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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

!!!BIG NEWS!!!

>4 new Lego "live action" movies announced at Universal Pictures, one of them will be a Ninjago movie with the original show's creators!



Kill this thread like the last, S&F
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i really like this leak
im going to build a mafia set
not even the new leaks are gonna get me to post on a nexospam thread

see ya
>>nexo knights=SOUL
>>legends of chima=SOUL
Holy based...
>once in a while when Nexo anon makes a thread, we have a peaceful thread without Ninjago polposters
Bros...im so happy to be in a peaceful thread
Sick moc, what's the lore?
now these resemble Galaxy Squad even more

is this theme a start of a galaxy squad ?
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it's just an alternate build of Dreamzzz set
Damn i hope it will be on sale for Black Friday
Nexo Knights more like Nexo Ninnies
Would be better with red instead of orange...
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Technic gigachadfigs
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>100 smackers
Yup that's sitting in the wishlist for a while. I really dig the dark fantasy vibe the dreamzzz villains have. I just wish the heros weren't so dorky.
No one cares if you post or not, retard.
The guy who wrote the new Veilguard is a dragon fucker elves fan true story

These threads are already cursed enough for me to post that though
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This is a good general. I'm glad shitposters will be away for 1 thread.
tag yourselves bros
I'm the one in the blue
Use this for the next thread OP picture?
>jannies deleting the old threads so now complainers have to post in the new one
>theres now 2 active threads
Full board clear of /lg/ please and thank you
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I warned you anons... i tried to warn you...
you didn't listen
Why are there 12 lego generals in the catalogue?
>Nexo knights ruined this general
>>jannies deleting the old threads so now complainers have to post in the new one
>Full board clear of /lg/ please and thank you
>Why are there 12 lego generals in the catalogue?
the ShitJago kid on sudoku watch
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NJ Pedophile
The Nexo Knight obsessed anon makes threads the second we hit bump limit. Jannies generally don't do anything about it. Some got deleted today. I'm guessing with the banner at the top of the page advertising janitor applications I assume /toy/ might actually have a new jannie. The fact that its old threads getting deleted is odd. It would be ironic if it was the spammer.
I got the blue dragon head, so I'm feeling okay. Do I wish I had the wings? Maybe. But not a big deal.
Yeah i wish i had a blue dragon head.
Leave. Im sure you will make your ninjago slop next time. you absolute cockmongling shitposter
Jersey shall fall NexoPedo, and so shall your spam shite
What's with all the deleted posts?
INexo chad banishes /pol/ banshees, and jago tards with his will alone. Jannies clean out the spam threads to make from for comfy Lego posting. I'm nexo pilled as fuck now.
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Pedo NJ
Your brain is so broken, dude.
Jannies must have nuked someone, annoyingly most of the usually fagots still seem to be around though.
Was it me?
Speaking of nexo knights they did macey dirty
First she gets a small-ish tri-bike. That one's fine even if the sides show the pin holes
Second wave she only got the tiny mecha dragon. Actually the best armor attachment with that one but overall it's very eh.
And in third wave she got nothing.
The 5 threads are still up only the more recent ones got nuked
>previous thread was just outright deleted with 310 posts
lmao janny are you okay
I'd blame that on it being a boy focused theme. They're not going to make a large set focusing on the girl character just for it to not sell.
lg should be quarantined somewhere, it keeps getting worse
And STILL they don’t delete the oldest threads
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>found Shadow set for 18eur
>went to a bar
>ate sweets and drank coffeee while hanging out on 4chan
>built shadow bike while watching a movie

This day was AMAZING!!!
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>econd wave she only got the tiny mecha dragon
Have it and i love it so much

i think tiny mecha dragon is the BEST "power suit" from nexo knights.
I see it as Nightonia's small airforce unit and want to get more of those so im hunting for good deals of these on Ebay

Photos dont do it justice. it's fun to hold it in hands and swoosh around

+ it works as a booster backpack for other mechs and has a detachable scout bot

But yeah Macey lacks of big sets
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>lg should be quarantined somewhere, it keeps getting worse
4chan should have a /lg/ board.
So we will have threads for ninjagoshit or Nexo Knights separated or for other stuff or "best lego waifus" or stuff like that.

