What is the best way to obtain unpainted pewter minis for D&D for cheap?
3d print it or just buy it with the late tax like a good pup.
>>11231152It depends on how cheap you want it but I’d say Alternative Armies is pretty good.This isn’t really a question for /toy/ though, you’d be better off asking on /tg/
>>11231152Tg would the better place to ask, im sure there are plenty of recasters they would know of.
>pewter>cheapnot happening anymore outside of historicals and epic scale games (though yeah this should be in /tg/)
>>11231152That site that you got that image from. Reaper Miniatures. They have close to 3000 metal miniatures starting as low as $4.https://www.reapermini.com/miniatures/figurefinder+metal/price/page1But yes, this belongs in /tg/.
Sculpt, mold, and cast them yourself.
>>11234913Nobody has time for that.
>>11235013Worth the time though
>>11231152Some of Iron Wind Metals fantasy models are still pretty cheap (contrasted with their Battletech stuff that's twice the price it was 5 years ago)
>>11234648>3d print it>pewterimagine being this retarded
>>11231152Pewter is prohibitively expensive these days, but there are a lot of companies producing much more attainable models.EM4 has dwarves and orcs in packs of 48 for 19 pounds (also in smaller amounts for less), reaper has a good variety of different fantasy class and monster minis in their old Bones line that can be gotten cheaply on ebay thanks to kickstarter bulk (the new stuff is anger inducingly close to metal in price for no real reason), Mage Knight clix minis are easily obtainable and cheap in huge lots from any resale site, and North Star and similar companies produce boxes of sprues that can be used to customize tons and tons of dudes as you see fit. Just look up 'miniature sprue' on ebay, order whatevers cheap, slap it together to create whatever you need. Dark Alliance produces a lot of different figures for really good prices, including straight up Jackson lotr ripoffs (the trolls and balrogs are excellent), but they are TINY compared to any other mini and you'd have to mostly use them for any projects. Hope this helps anon. Plastic is unfortunately the way of the future.
>>11242382em4 dwarves cus I posted the orcs and just want to post miniswhat kinds of figures are you looking for specifically, op?
>>11242382>Pewter is prohibitively expensive these daysDoesn't it leech into your skin or am I thinking of lead...
>>11242394that's lead, almost all mini companies use lead free pewter unless they're doing things as cheaply as physically possible out of a garage (thats most of them, but a few keep the lead for cost efficiency). Asgard Minis was the only one I knew of and I think they sold their molds to Alternative Armies, who do not.
>>11231152em4, Denizen, Turnkey, Midlam, Alternative Armies, and Forlorn Hope all make metal minis for less than their competitors. Have fun, op. Shamefully the molds to the Guthrie Personalities range were lost years ago when a kickstarter fell through. They were available for 2.99 per figure for years from Mega Minis. 5th Field/RPGelements has acquired the rights to a few and is trying to get more - they're still fairly reasonable. Small business, good to support, etc.
>>11240711Are you retarded? It obviously wouldn't be made of pewter if it was 3d printed. It would be a plastic version of the pewter figure. It's either that or buy one second hand.