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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
-------------------------------------? Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11205971
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
>BUZZmod Gurren Lagann Yoko (Nov)
>Cang Toys Twelve Wars Little Green Dragon Longji (Nov)
> Snail Shell: Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Bunny Girl Aileen Sunkissed Ver. (Jan 2025),Three Wise Monkeys (Feb 2025), Zombie Grisa (Feb 2025), Optional Part Sets (Varies)
>Lazy Monster Studio Oak Town Fairy Elf Guard A+B (Dec)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Q4)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q4)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q4)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q4)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
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>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth ~Tanned ver~. (Jan 2025)
>Hasuki Succubus Sister Friede (Feb 2025)
>Loscont ABA-002 Armed Battle Angels Dark Hornet (Q1 2025)
>CiYuanJuXiang The Primordial Witch Crow (Q1 2025)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
> Snail Shell Succubus Lustia
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring
>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua
https://www.gundamit.com/manatee-industry-1-12-manatee-s-ambition-series-yua_p5411.html >Hasuki Mechanic Fiona
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>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
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>neither Sozai skin tone is a match
>neck not compatible, head just barely stays on
Wasn't really interested in this since she looks a bit more human than I like my monster girls, but that's a pretty nice set for the price point. Would fit in well with the Liyue Genshin Impact characters if any line ever gets that far.
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Also bought corset for Frieza but it's too small.
>Philosophers Stone

Why are euros like this....
So some anon posted a cheap print out of "that pool" on some site. Not to seem retarded but were is the download file option?
I couldn't see anywhere the option to download the file that I'd need in order to print it off
Because the name of the movie is based on a mythological artifact called the Philosophers Stone. I'm surprised America never changed the name of the first Indy movie to "Raiders of the Missing Magical God Box" because you fuckers don't know what an Ark is.
whats with the hostility? jesus christ
We know what a philosophers stone is, Potter isnt a fucking alchemist, hes a wizard. Sorcerers Stone makes more sense in the context of it all. Its just like how you guy had "Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles" because "NINJA" was too fucking violent for you.
It's not real hostility. More like an eye roll and CJ saying "Aw shit. Here we go again."
I should have stated that I'm not a euro because it only took two posts before the "but you guys did blah blah" shit kicked in. I'm an Aussie, we called it the Philosophers Stone and we called them Ninja Turtles.
>Potter isnt a fucking alchemist, hes a wizard. Sorcerers Stone makes more sense in the context
Wizards can't look for alchemical artifacts? And besides, in most universes, alchemy is pretty much a type of magic. Ever watch FMA? Much more fantasy magic than the proto-pseudoscience of real world alchemy.
And besides, it wasn't changed for that reason. It was changed because burger audiences aren't the sharpest tools in the shed and wouldn't know what a philosopher is. Kind of like how they changed the name of "The Madness of King George III" because burger test audiences had never heard of the first two movies in the series.
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Hey, ill agree that it was stupid to do it for marketing purposes, you got me there. Still, sorcerers stone makes more sense in context, ultimately. And no, we know what "The Philosophers Stone" is. We had multiple generations of nerds who grew up with DnD/ADnD in its glory days. Were one of the birthplaces of CRPGs. It wouldnt surprise me if some of the reason for the change was religious fuckery as well, I remember the satanic panic that came about because of the potter books. We went FULL retard there.

Either way, Harry Potters trash and JK Rowling is still a grifting meme at the end of the day.
I understand your point, even if I don't agree. And I don't hate Harry Potter nearly as much as I hate the fanbase that made it the defining aspect of their personalities. I mean, it's not amazing, but I've watched them all and didn't hate most of them.
>White Milk Tea
Now let's return to titty figures.
Fuck, I blanked and I forgot to preorder Grisa Zombie Girl at Bombusbee where I've been getting all my SS figs. Preorder closed there and at HLJ. Amico is still open, thank fuck. But now I've got to pay Three Wise Monkeys postage at Bombusbee in Feb, and Grisa Amico postage on top of that, which is going to suck because I've got pink tits from Nikke preordered at GSC shop for the bonus face. Thank fuck for the warehouse option at HLJ and Genki so I won't need to ship anything from them that month, so Mirko and Veronica Sweetheart will have to sit at Genki for a while.
February is literally stacked.
>We know what a philosophers stone is, Potter isnt a fucking alchemist, hes a wizard.
Potter may not be an alchemist, but he wasn't the one who created it - his occupation (or lack of one at the time, he was just a student) has nothing more to do with how he ended up going after it. Indiana Jones wasn't a priest, yet he still ended up going after the Holy Grail AND the Ark of the Covenant, after all - same thing.
As for people making a fuss over the name - anyone who knows the history of the Stone knew what the thing in the book was supposed to be, so the name change was stupid. Hell, they literally name-drop Nicholas Flammel - dude sure as hell wasn't known for possibly creating a real 'Sorcerer's Stone'. The Philosopher's Stone is an established artifact with literally centuries of established lore behind it - there's no reason why people shouldn't have known what the thing was, and it sure as hell wasn't obscure enough to warrant a name change - especially since the Stone had nothing to do with sorcerers and was always actually a metaphor for forbidden knowledge.
>Potter isnt a fucking alchemist, hes a wizard.
one of their main classes is "potions" you fucking retard
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>Its just like how you guy had "Teenage Mutant HERO Turtles" because "NINJA" was too fucking violent for you.
Why are burgers like this....

Googling it, it was in the UK and a few other countries, not Europe as a whole.
Don't forget you got your own large can of retarded name- and censorship changes, because they hurt someone's feelings or they're too complicated to understand for the average American.
American here. Americans don't want philosophy. We wanna believe there's sorcery. Don't try to tempt us with your smart-guy words. We just want what comes outta Amber Heard.
Ah shit on it. This is a dumb argument. C'mon. Let's get back to posting lewd photos of naked action figures already!
american here, post figures with titties and guns
Anybody tried to print it ?
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What the fuck is a Kilometers?????
FUCK I wish someone would do a proper Iowa model kit. I have the figma, but id love to build her too....
Hes not being mean but you Americans really do funny ass shit like call the footpath the sidewalk and bins the waste container. Some nerd in charge of your language thought everything had to be as literal as possible as if people were helpless to comprehend things otherwise. Being a nation of great contradictions as always, you have fucking ebonics on the other hand which really is fucking unintelligible unless you possess negro epigenetics.
This is the best yuri Ive seen all month
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Does anyone here know more or less when will this notTade from Cowl Production be available for purchase?
I have no idea which will be the final price, basing this on Romankey's blank bodies I would say around 40 bucks, but I don't know if this big gal will come with soft goods and/or paint.

I'm interested in getting her but I'm clueless about the price and quality since I've 'ever owned any Romankey stuff either; granted, she isn't from Romankey but that's how I relate these figures in terms of quality.
There really is no telling. Haven't seen an update on her since July.
Hmm yes the idea of building various sexy outfits and honkin artillery arrays onto a nude Iowa base body sounds absolutely delectable.
Man we havent even seen this painted yet.
Hold your horses. Remember the buff gal? She never came out.
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Payment from Gundamit requested for the blank body.
Honkin? More like chonkin
Congrats, fags.

Bilibili has a few videos up already reviewing this and the male buck
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It's been more than two years since she was announced and still nothing ffs.
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It's just jpgs bro.

The movie contains 0 sorcerer's stones and 1 philosopher's stone.

Not one American alive knew what a philosopher's stone was when that movie came out, period.

Does that make them alchemists or apothecaries?

>Amber Heard
>shit on it
I see you, anon. I see you.

