Looks like the Chinese versions of the Miniforce Super Cops are out on aliexpress.
For me, it’s the dinoster mosa storm.https://youtu.be/OPEzwJfhNW0?si=nEuni7vQiuKewngM
>>11219897Giant Saver Space Deleter are some fun toys.
>>11221769I do love my Korean toys.
>>11220220>>11221769Audley is Chinese. The original Chinese robots have always filled a niche of being dirt cheap compared to American and Japanese toylines, but in the past 5 years they've been getting BTFO'd by licensed Korean lines that are equally cheap but far, far better designed.
>>11221780You're not saying Justice Titan is cheap are you? Cause those be fightin' words where I come from!
>>11221784The Chinese market's downscaled Justice Titan is only 150 RMB which is about 20 burgers so fuck yeah it's CHEAP and good.
>>11221790>>11221790They also made upscaled versions of a couple of the super cop heads too, I haven't been able to find any reviews about them though.I grabbed the Jet Cop off aliexpress and its such a solid figure. Definitely worth the $30 moosebucks I paid.
>>11222529The upscaled Cop and Fire lose some of their charm when larger, probably due to the simple transformation, which they tried to compensate for by adding lights and sound. The original Fires hammer is a nice hefty weapon the upscales is smaller and whimpy looking.
>>11221780>>11221790How's the joint strength on the Chinese Justice Titan? As much as I love my Korean version, the shoulders and hips are way too loose for its size.
>>11225021I have just the opposite problem with Titan his joints are super tight, especially the hips. I pose him and leave him be in robot mode.
>>11219897>tfw we're stuck with shitty TF's and gundams
As someone who owns the Korean original Justice Titan, Its probably the highest quality and pinnacle of Korean children's toys.