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How's your Fortress of Solitude looking? edition

previous: >>11213493
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sucks anon had to repaint all his toys because todd releases slop like this >>11221028
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>doll cape is just a bunch of seams
>printed symbol that'll look like shit in any pose other than straight forward
>red wrist joints
Two years ago that lightning bolt would have been sculpted on. I'll be sticking with my Kingdom Come figure.
>I'll be sticking with my Kingdom Come figure.
can you post yours
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I thought the schizo who calls random people Jaret announcing his existence would be the most pathetic depressing thing posted in this thread but then that shows up.
Isn't Shazam's whole thing that he's always smiling?
It's in storage at my mom's. I planned on grabbing him and Magog next time I visited.
If he were smiling I would have bought it to make a giga chad figure.
So the man who messed up DC generals is the same one who made that Cyborg Supes eh?
What's wrong with his eyes?
gong studios is what you're looking for
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Just needs a head swap
No, VF is the Cyborg Superman guy.
That's Metropolis, NotJarrett OP.

I realizes you non-comic book readers get easily confused but maybe you should still to just using movie adaptation figures?
Ah ok, so OP is just a copyright infringer

I can't believe Mezco or Figurearts or whomever it was FINALLY got around to releasing a Fury of the Gods of Levi (which I noticed while checking Friday's pre-orders).

Which jeez louise will that sit in warehouses covered in dust until the heat death of this galaxy.
He looks like a "kawaii uguu" version of Shazam
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My walmart just got a case of Future's End Superman figures that already pegwarmed for a year on those exact shelves.
I've always wondered what happened to all those Duke Thomas and Max Mercury figures that were there forever and then suddenly all disappeared together.
I love me some Conan and John Carter of Mars but this design is uhhhh really fucking gay
>Max Mercury figures that were there forever
that figure came out like two months ago
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Damn, the look on his face made me think he'd always been there since wave 1, unnoticed, unwanted, blending in with the blue walmart signage around him.
They went to Ross
For ToddSlop®, that is smiling!
Alex Ross crap; he needs to use photo references from fucking stock images in the future. And stop with the All-My-Friends-I-Don't-Pay-Modeling-Fees are stocky, doughy grandpas nonsense.
you're not going to change alex ross. he has become successful with his style. so it really resonates with enough people, he wont change it due to people who dont like it.
Fuck you, the sculpted lightning symbol was the sole reason I haven't bought a Shazam figure so far. Zero articulation because of it
Jesus those fucking legs.
>What if Brock from Pokemon met the Wizard
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I want one for the arms to swap on McFarlanes's fucking imbecilic skinny arms on his recent Conner Kent; that was an example of awful reuse of that Constantine/Spawn Toddster body. So I hope they start discounting them under $15 or less, or end up remaindered somewhere; I saw two last June for $6.99 at one Ross and I now I regret passing them by.

Just look at this old DC Direct Conner, sure his a manlet even compared to the 1990s Superboy Kon-El (the Mattel, I think), but at least his thighs, torso and arms don't look like them belong on some skinny Brit chain smoker or some 50 year old stick figure excuse for an artist cosplaying as a lousy businessman.
the fabric looks cheaps on that one, the just painted version above it looks no better; I have to actually look and see what the older DC Direct/Collectibles ...
but I know the Mary Marvel I own looks like crap because the white part of her blouse is now yellow and no amount of gentle cleaning improves that. I think she's the Mattel but I put her away with disgust last summer and haven't taken it out since.
We're getting an Alex Ross Batman on this buck too.
I want that Lois statue so bad
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Reissue soon
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Um yes it will sweety
I'm glad I spent the money on it. It was an auction win on a loose figure. I think I paid about $60-70 for it, box was near mint, and it was reasonably shipped. I have seen it twice go in auctions for less but you really have to jump on it.

I have no idea why Warner Brothers doesn't have McFarlane doesn't re-issue these, even if they would use that PVC plastic, for which they are overcharging once they started asking for more than $39.99 for those.

