What is the best way to obtain unpainted pewter minis for D&D for cheap?
3d print it or just buy it with the late tax like a good pup.
>>11231152It depends on how cheap you want it but I’d say Alternative Armies is pretty good.This isn’t really a question for /toy/ though, you’d be better off asking on /tg/
>>11231152Tg would the better place to ask, im sure there are plenty of recasters they would know of.
>pewter>cheapnot happening anymore outside of historicals and epic scale games (though yeah this should be in /tg/)
>>11231152That site that you got that image from. Reaper Miniatures. They have close to 3000 metal miniatures starting as low as $4.https://www.reapermini.com/miniatures/figurefinder+metal/price/page1But yes, this belongs in /tg/.
Sculpt, mold, and cast them yourself.
>>11234913Nobody has time for that.
>>11235013Worth the time though