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Sure must be nice to be so rich that you can pay Walmarts to carry entire shelves of toys that will absolutely never sell. Who the fuck in bum fuck middle America is going to buy any of these that are almost all $30 per figure? Who the fuck anywhere shopping at retail is interested in Sectaurs, Barnyard Commandos, Biker Mice From Mars, The Great Garloo, and Robo Force?

Even most nerds have never heard of any of these brands, much less the average poor person who shop at Walmart. They aren't even good figures in an objective sense. All have stupid articulation choices or other issues.
Didn't you already make this thread? Toy collectors. It's for toy collectors.
No, and searched and didn't see a generic Nacelle thread. But do toy collectors even really want his slop? There doesn't seem to be any excitement over any of the licenses they have. If toy collectors with access to all this stuff online aren't really interested, how the hell is putting them in front of poor, casual shoppers at Walmarts going to get more sales?
Yeah. Rich guy who started "Toys That Made Us" on Netflix and some other shows
wait, they made sectaurs?! did they make the bugs too?
No. They re-created the original figures in a larger scale and kept the same horrible articulation and bad looking sculpts. No bugs either.
Just three figures so far, the prince and a night attack variant and a female figure. No bugs or bad guys yet. It seems to me lile nacelle is targeting the casual toy collectors or perhaps its a holiday thing at walmart.
He's got such deep pockets he probably doesn't care. But we seriously think casuals are going to be randomly walking by these brands in Walmart and pick them up for $30+ each? That seems like wild thinking.
Do you just hate good toys? People have spoken very highly of their releases.
To be fair, the series BMFM is a shameless rip-off of does suck now.
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I like that Walmart is carrying niche stuff, not just mainstream stuff.
Aren't they supposed to have big glove spiders? Seemed like those were the fun part of the whole thing.
I really don't see the point in updated versions of some flash in the pan, very little known 80s property that is not even on the radar of one of the big greats.

I don't know if there are enough 80s living collectors for these things to merit existing.
>many adults in the US are millennials who grew up with Biker Mice from Mars
>they will see these shopping and think oh wow that’s so nostalgic maybe I’ll get some
>go back for the others at later dates
That’s why they’re there. Also they know eBay scalpers will buy them and resell to other millennials for a markup.
It’s surreal knowing that by next year, the Ninja Turtles, Street Sharks, BMFM, AND the C.O.W. Boys of Moo Mesa will be on Wal-Mart shelves.
>Biker Mice From Mars
>No bikes available
Seems like a huge oversight, they just feel imcomplete.
this is whats stopping me, but they seem to be selling pretty well around me regardless
Especially since SS have been out of the game for decade (Mattel likely bought them back given how every time they try to make Masters of The Universe relevant again something ends up going wrong), BMFM almost got killed by the 2006 show, and the last time the CBOMM were relevant was when they met the Mirage Ninja Turtles back in the late 2000s due to their creator being buddies with Eastman and Laird.
They're supposed to be coming out by the end of the year.
gonna buy all the cowboys of moo mesa guys. literally everything else they have is so bafflingly retarded it may as well not exist.
the biker mice have been sitting at my walmart for 2 months now with no buyers while all of the Chuckie, DBZ and Halloween stuff soldout.