4chan please do. We need a /lg/ board!!!
Technic GODS
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Good evening Gentlemen
Next on the Agenda
"Was Exo-Force Based?" and
"Bringing back "Sand" colors and prioritizing Landscape and Structure over Vehicles"
Isn't this king starscream's throne ir am i making it up
Yes it is his throne
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based technicbros

I really wish lego would make more figures like this
I would love that, maybe splitting /toy/ in 2? one for all plastic blocks (including bonkle) and the other half for all other toys. I dont think theres enough of us here to justify that, but it would be nice
Thought it was Thunderbird 2 at first glance
Imagine all anons will have a peaceful thread for each other.
there will be even Fabuland thread or CMF collecting thread. or "what did you get?" thread...

damn lego imageboard sounds fucking awesome
We could even have a thread for every single piece that Lego makes!
Fun Fact: the Planet Express ship is named "Bessie."
It’s be sweet if they did a futurama CMF line.
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You are dead
That is the end goal of the spammer. He said outright that he hates lego. Which is specifically why he spams the most annoying themes and licenses in new threads as soon as bump limit is reached to shit up the catalog. Then he will make dumb lego threads outside of the generals and even duplicates the moc general just because they weren't hurting anyone and wanted a thread to just be about building lego without all the noise. Once lego gets its own board, he will leave and traffic will die. He wants lego out of /toy/. I know he used to target transformers threads but then he realized lego was more popular so this became his target. The only thing I'm unsure of is what his actual loyalty is. What his toy was that got bumped off the catalog by a lego thread and triggered this decade long shitpost crusade.
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Hey folks, looking for a bit of advice, I want to put purple pieces into pic related so it's similar to this https://drive.google.com/open?id=1dK4sCqAw5BYwsTfhVDO55bjtvY2DeilK and it should be able to close, any suggestions?
thats actually kind of hilarious, imagine spamming threads with stuff you dont even like because of something ages ago
Wow. This guy drove you fucking bonkers.
People will meme but unironically that looks comfy and great
I want some of the Sonic sets but they're expensive to me for honestly not a lot good
I may aim for the Green Hill and some others and MOC them together into a comfy home/hangout spot
Like the Sonic Base hangout
Your brain is dead
>damn lego imageboard sounds fucking awesome
We have a lego imageboard on another site, but no one ever posts in it.
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>you are bonkers
But I'm not wrong.
From the SS86 Starscream, I got him for like $12 at Ollie's
Doesn't work bro
Just link the Bricklink ID of this piece https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?id=103021#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}
Purple Pieces inside and it should be able to close?
So 1x1 Tiles?

Or Round Tiles in Purple?
>I want some of the Sonic sets but they're expensive to me for honestly not a lot good
are you from eu?
i think it's a month of black fridays
because sonic sets now cost a bit cheaper

Honestly - just buy both important must buy sets
1) shadow on bike
2) knuckles mech

It gives you shadow/knuckles/rouge. I think in the future 1 minifigure will cost as 1 set right now.
now in europe you can find knuckles mech for 27eur
its one of the best sonic toys we got in a while
Don't reply to spambots.
That pasta has got to be close to 10 years old by this point.
Weird, Haven't seen it before except like a thread or so ago
The bot was long inactive for some unknown reason, but as a slight oldfag I can confirm this has been going on for a LONG time
How long has the guitar case piece even been around? 2011? Jesus christ he could have been going for 13 years at this point
Oldest one archived was this, and he said thank you so I have 0 idea why the bot is still going
I remember that pasta from years prior to that. /toy/'s archives are notoriously incomplete. Spread across multiple archives and each archive has a bunch of gaps because it is a board with a lot less traffic than the staples of 4chan which are /a/, /v/, /b/ or /pol/
This dude was an absolute unit. Hope this faction makes a return
Forgot image. I'm going to not upload it at all now for fear of misrepresenting the kino that is the faction.
Some boards have complete archives like /trash/ but those were made more recently (is 2015 recent?), so its a gamble
I'm pretty sure I was the one who suggested the cape.
>gay couple with child in van
I can already picture the seething this set will cause
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This set has 3 gay couples and a van
That's a woman with short hair.
They are kpop idols that are all straight, but you already knew that

