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Bobbleheads, action figures, electronic talking heads, dolls, let's see our 47th President on your shelf!
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Bumping my own thread lmao we need more Trumps!
A champion for Israel
Don't make me use a tripcode again •\/•
Is that the painted one from eBay or did you paint it yourself? Looks great!
got it off aliexpress, still trying to find a permanent body for it

Don't forget there's a Trump 1/18th scale head that was a Presidental add-on pack for the Space Force toy line
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Here's mine! I picked it up at Blowecon, a.k.a. the rally where Trump paid me $100.00 to blow me.
Dead cats
The Hammerhead retro card figure's body is the one I used for my custom and is the perfect scale. The best hands are JJonah's from the armadillo wave but hammer's works.
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Forgot the picture but he's on sale for 14 bucks Amazon.
You know I was actually looking at this body for it. Good to know it works well, thanks
So this is what Kung-Flu does to a man.
It's a painless lower body so if you want to paint the whole thing black you'll need to shave down the single part of the hinge attached to the kneecap and use a plastic primer (MTN plastic primer or Bulldog adhesion promoter) to get anything to stick to the knees. Everything else is regular abs/PVC plastic and easily painted. Super easy to do or just leave him in the pinstripe suit. Cut the inner vest part of the suit out and it'll look just like Trump's.
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>mfw America still doesn't want a female president
They don't want her. They didn't want the last one before. When one is worthy she'll end up in the office. Or else just have a second coup and toss ole Joe out so the unworthy can reign for like 2 months at the moment. In the meantime..

How's it look on an Origins body if you have one?
Cope and seethe
Who the fuck wants a female leader?
The mentally ill
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Has Diosoth killed himself yet or been arrested for being a pedophile?
Dead Cats Monkey
Not yet sadly, he’s gonna commit some terrorist act before he dies
Didn't Drumpf do really well with Black men and Latinos this time around too?
i think the ISTPHOBE card is dead and buried at this point and the only faggots using it are actual racist.
Who banned anon for that?, tick tock trannyjanny orange man is coming for you.
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Have lots of origins and masterverse. I think it's too small on origins, definitely on masterverse. I'll get you a pic

Maybe but i don't hate it as is
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>I don't get why ever one says you gotta big head, Brother!
I want to make a Trump figure. Where can I get the headsculpt?
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>That's right Peanut; today, today we get your revenge
Now all he needs is a 1:12 scale death note
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Not a bad idea, probably can print one out

If you want the one i have I posted the link already, >>11225095 if not well i wouldn;t be surprised if you can find another one there or as some one said, on ebay
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>That's why it's called MANagement, Granny. Hell, it ain't called "Womernagement"
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Thx. Will keep looking since Vince needs his Billionaire competition to battle in the ring
it's hollow on the inside. What do you use to make it stick to the body
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at the moment nothing it just sits on the peg
He may have Moo Deng and Peanut on his side, but does he have the keys?
You're gonna pay more for toys because of Trump's tariffs lmao
Dude, Hasbro is already been running up the score for years. If higher tariffs put them out of business or learn to cater to the fans instead of their own pocketbook with overpriced, cheaply made toys then bring it on cause we don't give a fuck.
>Some one tries to give me a hat full of shit
>Don't want to wear it
>Why don't you like hats!!!!!

I'd rather have a few less toys then watch the country burn

now shut the fuck up about politics and post toys
can you post the peg? You might try one of those hosetube methods. Though it might be just easier to go to your local construction things shop and look for the right hose size. I think I might do him just like your maybe. Not sure I want one yet. I'd rather print the head myself but I can't find an stl and I'm too new to make a headstl myself
Post the peg? Bro which ever one you are talking about both just have standard ball joints at the end if the neck. If you ever took the head off an ml figure it looks like that
Just post the fucking peg. Christ. Fucking faggot.
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I only have statue shit
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You know i should tell you to go fuck yourself
However, I'm feeling charitable, here you go you fucking prick.
>I'd rather have a few less toys then watch the country burn
I want more toys and I wanna watch the country burn, fuck the US lol
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You'll get a prosperous America, and you'll fucking like it.
women should never have been allowed to vote, let alone hold office
>now shut the fuck up about politics and post toys
typically gaslighting response. "let me have the last word" How about no. Tarrifs are going to fuck up more than just toy collecting, commodities, inflation, everything. You're going to have less everything, not just toys.
Female leaders are a sign that your nation is cursed by God.
Not exactly. From a manufacturing standpoint everything done over in China can be done here in the United States. China can still create your figures if they open and operate a plant here in the US. The figures will not cost you more because the worker wage increase is offset by the logistics and shipping cost decrease.