im a gay furry weirdo and i had never even heard of biker mice. i would have bought them, maybe. i picked them up to inspect them and know what to expect from Moo Mesa, and the quality of the figures looks great, but they're just inherently ugly character designs nobody would want. they arent charmingly ugly like TMNT or Toxic Avenger, theyre just normal bad character designer ugly.
you have fucked up and bought a bad IP if an elderly gay furry weirdo has never heard of your biker mice and thinks they're ugly.
There's going to be a new show produced by Ryan Reynolds in the future.
Same thing with the COW Boys.
>and i had never even heard of biker mice.
You aren't a very good furry then. There's so much porn of them.
no, there isnt. there isnt a lot of road rovers or moo mesa, either. furries dont like these ugly western cartoon artstyles. but they'll have at least heard of them if it's not a complete shitshow, which biker mice is.
im more open minded to it because i like toys and i hate it too in this case.
>only 380
Not very much for a furry show, and it generally doesn’t show up on the front page, legit its more qualified for /obscure/ than a big shelf in terms of furry stuff. Also LonBlue did art of it “recently” so thats never a good sign for relevance
You rape kids ESL Pedo Chungusthena, now die
You rape kids Athena so you don’t have any room to talk you mentally ill SEAfag
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I'm practically expecting Nacelle to buy these guys in the future given how they're the only other animal hero team I can think of who's rights should be dirt-cheap.
Your entire country is monkeys AthenaPedo. Have fun with your child rape ESLOB
>there isnt a lot of road rovers or moo mesa, either.
Well that's straight up a lie. Road Rovers gets tons of art still.
yea ms paint cringe compilation stuff
Nope. You don't get around, clearly.
724 still isn’t a lot, dipping out of obscure sure but still small
Not really. And you do know not everything is on e621 right?
Yes, mainly due to quality standards but yes.
>quality standards
Lol. Give me a fucking break.
Yeah quality is a lie but also just not ever FA/DA page is uploaded and “preserved”, its just a generalist idea, if something lower than 1k it hasn’t really fully broken out into popularity
Those robo force figures look like they might be cool. How are they?
Targetting the NECA demographic. They have proven that Walmart customers will buy anything.
>People have spoken very highly of their releases.
I'm pretty sure everyone who got the Biker Mice has said they are okay at best.
>furries dont like these ugly western cartoon artstyles.
Yeah, furries have their own god awful ugly western art style that is nothing like Biker Mice.
Now THIS is his broken clock moment. He managed to use the right shitpost for the right occasion this time.
>the rest of the thread is furries arguing about how Rule 34 art should be used as the yardstick for popularity
This is why everyone hates you. That, and the chance that you all abuse animals, fuck roadkill and molest children is astronomically high. This thread is about Nacelle' garbage being at Walmart. If you can't act like humans, take it to your yiff containment thread.
Oh look at that, a whole post of someone who knows absolutely nothing about anything.
Waitaminnit. Aren't those Barnyard Commandos from Megalopolis?
Saw a couple of reviews which basically said not bad, but some quality issues and challenging to stand
Oh there we go with the random namecalling. What point is there to make? Your entire post is horse shit from top to bottom. You're wrong about the toys, you're wrong about furries, your entire post is nothing but your backwards ass braindead viewpoint.
I dunno, I kinda regret being too young for Barnyard Commandos, so thats cool. But they sure as fuck ain't worth 35 bucks.
there we go
You lost.
No, that's what you do.
Projection by Athena
Wow. I haven't thought about this show in many years
it's not random namecalling.
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Yeah they seem kinda boring.
As shitty as the company's management is, their Madballs are fucking incredible though.
I had a few and a few food fighters so id like to get some new ones but yeah, at $35 im not curious. Ive got part of an old robo force so if it gets made id probably grab one.
Yeah it is
That's good to know. I doubt they'll be affordable (comparatively speaking), but if they did make a double pack instead of having to buy the vehicle separately, I'll at least consider it. Bike Mice from Mars was one of my favorite shows when I was little, but actually getting toys from it was never in the cards.
What about Road Rovers? Anyway, I wish Disney would just license out Mighty Ducks for someone to make toys of.
Flip a coin, is OP
>importfag seething that people are buying domestics
>hasbrony seething that people aren't buying Slop Wars and Mousevel Legends instead
Brand new articulation was used. The head is a swivel and there's no thigh swivels but everything else is either a universal joint or double joint. I hope they make the bug gloves.
these are not even at my local shit-mart, but don't fret, they still have a fat stack of landos
>no thigh swivels but everything else is either a universal joint or double joint
What the fuck is a 'universal joint'? You clearly don't buy toys and have no idea what you're talking about.

They do have double joints knees but every single other point of articulation is absolutely awful. No neck hinge or ball joint and just a simple crappy swivel, no bicep swivel, crappy swivel hinge arms with bad range, no wrist hinges, no thigh swivels, no rocker ankles. The articulation is just about as bad as a figure can possible have.
>What the fuck is a 'universal joint'?
How the fuck do you not know what a universal joint is? How the fuck do you not know how to use a search engine to find out what a universal joint is?
They're called ball joints or ball & socket joints. Nobody has ever called any plastic joint on an action figure a "Universal Joint"
What took them soooo long? I had to get the Robo Forces at BBTS after like a year later. Would've been real cool to buy them at Walmart
Robo don't know universal joint kino?
a ball joint isn't a universal joint you retard
Then what the hell is this guy calling a universal joint? There's literally nothing else on the figures he could be referring to
apparently he should google universal joint himself

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