I'm sure all of people would pick up a wide variety of those Bombshell statues.
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todd puts his superpowers on sale up to 70% and the three actually cheap things 'sell out' and 65-75% is or was already sold out and what's left is like $1 or $2 off (vehicles no one wants)
RIP Norm
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Does anyone know what scale these are? I'm sick of waiting for Todd to make pinless figures.
these look like such ass lmao
better than anything you could make
normally id agree, but here im not so sure
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If Mondo can do them this well at 1/6 for $200 why can't another company do them at 1/12 for $100? I'm browsing their pre-orders and getting very tempted...
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Forgot the photo
11 inches is absurd. 7 inch figures are already space hogs, there's no way I'd want to deal with figures almost a foot tall.
TAS just doesn't translate well to non-5POA figures. I have seen numerous attempts now and it just doesn't work. The joints have to be limited as fuck to preserve the aesthetic and they end up posing like shit. And at that point you might as well just buy a better looking statue.
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Insider here.
Hunter-Prey Superman announcement Friday.
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I can make this work.
You're in luck because he actually is being worked on.
gambit superman
based leaker. you and the power girl poster are the best anons in this genny
Image literally proves you wrong.
Glad I have the old walmart exclusive
they've both got equal amounts of positives and negatives judging from that one single photo.
What comic does he come with?
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gross and fucking stupid
Up your game
>but muh felt doll cape
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I appreciate this post
He doesn't have a spitcurl, you obnoxious freak. Stop talking to yourself.
get a grip
does anyone here have toys
baby I feel so sad that this is what you consider good articulation. who hurt you
Do you contribute anything other than bitching and lazy half-assed pictures of shit toys?
He's contributing more than you are.
>do you contribute anything other than content and discussion
what more could you possibly want?
do you have any toys you'd like to post?
>what you consider good articulation
Strawman, sad
calls aimless bitching "discussion"
female trait
what exactly do you think you're doing right now?
exposing you
you should try having a nice time with dc toys instead. it's fun.
im doing both, kiddo
i don't believe you
So effigy looks stupid, i had to look him up since i thought it was a joker and even the story is stupid. Its a literal who figure that will rot next to vampire shazam till a new exclusive takes its place. I guess its a cheap figure for todd and its one less exclusive for him to pump out.
No everyone is a casual like you bro.
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What happens to toys like this that wouldn't sell even in a Ross'?
Man, there's even a sculpted boot on that thing?
But they did sell you racist chud PoS
That is actually a pretty decent figure that did sell. I think you're just kinda racist.
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If it sold why is it still being sold at a discount online at Target when it's a figure from early 2022?
when lines have healthy supply this happens
They made way more than they should have? Same thing happened with X-Men movie Mystique.
Mystique is a weird case. You'd think a naked blue woman would sell.
>Arguing it sold
>>Prove it didn't sell
>When they make more than they should have it doesn't sell but we say it sold
>Doesn't understand colloquialisms like "selling" to mean "not pegwarming for 2+ years"
>literally not on a peg
lmao, lol even
>Doesn't understand colloquialisms like "pegwarming" to mean "waiting to be sold"
Your autism is only digging you deeper, anon.
No one on /toy/ is that, because it would basically be volunteering for a 60% increase on toys.
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But I don't watch capeshit movies. I don't even know where this one is from.
so you're a woman, got it
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They can pretty much do anything the old Mattel DCU Infinite 3.85" could do, but they are smaller, as you can see. Now, mind you, some of those old DCUI's had waist cuts. I just picked up the Power Girl for dirt cheap since I wanted the Lex armor suit version to go with my Public Enemies version.
Almost all the movie toys can be found, like some from the 2019 Shazam or that year's Aquaman.

>healthy supply

There's various comic and even cartoon versions that it could be based on as well, but you don't read comic books or watch cartoons, either, amirite? You just cumsume coomer toys?

