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>The World of BIONICLE
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with BIONICLE
Sets: https://www.bricklink.com/catalogList.asp?catType=S&catString=273
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2


Previous thread: >>11197181
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It's here. The mask is tiny and won't fit anything else without modifications, and it uses the same inika build, but it was worth it for the price, considering it's fucking mata nui. I'm going to make a moc with keetongu's parts and his mask someday.
I've been thinking of getting rid of some of my bionicle collection, mostly just the later year stuff I don't have that much attachment to.

Most of my shit is pretty well organized and complete in their original canisters, would it be better to list everything individually on bricklink? or just dump everything into a big lot to get rid of it all at once? Not in any sort of rush I just felt like this shit was just rotting in storage.
Any collectibles? You should sell collectibles separately, but yeah I'd just list sets on bricklink/ebay.

Also what's this timer nonsense it took me like 5 minutes to post this
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Makuro is a lost Turaga. Hero Factory is a Bionicle/Throwbots spin-off. Furno is a 420 Canobis Killer.
Big lots generally move very slowly unless you price it really really cheap. Like technically any bionicle set could be more parts to someone's collection but people generally don't want to buy sets they already own in a big lot for close to full price. If you list them all separately they're more approachable and you'll get better value but its more work on your end.
Always thought his head felt too small yeah, but he's a good little set. Yours looks to be missing bits and pieces, but least you got the core of him.
Kiina has yellow fever
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I want to collect vintage bionicles and comics
>battle of the bionicle beasts
if this is the Manas arena fight thing they did I remember going to this, but they paired me up against a whiny younger kid that cried when I won so they said he won and gave him the bigger prize, at least I still got the free mask pack and the promo CD
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>I won and HE gets the better prize?
>What a sick joke!
I actually prefer the helmet version of the inika desu. It's a little smallish but the actual mask version is really awkwardly shaped.
thats fucked up
peak participation trophy era
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imagine how I felt when I didn't get the copper Huna because knocking his second mask off took one of mine with it when he kept going, so that means I didn't actually win even though I still had a mask on my Manas
Hope that brat got in a car crash on the way home
>remember writing bionicle fanfics 20 years ago
>remember fun online community 20 years ago
>have creative urge to relive some of that
>look around online
>every bionicle space has retarded leftists and woke shit and unimaginative manchildren
I’ll just secretly work on a bionicle dnd type campaign I guess and hope someday some friends I make along the way want to play it. I miss the old internet.
just wait until you see the dnd community
normal people don't care about a childs toyline from over 20 years ago.
I have created unspeakable horrors as a fanfic writer
I have no shame left
For unrelated reasons, did Fatdaka anon ever make a Hahli?
Do you or someone else have those images backed up somewhere?
Don't worry, Turaga Dume just got re-elected. He'll take care of it.
giving normalfags internet access via smartphones was a mistake
Normal people don't post on 4chan (unless they're being paid to shill)
I do not unfortunately
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I buyed boughted panrahk
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Guy has been uploading Bionicle found footage, including lots of test animations and promo pitches, his entire channel is full of interesting stuff.
Don't know if it was posted here yet or not but figured I'd share just in case it hasn't yet.
Damn it.
I'll have to trawl the web and otherwise hope to god someone here has it all saved.
God help me if I have to make her myself.
I think this is the same video Faber shared earlier this year. Not a bad thing, the more spots it's saved and shared, the better. Really interesting to see the development of the toys though.
any collectorfags here, trying to figure out the best way to display my collection, the Codrex vehicles are gonna be a pain
whatever you do make sure to find something that keeps dust off them, it's a massive pain in the ass to clean them
You don't use a makeup brush to help brush the dust off?
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Never saw Hahli, but here's Nokama.
that's a good idea
uh... booba?
It's a start; thanks for that!
God help me if I have to finish what they started...
What's the best way to get just canisters relatively cheaply? I have just a handful of sets missing their canisters and it's triggering me hard.
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I remember building a fat Roodaka (?) MOC around 2008 when I was around 12-13. I never actually owned Roodaka or any sets with Vahki heads, but I think it was inspired by Roodaka. I don't remember the head design though. Maybe it wasn't even a Roodaka MOC and I just slapped some random mask on it. But I used 3 Bohrok-Kal face shields as the belly (I don't remember how I managed to put them together to face a belly with my MOCing skills at the time but it probably looked like shit) and Nuva shoulders for the boobs. I also made sure to make the limbs chunky, so I used Vahki calves and Piraka limb armors with Metru thighs. It probably looked like some cursed Inika build with my messy custom shit added on top of it.
This has been triggering my autism for years. The black and red vahki have the wrong eye colors. Has anyone ever swapped them? I only have the black one.
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play bionicle heroes! (it's kinda shit, but it has roodaka)
hero mode music still lives rent-free in my head
my dream game is Bionicle Souls
bionicle zelda with abilities coming from the masks would fit better
i want a first person shooter, as either a matoran or toa, going through metru nui.
I remember 100%ing this back in 06, but I'll be goddamned, I can't play more than probably two missions before shelving it for months at a time now. The repetitive music and gameplay, and the horrid blooming effects since I own it on Ps2 just suck the fun right out of it for me now. It's a shame because there's a lot I like about it. Just can't deal with actually trying to play it.
See I'd be happy with a sort of Ark/Mnog/Runescape third person hybrid where you have the usual survival, leveling, and building aspect, but with some kind of npcs to interact with and set locations to explore. Being a random Matoran villager, just doing quests and gathering materials to make a fortified living space and tame/fight Rahi beasts on some sort of island, Voya, Mata, or just some new place that offers new secrets to explore.
>900 second timer
I hate this website. >>11236275
how good are these quality wise? are they as good as a regular lego piece? cause that would mean they are pretty much eternal.
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The gameplay loop is a major slog, but it has a few redeeming qualities. Removing the auto-aim and invincibility makes it slightly more tolerable.
The bloom can be easily patched out on PC. The game is less of an eyesore without it.
If you mean Bionicle pieces, yes, they are. Lego is a system so everything is compatible with everything. Bionicle sets often use a lot of regular Technic pieces and sometimes even a few System ("regular lego") pieces too. They were made with the same quality standards in mind. However lime colored ball sockets in 2007 and all the ball sockets from 2008 onward til 2010 were notoriously fragile. Which was probably a major contributing factor for the decrease in sales which consequently led to the cancellation of the theme.
I think "build your own toa" should be a core feature of the game whatever it is.
Bionicle heroes DS is the best version because it's just Quake.
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with unreal music
I heard the console game is more fun when you dont upgrade your weapon, that it gives more challenge. Can anyone confirm?
maybe if you never upgrade your armor, so you have to avoid shots more, but not upgrading your weapon sounds like it would make the game even more of a slog
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DS Heroes is kino
You can ramp up the difficulty on PC with a bit of modding. weapon and enemy attributes are defined using TT's scripting language, which is super easy to edit
bonkle musou
what kind of guns would you have in that game
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Anyone see the new Bohrok? GWP lookin good…
mata nui has fallen
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i found a image that pretty much sums up what i dont like about g2 g1 side could have better pics though
G2 is more sanitized despite G1 being from core anti-violence censorship era of American politics.
i dont think we're getting g3 bros...
When I was little I somehow played through this entire fucking game without realizing you could buy upgrades, and I thought the game was fucking impossibly hard.

