy gets it.”
I have about half of the emails typed out now. Give me a couple more hours. Sorry for not getting these out sooner, I ended up having a busy weekend.
Thanks for the update
No worries Santa man, thanks for your service
Well paper money is a construct but I have no real use for silver coins ....
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It's okay just take your time. I still need to get funds together.
>extremely broad genres
>genres that could have been specific or Pacific - anon chose neither
>something specific but ultimately unrelated to toys
Oh please fuck please help
Got my email Santaman, thanks!

As I'm
to the Secret Santa stuff, should I order stuff directly to my giftee or order it to myself then ship it?
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Ok sorry, it took more than 2 hours but I pulled an all nighter to get them all done. My dog got sick and started puking so that cut into my time. (he's fine now) It's all finished now though so make sure you check your spam folder if you don't see an email. Everyone I got a form from should have got their assignment.

Now a reminder for how proof of purchase works:
>in order to be given the OK to ship I need to see proof of purchase from your assignment
>DO NOT ship your gift until I give you an OK, if you absolutely need to ship directly from whatever site you're buying from for whatever reason, email me asap
>in order to get the OK for proof of purchase I need to see a picture of some part of your gift that meets the price minimum that shows me you have it (this means I do not need to see the whole gift, one item is enough)
>I encourage sending me a receipt of your purchase after you make it to let me know where you're at but it's not required
>I will be checking in with everyone around Thanksgiving that I haven't seen receipts from to see how you're doing so if you want to save me from bugging you, just send me a screenshot when you make a purchase

And that's it, if this is confusing to anyone say so and I'll try to explain it better if I didn't. I'm running on little sleep.
Happy gifting!
Also as a reminder, you can always email me about questions pertaining to your list. Everyone is obligated to be more specific if asked. If they were too broad, say so and I'll ask them to narrow things down. You don't have to freak out.
I won't email you now because then it's a secret who's me, but I'm always thankful for your efforts and I love you lots Santa. I'm sorry your dog was unwell but I'm really glad he's doing okay now, and I hope you are too.
They'll yell at me and call me horrible names

I really hope that isn't me you're posting about, if it is, I'm sorry! Email Santy and I'll revise!

If it's not, I'm sure they'll be understanding!
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Got mine, sending an email tomorrow after I get some sleep as well. As well, good to hear that your dog is better and hopefully you will be as well after a good sleep!

Unfortunately, based on what's on my person's actual Wish List, I think my person was hoping for one of the very generous SS but that's not going to be me this year - at least not as generous as their list.

But they will at least get several items from their 'franchise' and favorite and some treats!
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Hmm my anon gave me pretty broad options so I think I'll go all in on a single theme based on a franchise we both seem to like.

Glasgow Bunnyanon, I hope you end up liking what I have planned.
>get secret santa list
>like 5 million toys in the wishlist
I mean guy gave me options, but goddamn bro really gave me everything

Makes it easy to shop for at least lol
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Most things I want are second market or pre orders (or expensive LEGO sets), I don't wanna just have a list of 'Pre order, pre order' etc.. I'm sure I'll love whatever you're planning!
>I have no use for money
Ok Jesus himself
I think some people see "5 items" and think it means "at least 5" and write more.
Then again Santa Man didn't stop them so maybe we are allowed to put more than 5?
If Santa Man says it's ok, then it's ok with me. More items makes it easier to shop which is good because nearly every item on this list is over budget or on preorder still so I'm going to have to get creative.
Hey Melbourneanon,

just a heads up, your package probably wont arrive on time due to the long way and the services being extra busy during the holiday season.

But I already ordered some stuff and you'll def. getting something!
Same here, there's a few things on my list which are in my range, but I really doubt I could pull the funds for a 1/6 figure at the moment.
If you say you like monster girls.... Would you be okay with lewd monster girl stickers being tossed in with your goodies? Know a good place to get some sexy (exposed nipples) monster girl stickers locally.
sounds like me lol my guy list is short and sweet i feel bad for making mine as detailed as it was but it was under the word limit so
NTA but I'd be down for them if I got them
Dang, would have loved to join if domestic was still an option for Canada. But I totally understand why you had to make it that way Santa man.
I love seeing anons post about the little details of planning and packing, and especially when everybody receives their gifts. Hope everyone else has fun this year!
To the owner of the establishment formerly known as Chucks:

From one Midwesterner to another, gonna start your shopping soon, hopefully after the Packers beat DA BEARS down this weekend.
I specifically took out stuff that had to be pre-ordered and look for it in stock in at least two stores on-line for at least a handful of the items on the list.

All the rest are definitely secondary market although some are listed NIB on WalMart and Amazon (by secondary market type toy sellers) so this might be me: >>11229592 but there is plenty on there that you can just grab from one order to one store and spend no more (or not much more) than the minimum (less postage and taxes since that seems to be the jist?)

