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Remember, the T stands for toys. Tr*ns shit not welcome here.
As based as that be, OP. Troons have ruined any hype I had for Bridget, or Guilty Gear in general.
Same, its really sad honestly.
I have figures of all Ram, Elphelt, and Jack-O. A few of Ram actually, and one of Sol. But that fanbase has been infested by people who eat sleep and breathe their ideology. Its completely sucked the fun out of it for me.
I might still buy that Baiken figure, just because I always wanted her to get a good statue, but otherwise I don't associate with GG stuff really anymore, other than occasionally playing Rev 2 with a friend now and again. Though hes mostly quit fighting games in general, so its not often.
femboys > trans
That is my answer to that statement.
Is that handcuff attached in any way, or does it just sit there? If it just sits there I'd be worried it would scuff her top
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Based and trappilled.
Femboys are just pre-op trans. Half of the troon out anyways.
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Nothing is gayer than N***.
Continuation when?
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Felix figma never ever.
I really like giovanna but she's cursed to be in this game kek
rerelease never
>Tr*ns shit not welcome here
"Do it to Julia!"
Sailor outfit Astolfo when?
I'd take Astolfo anything at this rate. They make dozens of Sabers but can't make or rerelease a single Astolfo.
I still just call him a guy. Model kit looks cute though if it was a prebuilt figure I would have got it.
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I can’t honestly imagine caring about that shit, that’s so much energy to waste on other people’s thoughts and desires. But I thought the character was a girl when I was a kid anyway, and now I’m an adult I don’t really care so long as the design stays cute.
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>Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
Fuck off fa-
> Tr*ns shit not welcome here.
On second thought, I guess some of you fags are alright. Carry on.
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femboys are actually feminine
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I like her too actually. I thought she was a very cool new character, even if her move set is kinda basic and does not utilize the dog nearly enough. Fun to play still.
Anyway, this is my favorite Ram figure.
WTF is this thread lmao
Soon we're gonna have a nigger toy thread if this flies.
How so? Femboy erasure? That stuff just seems like faggot gooners engaging in identity politics with transexual weebs xd

I met a 65 year old transexual who refers to himself as a femboy and goes by the name "sissy". I have met multiple balding cis men who referred to themselves as femboys. I've met multiple nymphomaniac manlets who make sex their personality call themselves femboys.
As someone who doesn't goon to gay porn, this shit seems much more mentally unhealthy than the trannies I've met.
>refers to himself as a femboy
>referred to themselves as femboys
>call themselves femboys
Noticing the pattern?
I've always considered the "fem" part of femboy to imply that they look feminine. Anyone can act like a mincing poof and call themselves a femboy, the same way anyone can cut off their dick and call themselves a woman. Self applied labels aren't usually accurate.
Toys do not have a sexuality.
>Implying some of these instances didn't have successful only fans with horny old men calling them femboys.
I can only surmise from the information I am given.
Good thread idea but starting it with a character that's responsible for a ton of LGBT in-fighting was a really bad idea

Anyway here's a cool Prowl (Transformers) figure because he's gay in the IDW comics apparently. Genuinely can't think of any other gay male characters that actually have figures
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From what I remember IDW Prowl is essentially married to all of the Constructicons/Devastator in what has to be a Poor Little White Autobot situation. Then I think Rewind and Chromedome were a couple, and I remember Rodimus Prime being a bit gay with Megatron towards the end. Those comics were pretty fun, when they weren’t making you question yourself and your reading choices.
The only character that wasn't gay in idw1 was Sentinel Prime.
Chromedome and Rewind look cute but I'm kinda worried now that the IDW comics are over they're never gonna be prominent or explictly gay again
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Neither character got that much focus before, as far as I remember, but I imagine the relationship will stay referenced in canon as the fanbase likes it. I seem to remember that IDW transplanted Knock Out and Breakdown into the universe as fans loved them, so Chromedome and Rewind will probably be kept on in various forms.
>gay male characters that actually have figures
There's several on DC's side and Marvel's side. I'm sure, for example, that Habsro/ML will be shitting out Wiccan figures now that Agatha All Along is done, since they released Marvel Legends figures for the cartoon series What If.

DC has THESE which are comic accurate and even one for Midnighter, which is just a cheap repaint and reuse of a batman, typical of McFarlane and not worth buying. But since both will be in Gunn's new movies coming up, they will likely get movie related figures as well.
this is also a gay character and a bargain at $8 new: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/product/variationdetails/84128?utm_source=google&utm_medium=opla&utm_term=DC-84128
I really hope we start getting new Wiccan figures, the only merch he had before doesn't even look like him
Well that's also an lead figurine from a UK company.

But since they made a Captain Britain Peggy and a Holland Spidey wearing the sorcerer supreme cape, and whatever else they made from an animated Disney+ cartoon, I don't see why not.

But it will look like Joe, which personally if I collected Marvel Legends, I wouldn't want. Nice enough guy but a face, from the neck up, that only girls and bored housewives could love.
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I was initially dissapointed with the casting because I guess I wanted my gay twink character to be played by someone I actually wanna fuck, but he's definetely grown on me. After Agatha All Along I really couldn't imagine MCU Wiccan being played by anyone else.