[spoiler]White coomer toys, that is ... [/spoiler]
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Goddamn that's cursed.
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>faggot doesn't even know he can't spoiler
>implying I am not going to immediately drop and forget anything starring shit like this garbage design
I find it very difficult to believe that this was a real figure as shown here.
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I don't need the thigh cuts on this, but this is a better example of a crotch area that isn't so clearly giving "diaper looks" and wouldn't be as obvious once painted. But then McFarlane has shown a lack of willingness to give us anything other than colored plastic of late. This particular buck was way overpriced on BBTS and the ones I see on Amazon I'm not sure I want to trust to order but once you're having to do what people have clearly done here to get a Hal Jordan Green Lantern, or a Cyborg Superman, or a Blond clean-shaven Aquaman, etc., especially with the expense of that many figures to produce a kit bash, it's certainly something to consider.
don't care about the colors, head looks a bit too big for that torso
also whats going on with that hair? it looks like someone was going for product on my hair look but why?
>Absolute BloATMAxxiNg
>I'm Botmon
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>doesn't even know
Painting over that body would be a bitch and even if you used dyes there's still nipples and a belly button to get rid of. Plus the shoulder O rings are obvious and you're just trading the diaper for two giant balls on his thighs.
Some people like seeing the articulation cuts but I think obvious joints are ugly and would rather pick something with a better sculpt and limited articulation over something that looks like a Transformer. Like those Catwoman and Supergirl Yamaguchi figures are nice but they're so over-designed it would feel like displaying a swiss watch instead of a toy.
Those bodies are meant to be covered with soft clothes, which bring their own problems with the giant seams and overall doll aesthetic. It's a other thing some people like, some people find infantile and effeminate.
As a last ditch effort if there's nothing else on the market that would work they're an option but it's easier to start with something similar so you don't have to worry about paint rub.
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If he isnt in a whos who then he is less than a who. Its ugly and stupid and if you like it then youre a dumb face or
>Those bodies are meant to be covered with soft clothes
I'm aware of that, I stopped and looked at it because it had a diaper style design and I thought the overall silhouette compared to a number of 2023/2024 McFarlane releases, was an improvement. I doubt Todd would do the thigh cut and he could probably still get this ab crunch and v-shape on the males without the shoulder issues.

I wasn't serious - I've bought extra McFarlane and other bucks for what I want and intend to kitbash versus paint over an entire body. I meant McFarlane could start with a better design and this was a form of prototype, so to speak, of what might improve over what Todd is doing and has been doing for the last 2-4 years.

Personally, have no problem with nipples, for what it's worth, on some characters. It's a very American thing to care about that or a visible crotch bulge on a male. People wouldn't care about Power Girl's boob windows or a deep vee on Starfire or similar characters but god forbid Batman have nipples.
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Yeah in a lot of cases the nipple bump under the fabric would make sense, especially for a Starfire or Power Girl, but the sculpted belly button wouldn't work. Either way it isn't the point of what we're talking about.

Definitely agree that McFarlane needs to reconsider the whole diaper situation, especially since they crack and stretch over time.

The tricky part isn't so much the engineering but how autistic and bitchy the customers are. People like you and I want to see innovation and want action figures to keep getting better but there are a lot of people who hate change or settle on one aesthetic like soft capes with giant stitches and any refinement would clash with the rest of their collection. Any move Todd would make would piss someone off now that we're two years into DCMV having a defined style.

Personally I wouldn't mind if Todd did a soft reboot of the line, he could even bullshit it as some new prestige collector's edition format with refined designs. A lot of people would bitch about having to buy a whole new Justice League but if it's a genuine improvement then the market wouldn't care, especially since the line is already relying on variants of characters we all already own.
You would be surprised how many fucking morons support things that are not in their own best interest.
Looks like a ninja
Sorry that not everyone is as casual as you. Consider reading a comic where the toys you spend all this money on come from.
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For $39, with not too much difficult painting, you would think the seller could do better skin matching from the neck (arms) to that face, whomever it originally belonged to, and the sheer laziness of the rolled up sleeves instead of an actual tee shirt from whatever WWE or similar upper body was grabbed for the torso is also disappointing, especially with this will barely do any more posing than at the elbows and maybe slightly at the shoulders and hips.

It's essentially your D-List equivalent of a Todd Statute prototype!
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>complaining about customs on ebay
They clog up Ollies
What happens after Ollie's?
The landfill
based todd making mountains of Duke Thomas figures so when ocean levels rise we can live on them
female behavior on their part
>Admitting youre jarret in public
That's Bazooka from GI Joe classified.
Man why the fuck is there still no one selling a custom Jim Lee style Hush smiling Superman head? I feel like they'd sell like hotcakes.
Clarification - for Mafex.
It's hilarious that, even without being able to see his face, people are refusing to buy a black Batman.
>especially since they crack and stretch over time.
not one of my figures has ever had an issue despite you freaks screeching about it for 5 years now
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Super powers green lanterns multi pack using metallic paint
Batman beyond and batmobile super powers
>super powers
The people with money to burn are some of the same people who are hard core Snyder Bots or, at least, huge into that type of thinking.