I figured more items made it easier to shop. No idea how Santa Man copied over my list, but I did break it down into groups and then within each group (think franchise, I guess?), I also put stuff in order of desire. But again, someone can grab two items from one group, order them from Amazon, BBTS, Entertainment Earth, or WalMart and spend no more than the minimum and be one and done.

I expect I'll use the typed up list next year, with minor changes and new additions.

I would put stuff like that in an envelope and mark it NSFW or something clear but not enticing to young minds, in case the anon has children or will open their presents near children or someone else who might take offense or otherwise?
And Email Got! And you're in luck Anon! A Tamashii Nation opened up not even 30 minutes away!
thank you for putting so much work into this each year santa anon! Please know that it is very appreciated!
Stephen from Buffalo, I got you bud. I didn't actually think there was actually anyone in Buffalo
I'll say that I have made a lot of progress shopping for one lucky CA anon. Nothing that you wanted is available in stores (surprising with such a comprehensive list, though I did check a few places locally today just in case) but at least I was able to find your stuff easily online. I can't wait bros I'm so excited!
It's generally considered bad form to publically share the name of your recipient unless they explicitly give you permission to do so.
Hey Santa Man, NY anon here from ozone park. Just checking if you sent me an email. I could not find one in my inbox or trash.
I have a Santa Monica Anon who loves DC toys and hates boxes. Hopefully I can find some good stuff for him at the local toy show this weekend!
sorry I didn't want him to think I was doing the Buffalo meme.
Any advice on shipping to a euro anone? This is my first time sending a package overseas. I'm in the US. How much does it usually cost? Considering the package is about the size of a shoe box and weighs like 4 lbs.
where in europe and where are you generally speaking? I can help find shipping options
If I ever manage to get a job I’ll do this. Until then it’s fun to watch the threads
I don't know if I should say it, because I don't want to reveal which anon I'm giving the gift to. But I'm sgipping from Texas and he's from Germany.
yeah no I'm not asking you to dox yourself lol, don't do that. I was just going to research shipping options.
Looks like USPS can send to code 16 countries (Germany) using first class international package for around $52 or UPS worldwide expedited for around $45.
Yeah I have you and I sent you an email to the address you provided. Either check again or double check you sent me the right email address.
Forgot my trip but this is me.
Check DHL as well but I'd go with UPS to Europe, especially if they will take the packages at one of those UPS po boxes storefronts, versus having to go an actual UPS. I mean, you can request a pick up but that's just gonna slow things down, no?

Similarly with me. I can find the really obvious low end (one of their least expensive items) thing for them online but would rather find them a handful of things in town, especially since they do seem to like anime stuff and there's apparently a store that sells imports in the toy district (I've known we had this toy district since forever but never go because it's junky plastic crap).

Maybe "first initial" in Buffalo or something less, such as Anon in Buffalo into SW Black Series?
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We definitely used to post names
UKbros, is it better using RM shipping or a courier? Not shipping yet. Just noting.
I would still ask first man, you obviously agreed to share your name with Santa man and your own secret Santa, but who’s to say if anon just wants his name out there. I wouldn’t care but some might.
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I got this dude last year. he never posted the gifts i sent him
>feels bad man
Not a hatred or fear of cardboard, just someone comfortable with used/loose older figures.
Since they are often better looking even if you can not articulate them to within an inch of their plastic lives!
But thank you for your service!
>Almost all my anons items are sold out and like 200-300% markup aftermarket (like $40 figure for $100-$200)
>The only instock items are the really cheap things I feel silly buying as a main gift (like $20)
>"I'll like anything by this company, because I love this brand" clause

What would y'all do? Buy the cheap item from their list and supplement it with a more expensive item from the toy line they enjoy?
my anon has, lets say refined, tastes too, only one thing on his list was within budget and it wasn't enough by itself to hit the minimum so I did exactly what you're thinking and just bought him a more expensive toy as well to go with the cheaper one since I was planning on "spoiling" my anon as they say. If you can swing it, do that. Otherwise, do not feel obligated to spend more than the minimum, no one should expect to receive more than the limit, we're here to give after all.
>none of the descriptions in any of these posts sound like it's my list
My anon hates me...
I gave myself an alias Holiday Anon from Texas… if my Santa sees this, I’m so sorry
My favorite part about this thread is the nervous nellies every year who think they’ve been forgotten. I don’t think my secret Santa has ever posted ITT before he sent my gifts, I wouldn’t worry. I’m sure Santa has something special for you this year, anon.
>realizing that I've been that every year
I only got grinched once, and my regular anons were very thoughtful, so maybe you're are right
This was not my experience last year. My anon never said anything, shipped late, and gifts arrived after Christmas. And honestly, with how much effort they put into it, there was zero reason it should have taken as long as it did—literally a roll-out-of-bed-and-head-to-Target kind of effort. Which I would have been okay with, but the wait and lack of updates almost made me not want to do this this year. But I’m here to make my anon happy, and I will be providing updates.
Hi E from Mexico, I will try my best to make a great gift. I am sending from Australia and will be sure to include some local snacks.

