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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
It's Good to be Queen Edition:
Previous Thread: >>11219516
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give them no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Snail Shell: Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Bunny Girl Aileen Sunkissed Ver. (Jan 2025), Three Wise Monkeys (Feb 2025), Zombie Grisa (Feb 2025), Masquerena (Jul 2025), Optional Part Sets (Varies)
>Lazy Monster Studio Oak Town Fairy Elf Guard A+B (Dec)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Q4)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q4)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q4)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q4)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
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>Second Axe Hentai Action Succubus Queen Lisbeth ~Tanned ver~. (Jan 2025)
>Hasuki Succubus Sister Friede (Feb 2025)
>Loscont ABA-002 Armed Battle Angels Dark Hornet (Q1 2025)
>CiYuanJuXiang The Primordial Witch Crow (Q1 2025)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>BUZZmod Gurren Lagann Yoko
>Cang Toys Twelve Wars Little Green Dragon Longji
> Snail Shell Succubus Lustia
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring
>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua
https://www.gundamit.com/manatee-industry-1-12-manatee-s-ambition-series-yua_p5411.html >Hasuki Mechanic Fiona
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>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
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>Furless body
She's fully shaved
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What's the background from anon? It looks good
It's around 24in, Duarte diorama.
The dude does great work.
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All the furniture, the fireplace both diorama pieces.

The mugs and tankard were a separate artist.
were the table, chair ,led and other stuff included or just the walls and soil ?
lol, with this size I only made one bedroom
Duarte diorama

Cant find anything anywhere about were to buy anything. Is this just 1 guy who charges a fortune
Yep... it may be more than just him working on the pieces but he does have a pretty big price tag.

I've got another guy working on a cave diorama of the same size and scale but for 400.

I paid 700$ for the diorama, 780 in total with some other things I tacked on.

I believe it was worth it because it's 2 great pieces that can be flipped and turned into so many different sets...especially since I'm well involved in mythic legions at this point.

I just need to take more pics with coomfigures.

EN Version - https://youtu.be/YDsl0mC-AoQ?si=iFn_qcznj-rY2Xws
New - https://youtu.be/kxddO8QcQT0?si=JlBHqg_o7lpVzS45

Martial Machine Maiden EX-04
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This scene needs a Hellboy badly.
Woah, what’s the axolotl from?
So EX-02 is Not-Windblade? It feels like forever since I’ve seen that thing. Looks like a generic female body with ornate vehicle elements slapped on, as usual.

If this is a dragon-former though, I might just bite. I’m a sucker for articulated dragons.
Same question, also the mushroom man?
I probably could of made this for you for around 200. At that price and it not coming with the tables/bottles etc...I think you got played son
You can make stuff like that? That's hot and sexy, anon.
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She's here.
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Do these figures have nipples?
It's pretty high quality. Sure it was a lot but it was worth it and I am happy with it.

Axolotl was a custom that a guy who makes custom figures made. It's obviously not with the mythic legions frame but it was far too kino to pass on.
mushroom man is just a head on a Mythic Legion's goblin body. The head was from another seller, painted, for $25
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New sexoni model kit. Pretty cheap, like $25 i think
>Rinko, unhand my wife
Admittedly I know nothing of love plus, what is this referencing?
I do have a modded n3ds so i could play it some time.
>Axolotl was a custom that a guy who makes custom figures made
Got a link or where can I find him? I own an axolotl and have always wanted something in figure form
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He has a smaller Axolotl for sale actually.
If you buy a figure and just pop off the head you could probably just get a painted axotol head from him and make your own figure. Mythic Legions supports customization heavily
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This is so cursed.
>soiled sour panty included
Prove it.
Hey guys, what's the best 1:12 figure for up skirts and panty shots in your opinion? I really want a figure that allows for panty shots but I can't seem to find a figure with a skirt, with a good butt and underwear that I like, so I came here looking for opinios. I have a budget of about 100 dollars.
>>11217231 #
Can you please post more pictures of this custom she-hulk anon? I’m trying to decide if I want to buy that torso piece or
not sure I'd count gluttony as a coomer toy; she's got no exposed nips or pussy.
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Very cozy lighting.
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Are you getting her?
Yes already pre-ordered. Best April O'Neil figure hands down. The mouser ain't bad either.
If I got her it would be for the robot, not her.
That long solid back hair seems restrictive tho
I got her PO'd yeah, but I am deeply betrayed that they removed the freckles.
How do they keep the weathering on the bike consistent across all copies?
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No, best you can hope for is a nipple bump
Quinn Lee will have a cast off option though and with the added bonus pack you can make her alpha chun-li
>Xcocann Studio Street Fighter Quinn Lee & Mountain Moon PJ01 Block Accessory Kit (Q2 2025)
What is this? I want to order one