I'm the one who posted it, just click on the picture at the end anon
I think you should print it on A3 but I can't read moonrune so it's only a guess
Got a toys 86 female body yesterday, for 15 bucks, it's worth it, joints are strong enought, it's can stand on her feets easly, got 5 differents pair of hands, 3 differents pairs of feets, a blanck head and a stand
The central part is made of soft plastic, including the breasts
+There is 4 size of tits you can choose when you pay for it, got the 3rd biggest one
>Pic rel
is this good ? Are the arm strong enought or do they seem weak ?
Sadly I dont have a printer. Even if I did and somehow printed this off I think it would just annoy me because I want CatEggThatPool and cant find one anywhere
we won! i just wished he came with a bunch of changeable dicks like the romankey body. Il wait for the HLJ page
Isnt this the wrong body type for THAT character.....
>waste container
Never heard anyone call it that. It's dumpster for the large city bins and garbage bin or trash can for personal.
So pussy is allowed?
lmao, okay
>Not one American alive knew what a philosopher's stone was when that movie came out, period.
I most certainly did. I was huge on history and mythology, and read about it when I was 11...which, incidentally, was one year before the book came out. I was very confused why the story kept calling it a Sorcerer's Stone when I immediately recognized it from its description as being a Philosopher's Stone.
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Strong enough for what?
>Not one American alive knew what a philosopher's stone was when that movie came out, period.
are americans really that stupid? although I met a woman who didn't know who King Arthur and Alexander the Great were and she was almost 40 (i think)
sozai makes a body this small? which one is it?
It's obscure myth/fairy tale shit. Even Arthur is only known through movies and shit.
To stay in place and don't fall appart or move everywhre when you fix another one
>king arthur
>Even Arthur is only known through movies and shit.
What were you expecting? It might as well have been titled Leroy and his magic Rock
Sorry paisens but go to a public place and ask middle aged women to explain why the Round Table was round and see the blank stares you get. It's not like they teach this in schools any more and even if they did, nobody's paying attention.
Ironically Harry Potter taught more kids about mythology than anything else in the last 30 years, including colleges let alone basic education. If it wasn't in a video game or a movie, modern westoids don't know and don't care. They will argue that the name Thanos came from Marvel.
Nobody said that and your redditorlike lying weakens your already fragile argument. Fucking ESL-kun.
>ask middle aged women
>If a bunch of old hags don't know a basic fact, it's obscure
You seem angry anon, also yes you said it right here >>11220202
>It's obscure myth/fairy tale shit
Is random peoples really that ignorant ? they Don't know about Beowulf or even Ivanhoé ?
Is those 30MS paint are accurate ? To paint some 3D printed faceplate
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Neat, they contrast relatively well.
In my case I would've chosen a body with wider hips, thicker legs and a fat ass. Much like AY Spider Gwen.
But then again, that's on me, Spiderverse Gwen has a more lean body.
>In my case I would've chosen a body with wider hips, thicker legs and a fat ass. Much like AY Spider Gwen.
>But then again, that's on me, Spiderverse Gwen has a more lean body.
I Think he was joking about Spider-Gwen being trans anon
>In my case I would've chosen a body with wider hips, thicker legs and a fat ass. Much like AY Spider Gwen.
But then again, that's on me, Spiderverse Gwen has a more lean body.

Anon we both know why that Body type is wrong. The latest marvel slop told us their trans
Thick Gwen with a big futa cock then

>Gwen is trans
Lol? I don't read comics
>The latest marvel slop told us their trans
Lmao the ESL strikes again
Wasnt in the comics anon.
You might wana check on their boyfriend too
As far as I know, that's just twitter fanfiction for Spiderverse 2, none of it is official
Just headcanons then, not trying to derail the thread or anything but how did that happen? I'm just curious.
Trans flag in Gwen's room.
VA said they are.
Company that did the film said they are.

Basically they took a character and intentionally ruined them to fit an agenda
anyone else have experience with madhands posable garage kits here? trying to apply the waterslides but these crinkle up the second i remove them from the backing. even touching them with a q tip causes it to get blurry
No, trannies co-opted her because she has a pink and white costume and teal shoes.
Canonically within the comics (until it gets retconned by a tranny writer), she is still Gwen Stacy from a parallel world with a dumptruck ass just like when Bryce Dallas Howard played her in the Raimi movie. Actually, I'm not sure if the dumptruck is canon to the comic, but it just feels right.
Fucking hell, oh well
I'm more pissed nobody's ever made a Peni Parker figure at all. All we get is a damn statue and a weird Sméagol-thing free with SP//DR action figures.

Why the hell is Bandai's/GSC's marketing team missing out on making another cute anime girl, dammit? She's way better than Gwen!

…then again it'd probably cost a ton to make a posable Peni that can ride a mech. Model kit version instead when?

Gods I wish someone would make these toned lady base bodies soon. I wanna make a custom Buffpup figure so bad, right down to her pierced nipples…
They already made a cup noodle topper statue but I just wanna get one that's posable enough to play with!

Sadly yes. America's got a bit of a prevalent antiintellectualism problem exacerbated by the educational system's bare-minimum standardized-test-score-obsessed approach to "teaching". Ask some random person on the street and they'll brush you off as a nerd (which usually happens if you don't properly segue in, c'mon, just butting in to ask without any warning is both rude and leads to you being easily brushed off) or say "oh that's nice, never really heard about it but I think I saw it in a movie once."
Sad to say, it's the current state of affairs there, especially in small towns where everyone's limiting their knowledge solely to what exists immediately around them or what's the new "in" thing trending.
based. Thats what you deserve for liking capeshit
I really like the articulated mech but alas I agree she was just a statue.
And given her appearance in ATS a supposed Peni figure might have her older looks.
Neither of those two things are true. The closest thing the VA has said is that she "welcomes fan theories" and Sony never made a comment one way or the other. It's just schizos, on both sides, making things up.
>Actually, I'm not sure if the dumptruck is canon to the comic, but it just feels right.
I think MJ is the one with a canon fat ass, Black Cat even says it to her face once kek.

But there's a what if where Gwen takes the mantle of Spiderman after she survived yet Peter died. Upon putting on the suit you can clearly see those child-bearing hips of her, I don't recall if her ass was shown but you can expect it to be big too.
So many Vtubers got figures that would be great as...er, figures. Designs that lend themselves to lewdability, voices that would be great to imagine while playing with their figures... pity most non-Hololive stuff is just discount Fucko Pops or statues.

...oh, other than Buffpup, any of Snuffy's models would be great as figures, especially Smilfy.
Hnngggh with that tiny cowprint bikini
Fingers crossed for a Nimu figure
"Well I guess I'll be taking my waifu and leaving" edition.
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The exorcism of the spirit of the lecherous dog has failed!
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I would.
At the opposite end of the oppai scale of non Hololive vtubers, I really need a Figma Pippa. With bare feet and a large arsenal of weapons to stop feds from storming her cabin on Ruby Ridge.
He said the philosopher's stone is obscure. With a period after then a new point. As you know.


Get tweezers and decal glue or mr. marking solvent.
I just made it in plain PLA and it seems fine. Maybe doing the joints in PETG or something would have been better. I have not really moved it around or anything.

God what a ugly bitch
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Not the tanned one. I also have M ready for when my bogged girl from The Boys gets here.
The west is actively trying to destroy the cute and funny in Japan what with all the payment processors screwing over pixiv, dlsite and many other cornerstones of Japanese smut. Only a matter of time before attractive women in general gets targeted by globohomo. Pure economic and cultural warfare and sabotage. I surmise this is part of a broader push to collapse and then buyout their media industry.

Essentially what has happened with Sony revealing itself to be a western controlled entity but on a mass scale that will wipe away the cultural uniqueness of Japanese content that makes it appealing in the first place. Absolutely will affect toy merchandise too if shitty Sony figures are any indication.
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Bro same...
Pure, sweet, true love.
Finished my second full Megami Device Doll using GK parts!
Also WIP of.. Fu*k Frame?.. Mobile Fu*k Machine(MFM)?... Sybiframe?.. Still work shopping names. Anyway, Mecha Warehouse is having a 30% off moving sale so I bought a bunch of random koto stuff to see what I can make. have enough parts for a second one of these if this one goes well. Next one will most likely end up a Mobile Milking Machine(MMM Yus!)
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Bros post your best coomer figure girls I am compiling them like an autist
They already are targeting sexyness in general. The UN just recently demanded Japan put in measures to protect "women" appearing in anime, manga, and videogames from sexual exploitation.
Not the women who work on them, the characters appearing IN them.
Americans really have nothing better to do than crying about stupid video games that sell better than woke trash like dust born huh?
I said the UN, not the US.
HOW autistic are we talking here?
Will you be compiling and organizing them by how good an image they are? File size, backgrounds used, image quality etc
Luckily the UN's demands aren't worth shit to any country with a functioning economy
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This girl is my new favorite, she may not be the best figure engineering wise but i love the way she is built all the same
Doesnt the collar annoy you? It should be held in place but instead it's a loose part and everytime you move the head this piece moves out of position
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I would prefer if it stayed in place better, but I find most figures with collars have this problem. I like the look of the collar so I'll take it moving over not having it.
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>Honey Smoked Ham Hands
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One of my favorite pics I took.
>best coomer figure girls
The UN ought to correct the Afghan's pedophile behaviors first.
Fuck, why did I passed on it
If I take one from aliexpress at 110 bucks with multiples user pic in the reviews, got rate and "official" in the name, will I get REALLY got a official one ?
its actually not that easy to make bootlegs of everything
I bought my white tea girl from aliexpress, she was legit, perfect condition and brand new. Got my regular milk tea from ebay, she was pretty cheap there last I checked, like 60-75 from some sellers..
>Only a matter of time before attractive women in general gets targeted by globohomo.
Why do you care, anon? It's not like attractive women like (you) anyway.
You rape kids Pedothena
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FrazettaGirl's Vampirella teaser.
Frazetta Girls are almost there. The knees and elbows look not good. Overall, they remind me of like old-school Neca-quality figures.
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Don't mind if I do
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This lolibaba vampire is mine and you can't do shit about it
Does anyone got a blank ahegao faceplate to 3D print ? The only who I found cost 18 buck lmao
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I kinda wish they did something else since she already has a few figures but sure.

I love my teegra, and I can live with some subpar elbows and knees, but mine her ankles are so floppy she basically cannot stand at all wich is just a shame. I now only really display her leaning on other people for support.
It's not really a case of the joint not being not sturdy enough for the weight I think, but the soft material of the feet the peg of the joint is imbedded into is too gummy and has too much leeway. That and her feet being so damn daintily small.
I do wish these guys the best though. If they manage to improve them in future releases I'll be coming back for more.