I think figures of him have potential to look fine as long as they don't try too hard to replicate the actor's actual face (which isn't just a Joe Locke thing, I think figures trying to replicate real faces accurately just look weird in general)
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God, I hate tranny Bridget so much.
Tranny Bridget was the last straw for me but enby Testament and Strive just sort of sucking in general got the ball rolling.
Retconning Bridget was genuinely such a fucking horrible idea. Literally erasing the history of arguably the most important femboy character ever and causing a war between LGB and the T.

Literally why not just make a new trans character instead?
He's so ugly. The costume, mostly the tiara ass head piece, is horrible.
If femboys weren’t the ‘in’ thing for gooners to obsess over right now would anybody even care? Considering Bridget would remain crossdressing and getting called a girl and using a girl’s name anyway, it’s barely different.
I’ll probably get the model kit at some point, looks pretty good for a figure rise type deal, but I would have preferred a figma as I’m lazy.
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It also looks bad for the troons since Bridget was groomed by his parents just like people (rightly in my opinion) accuse parents of trans kids of doing. Yet they still latched onto him as a symbol since they don't actually know anything about Guilty Gear.
Anon, people have been discussing Bridget for over 20 years. He was pretty much THE trap and his whole plot was about him trying to prove his manliness after being brought up like a girl. Having him embrace it post time skip is a gross move at best and completely undercuts his character.
Nah gooners just ruined femboys, traps used to be a cool archetype and a fun way of representing queer people without explictly showing anything gay
The costume is cool and a pretty accurate to the comic version. I like the crown, I think it's better than him just having nothing like he does in the comics after getting his newer outfit.

I don't think he's ugly he's just not *hot*, he's perfectly okay looking. It's better than if they just got some generic hot straight actor imo
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It's a loose adaptation of his later modern costume. We should've gotten the original look(s) with the metal headband instead.
He's way too skinny & gaunt looking with big ears.
I think he fits teenage Wiccan fine, hopefully he's gonna age well with the character
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Posting Lebanese
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>this is the future Ōkouchi wants
the homosex
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El homosexual grande
I wasn't even interested in twinks when that was the age range I was in myself; I'm not going to get into a discussion of the actor looks like >>11232289 but this was fanfic fanservice that does Marvel TV no benefit, just like making Darci into a scientist, of all actual things, was fanfic fanservice that if Feige paid more attention to the details and scripts the way Marble fanboys claims he does, he wouldn't let pass for a number of valid, particularly legal and business reasons.
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Isn’t basically the only draw of current era MCU just fanservice? I’d be surprised if they didn’t have the RDJ Dr Doom have a male love interest played by Chris Evans at this point.
Agatha All Along was literally peak though so I don't really understand the negativity, it's easily the best Marvel show
That's all you watch of course it's peak why would you ever watch anything else.
what does this even mean
>literally peak
Is the only other show you’ve ever watched DBS or something
wtf is DBS

Point is mute anyway because the people complaining about it are MCU fans and it's better than 95% of MCU media
I haven't watched it yet because I haven't watched WandaVision and want to catch up with that first. I never give a fuck about spoilers so I have caught clips of both shows. I've also seen Joe in S1 of Heartstopper so my opinion on him is based on him as an actor and on his appearance and I never made any comments about the show so no idea why you're reply to me, friend.

I've watched What If, both seasons and think those are fine so I assume WV and AAA will be similarly adequate. I just think making choices like casting him and elevating (and even including Darcy) were fanfic tier casting fan service and that kind of shit gets creators into trouble legally about where ideas come from, and that it's also not good for ANY show.
You're gonna be a tranny with how u obsess over them lol
those are kitbashed or made up, not official, right?

that is a shitty OP image and the idea of a general is also not necessary but the topic isn't a bad one, just needs to be done next time with a better OP image and description.
nice projection lol
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Best to kitbash one of your own. Turns out you just need to buy any of the Lucky Star girls and then mod them so the hems of their forearm sleeves become the upper arm sleeves, and pop Archetype She's toned belly and a feminine set of arms on to really get that Astolfo feel.
And a pair of legs with long thigh-high white stockings, which is surprisingly pretty rare in figmas.

Oh, and you'd need to buy a Re-Ment Monster Energy too. That might be a bit tricky, but they exist.

Overall, it's doable and relatively cheap (if you know where to look), but damn you'd need to do some drilling and dremelling to get the parts to all pop in perfectly. The upper arm sleeves are hell, because the articulation becomes limited since you're slotting a regular thick elbow peg inside a tiny (possibly widened) socket, and also the pink hems of the Lucky Star sleeves are not made of flexible plastic, so you're gonna need to probably hunt for a double-elbow joint or mod it up even more if you really want him to be all cutesy to the max.
And since the joint socket for the upper torso of the Lucky Star figma requires a ball joint, and the Archetype She's lower socket is also a ball joint, you'll probably need some modified double-ball-ended ball joint somehow. Or be creative and stick some means of keeping them together in by jury-rigging something with PVC/rubber/polycaps.

