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What are some good YouTube channels for toy collectors that have regular weekly uploads?
Bonus if mainly centered around vintage
"Awesome Action Toys" guy is one of us.
Wholesome youtube kino
Unironically Valaverse. Bobby is a pompous ass, but he provides a lot of info on how toys are made from a manufacturing standpoint. If you can handle his pretentiousness, his Saturday videos can be interesting.
I like:
>Ed's Retro Channel
The rest can sometimes make a good video here or there imo, but those three are consistent with good quality.
kek I know what you mean. I can't stand the guy, like something about his personality really annoys me. Yet, like you said, he gives good background on his experience working in that industry.
You rape children ChungusPedo
Secret Galaxy is a retarded libshit
none, every one just chases ad rev so its literally impossible
The Junk man or Retroblasting are my go tos.
Aren’t you dead?
I tried watching a couple of his videos but he's not good on camera, he seems really awkward and the videos are just boring.
Used to be better when he was flipping diapers, now it's mindlessly consooming plastic trash from the 80s that no one cares about or wants. The funniest thing is when dealers come up to him with a box of junk they've been trying to sell for 10 years that "I think you'll like," because they know he's too nice to say no on camera.
You're jealous of how handsome he is.
Idk I only watch porn.
Unironically, Retroblasting. Even if I often disagree with his opinions and make fun of his proton pack with 3 working lights, his autism is no worse than most of the other anons on this board.
I also like Review Spot, even if he is sometimes ignorant of things he should know when reviewing a figure.
Anthony is a shill.
Pixel Dan is a shill.
Robo is a shill.
Ed's Retro Geek Out is milquetoast shit.
That Junkman is hillbilly shite.
Secret Galaxy is corporate garbage.
I miss Votesaxon
Was that the dude that reviewed Back to the Future toys and live streamed GTA while he killed his pregnant girlfriend?
Doctor Who but yes
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I'm sure he reviewed Back to the Future stuff as well, because I remember making a Huey Lewis and the News joke when it happened.
> Secret Galaxy is corporate garbage.

Dan Larsen is a hyper left wing hired actor. The whole channel was made and funded from day 1 by smaller tier toy companies to seem like something real and legit but ended up just being a backdoor for Dan to tell us we are pieces of shit for not getting the vacciene, or for hating migrants, or for not voting Biden, or for not voting Harris or for how racist we are. His run is done, he should just go away, he ain't fooling anyone anymore.
Who funded him?
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Gargoyles Nation promises to do more toy coverage but her Gargoyles stuff has been top tier up to this point
But then again maybe it's also those GOD DAMN !

The whole channel is a cofunded by Super7, 80s Tees, and Jada toys. Dan is a hired actor who had a passing interest in toys but later learned about it deeper over the past 2-3 years from it's beginnings. It's why the production budget was very high before a second sub was ever made.

But since he is a hired actor, he also has hired actor group hive mind group think on Trans issues, race theory and who you should vote for. This guy didn't even know what Thundercats was till he was 6 months into the job
Is Dan Larson his real name, is it easy to find his past work?
It's not his real name. He said he took it from a camera operator friend he knew while doing extras acting.
It's a stage name. A lot of times actors when they first start use different names for gigs they feel will be cringy later when they are famous. Dan thinks "Toy Galaxy" was one of those moments, now it's his only form of income a near decade later
He just quit Twitter in a huff because "MUH TRUMP GRRR". What is the mental illness with politically obsessed people
I like Retroblasting's style, but Jesus, his takes are so God awfully stupid.
Robo is a chill dude, I like his enthusiasm, I like his weekly.
Bee's Battlegrounds gives some cool insight on military toys, quite useful for a non-american.
I like Pixel Dan, I think he's the one I've been following the longest, although I don't watch him that much nowadays.
I used to like HCC788. Too bad he retired.
D Amazing is great, fuck off.
AnthonysCustoms is the guy to go to make a final judgement. He stopped me from buying some shit figures.

And yeah, they're literally making YouTube videos, of course they're in for the money, don't be fucking stupid guys. They're still fun to watch.
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i watch toy federation on the regular, it's pretty solid. i used to watch pixel dan and retroblasting a lot, but not so much anymore. i met froggy at toyhio and he was a pretty chill guy, so i'll probably watch him more.
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I know I'm gonna get lynched for that, but I watch Nostalgiaunboxed and AnthonyCustoms.
While first one uses the same stale "I'm an idtiot" joke all the time, he knows how to pose figs and introduced a lot of cool lines to me, he's not afraid of bootlegs, 3rd party or small unknown companies. Sometime's his jokes can land.
Antony is a big corp shill who has a clear disdain for 3rd party, can't pose for shit, and is forcing this "college fraternity" persona to much, but at least he shows figs in detail, in a good light environment and present their articulation range and flaws. Is his scoring inconsistent? I don't give a crap, I can judge myself based on all the information he provides.
>I just love Robo
>His weeklys are just so wholesome and comfy to listen to!

Kek, faggot alert

>3rd party

Despite being a leftist, I like TJOmega’s channel.
You sound like a moron.
You rape children ChungusPedo, you lost.
I am 100% certain that guy either lives in Thailand, or goes all the time, to suck ladyboy penis.
And for that I salute him.
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Retroblasting is pretty good. Don't let the trolls here tell you otherwise
I frankly wouldn’t mind somebody actually reviewing toys from the 1910’s-1940’s, likely with some gloves due to >lead and asbestos but still I wanna see how the toys are from back then unironically and how they compare today
>Anthony is a shill.
What does he shill?
Whatever BBTS tells him to shill. If you sub to him, you will see more community posts for preorders for Marvel Legends at BBTS in your feed than reviews. He also shills Jap figures for BBTS when he knows they are cheaper from HLJ or Amiami.
He also tried to run defense for the thieves at Premium DNA and then got assblasted when the comment section told him he had only gotten their side of the story and he hadn't done any real research. His follow up video where he seethed at getting called out was hilarious.
AnthonyCustoms is to /toy/ what Dave Melzter is to /pw/.
I agree on Anthony. I don't agree with most of his points, but he's the only reviewer that shows all the figure in detail with a clear background. It's easy to see what's going on.
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RetroBlasting is a good channel.
At least you are contained here
Any good collection tour videos? I find a lot of them comfy to watch and I enjoy seeing other people's collections, but it's hard to find good ones since most of them are "MY $500000 COLLECTION (15000 FIGURES!!!!)"
the face of a gargoyle, bu the tits of an angel.
Any toy reviewer that shows his face in the thumbnail or in the video is an instant skip for me. I wanna see the toys, not these retardos or their online "persona".
Who said i was lol
There were some Godzilla/kaiju toy room videos I like rewatching every so often. I can't find some of them, but I'll post them when I do (which will probably be 5 minutes after I make this post based on any time I post about me not being able to find a video).
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Found some of them:
Unrelated to kaiju, but I really liked this guy's collection and room.
He goes back to it in this video too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDReoRxnVHw
This guy also had an impressive TMNT collection: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NixzLZmTMOU
SMTMainline for trains. Plasmo, Night Shift, TOMs Modelling in Motion and Doctor Mig for plastic models. Finding smaller channels run by boomers are usually pretty okay too.

Avoid Boxman and Florysmodels for plastic modeling stuff. Boxman used to shill his videos hard on /smg/. Flory is just a self-absorbed jerk.
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She did a NECA review today, she actually kinda knows her stuff, but those TITS! WOW!

You are not living till a nerdy goth girl jerks you off and as you bust a nut the Gargoyles theme is playing in the background
Those can't be real

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