The vast majority of them do not want smiles.
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ugh, now you have a trip. another fuggin attention whore.
Looks great. 3D printed head?
What is God's name are these proportions?
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I guess I'm open minded enough to pick him up. The coolness of the design excused it. But I did get it on sale.
Cute. Will likely be better than what mcfarlane releases
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I had an extra collectors edition Green Lantern so I peeled the glove overlay off and put them on the digital Hal along with the wrists and hands. I removed the white paint off of the digital using acetone beforehand.
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Depends on if you get a bad one or not. I've only ever had one rip but I can imagine once the plasticizer starts seeping off in high quantities as is destined for toys, the diapers will tend to become less malleable and more susceptible to cracks.
>I wasted money on inferior toys
has anyone even made a better Sinestro than mcfarlane?
Buying any toy is a waste of money. At least anon is happy with the end result while all you do day and night is bitch and try to troll.
looks like britney spears with a swollen face
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Yeah it was only like eight bucks on eBay. I was expecting the same brittle resin people use for printing minis but they used a tougher plastic so I don't have to worry about hair breaking off.

That looks great! The light blue wash and the darker boots and gloves are sick.
Not mine, a Frankenstein monstrosity kitbash using two different of the Bombshell bodies, a Melisa Benoit face and a Marvel Legends hair (I forget whose), and the boobs from whatever was a New 52 release, which I don't remember ever seeing and I thought I had all the official Power Girls so who knows what this guy did. And yeah, he did some paint apps and detailing, he does good work.

Supposedly a Melisa Benoit face; I know McFarlane released one of her and I know there's a Martian Manhunter from the DCW show since I bought that just for the Black Mercy, but I don't remember ever seeing one of her and it's from that. But the hair is a Marvel Legends with paint on it.
I know reading comprehension for zoomers like you is nil since 4chinz isn't set to music and there's no dancing involved, but anyone having to cannibalize several toys to get one they want is wasting cash.
>this same picture again
well this is the only instance of it ever happening
I'm someone else who has noticed it and not necessarily on old toys. That Jay Garrick Flash, the off color one, has that problem, I'll try to dig it out and photograph it. And I honestly never did more than stand and pose him with other Flashes as a fodder army behind a Wally West bust, so it wasn't wear and tear from posing it every which way. He was dirt cheap at Best Buy and I had a credit to use up.
Forearms are too long. It's the Stewart buck from the beginning of the line.
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Cool "wash" Todd
Stewart was fine because his head was small enough to offset the kinda weird body proportions. The Hal head is too large and looks puffy/swollen, which is making the problems with the body proportions even more apparent.
Ah the "left in the sun to bleach" look.
Someone said in an earlier thread the Taskforce wave would get chase versions without the pixel shit. Has someone been able to confirm that?
Huh. I was going to say it reminded me of Helen Slater, but now I'm questioning the sculpt and my eyesight. Still, looks great put together.
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Jesus Christ, this looked so good in the promo pics. Goddamn why can't Todd be normal just once.
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So as some of you (or probably nobody) might remember from a previous thread, I got the Red Superman instead of the blue one but managed to sell it. A guy randomly paid double the amount of what I initially paid which was surprising to me (I just put it up for more on Ebay so people could give their price suggestions)

I have to say that even though I really like the look of this figure, some things are annoying as fuck.
Who the FUCK thought it was a good thing to have these shitty diapers limit the articulation like this?!? I literally can't get the leg up properly for an alternate flying pose and there is basically ZERO swivel in the legs. Maybe I'm just stupid but apart from moving the feet, I can't get him into the same poses as the JLA Batman.

The plastic connecting the upper body to the shoulder is also really lose which I have seen in other reviews. Not a killer for me but simply an unnecessary quality control topic

McFarlane also desperately needs to work on their upper body articulation. While Superman can strike perfect flying poses, the figure has extremely limited forward articulation going on. It's crazy how after three years or so, these problems still prevail
nobody cares
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Had the sudden idea to look up another review where the flexibility is discussed and I was apparently too careful with him at first. The range is way better now after moving his legs and the diaper around a bit. This is pretty much what I hoped the figure would be so I take back the leg articulation part from earlier

>people talk about a figure
>people post pictures
>still proceed to moaning
Some of you guys will never cease to amaze me
I'm glad you found a video that taught you how to play with your toy.
The line has a lot of figs and molds with actually good articulation.