…does figma produce double-ball-ended ball joints? I know they did one for their Demons Souls Fluted Armor knight. Hard to find it elsewhere…
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Toybiz quality, anon!
She wasn't groomed by her parents though was she? They protected her from a hostile society.

Why is it gross? Are you Dean Corll? Don't you think Bridget was transgender the whole time? Why would she wear the big tranny symbol and proclaim she's a boy while still crossdressing? Couldn't she just dress normal and not be pedo bait while asserting her masculinity?
You mean the same ‘it’s a trap’ joke over and over and fapping to Bridget porn right?
Malding troon detected.
some of the dc direct toybiz exclusives i own were nice finds but all the tb spider-man i've ever seen look like hard plastic dated things

hulkling looks okay but like a figurine that can't be posed
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>if you don’t pretend to care that this one note coomer character has been transed you’re also a troon!!
None of them are malding anyway, because they ‘won’ with this character, right? Lel
Swing and a miss, bucko! Top kek tho.
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>Tr*ns shit not welcome here
Based AF.
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>Gay and Bisexual Toys General
any toys can be queer, opie
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>She wasn't groomed by her parents though was she? They protected her from a hostile society.
He was. They could have moved to literally anywhere else in the Guilty Gear world if they were truly trying to protect him; instead, they raised him as a girl and tried to convince him he was one until he was old enough to call them on their bullshit. That's grooming, except in Bridget's case, it didn't stick.
>Don't you think Bridget was transgender the whole time? Why would she wear the big tranny symbol and proclaim she's a boy while still crossdressing?
He wears a 'male' symbol on his head. He also predates the modern tranny movement and all of its associated symbols, so if there's anything on his outfit that seems 'tranny coded', it's because modern troons took it from him without understanding the character, not the other way around.
>Couldn't she just dress normal and not be pedo bait while asserting her masculinity?
Technically, he's not crossdressing - his outfit is a vest and shorts. It's the headdress that makes him look like a nun, and without it, there wouldn't be anything particularly effeminate about his clothes - he looks like a boy attending Catholic school.
You troons are always do big on your pronouns, yet here you are repeatedly misgendering the poor boy. He's male. He explicitly identifies as such, and says so repeatedly in-game. It's the whole reason he left his tribe. Please stop being a bigot and call him what he's worked so hard to be recognized as.
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Is annulus any good? i always wanted an articulated figure of Bridget, this one looks pretty cute but the fact that it is a model kit really turns me off
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As if trans Bridget is anything but annoying people saying "Brisket" and making copius amounts of porn.

T's call classic Bridget fans porn addicts but Bridget only had like 2 pages on rule34 prior to being trans. Look how many there is now.
Well those are some good points. I never really knew of her until the recent debacle so I didn't know. I'll still use she/her pronouns because I don't care and it'll help hide my power level but I'll stop shitting on you guys. You're probably porn addicts but globohomo does suck jewish cock.
Every outfit looks like she's wearing a skirt or a dress with boxer briefs but idc enough to argue about that. Good luck in life. Christ is king.
So everything is the same as it always was except with newer coomer memes? Nothing to complain about, then.
Bridget was a cool and unique character before.

There's no other cute male nuns in media. Wanna know what there's already a surplus of? Anime girls in hoodies.

I'm not upset for coomer reasons, the coomer part of me is more than happy with how much porn post-Trans bridget gets, I'm upset that a unique character I used to really love has been erased from history and replaced with shallow representation for a completely different group
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I absolute fucking hate that nickname
Hot. Source?
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That one Asanagi trap doujin with this face, Danke Dankei Revolution.
Good shit, thank you
>but I imagine the relationship will stay referenced in canon as the fanbase likes it.
The problem is their both stuck in designated teams where they would hardly get a chance to interact. And most reboots never make it to Headmasters in the first place.
>She wasn't groomed by her parents though was she?
That is the canon explanation, yes.
>Anime girls in hoodies.
Why does Gulty Gear have three bitches in hoodies showing off their legs now? Three characters that had unrelated designs originally no less?
I've heard it's an asset re-use thing, like it's a problem with a lot of the redesigns, they make unrelated characters look like eachother so they can re-use 3D assets
We’ll always have that IDW verse if the current comics continue to stay a resounding ‘meh’ and need more reboots.
Pedothena will die
This has been a shitty, disappointment of a thread.

The only thing it lacks besides the obvious bot comments on top of all the /pol tard idiocy, is frogposting.
>screeching about pol
Get that board out of your head little mindbroken brat and just talk about homos instead
the people fixating here about trannys are people who are /pol, are bots, or have been groomed by /pol and bots to mouth off on the mindless opinions in this thread.
He's got the mutant thing down at least.
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You rape children ChungusPedo
I’m just tired of the constant spam and what the one retard nexofag has done with /lg/, wishing the madness would end

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