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So I've not been crazy posing had him in a neutral pose since day one. Go to dust the shelf and pick him up only to find his been at the thigh blaster too long and split his costume...anyone else.
I'm so gutted, he's a grail of mine and I can't be spending after market prices on another just to split again
What could have caused this in such a short space of time and is there anything I can do to protect rubber on other figures from deteriorating?
>he fell for the jointless scam
nta say what you will but when that figure isnt being a piece of crap its the best looking 89 figure ever created no contesr. i wouldt buy one either though espeically at those prices
Doesnt really matter what it looks like when it starts disintigrating the moment its taken out of the box and wont last longer than 5 years in the best conditions and a completely static pose.
>best looking 89 figure ever created no contesr
You're right. I'm not a big Mafex fan but I wish they'd give it a go.
that's not true they disintegrate if you leave them in the box as well
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throw him in the regenerator
Sounds like the elasticity of your asshole has deteriorated
I guess you could try rubber repair adhesive? Sorry you got seamless’d, anon. You probably need to keep him somewhere temperature controlled with decent moisture or the cracking will continue.
Straight in the trash it goes. Repairing it isn't feasible will look like trash and more cracks are developing every minute as the material deteriorates.
>I can do to protect rubber on other figures from deteriorating?
Same as you would care for any other rubber/latex material.
Cold, dark, dry oxygen free locations, probably with a bit of talc.
It's sad but we all have to realize sometime that a figure that breaks even if you don't touch it isn't the most fun thing for collecting long-term
Do you feel like spending another $5 repairing it?
Well there's your problem.

what did these racist pieces of shit mean by this?
I didn't even know these used rubber like that.
One of the biggest single figure fiascos of all time. Don’t forget not only did they pass off actual garbage as an adult collectible, it was delivered 3 years late as well. Mezco are scammers who pull shady shit every single day and their entire business model is basically a Ponzi scheme where todays preorders help fulfill orders from years ago.
They put so much effort into sculpts amd accessories (usually) that it's honestly a fucking shame.
I mean it's still an adult collectible.
How does that change what he said…?
Not that I don't see the appeal of having a figure that looks more like the on-screen character, but is it really worth it when you KNOW that it will degrade like this, and in such a short time frame? Like, didn't this figure come out just over a year ago? If you're paying that amount of money for something like this (or Hot Toys) it should really last much longer.
yeah, the old desert cave environment is not really great for rubber. For plastic, paper and cloth? Yes, you want low humiditiy. But rubber will dry out and crack much faster in arid conditions, almost as fast as it would in really humid conditions. The two most important things for rubber would be keeping it out of UV light and applying some type of sealant, probably silicone would be the least messy and apparent for toys. I would keep humidity at around 50% for rubber, not too dry and not too humid.
this is why I'll never buy a rubber/seamless figure. They're all start cracking within years of posing.

BTW, how's their Alien holding up? I haven't seen anyone bring that one up and it's older.
>they disintegrate if you leave them in the box as well
Holy fucking shit, are these rubber toys all doomed to this fate regardless of how careful you are?
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>can't pose
>weird rubbery texture
>huge ass gap between the cowl and the cape
>waited 3 years for this garbage


Unironically yes. This isn't just me being salty or pissed off, seamless toys need very, VERY careful treatment to be maintained but they'll inevitably deteriorate. Same as those Hot Toys things with the cloth goods where the leather always crumbles
Yikes, I'm thankful I'm not keen on said toys. They look cool mind you, but for the price asked, and given these QC issues it's really not worth it, for me at least.
It's amazing that people actually fell for the "seamless" meme.
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I've had this Hyperreal Luke figure for 5 years now and there's no ripping or deterioration even though I fiddle with it from time to time. Where did Hasbro go right where the other companies went wrong?
How do the hyperreal figures scale compared to other TBS figures? Are they spot on? Would be neat if all the alt hands and head hyperreal lulke comes with could fit on other lukes in the line.
lol hyperreal = everything made out of obvious rubber. I have the Vader of this on deep discount and its been in a box for years and its also ok. Its eventually going to break down but I wonder how long these will last.
They were 8 inch scale from what I remember

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