But since so many of them have been too stiff and/or too fragile to handle sometimes we just assume all McFarlane's are for vanilla posing only.
This is my second McFarlane and I have heard tons of horror stories so there's no way I'd not be careful at first

As far as Superman figures go, a lot of reviewers I have seen said that the articulation was rather subpar. Only the newer figures seemed to pick up on the articulation part.

The upper torso could definitely use some improvements because it's rather stiff but hell, I won't complain about this figure because all I need is a proper flying pose and he achieves that with ease. Love the head paint application and articulation

I still have the Wally West Flash in box but I'll unpack that one once the stands from Aliexpress get delivered. Really looking forward to putting him in some cool poses
you're stupid
No u
You just hate me because I'm beautiful. Also, when will Todd finally give us another comic Wonder Woman and Kyle Rayner? The Collector Edition WW was sold out rather fast and the only way to get Rayner is through the Kilowog two-pack
>Someone said
It was the insider, quote from Facebook and Twitter, so obviously not talking out of his ass.
Kyle Rayner has been released 4 times lol. Two of them in his classic 90s costume.

McFarlane has seen the demand for comic WW and is just creating expectation for the inevitable re-release of the classic look and variations.
Are you refering to the Gold label version with the light green colours? I only count the Kilowog Rayner because the colours are a lot more accurate but yeah, technically, you could say that the single Gold label was also relatively comic accurate
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When is todd gonna make a joker for his super powers collection? Also where are people getting the latest wave i want that bizarro and riddler especially
Ah good to know the ruined versions are regular and the platinums are the ones anyone would remotely want. I have to wonder how these aren't going to shelfwarm to the moon
The things you noted have been problems since the beginning of the line. They won't be fixed.
I pray daily Mcfarlane loses the license.
nta McFart is just NOW starting to have thigh cuts. On some.
Only ones associated with a vehicle, anon. That is how it has been even in 2021 with Death Metal Batman who had thigh cuts due to his motorcycle
There's no one else to pick it up. Hasbro would only be able to take it if they lost Marvel Legends
Why would hasblow give up star wars for a dead brand like DC comics?
Hasbro is losing the marvel license to mcfarlane next year and mcfarlane is giving up DC in favor of having marvel.
That new Red Hood has a thigh cut, right? Does that have a vehicle?
Sold separately
Yes, a red motorcycle
OH. I honestly didn't know that. I admit defeat.
Which toy should I bring with me when I go vote today?
Hope I don't forget it in the booth like last time.
frowning superman or the joker
For me it's electric Blue Superman
T. White guy for Harris
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I took a big fat Donald dump this morning after having sex with my feminine boyfriend. Sorry you can't see you're on the wrong side of history.
Elaborating on this more supposedly Hasbro will still produce "deluxe" 6 inch marvel exclusives on pulse and mcfarlane may or may not continue the super powers line.
Saw the page puncher captain cold today, yeah, i sure did see it. It was right there, 4 of them at $22.79 each. Yup, i sure did see it.
You realize that toy prices will go up 60% if 60% tariffs are placed on Chinese products coming into the US?
We're going to war either way. I've been warning you all for over a year now. Hope you bought munitions packs ;)
no one buys toys anyways
So why are you here posting about toys then if you really believe that?
>prototype shown
>final product subject to change
I know /co/mic readers are literal retards that can’t read and just like looking at the huge males and (fe)males drawings but damn
I've already prepared as much as humanly possible. I'm innawoods at my bugout pole barn. I'll come down off the mountain in a week to finish moving my family up. I work logistics. You guys have no clue how bad shits about to get. "Supply chain issues" means shits not coming.
See ya tomorrow when the power's still on, logisticsanon.
You misunderstand the situation
The election results won't even be known for like a week.
I've been slowly moving up here the past 5 months.
Once the price of Chinese goods goes up 60% in the span of a week or so in January, that frog will be hopping mad.
I hate that this line can't figure out how to do normal fucking thigh swivels.
It does thigh swivels the same way mafex does. The problem is the sculptors don't sculpt in a manner that allows them to work. They don't cut away the material from the sides of the upper thigh to allow the swivels to work, and they almost always get very impeded.
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im laughing for real rn
I wonder if he has all his toys stored up with with him.
americans should make their own toys mexico makes their own toys
Lol. Which action figures did you take?
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Did a forearm swap with a collectors edition and swapped the gauntlet gloves on.
Need to figure out what to do about the legs.
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Before and after. Also pinched the jaw in.
I’m a retard but which figures are those?
One is the WalMart exclusive right?
Looks great anon
Everything you see is the Walmart gold label Hal Jordan. The forearms are the green lantern collectors edition. The gloves on both are overlays so I simply heated and transferred those too.
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I'm not sure I can see significant differences, possibly because of the lighting and dissimilar backgrounds in each. But I don't know that I have issues with that head, except that I'm not fond of metallic on McFarlane since the business of the crap he does on the plastic just makes it look MEH.