No lashes/lipstick
The blue vest dad kinda has a pedo stache as well
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the colors in that set are kinda like Paradisa
With all the GTA 6 hype maybe lego city should have a Paradisa subtheme or something
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like this
Are these upset anons in the room with you right now?
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Wish we know the composition of Paradisa Pink/Rose Pink
I actually dig the baba yaga house, it's neat. The little spider you can make too is great, but the raven feels a bit barren without them
This was one of the first sets I got from the theme last year and I still dig it. The rock wave had a lot of fun interplay like this.
It's a female face. The picture is blurry, but you can tell if you look closely.
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Which non-licensed Lego theme would be the comfiest to live in?
Friends or Paradisa.
Ah yes, Friends, the feminist society. Definitely not a fucking dystopia.
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I mean to be fair lego city is a crime ridden neon shithole. Friends looks like it has some nice coffee shops and stuff
Touch grass
The fact Friends has Shopping centers that don't have Scanners upfront and Merch locked in Cabinets is a sign it's a good society and City
first time poster
trying to rebuild my legos from when i was a lad
mostly late 90's and early 00's stuff
i think i had all the slizers (or throwbots) though
anyway i figured you like minifigs
Damn, all that one order? Also never knew the Rex’s feet looked like that on the bottom
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I've divided the bulk of them by color, with a bag for wheels-tires, and one for minifigures
that's not the whole lot of them since i have a smaller box with mostly racers and arctic stuff, but still i think that's the majority
i don't have enough containers so i've started assembly what i can, like the racecars in picrel
working on the trailer right now
Post more when you can I love seeing this stuff. I keep telling myself Ill rebuild my childhood stuff but I never do.
You should store the chrome pieces in a small zip lock bag inside the bigger one just so they don't get scratched.
Will do, and you should, it's a good feel

I didn't have this problem, but i'll try to, thanks for the heads up
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i really like this set and it looks super fun - this will be the first City non fantasy set i will buy.

BUT the whole reason i'll get it - because im fucked up in the mind and this set's first association is with those movies where bad guys using car crusher to kill people that are inside of cars

When i was a kid i watched a lot of movies where mafia boss or some other guys They threatened the characters that they would be crushed in a car press.

Anyone has the same association with this set?
Nexo Knights was such a cool theme.
I have almost no sets (just magazine polybags and minifigs) and just startedto appreciate it.

hey lego friends where can i get light bluish gray 2 x 3 plates at a low price in large quantities? i need 100 and I also need masonry bricks
Space Police III as a human
Ermmm so where's lego bdz????
Check out the moc thread. Someone took the typed up a guide on how to use bricklink to find what you need.
bricklink is your go to, but you might also find those at lego's own pick a brick
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The car on the left looks like a scaled down version of the Sunset Track Racer.
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In july

Whats next for city space lore wise? Should they introduce space police faction?
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>green blue and yellow astronauts in a modern sleek design

These are basically proto-Galaxy Squad astronauts

bros...what is the lore behind this?
It's.....pretty fucking much the Lego City space before actual evil aliens attack!
yes, but only if they also give us space ambulance and fire engine
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even galaxy squad vehicles would fit with this Space theme
I need space firefighters
Bros, what parts do I need to make dpace firefighters?
Stop projecting and end your worthless life, pedophile.
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What makes it so popular?
Wouldn't that be kino though?

Imagine you wake up and see a lego board, you can post anything

Also, it was Xevoz
That's a decent looking big spaceship, something the new space theme was lacking.
I'd like to see them introduce an equivalent of Blacktron, followed by new Space Police to get the trifecta of classic space sub-themes (civilian, villain, and hero).