After shitting on them I do want to give some praise to her midriff joint wich is ROCK solid and one of the best and most sturdy joints i've seen in a figure of this size.

>>11219516 (OP)
>"'ll be taking my succubus loli and leaving"
Recipe for the succubus-loli? I'm not familiar with all figma but I think I've seen the head before on a schoolgirl body?
Head is from the smallest Love Plus figma character Kobayakawa Rinko.
Torso is from Figma Kuroyukihime.
The arms and legs are from a size S Sozai-Chan body in light flesh. (Big thanks to whoever suggested me that the balljoints of figma hips can also couple with sozai legs. I will say sozai legs on a figma hip balljoint is a bit looser though but nothing unfixable.)

I'm honestly not sure what the floating hip/pantsu piece is from though. Could be one that came with that figure, or one laying around in my bins. The Kuroyukihime figures has this big dress piece and pantsu are a very gappy fit where it rattles around, so unless you find better fitting legs/panties it will look pretty bad.
The sozai S legs fit wonderfully well though.

Also I flipped the neck joint for the head around so it sits lower than usual at the cost of impeding upward mobility.
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>>"'ll be taking my succubus loli and leaving"
Catch me if you can, this loli is mine and I'm coming for your
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slightly better pic of the hips

oh shit is that candlejack refe
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wow coomer collectors are also pedophiles?! I can't believe it!!!
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Made some toys with the 3d printer today, it's pretty good the time it's take (15 minutes each, maybe a little less for smaller one)
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Don't normally buy coom figs, but this one was too good to pass...
UN and US are pretty much the same thing, the UN is headquartered in the US, the US is their biggest sponsor and their DEI crap is the exact same as those Larry "pure coincidence" Fink implemented for Blackrock. The Iranians also call the US the Great Shaitan and we call the UN the AntiChrist.
Nice I just got her!

I hope its not anywhere near as annoying as the fucking collar on the AGP Atago I have.
Anon... we aren't talking about real women, they are going after our waifus!
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Damn, I wish I could repost my picture of Astrobot carring bunch of gal figures but I lost my folder with pictures of toys.
>Aqua trapped in the prize machine
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I made some kind of arcade room with model kit and papercraft, got Darkness recently but I don't know what make her to do kek
Also I made mini hentai and manga in 1:12 ready to be printed if somebody want it
Manga got 4 pages each and hentai 6 page each
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Yeah I know, not coomer but since there is a lot of toyphotagry, dollhouse or diorama threads ...
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>Manga got 4 pages each and hentai 6 page each
Here how it's look for a hentai
Shfs look like fucking legos kek. Glad anons warned me about not getting any
Is that an actual handheld space invaders game?

Did that other anon ever post his games room
God damn that Konata looks so out of place. Holy mother of proportions.
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>Is that an actual handheld space invaders game
Yeah, it's one of those overpriced toys
Brazilian levels of laziness. I kneel anon. I genuinely kneel
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I wanted to add more model kit of real arcade game, but they are way overpriced, one astro city alone cost nearly 200 euros
There is also papercraft some, the dance machine, the guitar hero is just the dance machine that I changed in paint
And all the poster are thing I found on ebay, resized in openoffice
holy hell that price
isn't there something like this that could be purchased on 3d printing sites
Look on Ebay and several other sites. You can buy better arcade looking machines for less.
I got an arcade cabinet of ghouls n ghosts for 20. You can buy those fortnite arcade cabinets for 15 and buy replacement stickers for 20 to change it into mk2 or others
i like how you can buy shitty half sized arcades for less than the price of those and full sized real ones for only double.
>and buy replacement stickers for 20
A anon made a dozens of remplacement for the fortnite arcade cabinet, you can just print them at home for free
Meant to post
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Also I made a bedroom, there is a lot of 1:12 scale ps2, ds, gba... Game box, I got it ready to be printed if somebody want
Same for the model kit box on the top
Here, I found it, template for the fortnite arcade cabinet
I dunno why but I really dont like this
I like the fact you used solid wood but everything else just seems abit stagnant? I guess is the word
I added 2 figure to it since the pic
Goro from bocchi the rock playing wind waker on the tv and Kurise from stein gate reading the back of a vinyle cover
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That's me your friendly neighborhood /ctg/ OP slt

I used https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BVMZMWCY/ for the arcades

I have been slacking making these but if any one has a good arcade idea I am always game to make some new ones
>arcade machine that scales with 1/12 that ACTUALLY works
dude wtf, that's super cool
actually I forgot i had finished a MK cabinet that i meant to upload to the folder. Let me put that one in now
Hey, got a way to found some fornite cabinet for cheap ? The only who I find is on amazon for 15 euros each
>I have been slacking making these but if any one has a good arcade idea I am always game to make some new ones
You could copy those, they make you pay 10 bucks for each lmao
I bought 20 from Ollies a year or so ago for 2 bucks a piece. Maybe they still have some they had a ton when i bought mine.

also yeah what people charge for them is outrageous. That's why I made my own and shared with anons so they can do the same and save themselves a bunch of money. Also shared the template so if I don't make one a person wants they can make their own cabinets.
i might have to get that one
currently downloading the pdfs

Did you consider maybe a metal slug cabinet?
(That's the one arcade game I'm not complete thrash at, lol)
Yeah I will make one to go with my Fio
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I found out about the Hang On cab kit far too late. These are long out of production, and this is aftermarket, eBay price fuckery to boot.
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I found a collection of papercraft sega arcade machine, I tried ton print space harrier but it's was too small on a4 paper, maybe on a3 it's could work, it's was from a magazine and I can't find the correct measures online
https://archive.org/details/DorimagaSegaHistoryCollectionPapercraft here the archive if somebody want to try to rescale it
If you're sucessful please share it
Holy fucking based

Wait so this isnt 1/12 scale?

Nugga you not just a hero, your a hero to us all
>Wait so this isnt 1/12 scale?
It's from a japanese magazine and I don't know what were the original dimension, I tried it to print it with my printer on A4 paper (21X29.7 cm) and it's was way too small
But the original from the magazine was made for 1:12 yes
When you say small, how small compared to a 1/12 figure next to it.
Do u have the one you printed as if I see how it looks I might be able to readjust it to actual 1/12
Sure, got any preference for a figure next to it as a reference ?
Any that's 1/12 really.
Milk tea slut will do as I've got her.
I want to print these myself now I've seen them but dont have a printer. I just looked online and ink cartridges are MORE than the printers themselves.....wtf
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>Milk tea slut
Sorry, I ordered her yesterday, [spoiler] I still wanted her after jerking off, that the ultimate test before ordering any slut figure [/spoiler]
It's really small, here it next to Peter B from into the spiderverse marvel legend, megumin figma, Shinobu figma,Kamen Rider 1 from the Shin Kamen rider and a 30MS
I have two things to say...

1. That's disgusting.

2. That is possibly the worst size comparison I have EVER seen.
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mesure are in cm
I dont collect that shit.
Have you got lustia? Aileen? Figma Kos-mos

Holy shit I can see just by megame that scale is wrong. Taking a guess from simply looking at that I'd need to download the file (space harrier for example) put each individual bit in photoshop, make a copy and lock it, then double the size of the duplicate and I'd have to do that on EVERYTHING all at once.

Even then when doubled I'd probably need to make it 10-15% bigger just to be safe. Then separate parts for printing onto a4 sheets (3 pages probably)

It's a lot of work. At least 3 hours of fucking about + printing off a b/w test sheet
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ayy lmao
What is this?
Pure seggs
She one of the smaller TPE dolls? Like 2, 2 1/2 feet? Been wanting to add one to my collection, just some of the prices on some of them are astronomically ridiculous. I miss the days of 300-400 dollar full size dolls on ali (unless theyve started selling them again, been a long while since ive checked).
Aren't you just better buying a real doll at those prices
What, you mean a full size? Thats what im talking about. The full size dolls used to be all over aliexpress for anywhere from 200-600.
Wait....do normal 1/12 shoes just fit her that easily?
This one easily fit just fine. I didn't even mod anything. Now she always wear them
Can you link the aliexpress place u got them from.
Do you have white ones at all? I've wanted to sort out shoes for her for awhile now and didnt realise it was this easy to fix
Okay, I don't have link on my phone, and I remember ali password. Please wait couple of hours until I get to my PC and i give you a link.
Hope link will work
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>all ahe, no gao
Is that an anime girl with real life dwarfism proportions?
>Is that an anime girl with real life dwarfism proportions?
Did someone just mention me?
Why did you do that with her legs?
Welp, it happened. My Polynian Machaon just began yellowing months after I got him.

Fuck the neighbors and their goddamn light-reflecting walls causing sun damage, but also damn me for a fool leaving him out too long instead of in a box.