You will no longer need to ship the figures overseas in giant containers. Any inspections and changes to the figures can be made in-house down the street probably wherever the plant is. There's no need to import the natural gas, refine it with a cracking process, or outsource the raw plastics anywhere because we have all that in the USA.

Go into a store and find something made in the USA it doesn't cost any more than the same item made in China. I pay $2 for a plastic spatula made in China and $2 for one made in the USA. If for some reason I have to pay $2.50 for that spatula because there is extra processes involved, I'm good with that.
You should have gone with Tulsi if you wanted a female president so much instead of chasing her out of the party.
oh cool, I don't know china didn't open up factories here before. China has a minimum wage and labor laws right? They have the same overhead and cost the US does. It really does make no sense for toys to be made overseas. Looking forward to some USA made toys!
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I'm the greatest builder. Everyone agrees, I make the best mocs. You ask anyone, go ahead, I'll wait. Ask Just2Good, ask MandR, ask JANG, whose real name is Bamidele O. Shangobunmi. Not a lot of people know that. But I know that. JANG once said to me, 'How can you make such great mocs', he told me he wishes that he could make builds like I do. It's true. He's a very nice guy. Very respectful. His cities are a little boring, though. A little plain. I like plain. It's not my favorite, but I like it anyway. The clone brands... The clone brands, and you know which ones I'm talking about. People complain about reddish-brown pieces cracking. I haven't personally experienced this, not once. I've only had a handful of reddish-brown pieces crack.
kek'd and checked
Well now you do. China owns 5k factories here. They can convert any of them into Hasbro figure production factory. I know you're tying to be snarky but you're just looking stupid because you can't explain why goods made in the USA are still cheap. "Omg tarrifffffffuuuu so expensive ahhhh you're gonna pay so much for figures now!" Hmmm, do you really think Walmart is going to take the risk of putting $40 marvel legends figure on the pegs? Or a $2,000 PS6? No. They won't stock them and the manufacturers in China know that. China won't risk it either. They'll adapt to making figures in the USA way before they try shipping them over here to get hit with a teriff.
i r8 8/8
I'm relieved that our first female president won't be someone as retarded as Kamala Harris. Or Hillary Clinton for that matter. I will show up to the polls for Tulsi Gabbard though, the only principled democratic woman on the planet.

Why would I do that? I'm white, male and straight, so I have no reason to import.

It's crazy how good people have gotten at trumpposting
which factories, show proof if its so abundant
You missed the point. This is /toy/ not /pol/ now that you got your last word in shut the fuck up about politics and post some fucking toys
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I made this for a friend back in 2016.
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"Benny. I hear you are a master bullder. I need you to finally build me a huge wall on the border."
"Can I build a space ship instead?"
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"No, Benny. I have Elon building me rocket ships and Mars colonies. I need to to get to work on building that wall."
"oh... ok..."
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"Benny.Benny. What is this? This looks more like a space ship. I told yo7 I need you building the wall. This wonxt do. I'm sorry, Benny... YOU'RE FIRED."
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Has anyone attempted to use any of the All Might figures (McFarlane, AY Revoltech, Bandai Anime Heroes) to make pic related yet?
I like how you did a lighter color on the 1x1 tile on the eyes
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I had hoped this would worked out, but it doesn't. Detroit Steel is perfect for mechaTrump
Google "Chinese owned factories in usa" and prepare to be amazed. No spoon feeding, if you're really interested you'll check it out.
not finding toy factories, spoon feed me or stop lying.
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Cool thread. Very cool election.
Here is hoping this to be your redemption arc, America. With other countries forced to follow suit.
A company named Figutto made a very cool 1:12 Ryuk ages ago that came with one. The aftermarket price is absolute bollocks now and even the shitty bootlegs are way overpriced.
Although I doubt it does the neck comes out? it looks like the neck is really what clashes and if the head sat further down it would look like he's in the suit
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Pretty sure that one idiot is actually dead now, judging by how he should be going into full Meltdown by now
Anyways Lego Trump made out of official parts to keep on topic
It has been so funny to watch our brothers across the pond instantly pivot from "lol muttland is irrelevant shut the fuck up while a civilized HUWITE country speaks" to "PLEASE MASSA DON'T GET DE ROPE I'LL BE GOOD"