Galaxy Squad is one of the space themes that doesn't seem to have connection with the other ones, as is the new theme, so it would be fun if it turns out the new stuff is a Galaxy Squad prologue taking place before the bug-aliens invade and start an interstellar war.
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I thought lego has Hasbro licenses? But Mega makes GI Joe?
We are getting more space sets in the summer and a new faction for city space. City space will also be evergreen.

We get 8 HttyD sets in 2025.

And there is a new action theme releasing...will update.
No they don't have hasbro licenses they just had the DND license for a short time
Blacktron 2 please
Can't speak about DnD, but we get more Transformers sets in 2025, and they aren't all 18+

But I hope City will go to Mars again at one point.

I guess space themes are now closer to reality than before so not surprised they get the focus again.
>8 httyd sets
I bet 7 are based on the animated film and 1 on the live action. Also 1 of them is most likely a big buildable fifure of toothless in big scale.
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>And there is a new action theme releasing...will update.

Nexo bros...we coming home...
Awesome! Maybe a miner spin-off given the yellow suit minis?
No it’s gotta be something distinct if they’d already put Btron 1 in icons/gwps
We didn't know how good we had it


I have a theme idea for you

Mecha....Gladiators in Ancient Rome!
>Mecha....Gladiators in Ancient Rome!
that brick built shield is SUPER KINO
It's all so tiresome. What happened to the originality of Lego? New frontiers? Fresh ideas? All lost like leaves in autumn.
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Nexo Knights is peak lego imagination
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>All lost like leaves in autumn
i hope Nexo knights 2 will have autumn themed sets or Halloween villains!
>nexo gladiators
>pre covid world...
Nexo Knights was the best original theme lego made. Ninjago pales compared to it.
What does that have to do with a cartoon for preschoolers?
I want lego egyptron sets
Nothing at all. So why is it there?
>nexofags having another meltdown over Ninjago's success
getting a little embarrassing at this point
Am I insane?

I believe we are getting a creator castle remake set in june, you see that castle in the background? Totally different from the set that was released.
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>I want lego egyptron sets
I unironically want nexo knights BUT "other theme"

Imagine Wild West but in future with lightguns or robo-horses.

Or Egypt but technologically advanced yet still using pyramids and Robo Anubis mechs
I wish that, rather than producing Gardens of the World sets and additional plant-themed sets, LEGO develop a Icons subtheme titled "History of the World."

This subtheme could feature several historical Icons sets each year, showcasing civilizations such as Ancient Rome, Ancient Egypt, Greece, and even Feudal Japan, complete with accompanying minifigures!
2 words:


I told many people many years ago even here, the next western theme to work will need to be cowboys...in space.

This would be more kino than space police 3.
>told many people many years ago even here, the next western theme to work will need to be cowboys...in space.
Just add laser guns to cowboys and don't include native americans/slaves.
Just add Cyberpunk Wild West with cyber trains.
when is this coming out?
Is there a way to just search the catalog for big figs on Bricklink?
If there's a specific one I want, I look up the theme it came in and find it from there. If you're looking for a Hulk Bigfig, for example, look up the avengers and see the options.
January probably?
What color is Pterodactyl Costume?
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New leaks
Why are half of the figures short legged?
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Big News: Ninjago was cancelled. Nexo Knights is going to replace it and all figures within the theme will be fleshy.
>toilet kart
lego needs to chill out.
Um... is that Gwen Stacy Ghost Spider as a pterodactyl and they imply she laid an egg?

also, the poop piece is there. so she laid an egg AND pooped

sorry for pointing it out, Lego needs to be shamed into stopping. people notice it. it's not "cool" to put those things into Lego toys for children. stop it. (it's obvious they are doing it "on purpose" at this point, shame on them)

(Miles Morales looking in the magnifying class to find his bone LMAO)
Lego is pro life
i dont think nexo can come back without trans neon orange
Why is lord Ras with Arin? Isn't Ras evil?
Nexo gen 2 should have trans neon red
Looks kinda cool. Can't they do the red bull tournament-like for the planes?
Arin is also evil now.
No way
oddly I find this funny and "okay" to have a toilet kart racer.