Any advice for un-yellowing a Polynian? I've seen the hydrogen peroxide and UV method, but part of me worries since the yellowing also hit Machaon's face and I don't wanna lose his looks,
>Any advice for un-yellowing a Polynian?
It would be an experiment and I take no liability on for the result, but if this happened to me I would put poster tack or that liquid masking tape stuff over the eyes and any other facial features then coat in the benzoyl peroxide (acne cream stuff) and sit it in the sun in a baggie for bleaching. I just don't know what the chemical reaction between the peroxide and the masking agents would be so that would be the first experiment.
If that didn't work I would pick an obscure spot and use a fine grit sand paper or magic eraser and see how far down I would have to go to get to the natural color and if it isn't too far do that on the body.
If neither worked I'd buy a new twinkie-bot on next release and custom this one by scribing more details, painting or dip dying and redoing the face with water-slide decals(Which you can also do if you mess up the face with the peroxide).
The hobby has made me excessively paranoid about (in)direct sunlight.
Planning to get some UV film in the future to put on the windows, so I can at least open the curtains once in a while.
But that'd also bring up a "can I trust this store isn't bullshitting" issue.
Yeah, that's pretty terrifying to consider. Who knows if the result begins to smoke and damage the figure more?

I also see a lot of the other Polynians I got have some light yellowing as well on their white parts.
Suddenly Daibadi looks badly cheap in my eyes now. Can't they get their chemists to fix that?

...that said, if all else fails, how good are Polynian bodies with paint retaining? Like, I know the first ones were basically garage kits, and these are still kind of the same, but would I need to sand their bodies before painting them?

I've just learned to hate neighbors who don't care three shits that their house is a fuckin' disco ball in the daylight, and housing laws preventing trees from blockading my room from them.
ID on the girl figure? ?
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I wouldn't consider the yellowing an indicator of cheapness. The sun kills all. It is just entropy. Everything from Barbie dolls to the bones left by a vulture after a hearty meal. There are preventative measures though. You can spray them with a sealer like Mr Super Clear UV Cut, put them behind acrylic treated with a uv protective varnish, there are even sprays for figures themselves that protect from both UV and prevent dust sticking. I just use a blackout curtain in my room personally. I H8 sunlight though. If i want vitamin D I'll just drink milk, eat my weight in Pokimane cookies, or in dire cases(eww) touch grass for a bit..

>ID on the girl figure? ?
Caught me just as I finished editing. Megami Device Asra Aoi with Fengyu Bust, M.S.G. Torso and Bottoms, Sousai Shojo Teien Madoka Yuki face, an SST After School Wig Type: A, and some feet from i8 toys Amazon store.


>"The notorius criminal and ilegal vigilante Spider-man is discovered rob a minor in popular video center of Coom City, the police not say comments..

>Why none think in the childs??!!" - Bill Cosby

>More information in the page 6..

>Nigth Gala in Einspte&n Island, Party themed in Halloween, more information in Society section
>halloween themed night gala at Epstein island
lel, didn't expect my collection being compared to epstein island to feel as a compliment but I do sure love halloween and that would be pretty spooky

I like the idea of a newspaper much like [S4s] had going for a while. That way figures can get shocked at all the juicy stories and lewd gossip around /ctg/.
Thanks anon.
Do you have white heels so I can see if she looks better in white vs black?

New fetish awoken
man she looks great

does she stand well?
they seem a tad on the big side but man do they look like they fit well from heel to the wide part filling out the open top

i have some weird barbie heels that fit mine a bit but it makes her a bit undstable due to how gummy the material is
yours look like they fit a lot better, thanks for sharing the link
yay! you made a tiny detolf too!
neat ... but also why is there a pixel stain in the bottom right ?
i quickly edited the colors in clip studio and it gave it that effect :/
youre really making me wanna get that shota with your pictures lol
These make my gaming room look tiny and claustrophobic in comparison
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>detolf too!
I used a frame for a shelf I found online and cutted the clear part of a cheap frame for poster (the kind who use transparent plastic and not glass)
I haven't glued a clear part to the side against the wall so I can change thing in it
here the frame https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/various/rack-1-10
Do it's. It's just the ANCIENT Erio Figma. He's like, 10 bucks on Mandarake.
Very cute anon! Your toys are having fun.
very comfy

i wanted to comment on how flimsy that detolf looks, but the concept of them proudly displaying their migus in the flimsiest cabinet from china in their gaming room is adorable
>if any one has a good arcade idea I am always game to make some new ones
Metal sl

>Did you consider maybe a metal slug cabinet?
>(That's the one arcade game I'm not complete thrash at, lol)
Yeah that, so that it can

>make one to go with my Fio
Yeah, that.
Does anyone know where I can find face decals to print for 30ms and such ? Especially ahegao
I found face plate to 3d print (normal, gagged with eyes masked... But no normal face with a tongue out saddly)
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Anyone know where to get articulated fingers for DD Doll?
Ive seen BJD doll articulated hands on both ali and ebay. Problem is, I tried buying a set for my 1/4 scale on ebay, and they ended up being way too big (even though they were supposedly made for a 1/4). Might check places like etsy too, if you find people doing custom sizes they might be able to make some good ones for you.
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So a new model kit is up for preorder, apparently VERY heavily 'inspired' by Kamen Rider Faiz.
Annoyingly she's taller than SHFSS Faiz who is around 14.5cm but I think displaying them both can still work.
Goodness, quite the bazongas on that doll.
Yahoo Japan auctions is the best place to find stuff for dollfies; you will need a proxy and to find seller that doesn’t ban those proxies (usually only an issue for buying the custom heads)
Jesus christ the fucking cuckold beta male comments in the sales section....
Wtf happened? Is it a tfw2005 raid by faggot male feminists?
All complaining about the lewd add on bits. Absolutely pathetic holy shit
tfw is like that, its full of prudes who sperg out over this shit but will complain over the most inane shit on a transformer. you should have seen how they got when bfb nicee was near release
Sadly I saw because I got banned over mooka. I called everyone beta males for getting upset over mooka having breasts because shes a female robot.
It's like a nesting ground for cucks.
Gundamit sells all sorts of stuff so were did these male feminists come from?
people who come out with that shit on the site should just be banned immediately because if THAT upsets them then how will they feel if they see Lustia or Lisbeth
your first mistake was reading the comments at all, no matter the page showz/gundamit comments are almost all just inane and incoherent esl babble from people who are trying to farm points but have nothing to say about the item you are looking at
Mostly true but if I'm looking at a female anime type girl then I'm expecting boobs and butts.
Looking at that and then getting upset and acting adam savage like is peak retarded
Transformers is pretty big in the 3rd party sphere and Gundamnit is one of the main stores to get such toys so it's no surprise the fanbase that is essentially /co/mblr would be clutching at their pearls and be offended by titties.
>1 armored body
>1 nude body with ahegao faceplate
>One bicycle
that pretty cheap for all of that
>3rd party sphere

Bootlegs, there's so many bootleg Transformers toys that there's a general dedicated to them alone, the 3rd party general.
Either way it's just sad. Genuinely fucking sad and pathetic.
Transformers has always had female robots, they've had feminine figures. Getting all mega retarded like they did over mooka, spider girl etc is just an embarrassment.
If their that retarded about females looking like females then maybe that's not the best hobby for them and they should switch to wokehammer.
If your looking at an anime girl model you have no right to get pissy/upset because shes got an ass curves and tits.
The boobs and egho face for the bike girl are just accessories
>inane and incoherent esl babble
couldn't have said it better myself, the only useful posts ever end up being short reviews with photos because everything else is some retarded variation of "hmm this design good, i wonder how final product will be"
The pekonahole...
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Did that pool ever actually come out? Last I saw was a failed kickstarter.
It's weird. I know for a fact that Transformers is weird about gender, and has been in regard to its marketing, from the start. Most of the ads targeted the male demographic from a young age, and even the robots that got sold in the days of old were all dudes.
Took them years to even make a female robot for sale, and there's the whole matter of "Prime's Rib".
(That's a Simon Furman-penned Marvel G1 comic where Optimus and the Autobots build Arcee in response to feminists getting pissy that they, a genderless extraterrestrial species, "lack female representation." For that matter, Furman firmly stuck to the notion that Cybertronians were genderless machines for years, claiming it was more logical that there were NO female Autobots (unless he could logic something out to explain them)… leading to some heated discussions when he made Arcee the product of a VERY invasive trans surgery during the IDW comics. This was poorly received and needed a partial retcon to save face, and Hasbro and the other writers quietly snuck in built-female 'bots into the IDW canon later down the line.)

I mean, c'mon, Simon. This is why I like the Sunbow cartoon a bit more. They didn't use "Cybertronians are naturally built from Primus' metal soil, so naturally they would be born genderless", instead, they went "oh yeah, evil space spermatozoa with five faces built these species as products for other species to consoom, so it makes sense to add female features in to appeal to their more primal desires". Logic checks out waaaaaay more.
>I know for a fact that Transformers is weird about gende
only on the american side with those dogshit comics, Japan does it much better
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The IDW comic was absolutely insane but I thought it was interesting as a concept, just the idea of a mad scientist forcibly creating another sex/gender in a society that only ever had a single one is a really neat scifi concept. The cybertronians being built and given the concept of sex or gender by their alien overlords to appeal to rich alien gooners is also a good one.
Bri'ish, ackshually. The Furmanisms are deffo Bri'ish.
I'd say the cartoon is more the American canon.