I like the shield and the lantern at least.

I went to two GS hoping to at least grab either the laughing supes or the biz. I got this >>11224326 but the sales clerk said no Biz's were in stock within 50 miles of that store, which means essentially my entire county.

But I refuse to buy $10 toys from scalpers. That's what I was told about the Ted BB and I found it for $9.99 three months after the fact at an out of the weight GameStop even though it didn't cough up on their computer inventory.
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>I'm not sure I can see significant differences
Your camera is so shitty it's hard to tell what's a difference and what's just lighting or artifacting.
Say goodbye to future toy purchases, anons. I hope all your teams are complete.
Not Chinese toys
By significant, I meant I see what you did to the face - but I am one of the people who chimed in above and the earlier previous thread that they were fine with that head. Of all the heads McFarlane has done for Hal, I think it's the best, especially the hair and skin tone, although I do like the one with the sassy smile.

I'm just not fond of the metallic mask so I'm not sure I would consider any of these. I haven't purchased a McFarlane DMCV GL and it may end up that way in the future.

I did also see the gauntlet change but to be honest it looks almost identical. It probably looks better to you in person and with better lighting.

>tfw us Europeans are already winning in terms of availability
>tfw Europeans will win once more with prices staying the same for Chinese products
I remember the days when I had been complaining about not being able to find DC and Marvel figures at reasonable prices
If you let go of Todd's balls for a second you may realize that is beneficial for both parties when things changes for better instead of looking like shit. But then again you need to stop sucking cock for that, and I think we are beyong this point already.
Don't worry, once these toys hit like 40 bucks for a basic figure in the us, the us sales will drop through the floor and there just won't be a large enough market for keeping up production. Us sales of the figures allow for the economies of scale to allow production to continue. The poor and middle class can justify 25 dollars for a figure. But you won't be able to find a 25 dollar figure thats made in china anymore in the us. And thus economies of scale will collapse for Europe and if the figures are made at all still they will be more expensive there.
Yeah, thought about that after I sent the comment. Good thing for me is that once I've finished collecting the Leaguers, I'm done with the line. I only need a proper Superman and Wonder Woman to be released. Debating on which Green Lantern and Aquaman to get and Shazam is on his way.
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I'm out after power girl. The future of DC is bleak.
Even if a certain orange person had been declared the winner, prices for goods from China (not just toys) were going to go up because they have been sending things with subsidized shipping and transports fees and that was already going to change as of 2025 - and the new White House administration would have to WANT to change that, which they won't, and even if they were willing to, it would still take about two years for the rule change.

While shipping costs won't be a direct say 10-60% increase on any one specific product (toys or anything else made in China), costs of all these goods made in China will increase.

All those stores selling directly on Amazon and fulfilling from China will now be more expensive, which reminds me I better order some of the knock off replacement cutter blocks from China this month or next.
also known as jap slap.
The face looks good and the colors pop nicely on the screen and in-person. I just don't think it was worth the MSRP or, so far, what scalpers are asking for it.

Also, the white looks like it was done wrong, it just doesn't line up 100% well.

Crowd sourcing baby, it's a thing

>have been too stiff and/or too fragile
When I am applying a blow dryer to things straight out of a factory box on the regular, that's never a good thing.

I missed the blue lantern version, and everything since has been a pass. Instead, I've been spending extra picking up the older DC Direct versions I couldn't afford a decade ago when the LCS's carried them but can afford now.

I thought I would like the Gold Label since it's one of my favorite looks and it came with accessories but that's when the greasy look really started being an oblivious turn off when you could even notice it through the packaging in hand and I also passed due to the price.

Instead, I was quite happy paying less for PICREL.
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i just encountered a mandella effect. these were never micromachines they were micoverse
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I just got the Fondjoy Batffleck and is fucking awesome, it shits on DCU Multiverse so hard that isn't funny.
fondle mah balls
I gave up after New52. Everything became weird and soulless and they kept hiring glowies like Tom King. The movies have been abysmal, I can't believe Man of Steel ended with him murdering Zod with his bare hands. The party has been over for a while now.