I bet there was a meeting where "somebody" argued that they need a large brick-built poop pile to go along with it. they argued HARD. I'm glad there was somebody else in the room with the courage to tell them "NO. that would be gross. be happy you are getting a toilet kart in the first place, we don't need the poop pile."

"fine... we'll make the spider brown then."
"ugh, whatever"
(is that a brown spider under the ramp?)
nah you're delusional anon.
just digital artwork.

>but hey, at least we got ourselves a big dragon set without having to do any ninjago, monkie kid, or dnd homework
the slight reddish tinge makes it look more like the ant with molded trans brown (62575pb01)
If I were to make Leon It'd probably be those parts. Any suggestions?
>new ptero mold locked behind marvelslop
Its painful bros…
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I thought we were gonna see them in the upcoming ship set this January, like a side build (and unofficially calling them blacktron 3, since they'll have to use trans bright green instead of neon green) but maybe we'll get them during the summer?
Absolutely disgusting cretin
>ask cashier about previous minifigure series if they are still in the shop
>"no they sell out very fast so just the ones you see"
>"alright thanks"
>some old bitch in the line randomly goes "ask Santa maybe he'll send you one"
How do you faggots proudly walk with literal lego sets in public lmao, here it's impossible to not be laughed at whatever is out of somebody's norm. Not that I give a shit about somebody else's opinion but just wondering if it also happens to you.
The icons set is blacktron 1
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How can you say you don't care and then proceed to make a post about it?
I don't care

But I also look like pic related so no one has the courage to say anything, girls find it cute.

Just don't be fat...or ugly.
I care in a way that it's rather unusual to be ridiculed for your interests and it's none of their business what they think about you. Mainly just wondered about if it happens to anyone else.

Should have turned and told the old fart she will die soon
i was talking about the city space set >>11231925

but yeah, wishful thinking to have both blacktron 1 and 2 in the online pick-a-brick shop
I am capable of dominating other men and I don't need to prove myself by talking shit to some old lady, although I admit I had something like "I hope you live till next Christmas" in mind kek. I'm not in a 3rd world shithole so I kind of care how I turn out in public, being stoic is the best outcome always because it's better to just turn everything into a joke and not have problems with retards.
Happened worse to me

>be me
>27 y/o virgin
>go to lego school
>see cute cashier
>buy lego harry potter
>she says she likes these sets, fun atmosphere, good talk
>make courage
>tell her she should come over to show her my sets
>pure silence
>cute atmosphere is silent now
>tells me how much it costs
You guys told me to be myself...thanks...
>lego school
*lego shop
>>27 y/o virgin
How come? I had sexual experiences since 15 but it was some soft stuff.
Scored at 20 y.o. because I'm not a literal hedonist and it seemed like the best age.
Super shy

I'm not a vrigin anymore and have a gf now, 2 years now since we met. I was super shy and had a problem with my self esteem.
>that's just her way of saying she'd already got a boyfriend
>she was letting you down easy
i hoped you already moved on
>But I also look like pic related
Post photos, anon?
Oh I did, but I usually bring it up, I laugh now thinking about it
It’s an old copy pasta
Guys, how do I get an asian girlfriend? A sexy one with big tits and into lego too.
I was in a Target near the Pokemon cards at the checkout
dude pushing a cart with his woman stops to look at them
she condescendingly asks "when do you grow out of this?"
he awkwardly sighs and moves on.
it was maximum cringe
>I was super shy and had a problem with my self esteem.
So was I man, I couldn't keep an eye contact as a teenager but as you get around the age of 19 your confidence grows although not on it's own, I've worked out since then and it only has helped me.