…might be heretical to say this but if you aged up the girls, a Kiss Players-esque series would not be that bad in execution. We kinda got that with Transformers GT, though the girls were all living Matrixes.

…I just wanna see a 1/12 scale line of anime girls with transforming cars they can ride, man. Throw in some tender interactions between them, and you've got the formula for success that the Bumblebee Movie had!
IDW is american and had pregnant transformers, it was fucked up and retarded
by a British writer though.
american company, rotating writers of american and british
What size scale were the kiss player girls meant to be?
I had forgotten what fags the 2005 lot were acting like when kiss players showed up. That was so long ago and now their just worse
Kiss Players was cringe as all fuck, don’t get so horny for the little girls you forget that.
Beta status confirmed
Hows no nut November treating you so far
kiss players is better than the pedophilia the idw comics had with tailgate as a baby
Honestly I think that's what most modern Quintesson depictions are lacking.
The G1 cartoon shows them as the worst kind of space capitalists possible, even dedicating a two-parter (of sorts) to their many crimes spent engineering wars and ecological disasters for profit, ostensibly swindling countless alien species for billions, and then merely writing them off as a tidy 2% increase in their total earnings, as if saying "these are just minuscule, we must maximize the profit margins by screwing over yet more civilizations".

…aaaaand then TLK and AoE kinda made them faceless generic doomsday enemies and didn't build up too much on them, Aligned doesn't use them in the cartoon but the books and materials claim they're made by one of the Thirteen Primes and then betrayed him before taking over and falsely claiming to be the creators of the Cybertronian species, Cyberverse made them cosmic horrors, and I dunno what Earthspark's done with them so far.
One is a good step in that direction, if the writers have the cogs to build up to that in the sequel.

There's something they're all lacking: that cold callous calculated capitalistic cruelty.
They went too cosmic and forgot the true horror they embody: the all-too-real fear of tentacle monsters ruling the economy by tricking everyone into war for chump change.

Plus, they're space capitalists that built the robots you know and love and continue to produce them solely for profit. C'mon, any hack writer could use them as mouthpieces to parody Joe Hasbro's shittier marketing decisions while neatly slotting them into the themes of "robots being more than what they were built to be"!
>le capistalism is evil
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Sadly it gets worse each passing year with pearl-clutchers hissing over anime girls being too hot for their tastes, or for anime not complying with whatever ideological flavor of the week they believe in. Used to know some shitheads like that who'd spew vitriol over other people finding some girls cute and funny, but be backstabbing bastards in their circle of friends while insisting their tastes alone were good. Sooner or later it'll come to light they're hiding serious skeletons in their closets, I bet.

Oh yeah the Kiss Players lineup is 1:24th scale. They're repurposed Binaltech molds, after all.
Kinda wanna see 1:18th scale Transformers and 1:18th NIKKE/Girls Frontline figures so I can make military dioramas of cute anime girls teaming up with grizzled Joes and badass 'Bots to save the world.
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Jesus fucking christ, all this bullshit is why I avoid MOST fandoms like the fucking plague. Everybody bitching over "pedo this" or "esl that" or "my shits better because they dont look like little girls" "trans this" "trans that" fffffuck off already, WHO GIVES A SHIT, LIKE WHAT YOU LIKE AND MOVE THE FUCK ON.
>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore Obvious Trolls, Give Them No Attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!
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>new 1/6 body
Wish it at least had some nipple bumps, the proportions are pretty nice compared to usual 1/6 fridge bodies.
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Although judging from the joints this seems to be the extent of its range of posability, especially the knees.
>nipple bumps
3D Printers of the world unite! Let's get some nipple packs going already
>nipple bumps
>3D Printers of the world unite! Let's get some nipple packs going already
I just drill a hole where nipple should be, cut a bit of flesh colored 3d printer filament off the roll and stick it in there. sand it down a bit and paint. works for 1/12 scale at least. Could probably just do the same thing with model kit runner in flesh tone for 1/6.
Can you post on https://slt.booru.org/ or catbox.moe?
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This is Cat Egg's 1:12th diorama, not the one on Kickstarter.
>Don’t kink shame
I shan't be following that rule.
I assume also you'd need to mold some PVC clay to get the puffiness of the areolae, or scrape and sand the boob to get the shape right, no?
Depends on art style and anatomical type of boob. The thickness or layers of acrylic used to paint areola can be enough.

If it isn't I use thin layers of CA glue to build up areola before painting.

Sometimes I skip the filament altogether if not making longer nipples and build the nipple by letting a drop of medium viscosity CA glue dry as a bubble and rinse and repeat until its the right size and shape then add areola with thinner ca glue before painting and blushing and sealing with MSC.

The CA glue only method works better for me when adding nipples to silicone(TBLeague) or those flexible boob plates that don't hold paint well(Pixiv, tunshi) as the texture of the glue gives something for paint and weathering masters to stick to. Then I seal the paint job with thinnest layer of ca glue since these types of busts cant be sprayed with a top coat like MSC without it cracking and flaking away.

You can use 97% isopropyl alchohol alcohol to speed the drying process of ca glue between coats but avoid it on last layer as it may cause it to turn white after drying. 70% isopropyl alcohol will cause the medium viscosity CA glue to cake while a bubble is still wet allowing you to shape it with a toothpick before the 30% water evaporates and it cures.

I can't guarantee your results but these are my methods. Happy experimenting!
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I'm a /pol/tard too, and this isn't the place for this, unless you want to discuss what coomer anime girl you will be decorating your plane/tank with in the upcoming war in the Middle East.
anyone know of a figure that'd work as an un-suited Samus Aran?
...the figma.

I tried looking around for an alternative, even considered "building" something that looked like it with 30MS and whatnot, but I just ended up paying the high latetax for her.
Looks nice, but hasuki still has the edge when it comes to gun girls for me.
Buy some 1/12 body, get 1/12 Zero Samus suit from chinamen, get figma Samus head or some replacement.
How tf did this sell out in like a day?
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She looks like a ko snail shell wolf. Not a bad ko, just very reminiscent of. Without the soft goods she looks pretty good.
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Her assplate brings all the boys to the yard
I'm partial to #assonlegs
Was thinking of ordering her on 5ktoys or gundamit, who's liable to come put cheaper? Gundamit hasn't listed her full price yet, 5k has her at 54+shipping.
I hope her chest is swappable like Violet's even though they don't show a second piece, will make it easier to give her some nice bolt-ons.
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Any gyaru-ish figures I can use as a stand-in for her? Doesn't have to be lewd I just figured you guys would know.
Fuck 5K, still waiting for them to charge me for my damned Lustia. Never ordering from them again, thats for sure.
I don't get it, does this include the nude body and ahegao face too on sugotoys or is it a exclusive DX set ?
Desktop Army's Alyssa & Melissa
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what is even the purpose of the plate? It just obstructs backwards movement
Fuck that lower ass and crotch area is terrible
You might want to email them if you haven't already, haven't had many issues with them but they did forget to charge me for an order once.
Have always wanted these and those little rpg themed figures... are they worth? Might get these two.
Dang. Was gonna get this. The underboobing is nice. Ah well.
She comes with both bodies seen here. What you're not seeing on some of the other sites (like BBTS, USAGS, and Gundammit) is that the black bikini the second body is wearing is made of rubber like Nuke Matrix's Summer Vivienne, and is intended to come off as seen in >>11225119; also like Vivienne, she's fully modeled under there, not just Barbie Doll anatomy.
She's still available on 5ktoys and gundamit, probably cheaper too.
Never used sugotoys, would their shipping make it come out to more than on gundamit?
>Nuke Matrix's Summer Vivienn
Fuck it's super cheap
I live in europe and I'm not really used to buy ton of musume kit (I buy mechas) but still
40-50 buck on aliexpress for her for 4 printed face, mini food, face for decals, chair, background, more than 10 hands...
For the same price I could get a Suletta in a store lmao, with only 1 printed face, 2 for decals and so few pair of hand
Got any recommendation of cheap but cool musume kit I can get on aliexpress ?
There's a Melissa variant? Nice! I've skipped out on most DTA releases, but I got her original one since the crown and articulated hands were too much to pass up.
The only difference with getting Vivi from ali is usually the cheap ones dont come with the box and cardboard backdrop, other than that, shes a STEAL on there.
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>no one talking about this qt going up for pre order and having updated pics
you have failed. its by the same people that made the pink haired cyberpunk grill. she is fun to pose and it seems it is the same base body. pre orders are closed on ami, but I know you are smart enough to not pre order china toys on nippon websites
I was asking for more kit/brand who come with lot of accesories, hands, face ect... compared to standard bandai musume or even just cheap in general
VIvienne is as the same price as a 30ms in my country lmao
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Righto cunts I took the coomerpill and bought picrelated as my first lewd figure. Does this look like an alright figure? I got no experience in this department. I'm gonna absolutely defile it with my cocksnot anyways.
>Does this look like an alright figure?
It looks like an alright statue
Buying statues?
Dude just buy a flesh light at this point
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Well, this is one of the most BLATANT trolling attempts ive ever seen on here...
You're retarded
The mantis I impulse bought from seeing it here some months ago arrived (shipper left it here at like 9PM, which feels odd). She's cool looking, but I'm getting filtered by the small parts. Maybe I should be using tweezers or something.
The instruction booklet includes the "infected" head, so that must be weird to people who buy it later if that is actually a pre-order only thing.
Any of you guys know what counts for Amiami as "airmail"? I want to try and get a bonus card.
Also do you get to see what the shipping costs before confirming the order cause the summary's "to be determined".
Very coomy.
Their previous gal wasn’t as blant.
Well damn. It does exist, but isn't in stock anywhere. Almost worse than not actually existing.
>VIvienne is as the same price as a 30ms in my country lmao
Just to be safe, make sure you're getting the right Vivi - Nuke Matrix made two versions of her. The original version is pic related, while the one you're looking for is her Summer edition, which has no armor but has all the beach accessories, the nude body with two breast sizes, and two bikinis (the large boobs and pink bikini are included so you can head-swap their other character Liry Bell onto her).
Gundamit & BBTS list her as a model kit, and Sugo lists her as a figure? Which is she? Just motocurious.
If 2 of the 3 sources say she's a kit, that's what I'd bet on. We're only seeing renders right now, but remember how much stuff she comes with - all of these companies producing mecha museums figures have realized that it's cheaper to sell figures in kit form. By leaving the assembly and paint to the customers, they can use the rest of the budget for more accessories, which is what has made it possible for modern kits to be bigger and more complex than even the Old Busou Shinki figures of yore. This chick has weapons, a shark tail, a claw arm, two bodies (one with removable underwear), four faces, eight hands, a detachable helmet, a stand, and a transforming motorcycle mecha. There's no way in hell they'd be able to sell her preassembled with all of that for only $65 USD - she's got to be a kit.
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It's been a whole year. Did they kill the tomboy?
>two bodies and a transforming motorbike robut
That's a model kit for sure. Even then, it's insanely good value.
can you remove the worm coming out of her extra face and put it on her normal white eyed face? instead of her being possessed, I want the worm to be her pet that lives in her head lol
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Any Nuke Matrix or Eastern Model girpla kits. I like Raiders of Shadow (they even make a m*le that's cool) and of course the ATK Girls.
oversexed strumpet
As someone who has some Desktop Army and Gachapon Quest/Aquashooters figurines, I'll give you a quick rundown on their quality.

