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>no articulation
Who is Bandai fooling? I could literally buy a commander class Transformer for that price.
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It's a novelty item for Rubik and/or Chogokin fans. It's appeal has nothing to do with Transformers so the comparison makes no sense.

>no articulation
It has some.
Then just fucking do.
>no articulation
Also wrong; it's 9000yen/60usd rrp
In addition, it's licensed, has an literally perfectly-realized altmode, is built of metal and plastic and is 2.3 the weight of SS Ultra Magnus, has joint mechanisms that Hasbro hasn't been able to be afford to use on Transformers for years and a spring-firing gimmick
Something something apples and oranges
>2.3 the weight
2/3 the weight
I really should proofread
Who would hear bitch about something he clearly does not want then? Man, you really need to consider op and their feelings about things they do not want and their need to share these thoughts with strangers on the informatiin super highway. Do better anon.
Its a transformer rubiks cube that looks like Microchange/Pre Transformers. Why couldn't they afford ankle pivet, waist rotation, etc for that price? Like I said you could get the latest Legacy figure with way more features for that price, and it can actually pose lol
Not every single transforming robot is comparable to Transformers, anon. You shouldn't use them as a yardstick because that's the only thing you know, it just shows your lack of knowledge.

>Why couldn't they afford ankle pivet, waist rotation, etc for that price?
Because, contrary to Transformers, Chogokin toys are made of better materials, have sharper sulpts and way more clean paint applications. They're "luxury" robot toys for adults. Take all of that together and they obviously can ask for higher prices than something that needs to be sold to children. Articulation is never their top priority, but the premium feel of it.

I own a ton of Transformers and a good buch of Gokin toys (mostly SoCs), and they're enjoyable in completely different ways. They're not the same kind of product.
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This. There's a reason why when Chogokins were first introduced in America under the Godaikin label, they were marketed to adults rather than babies. The engineering, high quality materials, and limited availability made them expensive luxury pieces even back then.
The lack of high articulation is a stylistic choice to make it look like it fits in with other 70's and 80's robot toys, look at the thing the inward vestigal arm joints, the fully chromed head. Bandai could absolutely engineer a better transforming toy than this, they have some of the best engineers in the industry, but clearly thats not the point of this thing, you either get it or you don't.
>I could buy Legacy Armada "Larry McLabia" Optimus prime, hollow/cheap-feeling AF Motormaster, Ultra Magnus with no inner robot or a probably-misassembled SS86 Prime for that price
Mate, I love Transformers, but let's not pretend there's been a good commander class since Jetfire and Sky Lynx (except maybe Magmatron if you spend extra on a new sword)
At least with Bandai chogokins I remember what quality used to feel like.
Also, post a posed figure with timestamp or we'll all know you just A-stance your robots on the shelf anyway.
Not that anon but those are pretty terrible examples. The Armada Prime crotch problem isn't even that widespread (mine doesn't have it), Motormaster doesn't feel cheap or hollow at all and his transformation into robot and torso block are pretty damn ingenious, 86 Magnus whole point is making a transformation originally designed as an armor on top of a robot to work without the need of it (and they managed to make it better than the MP) and Prime heels are only an aesthetic issue that's already been corrected in the latest batch of figures.

I really like all those commanders, transformed them a lot of times and are more fun to handle than any chogokin I own (that's what Transformers have over them, they're way more playable because that's their main point). But they obviously don't offer the same presence as any chogokin and can't even compare to how nice my SoCs look on the shelves. That's what has been said in this thread already, they are different things with different purposes, and OP is completely worng trying to make an equivalence.
As a former retail TF fag, its funny to me when people think size determines price and not engineering/price count/material/production numbers and various other factors.
You can get a digital watch with more features than a rolex for much cheaper. It'll be bigger, too. But the Rolex is the hand crafted status symbol
Good for you, anon, but your subjectivity is no more valid than mine
>The Armada Prime crotch problem
The "problem" is that the cab robot has massive, dangling labia lol
I'm not the one creating or overblowing issues to make these commander figures look bad. If you don't think they're worth the price that's fine, but they're still pretty damn good toys.
>If you don't think they're worth the price that's fine, but they're still pretty damn good toys.

And Chogokins are adult collectibles so shut the fuck up because you have idea what you're even talking about.
>86 Magnus whole point is making a transformation originally designed as an armor on top of a robot to work without the need of it
I'm not sure how familiar you actually are with the original Magnus/Powered Convoy mould, but it was never actually "armour"; the inner bot only ever just plugged into the back
>If you don't think they're worth the price that's fine
I don't even necessarily think that, I think that all of the ones I mentioned are steeped in compromise due to being big toys trying to achieve a certain goal with a strict budget. The Rubik's Cube Robo is small but essentially perfectly-realised and that costs money; in this case $60.
Case in point is that Yuki Tsuboshima-designed manju Optimus that costs $4500. I wonder what OP thinks of the articulation vs price on that one...

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