Also does anyone here have picrel? I'm wanting to know if this comes with enough parts to make another head.
I know it comes with 2 types of hair (blue or red) and afew different faces. But does it come with an additional back head piece at all?
>I got her PO'd yeah, but I am deeply betrayed that they removed the freckles.
I think that was dirt. In the shots where "freckles" are present it is presented in the desert in the dirt and her body is slightly speckled too so i think they are trying to maintain the composition. There still looks like there may be a bit of weathering in the shots of her in the bonus outfit.
>Also does anyone here have picrel? I'm wanting to know if this comes with enough parts to make another head. I know it comes with 2 types of hair (blue or red) and afew different faces. But does it come with an additional back head piece at all?

Nah only enough for one head and it only comes with the blue hair. The pink it shows is the result if you take the hair from Lirly Bell and put it on this body. She comes with multiple neck balls at different sizes so you can add a head from another line.
thats a new 30ms model kit from bandai
it will be out in june 2025
Right....ffs....this is really starting to piss me off....
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If you had to choose between the 2, which one would you pick?
left one
mai easily
iconic design vs dix granny shit
Face is kinda wack though
>granny shit
Are you referring to her blue underwear?
Fuck I meant the one wearing red. I'm tired sorry. Chun-Li looks like shit there.
no i mean her shitty sf6 design
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If you're not getting Battle outfit Chun Li, then Mai out of those two, I guess.
If only this one had this one's >>11231926face. The body looks better but the face is horrid
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I can't get over those joints
How long will that skin last? A year?
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Anyone use Gollum as a bad guy?
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Eh, to each his own, I think she's a nice figure. she's essentially a Manatee Industry girl clone with Mai clothes and a head and feet
what's the mai from
>I paid 700$
700 bucks for that lmao
You can easly made wall, the harder part is the fireplave but otherwise you can make it for less than 80 bucks in material
But that the sexier part
God I wish real women were made like action figure
It's art. I respect the time and work put into it.

Sure you I could make it myself but that requires the time and dedication it takes to making something like that...and when you factor in the lack of skill. Ultimately it's worth it for me.
Has anyone here Got Fumina hoshino (figure rise) in hand by any chance?

I'm wanting to know if she comes with skin tonned upper leg parts. The normal kit shows her with shorts and that part of the leg makes the short pants.

Yet 1 video has a pic were its normal colored skin tonned so instead it looks like shes wearing panties rather than shorts.

Yet a video I saw showed different upper thigh parts which are bigger than her lower legs???
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Infinity Studio 1/3 GJKD0001 Angel Force Mia? Only if she has fleshlight capabilities.
She's a big girl.
Fuck it. I'll ask because I know were all thinking it.

Will this have 2 love holes

Honestly it’s kind of weird this is…small dog sized. Cat sized? Makes me feel unnerved.
Just get a proper sexdoll at this point
There are sex dolls at $700 cheaper than this full sized. Wtf is the excuse for the price
I've never seen someone take a photo of a 1/1 sex doll with a 1/12 crawling out of her coochie. And this makes me sad.
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Was looking at 5ktoys instagram to see about when the fuck they are getting lustia in ... see this

For you
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>Chick is 6.5 inches tall towering over everything
Fuck chinks and their blatant disregard of what 1/12 scale means in terms of math.
I mean, maybe she's supposed to be 6'5".
Why dont you just buy lustia on gundamit?? Shes been available for a week now.