The short answer is "yes to Desktop Atmy, though they're kinda limited in articulation so YMMV. Gashapon Quest and Aquashooters are okayish in the newer lines but have some major issues."

The long answer is:
Desktop Army is good but the articulation is limited due to their style of joints.
They just use curved ball pegs for the shoulders and hips instead of a hinged joint, which means you need to pop the arms to swap the ball pegs in for some poses.
The main body sculpts are good, mostly. The joints are usually sturdy, but they're not unbreakable. Happened to me some time back.

Now, Aquashooters and Gashapon Quest are ANNOYINGLY different in terms of model builds and barely any parts cross-compatibility despite both being in-scale and seemingly compatible at a glance.
Gashapon Quest bodies are more flexible but they can't handle the weights of their heads well, and their joints mean they both could easily fall apart and suffer from lack of some key rotation points in terms of posing. Furthermore, the little beastmen are cute, but their leg molding makes it easy for their legs to pop out of the hips, while remaining unable to properly move and rotate at all.
The same issues apply with the older batches of Aquashooters figures, particularly the ones with skirts. Due to their skirts being thick rubbery plastic, and their hip-torso connection not being that deep, it's pretty easy to bisect them.

Oh, and the most insulting part? You can't swap arms and legs across all three lines because their connector pegs are differently sized. Aquashooters is thicker than Gashapon Quest's.

Even so, still love them. Would recommend them if you like the aesthetic.
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>just buy a fleshlight
I did lmao. I went full-out and bought this slut and a fleshlight in a deranged-horny spending spree which marks the first time I am buying naughty sexual stuff. I am going to keep these foul trinkets mouldering under my bed to steep in my fetid cum for all eternity.
Jesus christ mods, please do your jobs...
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Should I clean her or keep her as a "no-clean". It would be kinda satisfying to watch my seed encrust and turn brown all over her slutty body hehehe
>buying this and not that recent nun with the womb tattoo
Was a way hotter statue desu. Even I was almost tempted to get it, so many of my interests into one statue.. but preorders ended before I gave into my penis' desires
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practised cooming on an old Invisible Woman action figure last night - keeping that slut covered in my gunk in a ziplock bag under me smelly bed, with only the daddy long-legs and roaches to keep her company.
Anon, you have no idea how slow koto is.
Why do you have a picture of mike morse on here?
You can't get shipping prices before making an order but after making it they will weigh your shit and then you can change your shipping method before paying on the payment screen. Airmail will be one of the most affordable yet still reliable option, avoid slowboat option.
Who the fuck is Mike Morse
what if u repaint the body to match with her face
Did they released the bike?
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Any characters that you'd like to be made into coomer figures by a third party company?

Hardmode fof you guys: no anime shit
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got lustia today
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Does she have nipples and va-jay-jay?
Nope. iirc snail shell has never done a figure with full details.
>"Stop it, I don't want more oneshota!!!"
The 3 main ladies from the Kill Bill franchise

...for a non-anime character deserving of the coomer toy treatment, I can easily think of -

...why the hell didn't Plamax's Naked Angels line do Hitomi Tanaka and Anri Okita, dammit
China no allow
Revoltech Power Girl with proper giant tits.
What's the background from?
Need dark-skinned_futanari muscular_futanari.
>Lady Palutena doesn't have a figure so she can defend her shota from demonic whores
Goblin Beach Day!
Question for group. Sooo a bud has gone full beastility with his coomer toys. Was over there the other day and he had a sexy horse just sprawled out by his computer. Had a feeling this was coming because he had started to keep his daughters toy horses by his computer. Was hoping it would not be the case but sure enough, he had gotten a custom sexy horse toy from a furry con and now it sits beside the computer looking at the user with fuck me eyes and its ass out.

I have two thoughts. Lean into it buy him another sexy horse for Christmas or lean out and buy him a Bible. Or I guess ignore it. I imagine this is eventually come to a head with the wife and maybe I want nothing to do with that.

Shits weird though. Never seen anyone buy such a weird custom and just leave it out. He has two kids and he's just got this sexy horse out.
Easy stuff is just Disney stuff.

Generic Demona style Gargoyle with removable clothes. Generic tinkerbell fairy. Generic princess jasmine with bonus snake lower body.

Hard mode would be like gooftroop or rescue rangers mild furry stuff
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This new batch of over the top trolling is fucking stupid.
Amiibo ballista!
All marvel comics girls. Half-naked with big boobs, rounded asses and cute faces instead of jewish abominations Hasbro usually shits out.
Silviara, Goldmoon, Kitiara, Tika and Takhisis from the Dragonlance series of DnD books.
Anyone recommend a cheap ko 1/12 figure that should work with this nun outfit?
I hope it fits on pregnant Taimanin figures.
A good Slave Leia
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Anyone got their Mantis Grill? would have prefered a color scheme more similar to an orchid mantis but I still like this one. As a heads up, I was having a bit or trouble putting the short grips on her forearms, but noticing the little "instruction manual" you are supposed to swap the actual joints. the small grips come packed with the pegs intended for the wrists, not the forearms. so thats why they weren't connecting that securely.
The design of the wrists limits their poseability but it's not a big loss for me. her range and resistances outdo the limited wrists. a really fun gal to pose. I got her from gundamit so i was a bit surprised to see they added the exclusive parasite faceplate
Hoping the sozais work. Got plenty of extra figma heads.
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a little weird that the faces attack with a ball joint with no articulation and not a simple peg. I wish the antennae were soft plastic instead of thin hard plastic. they are one shelf fall away from snapping
Oh, her scythe fits into her hands by removing the peg and sliding it into the grip hands. BUT dont try to swivel the pommel. the slot and handle are molded in an L shape so you cannot swivel it so be careful
Dont have any spare heads myself. So would need a full figure really
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Coom level?
Like a 2 maybe? Ditch the stupid handcuff and let's see what the underside looks like
Kinda want her so my karate bugmen have a kaijin to fight.
What if I told you that's a boy? I'm sure you already knew that though
What is this?
I didn't care at first, but her face is starting to annoy me
>let's see what the underside looks like
Crotch bulge.
>What is this?
Bridget from Guilty Gear. He's a crossdressing man. His games have been around longer than you've been alive.
>Her face
His face, anon. He's male.
I meant the figure.....
Not sexy, only cute.
She a cute.
its plamo
i'd get it if it was old bridget design
strive one sucks its so ugly
I remember when Bridget used to actually look like a cute anime girl and was the archetypal trap, and was regularly posted as bait for newfags on /b/. Now that (s)he is canonically a tranny, they updated the character model and it now looks like a cross-dressing Rudeus Greyrat, and the joke barely works anymore. I'm sure it will get some people, but even if I didn't know who Bridget was, my inner Admiral Akbar would be going off because it looks so uncanny.
It's a model kit.
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Used to look cuter.
She a cute either way.
>Now that (s)he is canonically a tranny, they updated the character model
That has less to do with him being a tranny and more to do with the fact that, in-universe it's been about 7 years since he was first introduced. If he was 10-12 when he first appeared, he's around 17-19 as of Strive. Even the girliest trap is going to lose their looks at some point, and he's almost an adult now; his appearance becoming more masculine was inevitable.
Fair enough. I haven't played Guilty Gear since PS2, so I didn't know the timeline. I just thought it was strangely fitting that now he is canonically trans, they made him less cute than they ever did.
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can you do this? >>11225581
her eyes were originally removeable but I don't know if it's still the case
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dont know about the pet thing as it's supposed to be pic related
the instructions imply that you can, but I have not been able to do remove the worm think from the eyes. They also imply that the worm eyes could fit on any faceplate
I fucked up and didn't pay for her in time so I don't get the parasite eye worm. That sucks. She should arrive in next 2 weeks or something.
twink death just proven real, pity