Interesting how new designs of characters pegwarm but people love the iconic versions. I think most people here have deluxe editions of stories they liked 30 years ago and enjoy their own ideas of what a character is more than whatever slop DC and WB put out.

When I visited the sets of the new movie in Cleveland everyone I met was talking about how much they used to love Superman and how cool seeing the Daily Planet in person was, but everyone had the same "well maybe I'll watch it someday but I don't expect anything good" attitude about the actual movie being made.
>trip code
>essay about personal opinion no one asked for
>larp anecdote
attention whore alert weewooweewoo
>larp anecdote
Tried to focus the camera to get the Planet in the background but set security told me to leave.
he thinks terrifs get raised the day after an election
he thinks toy makers and manufacturers haven't taken this into account and started moving some production to vietnam

but what if we dont want snyder era dross either?

>most people here have deluxe editions of stories they liked 30 years ago
most people here barely read the back of their cereal boxes - they certainly dont read funny books
>I can't believe Man of Steel ended with him murdering Zod
I don't think this would've been a terrible idea if the movie hadn't been completely grim dark. A traditional superman having no other choice wouldn't be a great character study.
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No they happen in jan-feb.

And dcmv and marvel legends are both still made in china
I'd rather have expensive toys than expensive groceries. Different priorities I guess.
>he thinks toy makers and manufacturers haven't taken this into account and started moving some production to vietnam
Wouldn't this be extremely expensive?
fat short eared batmen suck
based. the 2026 release date is gonna drive me nuts.
Neither price is going down, anon. This isn't a choice.
That's actually pretty cool.
Only small dick losers like Batman with long ears
You just know they are compensating for their small cocks
>but what if we dont want snyder era dross either?

You'll be stuck with Todd for a year or two until Fondjoy releases the Keaton and Bale Batmans they are developing.
Found me one of them ol shiny chested supra mans. Yes sir, by golly i did. Gonna punch the ever lovin tar out of then there derkseeds. Yup.
Kinda glad i passed on parallax sinestro now.
what do those two toys have to do with eachother
ill be honest i dont have a lot and i dont like to spam the same 4-5 figures constantly unless im upgrading them (which is very rare)
We're going to be trading in Platinum releases in the future...
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Cool doll you fucking retard
hey this might be the first ever good beyond figure
too bad its too fucking huge
Sorry you're poor man.
not sure o want those either!

china is not the only place that has access to raw petroleum to make greasy plastic with no paint on it and whatever hasbro does to their crap

in some ways yes and in some ways no, toys are already made in vietnam and they certainly arent going to say no to more work/more profit

everybody has mouths to feed!
Just bought black anti-violent Zod relative because it was local and it was cheaper than Todd's (plus TODD SUCKS), but I doubt you want to see a picture of a toy still in the clamshell.

But since we're talking pointy eared Batmen, the one on the right in the blue is my favorite if seeing some actual toys will help you sleep tonight.
Not as well done as the Poison Ivy, but wake me up when they release some non-Batwank related toys.
Anyone has used this head on the TDKR Batman like the Superman custom?
Got lucky today bros
Based what was his name?
very schway
trips confirm
Metallo (after he's repainted), Superman (might swap in a printed Reeves head), and Green Lantern
man that supes mold is so bad
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Good news. This guys confirmed for release on Nov 22nd.
Once I have this I'll be only 1 figure away from completing my DC display.
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Giga Chad Shazam
The Page punchers are up for preorder in case anyone cares.

The Red Hood is a literal reissue of the DC Collectibles one with no matte finish
I think so, that custom kitbash site might have a picture.

I also just bought the New Frontier Batman (NIB) for $10 plus shipping so I might make that my new trinity since I really like that Diana.