Is the anon here who posted her with wings? I wanted to know what wings they used
>knock off Android 18 is a taller than 6ft
But she is not Android 18, this chick has tattoos and uses a baseball bat.
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They just posted more pics
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also bulma
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not sure if these are related or just a coincidence but some faces were posted

I really hope the tattoos on those figures are optional because they are the only thing i don't like ... if not well then maybe they can be sanded off or acetone ... or something
looking again i see some overlap in the faces so these are related
Damn, these are stupid. I might buy em anyway if the tattoos are waterslide only.
>C18 and Bulma nude body with pleasure face
>But with tattoos
>6.5 inch
Why are chinks so retarded ?
Big Bulma and Enormous 18.
If they aren't you can just acetone them off.
why do they censor pic, like who care if they might saw the unpainted tit of a toy
and white there is a panty ? Too lazy to make a vagina ?
Where are you pulling 6.5 inches from?
There is no mention of size anywhere.
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>seamless body upto the feet
its shit
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I think these base bodies are a nice blend of sexy yet inhuman.
Is that Mai a seamless or statue? Which one is it? I can't seem to find that specific face among any of the known to me seamless Mais out there.
It's Shit Fighter
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Thoughts on snail shell panda girl?
Kinda tempted to pre-order her on Gundamit.
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This is how she looks without the coat.
Only dumbass PO unconfirmed prototypes from Gundamit.
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New Casca just dropped
>not the nekkid rape version
coom fail
It's like a Polynian and a Glyos mashed up in the best way. What is this line called?
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Gene Interference.
I just preordered the Chun li. It's going to be my first ever seamless figure. What am I in for?
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>the loli has absolute garbage tier underwear
>tanned tomboy shows literally zero skin from neck down
The toys are making me not want to read/watch Berserk even more.
What every Crapcom fan gets:
It's not even a licensed figure
>loli wearing bloomers
Unironically hot. You can always stick her head on a Sozai Chan small body if you need to. I already bought a medium tan Sozai for rape Casca.
She looks nice. You should wait until she's officially up before pre-ordering

>Pending licensor approval
Mark my words this is never getting made. I feel the curse of Bandai on this one

I would assume a 1/6 Chun-Li made out of TPE. You let us know how that goes.
>complains medieval fantasy lolis aren't wearing thongs
You sound like you watch anime on Netflix or Crunchyroll.
Some coomers expect the world to bend to them and for every figure designer to be a degenerate for some reason.
looks so bad...both of them
Do anime sex dolls in the 1/6 scale exist? I have micro girl fetish
Looks good, though I wish she was browner.
>Implying bloomers aren't for coomers
Get a load of this guy!
looks like crap
super lewd
it’s too bad they’re a Chinese company so they can’t actually go full coomer like the original art this is based on.
When the fuck are they going to continue the anime? I wana see loli wizard girl again!
not for a long time, and if they do it is unlikely to be a continuation of the 2016 anime. it wasn't popular either in the West nor in Japan thanks to being such a poor quality product and a poor adaptation to boot
lmao @ those mongloid faces. I thought anons here were kidding this whole time over shf not being able to make faces
and he would be right in every single one of them
Ignoring the spammer. These figures look fine. Would suck if this Guts has the same problems as the black swordsman one though.
Thru gave him boots with spurs same as Griffith has which is an issue.
I want to print some of these, but i dont have a printer. In what size should these be printed? What sevice should I use?
Whoops meant to post this in the customs thread
Just buy a ko figma archetype and use those joints. It's like 8 bucks
Torn skin in about a year.
What art? I didn't know that.
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i like the manatee industry body for gwen, have a similiar proportions of the mafex figure
Wrong body type for that character
>I just preordered the Chun li. It's going to be my first ever seamless figure. What am I in for?