Also I've started getting interested in Ninjago stuff, any cool sets that aren't too expensive? mainly caring about weapons and minifigures. I remember they used to sell stuff like little weapon arsenal with one ninja. Not really like profile pic but I'd like to find something like this as well.
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Why must they restrict us from getting the Pteros
Kind of shows what being a man is like. It's alright if people visibly ridicule you (especially women) but don't you dare talk back or you can risk getting punched in the street if someone makes this a loud situation. Lots of mental damage and all you can really do is get used to it.
Not him but what stops you from lifting? I've been lifting for 2,5 years and it's the best thing ever. You really don't need a lot to build a good physique.
>Not him but what stops you from lifting?
I don't want to lift - i asked his photos because im attracted by men that look like -> >>11232168
>i asked his photos because im attracted by men that look like
I’m gonna specifically try to steal the ptero when the set comes out
So then what, spend 60 dollars on bricklink to fucking buy it? Buy it, get the ptero and then seal it up and return it? Its madness
I want to push the cripple dyke down that thing so bad
Lego still refusing to do mixel joints in colors is criminal.
sorry anon but lego's shitty plastic cracks when its molded in any other colour :(
Why is lego so shit?

Holy fuck

How to train your dragon sets scare me now...
It does that in those colors, too.
Wtf that hospital bed race car is just tasteless.
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i had an operation 2 months ago and i don't even want to think about hospitals

What the fuck is this shit. this is such a retarded idea i fucking hate this. NOBODY likes hospitals.
just make any lolsorandom car like a pink dragon or redneck toilet and people will like it
why make shitty hospital car
I was ghosted by a girl I was engaged to. Your move.
Why are you being sad sack sacks of fucking sad shits you fucking faggots its a lego thread.
Because...you guys are my only family left...
I have never purchased pieces from the lego store so i'm wondering if they're selling these two?
I'm looking for them in dark blue color.
I think it's funny. Kids enjoy when you take everyday objects and make them do unusual things. You guys seriously need to speed more time in the real world.
Ptero with one stud on its back is objectively worse than ptero with two studs on its back.
It sure would be nice if lego made a new lego racer game.
Are we sure these aren’t from the rumored CMF line with carts?
Do you mean Lego's online part-ordering website, or a physical Lego Store that you can walk into?
Physical Lego Store.
There are color separated boxes with pieces behind the store employees but i never really had a need to look into it.
Because a medical bed/a stretcher with an injured guy on it rolling down a ramp is funny as fuck
Have some fun in your life
They are city not cmf. Cmf will only have minifig heads
Every store's PAB wall is unique because they don't all switch out the bins at the same time.
Holy shit I love the scale, style and colors of these dinos I can just erase the nasty printing.
Spiderlorefags any chance they might do other dinos?
Poop AND a crippled genderspecial! Peak nuLEGO kino right here lads.
Baby Ptero
Telling 4chan chuds to spend time outside is a bold move.
>Because a medical bed/a stretcher with an injured guy on it rolling down a ramp is funny as fuck
Im not a low IQ texas subhuman so i dont find that funny
I believe you. Any other information on a new 3-1 castle other than fuzzy box art from that dragon and wishing?
You know this is for kids right? Like seriously, how do you guys not get that kids find all this stuff funny?
Whoa, cool it with the anti-Mexicanism.
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I'm a grown man and I find the hospital bed car funny. I can only assume the people in this thread pearl clutching are just reposting comments from reddit, as is a common occurrence here.
>httyd is getting 1 Icons set
Its fucking over
>Trolls gets a TON
I am worried for shrek 5 sets now
I’m worried about Shrek sers in general, wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t some salty Disney employee snubbing the dreamworks stuff
Disney are scared dreamworks will win best picture
Why does lego do so many one set license deals? Is it really worth it?
They are like Funko
I assume its because ninjago is focusing on dragons now and we get so many dragons sets every year
What if lego does a berk set?
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Why is lego gay? Trolls got a lot of sets!

I bet these fuckers will gives us 5 tron ares sets but 1 $200 httyd set!
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Why are you nerds againt $200-$500 sets?