Assuming there are no others from Melbourne I think this is me. Auspost cant even handle off-season timeframes so don't feel like you need to rush. I have zero faith even if you expedite shipping that they would get it to me on time. No worries about any delays, Anon!
SR from Texas, I got your wishlist! It's a bit vague but workable, I've a few ideas for stuff in mind, and I have to look into the Marvel and He-Man stuff, but I'm not that familiar with the franchises/ideas personally other than robots, I've asked Santa to ask you if you build gunpla at all, and if you have any preferences. A list of what gunpla you do have might be good as well, so I don't end up giving you dupes.
Non-Buffalo related, thankfully. But maybe next year will be the year I wake up in Buffalo
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I guess that 'E from Mexico' is me. I'm looking forward to it, Anon. This is my first time participating in Secret Santa, and I hope I didn't go overboard with the wishlist, especially now that I know where you're sending it from.

I promise to put a lot of effort into my SS gift. If you're reading this N from Germany, I've already ordered a few things from your wishlist. If you're reading this, I've already ordered a few things from your wishlist. However, one of them (the last item on the wishlist)it might take a little longer. But i'm sure you are gonna like it.
shit, well this is what happens when you post from your phone. but you get the idea.
Royal Mail is fine and will likely be one of the cheaper options, they tend to get pretty busy during December though so expect some delay.
A courier will be faster but I'd say avoid Evri if you want to be safe, they're a rebrand of the courier service Hermes who had a rep for drivrs stealing your stuff, I've had a lot of stuff delivered by them just fine but if you want to be super safe go with someone else.
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saint sneed??
Were you the guy that complained late in the thread last year that your anon put in very little effort and then wouldn’t even show us the gifts when repeatedly asked? Because I don’t even know if believe that guy.
Someone else already indirectly name checked my WL; that anon got the gist of where I was so unless you're that same person with a different take in less than half a day, then I KNOW it's not my list, but it COULD be.

However, I put in ways my Anon could get around the aftermarket/secondary/scalper/markups. Also, while you can find SOME of my things for over $75/80, that's also scalpers getting high, because you can also find quite a bit for far less.

Also, if my WL has $20 stuff, I'd be totally fine with it. Last year, I got a Retro AF that retails just under $20 as part of the /co Secret Santa, and even though I was gave someone a $39.99 hard cover trade comic book, and I was happy with this retro figure because I also had things like a wallet, and coasters for under $10, all of which I would be happy with since I would never have bought for myself.

My first time doing /toy/, but since I lucked out on shipping being less than expect, some of the money I budgeted to cover THAT will go to get a second something on the wishlist. I was already planning on some inexpensive items as stocking stuffers and package fillers and already ordered and bought treats, candy, small toys, etc.

I'm hoping I end up with someone that goes all out as far as getting baked good, crafts, hand drawn art, or other neat stuff, etc.

Your anon could also just have a real life and not spend a chunk of it on-line like us?

What kind of updates do you provide and how specific do you get? I have eleven open tabs on my phone trying to figure out best places to order the two WL items, because I'm also ordering some crap for myself to score free shipping on the non-Bezoland sites that doesn't give it automatically?
>I'm hoping I end up with someone that goes all out as far as getting baked good
I mean, I make a mean banana-bread, but idk how well that's going to survive travelling across the entire country so I'm thinking of just doing pre-packaged snacks unless anon really wants to risk some stale bread for Christmas.
My anon isn't into dark chocolate which is what I am best out so I am SOL to send something but I make a decent cookie.

I mailed some loaded brownies from the west coast to the North East last year to a friend (and some instate). The friend in the NE said he warmed them in the oven and they were fine. I had to double wrap them in saran wrap and then I put them in a plastic tub as well. I think it helped that I wrapped them while they were fresh out of the oven and hadn't even cooled down, and got them in the tub and mailed out that same day. It took 4 days to get from coast to coast via USPS Ground but I admit that was lucky. I've had eBay packages from New Jersey and Georgia that take over a week via Ground Advantage to arrive on the west coast.
With my Anon, I already got two figures on order from BBTS and going to make a trip this Saturday to a specialty shop to grab some bonus stuff for the gift. The package looks like two Figures, two bonuses for said figures, a stocking with goodies and treats, a 3d print, and a card. Does that sound reasonable, or should I try and add a third main item?
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MP from PA , am off to a howling good start. T. your Santa
NJ anon the list you gave me is a lot of stuff I don't tend to look at. That said I still think I picked out a good lot for you. But more then anything I hope you enjoy the goat.

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