I've never been a fan of any of the TDK bucks so have no interest in that even as an improved kitbash. The armored up batman looks interesting but I'm never going to display more than 2 or 3 Batman at any one time. I might even sell the NIB Trinity Batman that's still sitting in his sealed box. since I can't seem to find that Wondy at a decent price and that was originally going to be my classic trinity.
was this from a cartoon movie or what?
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Is from the comic exclusive sequel that DC published a couple of years back. Besides Jason they introduced the DCAU versions of Azbats, the Talons and were planning to introduce Thomas Batman and Batman who keks before getting canned.
Does this mean we can get guns now?
As long they can bullshit their way with the "not a toy" legend
>Batman who keks
Wow, Todd is still trying really had to make Batkek a toy people "want"
Metallo does look kinda cool, but i know nothing about him. I really dont think ive ever read a story he was in actually. I think superman looks preety cool too, that curl was a fun touch.
Beetle bucks Hal Jordan (new 52) rerelease with new head sculpt and metallic paint
To be fair, that was before Todd took over. The batkek shilling was all DC
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Matte finish either costs more or Todd thinks People like the plasticky look
If you look at the prices on ebay some kekbat figures fetch an ok price so there are some people who want it
that head works so much better as capt marvel
FYI for those still on the fence for Todd's Lightning Lad figure. Turns out that Todd snuck out a Classic Real Lightning Lad variant for the figure with the proper white/ginger head on the figure and the buck being the classic 80s era costume, with the moon cricket head and it's face plates off to the side.

Sadly the card and back artwork is the Moon Cricket version, but if you want a proper real white red head Garth, Todd delivered.....

I found him by pure fucking luck at Walmart, along with New 52 Hal and Action 1000 Evergreen Superman and got all three.
>Moon Cricket
Just say nigger you raging pussy faggot
It was pirated so you don't even have to pay for it, but if you read the collected trades for Adventures of Superman (2013) there are a handful of good Metallo stories in there. These are all short ONE AND DONE stories, so it's a really good to recommend to people and it's all by artists or writers who really have never written Superman before, so it's all essentially "ELSEWORLD" stories.

You can easily find it on line at an ReadComic sites or places to download pirated comic books.

The chief issue with killing Zod, is that you don't do that fucking shit in the first film. Save that for the third film, so you can have it be a truly holy shit moment and build up and play out some actual fallout from it instead of having to run damage control.
>waaaaaaah the toy is too big for my tiny tiny home
Having it happen the first time he ever has to actually fight someone is more impactful
I fucking hate how, ever since New 52, they've tried to make Metallo some poor dumb soldier who got turned into a mechanical abomination by Lois's dad to kill Superman and is an incel on top of that because Lois wouldn't fuck him but would spread her legs for Superman.

He works best with the post Crisis incarnation of being a murderous career criminal that was turned into a mechanical abomination by a random scientist who hated Superman and built Metallo to kill him with a random bit of Kryptonite inside his chest cavity.
Yeah, most of my exposure to him is through the animated series. The mouth and blaster are pretty bad but once you get rid of the red and give him an ink wash I think he'll look gnarly.
Think I'll just keep Superman in the box for now. If he becomes another $100 figure I'll sell him, but I kind of like the mint aesthetic with the big dumb gold sticker advertising how rare and special it is even though it's just a normal version of DC's most iconic character. Everything about this toy is the best and worst of Todd's entire line.

That was a great series.
That Metallo is actually Grid, a computer virus that took over Cyborgs body but he's being used as a stand in for Post Crisis Metallo who kinda looks like him. Mcfarlane doesn't do normie friendly figures (every single "Death and Return of Superman" character he did are from different specific stories) and the Metallo Mcfarlane did put is a rendition of the 70's Metallo who Superman technically fought the most but the box art and card are from Superman: Secret Origin.
Good morning Saaar!
Snyder forevaaar!
So now that we are getting Legion characters, who should we get and in what costumes?

>>Classic Dawnstar
>>Classic Wildfire
>>Classic Cosmic Boy
>>Bikini Saturn Girl
>>Furball Timber Wolf (5 Years Later)
>>SW6/Archie Reboot Phantom Girl (aka Apparition)
>>Brainiac 5 (cartoon version)
>>Civilian Ultra Boy (5 Years Later)
>>Sensor (Archie Reboot)
>>Great Darkness clones of Superboy, Lobo, and Orion
My asshole and nipples are pink chink boy
Post hand and your toys Ranjeet
The collection I recommended, even if the series came out during New 52 isn't canon. So it's not what you're talking about.

I'm still surprised Parasite was used in an animated movie, and Mongul in another, and of course, persistently Brainiac and obviously Lex, but we really haven't gotten an animated John Corbin other than he was briefly canon fodder/minor plot point for President Lex plan to turn the world against superman in Public Enemies. Even mini Asian manlet Toy Man got more screen time.
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what the fuck
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>my asshole and nipples are pink

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