Think about it, it is the same amount you would pay if lego made them a theme, but instead you pay the same amount for 1 set instead of multiple, same thing but better. Much easier to get.
Because they're too fucking big. I'll give El Dorado and the Medieval Village a pass because those sets are really just a collection of smaller builds you can rearrange, separate or do whatever with. You're stuck with a giant Rivendell, or a giant Barad Dur. $200-$500 sets gatekeep their exclusive parts. If I just want the Fellowship from LOTR, I have to get Rivendell which makes me pay for a bunch of shit I don't want.
Options and affordability anon. The correct move has always been to release multiple sets that can be combined if you get them all. Literally the best of both worlds. I remember the original Jabba's Palace sets pre fleshy era. Getting all three was pure joy for me as a young lad. Even though by today's standards the larger of the three sets doesn't really hold up. even though the other two sets were tiny and fitting them all together wasn't particularly impressive. It still has a special place in my heart. Even though I've never been that interested in Harry Potter, I really think it was a smart move making their sets combinable. When you do that you'll get low income people buying part of the complete set, you'll get customers impulse buying parts they really shouldn't and spending more money over time, and you'll get richy rich buying the whole thing in one go. It's a smart move and the fact that an entirely modular toy like lego does this so infrequently is actually baffling to me.
Small minithemes>>>>>>>>One big shit ass set
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>Bionicle killed for competing with D*sney dolls
>Lego Space killed for competing with D*sney Wars
>DC line dries up mysteriously
>Super Hero Girls line dries up mysteriously
>non-D*sney lines that thrive are ones not directly competing with a D*sney product, ex Ninjago, Harry Potter, Horizon Zero Dawn
We can guess there's a lot of internal pressure to not give too much attention to "competing" media studios.
Can’t wait for Disney shit tonfinally get the boot and for us to return to something better
>it's figfags seething about having to get legos with their dollies

>missing the point this badly
>some kind of culture war bullshit
The example I chose could apply to any portion of a larger set. Let me reword it for retards:
small set + few useful pieces = good value
big set + few useful pieces = bad value
What's going on with that truck? It looks like something from Jack Stone but it's brickbuilt. If they're not even going to juniorise it properly they may as well make it look good.
>le culture war!!!!!!
>it is a post mocking figfags for not liking legos and nothing else
Genuine obsession, gotta say. Not healthy, take a walk outside.
Post an image of the nearest lego to you right now.
Figs aren't mentioned in those posts?
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>Jang is shilling for chinese lego knockoffs now
>sounds beaten down and exhausted the entire video
>goes out of his way to not mention "Lego" and instead just calls them "the leading brand" or "the other brand"
>talks about how great the brick quality is despite his review constantly showing obvious gaps and misalignment issues
>absolutely none of the enthusiasm from his older lego content from even a couple of years ago
where did it all go so wrong?
However pathetic you think this man is your are infinitly more so. You are an orbiter for a d grade e celeb who shouts into the an uncaring void.
sure thing jang, whatever you say
I doubt if your own family would grieve your death
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remember when the Star Wars sets first came out? you HAD to get the "Lego" version because that was the best, and if you had made your own version of it, it was lame. not as good or "official" as the set Lego chose to make.

but Lego themselves constantly make new versions, and each time they do, it's clearer that it doesn't matter, and you CAN make your own version of a thing, and it's just as valid

well... don't freak out.... but... it might also be the same for THE BRICKS THEMSELVES, too!

who cares what company made the bricks?

Lego doesn't even care themselves, they made pillow plush pieces for the new minifig series, which are obviously Squishmallows, but are... not
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>Bat Lord Basil
what is this neck collar piece called?
i love that piece so much i have the bl id memorised, its x41
Bless you Autist, I'm going to use it as a Vampire Lord collar for my custom minifigure inspired by this >>11232516
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I had no idea all these years that it was just a visor piece turned downward. I thought it was a unique piece. That was actually really clever on Lego's part. Shame the neck doesn't rest flush with the piece.
I used to own this Vader and he didn't look bad with the collar.