Pretty good likeness, gotta find a head with a smirk though.
Not many heads in that color, this is one of the only good Trump minifigs that is hyperdeformed due to the creator having TDS. Also I think the skin tone is original nought
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"Elon, did the extraction team recover the body? Is it viable?"

"Yes Mr President. Actually, well actually we've already begun the reconstruction process. It's almo...."


"S-stand back Mr President, it's loose! We can't contain it!"

*scamper scamper*

"Would you look at the little guy. Come here, come here. You know I used to feed the squirrels in the park in New York. They'd come right up to me. They recognize greatness you know. All animals do. Look at him sitting on my arm. Does he have a name?"

"That's subject P3A-NU7 sir but it's an experimental cybernetic life form! We can't just..."

"I think we'll just call him P-nut. That's a good strong name don't you think Elon? What do you think P-nut? Yes I like it too. What's that? You'd like an acorn? And you have information on where to obtain the Crystal Prisons of Republantica?"

Cybernetic Reconnaissance unit P3A-NU7 is online! I just took one of Squirrel Girl's little buddies and doctored him up a bit.
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I stuck a magnet up his but so he attaches to the little metal T's on CyberTrump's arm. I guess you can call him Cybernut now
>"lol muttland is irrelevant shut the fuck up while a civilized HUWITE country speaks"
Well they were not wrong. Especially Poland and Hungary.
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>our brothers across the pond
Fuck you're on about, "bro"?
Oh the irony of this figure
kek, based
Even better since it'd make the Squirrel Girl writers go nuclear, you oughta tweet the photo at them
I was only able to post to Ryan North, the other ones have their accounts and protected mode LOL
Funny enough I just couldn't find a matching 1x1, but it ended up working out.
Look out, Mr. President! It's a trap!
I did a thing heheh
Sorry, The Atlantic isn't hiring at the moment.
And that's a good thing.
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How long till the chinks make a proper 1/12 Trump? DID already made a 1/6 scale Dony, they just need to srink it down and add a scar on the ear.
Why do you need a trump action figure so badly? It’s a little weird
My Hitler figures need someone to battle
Meme builds
What scar?
The one he got from the shoosting.
He'd be perfect for meme photos.
Like a pro wrestling setup?
I want one for memes personally
Excellent. A great mecha-squirrel, maybe the greatest, many people are saying this. I hope you'll update us with any funny responses.
It's a little weird, weird, weird. chachacha.
Me. What would happen that a man hasnt already done?
>Trump wins
>Diosoth suddenly vanishes
He’s either dead or planning a terrorist attack, or finally in jail
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There’s a new 1/6 Trump coming out, but honestly the likeness is rough
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Also no MAGA hat, so that seems like a huge miss. Also no OK hand
Copyright issues
It has nothing to do with her sex - America wants a competent leader. Remember that Harris has actually been the one running the country for the past 4 years, given that Biden was just a senile puppet - she was so shitty at her job that she made Trump look like a good choice, and her own party trashed her for her entire stint in office up until the last few months prior to the election when they realized she was the only option they had left on such short notice. Think about that for a second. Had they put anyone else - literally anyone else - in her place, people would have voted, but she was so bad that she failed where even the shambling corpse that is Joe Biden managed to succeed during the previous election.
Chinese companies won't operate action figure factories here in the US, that's just asinine, action figures aren't important enough to get that kind of treatment, especially when the niche experience for running and working the assembly lines for action figures isn't here in the US.
I want to recreate the fist pump photo with sexy anime girls.
Then why didn't you vote for Sarah Palin?
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This is now a troll thread.
and where is it coming from?
>I'd rather have a few less toys then watch the country burn
>happy to turn it into a dictatorship
I absolutely fucking hate you retards. I bet you deny he talked about Arnold Palmers dick for ten minutes too.
Dead cats
She was trying to be a precursor to He Who Shall Not Be Named but she is female so...
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Alright after doing a bunch of hunting around stores I've come across 3 bodies that you can effectively use for Trump. Tho I don't have the Hammerhead retro body here, Eggman and Netflix Kingpin are the same mold (kingpin slightly taller from a new waist and neck). This allows you different combinations to make your Trumps!