Part of me wants to rag on ya for buying a statue, part of me goes "hot DAMN we need posable action figures with nippled tits that big, the Revoltech Queen's Blade line did that and it's never been trumped since (barring some plamodel kit upgrade packs)"
Hes wearing shorts under the skirt....wtf.
Instant no buy. Holy shit why do this
I did, I want to see if he has a cute little bulge or not. Could be a decent twink slave or shota maid if so
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I don't have any Aqua Shooters and only one DTA, but I do have pretty much an entire roster of the Gashapon Quest stuff and I can attest that they are lots of fun but *very* fiddly. Parts, limbs and gear WILL fall off as you mess with them. And while they have a surprisingly good amount of articulation, joints will get loose and their heads can cause balance issues. The female beastkin figure can be especially annoying to stand as her head is just enormous and heavy while her feet are super tiny.

Also be ware that not all parts are actually compatible with other figures in the line. Most of the female figures have almost entirely different leg builds, mostly depending on race. You can swap their legs at the hips easy enough, but swapping at thighs, knees or even mid boot isn't always going to work.

They're still lots of fun, and actually have some decent butt-tech going on for their size so I'd recommend giving them a try.
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I personally want the SC2 version but if we're gonna coom then either the SC4 or SC6 Version should probably be the one.
past the tranny shit i hate how fat nuBridget looks
also this>>11227402
That's a man.
I know. Shes still a cute.
any problem with the joints (they're solid)? I saw a few reviews and noticed the floating clavicle? collarbone? whatever its called... are these pieces solid or they fall easily?
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don't feed the troll...
>don't like Teegra that much
>like Frank's work
idk if I should throw her in my order
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the hips are a floating piece, the actual joint inside is a Y piece with balljoints. they get the job done and I have had no problems or issues with the hips being a floating piece, they dont feel fiddly or annoying in hand. I kinda wish in retrospect that the "collarbones" were soft plastic so the arms can have even greater butterfly joint range of motion but they have not felt intrusive at all. they are glued in placed so if they fall out or anything you should glue them back.
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I have had no issues with the joints. so far no stress marks and they are not loose or stiff. they feel good
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she's really good for being the first toy from Sexy Ice, unless they are a rebranded brand or something like that
>would have prefered a color scheme more similar to an orchid mantis but I still like this one.
Some chinks repainted it
Saying a character is cute isnt me being a troll. A person repeatedly posting her and then constantly correcting every response to her with "but thats a man/guy/boy" is.
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the tolerances are pretty tight (giggity)
Print the hinges in petg and you should be ok
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dunno when ill breakout the dslr for a proper shoot but im working on poses ahead of time
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Repeatedly insisting the character is female when you know better IS trolling, though - you're doing it to piss people off.
>inb4 "the character identifies as female"
No, he doesn't. His entire arc over the past decade has been trying to get other characters to see him as a man, and getting pissed when people get it wrong. There is literally zero reason for you to be referring to him as female other than to try to troll people.
I'm curious as to how new you are, though - did you only just discover the character exists? Bridget trolling was a thing decades ago, back when the games were actually new; these days, him being a dude is on par with Darth Vader being Luke's father - the secret's been out for so long that even people that never played the games know by now. So why did you think you'd fool anyone when you're this late to the party? You even tried this in the Buso Shinki general and got immediately shut down. Find some bait that isn't literally older than you are, kid - this one's stale.
I was curious about getting this figure but isnt she bigger than 1/12?
Plus I only really want the girl/throne. The anubis i dont really want.

Struggling to find any cheap figure that might work with this. Any help?
I cant find any cheap figmas that might work. I looked at atk/30min sisters but they require buying separate parts to make this work
what problems are you having with this nun outfit and using it with other figures?
Legs need to be bare for stockings to work right. Need a mostly swimsuit type looking figure in order for it to work properly with no bits poking out or pushing the fabric
What a coincidence, I only want the Anubis.
Sucks I have trust issues.
Im 40. Been here since the beggining. Yes, I remember the trap bullshit from back in the day. I still think she a cute. What you dont seem to get is, I dont CARE what the label is.This will be my last response to any of it, other than to say three simple words if a nice picture of her gets posted (since there arent any good FIGURES of her anyway).

She a cute.
If you'd pay half I'd happily send it u. I wouldn't do anything with it
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Chimney cleaner's been hitting Aileen
Why is your pc intake fan on the outside of your pc??
nice, which figure is that ? (the one getting fucked by the mech)
DarkAdvent Isis.
How is he??
Shit, I was wrong, she DOES have a model kit coming. Just figured this was statueshit. Might have to give her a try, if I can replace the shorts part with skin colored parts somehow.
Stop calling him a she. He's a boy. We all know he's a boy. YOU know he's a boy. You are a literal faggot for wanting to fuck him, and at age 40, you really should just come out of the closet already and admit you like little boys. You're not fooling anyone, and you can't even feign ignorance because you already admitted that you know it's a figure of a male. Now seriously, fuck off - we're here for cute actually female figures getting fucked, and if you desperately want to plow a shota's asshole so badly, you should make a gay toy thread for that instead of trying to convince people here to be attracted to your crossdressing toy, you fucking troll.
Speaking as a bi guy that thinks traps and shotas are cute (and funny), I wish that fag would fuck off. Bridget is male. That's like, half the appeal.
Jesus fucking christ, just fuck off already, I was talking about a fucking toy in a toy thread, and you cunts have a fucking meltdown.
Does she identify as female? Then shes a she. No? id still call her a she because its easier. How about this, mod, just delete all discussion about her because a couple faggots who get hung up on labels will start a cry fest over it if the wrong label gets used, jesus christ some of you people are ridiculous, who gives a fuck.
>Does she identify as female? Then shes a she.
Not how it works, faggeroni.
Well too bad, because thats just how its going to be.
Nope. In fact I'm pretty sure Trump made it a mission statement he's going to crack down on that kind of evil. Now fuck off with your shit.
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OOOOO, so scary.
>Does she identify as female?
As a matter of fact, he does not. His whole storyline over the past decade's worth of games is that he's been trying to get the rest of the cast to see him as a man, and gets pissed when they get it wrong. And no, you don't get to make up your own bullshit here - you faggots are all about pronouns and misgendering people now, so call him what he both physically is and what he identifies as in-universe: a man.
Cool, still going to refer to her as a she. You can have all the meltdowns you want to over it, ill just ignore them.

I legitimately thought it was a statue, now I know its a model/figure, so ill probably get her if I can replace the short parts with skin colored parts, dont like the "shorts under a skirt look", if fact its what kept me from getting one of the buster dolls.
>It's a male character, but I'm so far in denial about wanting to fuck him in the ass that I'm going to ignore literally everything and everyone just so I can pretend I'm not a faggot
Cool. Moron.
Leth review. Thith ith from the OP,
>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t Kink Shame, If It’s Not For You, Move On
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore Obvious Trolls, Give Them No Attention
Be Respectful, Have Fun And Most Importantly Post Pics!
You knew what you were doing you fag.
Yeah, talking about a toy.
There you go feigning ignorance again.
Take your fucking meds, schizo. Not replying to you again.
He peed on your table
Hmm yes you're doing very good at pretending you don't know what you did.
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If you're trying to pull the whole 'you're kink shaming me!' thing, don't bother. Nobody's ranking on you for being a closet faggot who wants to rearrange a little boy's asshole. What we're ranking on you for is your revisionism - Bridget is a boy and identifies as a boy, and your insistence on trying to pretend he's otherwise (and trying the same fucking stunt in a separate thread - the only reason you gave up there is because you got called out for being off-topic by posting a non-mecha musume character and had no way to refute it) is what's pissing people off, especially since you already admitted that you know better.
If you're into boys, just say it - don't try to pretend the character is something he's not and then get whiney when people refuse to play along. At this point you're as bad as an actual tranny, getting pissy when people absolutely refuse to accept your delusion as reality.
>Yeah, talking about a toy.
A toy that's off-topic. This is a general for anime titties, not men. Again, if that's your thing, that's fine - but take it elsewhere, and stop lying about it. You KNOW what you're doing, and if you don't want to get reported for trolling outside of /b/ - which is what you're doing - you need to knock it the fuck off, faggot.
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Not reading all of your rants, but yes, Bridget is indeed a boy but also not real.