I love these so much. It reminds me of stupid spiderman toys I has as a kid where they just gave him cars and shit. But with dinosaurs which everyone loved too.
fuck the new helmet and fuck the moldy cheese face
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Got this ancient kino at an estate sale, still sealed and in amazing condition for being 43 years old (1981). Predates printing on mini figures, torso design is a sticker.
I own that set, loved it a lot and the connection is still great
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Anyone bought Wolverine from Sluban? Are his eyes red? If his eyes are red, I'm not going to buy him.
God I can't wait



I got 2 Bricklink orders in but they've sat for a week till I cleared desk
Time to open first order
I forgot entirely what I was building with it
I have to make some bricklink orders eventually
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looks like it
Even sorted I have no idea what this is supposed to make
Ah 3am Bricklink orders while excited about designs I forget the next day
Is that a gray letter?
What's next, Lego Shrek?
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Aw, heck. Stupid Sluban.
If there's one minifig that needs a big stupid mold for its head, it's Shrek.
Akshually early star wars Lego was based because it was so simplistic that you could make your own mocs. I still remember making my own fake astromechs and droids.
Clean as fuck. Gonna sell it or keep it?
I say the minifigure head is funnier

I have no idea but I THINK it's supposed to be the "Salty Seaport Desk" and "Knightly Weapon Rack" in other colors from Lego Fortnite
But I'm missing some parts somehow
No idea what the rest is
Maybe the second order will give context
Stop talking about youtube faggots, retard.
I actually couldn't find a single listing of one of these selling sealed, besides one old eBay listing from years ago. Went for a lot more than I payed for it even then, but it's just such an artifact that I'm gonna keep it. Gonna get a case for it since it's already partially faded, keep out those UVs.
Thought the bottommost letter was gray due to its odd color but its just sunlight damage I assume
he keeps seething at sponsored reviewers in his preview videos
Lego Berserk sets never ever
It's a white Signed Letter
White Letter
And Tan Letter
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Not really ever seen a tan one, nice to know they exist
Are you seriously unaware of the lore? The Monster Fighters accidentally signalled the insectoids to invade our solar system 200 years earlier when they destroyed Dracula's weird glowy attic situation. Solomon Blaze from Ultra Agents gets wind of it and begins preparing his descendants to defend the Earth from invaders. One of the Galaxy Squad astronauts is his great grandson.
Extremely mediocre comic
Only known for the edgy rape scenes that comprise .1% of the pages, just like Goblin Slayer
*rape scenes and well drawn artwork
>I'm a tertiary with. I taste
Fixed it for you

Very cute Caska. Drop the parts list if you have it.
NGL that Ras jet is whack. I was expecting something more Chima like.
Well I guess Coopers Tiger Mech is the only thing for me now
Someone better be baking the next thread we are almost at bump limit here. I’m shaking right now with anticipation
The original post said:
>If I just want the Fellowship from LOTR, I have to get Rivendell which makes me pay for a bunch of shit I don't want.
>If I just want the Fellowship
>no more sets
>no minifigs
>big $200 icons set
How did we go from full theme to one set with no figs in like 24 hours
Why dont you post new info kramer

You betrayed me
Soon my friend. Fake Kramer wasn't wrong about a new action theme releasing

Bro...please tell me atleast dreamzzz gets closure with summer wave next year....But I'm hyped!

Thank you!
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>thinking new theme means anything beyond more licenseslop
cmon guys
Anon, I'm sure Kramer can confirm, but when lego fans refer to action themes it strictly about original ones.

Right, Kramer? Its an original action theme, right?
Ah shit hope I'm wrong then
...oops. I'm new to the lego community my apologies
Well you ruined my hopes, so its a new licensed theme...ugh
New thread

So its a license then...

I guess a movie license. Probably tron ares, because lego sucks
Hating berserk is a big tell of low IQ
Can we just please get somebody to rangeban the OP
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NEW THEAD: >>11233260
Don't shout
Cute Casca!
>doesn't know what "if" means
based esl retard
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