If you want the easiest Blue suit Trump custom you buy Hammerhead and use 91% alcohol and some acetone to remove the black pinstripes. Buy the pre painted Trump head and your basically done. Cutting out the inner vest allows for way more movement.

However if you want a Trump with his jacket off you can use Eggman's body and use a bit of acetone to remove the black tie stripes. Custom done. This gives him the more accurate white shirt red tie. But you can also crack the body open and swap the eggman body onto Hammerhead's waist and keep the arms. More accurate suited body.

Want to make battle-damaged fight-fight-fight Trump? Kingpin has the open collar body, you'll just need to paint it white. He also comes with a closed jacket which you can paint blue and put on the hammerhead or Eggman body.

Want a 4th option? Happy Hogan uses a black suit and white shirt with an open jacket. But he has a black tie so swap it with Eggman's and you'll have another Trump option.
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Cracking the upper body is easy because you can cover up the nipper marks with the jacket no matter where you come in from. It appears that all bodies are the same mold and interchangeable.
The pre-painted Trump head is on sale at AliExpress during the 11.11 sale.
Do you have any pics of them in hand? Wondering if they actually look like that.
Do they realize they're painting the likeness of the guy who will destroy their manufacturing base?
Bro there are several pics in this thread of that head in action
Click on these, not my pics but they appear 100% accurate

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does this count???
Is it a statue technically or do ducks like this squish enough to count as non statue?
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That figure represent's ZatLit/Retroblasting not Diosoth, should of used a figure of the Blob since he lives in a house full of catshit everywhere
Yeah i know but it's the only screaming figure I had at hand
The blob would be a funny figure for some meme pics. i should look into getting one
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Kek, funny how Dio’s mental illness has gone this far
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Apparently there’s a 1/6 Biden head out there, could be fun
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jej, not bad
You need to at least get rid of the pinstripes on the suit, they don’t look great.
based fellow robocats enjoyer.
perfect body for a trump toy lol
Then why come not Hillary?
NTA, but Hillary didn't have as aggressive of a campaign nor did she have a real message for what she stood for. Memes aside, the fact was Trump's slogans of MAGA and "Build the Wall" actually told voters what he was going to try and do (regardless if he was serious or if it was even possible). What was Hillary's message? "It's her turn". Regardless if you think she could do a better job than Trump, that's not a message but just being presumptuous. It also didn't help that Republicans had been preparing to launch attack ads against Hillary running for president for years. If the Democrats didn't screw over Bernie Sanders in the primary debate by giving Hillary the debate questions ahead of time there was a good chance he would have performed better, gotten the ticket and would not only run against Trump but could have actually won since he was someone the Republicans were not so well prepared to campaign against.
looking up robocats toy gives me nothing
what should i look up?
Good Smile Company chitocerium xxii-Tanio
You must be too young to not remember how the Clintons operated and how much people loathed Hilary in general. They tried to turn Michelle into Hilary 2.0 and put her in an officer but Michelle is smart enough to know that wasn't going to be well received.

Almost pervert Woody level creepy
>uniparty putting a kike in the hot seat
That's not how it works.
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Mine's packed away in a moving bin at the moment.
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I need this head for a mecha-Trump! Where did you snag this?
nta, but you can find it and others on Amazon
>When innocent blood is spilled, a Spirit Of Vengeance is born, and Donnie Trump finds himself transformed. Stan Lee presents... Most Rider
>the country burn
What do you mean by that?
Amazon. There's a toy line (or company?) called "Dinobros", that usually use that cycle for animals.
Immagine a stopmotion of him vs Trump, Celebrity Deathmatch style
What R2 is this?

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