Also this is coming out for you armpitfags
Now armpits are something we can all get behind.
>This is a general for anime titties, not men
Gay coomer toys have always been welcomed here dude.
>Someone calls an imaginary character cute

>someone else comes out of the woodwork fullspeed REEEEEing about misgendering them, writing paragraph responses about how that persons a tranny and a pedophile (while going into full descriptions about fucking children, when that wasnt even part of the original comment) and then brings pointless politics and threats into it. Says its offtopic even though a model kit of said character was shown.

>calls the other person a snowflake

Never change, 4chan.
Nobody's yelling at you for thinking he's cute, anon. They're yelling at you for calling a man a woman, then doubling and tripling down on it even when all canonical sources say you're an idiot. It's a toy of a man. Stop feigning innocent and get over it already.
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Can we just get this in 1/12 scale?
>This is a general for anime titties, not men.
We have always welcomed faggot shit. And there are several who like making "Nice" scenes with shotas and older women. And let's not forget goblin cock, tentacle monsters, oyaji, and minotaur bullies.
If you don't delete this I am going to kink shame the fuck out of you.
dust your shit
People will not listen to you, they love to feed the troll because is so hard to not take a weak bait
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Originally 1/6, now in 1/12 scale. Seamless meme, available in 3 colors and 2 variants (legs or tail). Tail has full snek action, fully customizable body.
EMOTE /toy/-fags!
Is the tail bendy so you can have her wrap attack and grope your figgies?
But I wanted the plastic to match. Need to figure out how to attach the head properly first anyway.
Stank ass...
As a Medusabro, was interested in this when the 1/6 went up for pre-order as it could be a good stand in for a giant FGO Gorgon if someone made a custom head. 1/12's a bit more appealing on its own, but no option for the calm head with the snake tail like the 1/6 is pretty dumb.
That’s a man
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Got my Milk tea girl today, she's pretty and all but man, I got discouraged by the shitload of decal and the amount of little touch of painted needed for the guns, gonna take more time than building a cheap HG
Has anyone here tried these 86toys archetype bodies with figma heads at all?
Or have they tried the female archetype figma with other heads
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>>11220011 (You)
I tried it with a marvel legend and it's need sticky tape since the 86toys body head joint is so fucking small
Here a pic with darkness, take in count that I didn't removed the joint of her neck, don't want to breack it so it's might look a little bit better if you can put her head a few milimeter behind
but still, it's look weird, looked better with spider gwen
Yeah, I initially saw the snake tail one only, with the angry head, and I was going to pass, but now I'm considering getting both. The legged one is appealing on its own and, after all, I could justify buying two TBLeague figures for the price of two TBLeague figures (duh). I could always use a different head on the legged one if I want to take full advantage of the purchase.
Holy shit it's got puffy puss

If you were to sand the neck down abit then I think it would look better.
I'm half and half on buying one of these 86 or figma archetype bodies and then swapping the head for another I might have. However I've no idea how it would even look until I have everything together.

The only spare head I have is to the wedding girl head (bride and groom one) as I used her body for a custom
at least what I can say is that she stand still on her feat, her joint are right enought to stand in every pose, haven't played around with the stand a lot but it's was good enought for that price
yet I regret the neck joint, it's just a ball, it's doesn't move at all
Blow dryer and a cheap variety pack of shrink tube from amazon or a hardware store. You can keep adding additional layers until the ball is whatever size you want. I haven't had an issue with small head balls since i figured that out. I use it on these bodies as well. Just roll the neck skin down a bit to avoid any direct heat from the blow drier on the rubber bust.

Is the head 1 solid piece?
Can the ball in the neck be removed so a figma one can be put in
Not sure, I tossed the heads because there was no way I was going to paint blank ones, and I have heard the neck barbel comes out but never attempted myself for fear of fking around and finding out. Also I don't want to let blow drier go that low to loosen something so deep. Same reason I haven't tried to remove the arms and shimmy the rubber off to see if I could fit it on another figure.
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>Can the ball in the neck be removed
No the torso is in soft plastic like silicon or such so you can move it around, it's at least a 2 cm stick before the ball, going in all the neck
And yes the head is a one piece, you can't remove the front hair to change faceplate like for a figma
Fucking hell! The neck looks like a giraffes already!
I'd definitely have to cut that down alittle, drill a hole and pop in a figma joint and even then I still dunno if this would work.

Should I just get the anime figma archetype? I've heard its shit, has a thick neck and its tits look like deflated donuts
You're better off getting a sozai-chan and drilling a hole in the back for a stand imo.
The necks look rather long. I dont see any advantage over this vs the figma archetype. Is it meant to be cheaper as the archetype is about 9 bucks
>the archetype is about 9 bucks
Gotta be a fake

As for advantage, they just look better imo
Yes it's a fake. Why would I pay full wack for an official one if I'm swapping heads and putting an outfit on it.

I'm thinking it might be better if I look at a cheap model kit. However I just dunno which ones are cheap/what brand etc
Then why are you complaining about deflated donut tits if you're covering them up anyways? Add pads.
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if you want some accesories, get Nuke Matrix Forest's Summer, it's only 40 euros on aliexpress and you get a body with 3 different size of tits, 3 bikini, dozen of hands ...
But then I'd lose a cool figure like her as they'd be something else.
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Oh no ! Lupin got spotted while trying to touch her butt
Quick /toy/ help him get out of this situation by finding an excuse
You can buy part of 30 ms to build a body
you will need a body and a pair of arm/leg
But at least you will be able to choose between 3 color
I looked at this but cant figure it out.
A set consists of arms and legs.
Another set is just the body.
A 3rd set is heads/hair but costs a fortune?

So I need to buy x3 sets???? Why dont they do a complete figure. It's just retarded
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You can buy full body with multiples face and weapons
Those packs are made to customize your musume
But there is no naked or at least in underwear 30MS premade kit so it's might get hard to put clothes on it like you wanted if you buy a full one
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So yeah, it's might be cheaper to get the summer one, it's anatomically correct, bikini is added but you can totally use it nude to put your own clothes on it
But if you want to use 30MS, I've got some link on japanese website for 3D files to print about costume, faceplate, "torture" device made for them...
Are all 30ms 1/12 scale?
I'm interested in grave form but cant see anything about scale
there is no scale officially marked on the box but yes it's like for figma and others, the closest scale is 1/12
What's the site?
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I'd be all over these if they weren't modek kits. They look pretty nice.

I'm usually into models but been kinda burned out lately with them.
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They finished him.
Amiami and HLJ both have the Sushing sniper bunny up for PO again.
i love darkness!!! DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!
i hope that one day Sylvia will get a figure
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She's up on amiami, I thought she was canceled. I didn't want it originally, but now that I know she got canceled once I want it
She only got cancelled on the Jap shops because they solicited her before they announced official Japanese distribution which was being done by Goodsmile. She was never cancelled on Gundamit or Bombusbee.
Wait wtf?
Was that letter box bit above her vagina always there??
Oh, I was about to ask about that. Thanks.
Steal her wallet.
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Super cool anon, is this only that scene or it's longer and goes on the right ?
How did you made the wall and the ground ?
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She's coming today in the mail cunts. Gotta find a suitable cum-collection container for her lmao.
Can you please post more pictures of this custom she-hulk anon? I’m trying to decide if I want to buy that torso piece or not
Can anyone tell me if this is the same size as figma stuff.

figure rise standard fumina hoshino

It says 1/444? Is that the same as 1/12
She’s the same size as a 30ms kit so around figma 1/12 scale. The only reason she’s marked as 1/144 scale is because in the anime she’s a model kit brought to life next to regular gundam kits. So she’s technically a giantess.
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It wasn't a wallet but a bowl of ramen
luckily Lupin always has his chopsticks with him
Is she kind enought to let him eat her ramen-butt ?
I have plenty more pictures of the scene. We're all maxed out here though.

I purchased the diorama from Duarte Studio. There's a bunch of Mythic Legions designers out there that make some rad dios.

Unfortunately, I lack the creative zeal to produce anything as lavish as this.
Newer gundam girl figure-rise kits all scale nicely with 1/12.
I am baking a new bread
Hopefully the breasts will be easy to cover up, these would make some nice boibots
>cover up
Just pull them off
New Thread
I mean the holes they'll leave behind, hopefully just a couple of pegs and not like a slot or anything. If I'm really lucky it'll be two peg holes conveniently at nipple placement.
Where do they sell this thing? It's one of the coolest toys I've ever seen.

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