Flashback to like a year ago, I decided to give the game a replay and Nuparu's fully upgraded weapon is so fucking broken literally the only time I ever died was against bosses since they're the only thing his screen-wipe of a gun can't one shot before they can attack you. It was kind of cathartic in a way, I actually was going to try and 100% complete it but not being able to skip cutscenes makes replaying the game just to push one hidden button per level as Vezon too much of a slog.
Souls like game which follows a nameless toa (can be any element you want) as it makes its way out the ruins of the matoran universe until reaching spherus magna
it must suck on replay, but the cutscenes are half the reason why I'm playing
but what you should really be playing is legend of mata nui
this was after my time so missed out and was thinking in getting one, didn't expected to be so lore heavy, and to be actually good at that.
Figured i could 3D print pieces for cheap if i need to later.
this game was legitimately braindead
Man I would love an expanded version of the 2006 era after the Inika come to voya nui, because the toa mata felt like they did a lot as mata, the nuva a lot as nuva, the metru a lot as metru, and even the hordika a lot more as hordika but all the Inika did was:
. Get into a fight
. Meet axon and shoot some matoran’s into being not slaves
. Invade the piraka hideout
. Go inside a volcano to race some piraka and initiate a boss fight
All this happened in like a day
I mean they did go down that staircase thingy, but that book never got released

I feel like voya nui online game should be canonised, there is no reason why it shouldn’t, because it feels right for what the Inika arc should be and what it was advertised as being. Well, it’s my headcanon at least, essentially starting after they meet axon and canon before the piraka hideout invasion (of course I can’t count the last part) because it makes too much sense not to be. Like it’s disappointing playing bionicle heroes as a kid and expecting the Inika arc to be like that, but nah

The mahri arc was fucking great though, and I liked the hordika arc story rise because I always been partial to darker gloomier things even as a kid, I didn’t care about the flaws the atmosphere of that arc alone made it among my favourites
Yeah, kids game but they made it too easy even for the kids. Would be great to have a mod for the difficulty
>2001 soundtrack
I prefer the ds version of heroes because it's an FPS doom-like, but that might just be childhood nostalgia talking
>Being a random Matoran villager, just doing quests and gathering materials
Obviously much more basic than what you're talking about, but the start of MNOG2 is literally just this and it's surprisingly fun. Even though all you're doing is repetitive fetch quests between a handful of Matoran in Ga-Koro, having them all move around and interact independently plus the distinct personalities in their five lines of dialogue each does a good job of making it feel deeper than it actually is.
Rightwingers called their kids queer for playing with toys over age 10, so thems the breaks.
Dead cats pedo
the real Dume was actually a good person and spent 1,000 years rebuilding the city with the Rahaga
The Inika really only had two books to flesh them out, Legends 3 and 5. Legend 4 was about the Piraka's backstories for some reason. I remember liking that book but most of it was pretty pointless in retrospect and just stalled the story progression.
Faber's file leaks revealed that Greg really wanted to focus on the Nuva in the first two 2006 books, while his bosses wanted the Nuva gone. Had Greg listened to them, I think he could have fit the Piraka backstories into the first two books, so book 4 could have been dedicated to the Inika to give them more of a story. In the end, I'm glad Greg didn't just shove the Nuva aside like the execs wanted, but the story and its media could have been planned out better overall.
>Tfw in the middle of putting together a Bionicle story guide for my friend, who says he's interested
>Include MNOG II, start replaying it just to remind myself what it's like. Grinding is so bad, end up deciding to add a couple tips based around editing your stats in the save file
>4/5 Koros defeated, remember that there's an Improvement Mod for the first MNOG, so try randomly searching up "MNOG II Mod"
>There's a fucking Mod Pack, that among various restorations, changes the stat minigames to give you 10 points each time instead of 1.
I'm so mad at myself. This alone makes MNOG II actually playable, now I have to do a second playthrough actually playing it legit. The idea of playing through MNOG II without cheating is a completely fucking foreign concept to me, but I'm kind of excited now to try though.

MNOG II is really special to me, it's basically the only official Bionicle... uh, anything, where nothing extreme is happening and nobody's in danger, and you just get to see and explore what the average peaceful day is like.
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Request for bigger collection having Bionicle anons:
Can someone in posession od both black and pearl/metallic black Rahkshi masks take a photo comparing both colors?

I bought black one off of bricklink and it looks really off compared to other black pieces I have (like 1/4 the way from black to pearl dark grey), so I wonder if I got the pearl black one by accident, or it's solely because of the piece's texture.
Sadly my phone camera hardly catches the difference
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I only have one black rahkshi mask, but here's a comparison to the other black pieces if it helps
The rahkshi black looks more like a satin finish because of the metal flake, whereas the rahaga black is more glossy standard black. It sounds like you got the metal-black version.
Oh shit, thanks for mentioning that. I've been meaning to finally play through that thing after getting walled by stuck loadscreens as a kid, this is going to save a ton of time.
'course dude, I totally didn't hear anyone ever talking about it.
Wish they used those pearl colors in more than just rahkshi, I like shiny

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