Depends on a few factors. of care and display. if it if skin is sticky dust it with baby powder/corn starch, if it gets dusty do the same thing. Don't leave in action poses for an extended amount of time(weeks) or it will start to tear. I am a photographer and player rather than a displayer so it doesnt affect me any. I keep them in 13 inch boxes in neutral positions and pull them out when I want to use them. Oldest figures are from 2017 and no cracks or tears. Sucks for Chun li though because I'd actually want to pose her in one of those spread eagle kick poses to show off her Cammy toe.

Weather is a factor as well. If you live somewhere with less than a temperate climate I hear that is harsh.
Florida, humidity is a killer, them and soft goods can mold. Get a humidifier and if you store them use silicate packets in the box.
Arizona, get a humidifier. Drying them out like that causes hella cracks in them just like in the people who live in desert places I have seen horrific sights.
Cold? I don't know what cold does but it does something. Probably cracking.
Somewhere like oklahoma or central texas you're probably fine. its really only harsh in extremes.

That doll is silicone, not sure how close it is tpe which is slightly different. TPE is sex doll material and usually a lot softer cushion for the pushin and less durable to cuts and scrapes. TBleage seamless is peak passed 2017. And dont let that picture people post of that seamless gi joe guy people post get you down. That shit figure is super old and like foam or rubber or some shit. Seamless isn't shit. Some companies just make shit seamless. Silicone is peak.

Thats my 2 cunts.
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yay my pic is used!
>Florida, humidity is a killer, them and soft goods can mold. Get a humidifier and if you store them use silicate packets in the box.
Meant a De-Humidifier.
>What am I in for?

Who wants to break it to anon gently before the seamless anon shows up with pics on what happens after a year or two
then what's the correct body type for that character
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Finally got my Puni Mofu Mao from USAGS and half way finished dollifying her. I'm waiting for those Snickers thicc body upgrade kits from Muscuto with baited breath. Also swapping out that cute and innocent head/face with the sultry Buster Doll Tank head, slapping her in some tight leather, and giving her a pair of daggers because rogues love doing it from behind.
He was warned in 2 threads about the danger and still decided to go for it. I have to assume he's informed and still went in knowing the possible outcome. I would like to hope he knows enough to look up care instructions and will have his chun-li properly cared for and for many years.
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>Open mouth decal
Not a fan of it. Couldn't put closed eyes on one of the sculpted ones?
Don't listen to these people, their idea of what seamless is is outdated. Seamless figures that I bought 6 years ago are still OK.
Meanwhile figures from 2-4 years ago get torn within a month - or even on their con display.
Got any tips for anon that haven't been mentioned? I'd hate to see any one get their money wasted not knowing proper care.
I printed this one for a miku figma (got her for 8 bucks since she just missed a joint)
It's work to keep the arm in place but doesn't bend with pla
>Snickers thicc body upgrade
Based. I ordered a couple of those (including the tummy parts), but shit hasn't shipped out yet. I've never ordered from Muscuto's Booth store, so I have no idea how long they take to ship things compared to all the other buyers who seem to ship them after a day or two.
Hans.B is the artist
What if you just leave them inside their box?
They still break over time due to oxygenation and so forth.
It's the same shit with jewish Hasbro and transformers. They use cheaper factories (Singapore), cheaper paints, cheaper plastic and as a result you have figures getting discoloration after a few months of being made such as Netflix Soundwave
i would honestly recommend just getting these, 3d printed joints are a hassle
there is more of her on his Pixiv Fanbox
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shut up
Still jealous of that obelisk. If I had a 3D printer, I'd rip the model and print the one from the Dunwich Building in FO3
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>3D printer
I made a Megatron with mine
Was long and joint are super loose but still, I like him
There is pretty cheap chinese 3D printer out there, you only need to put 4 screws
But yeah, it's help a lot to make sextoys and such
Is that the Sentinel Gwen Stacy head on the blank body and as the full figure?
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and here a alternative if you're poor like me, the marvel legend head on a 86toy body
It's look better with the unmasked head, more neck is visible
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Jokes on him, that’s her fetish.
Where do they sell this thing? It's one of the coolest toys I've ever seen.
is the sentinel head, with the mafex hod, and the body is arina from manatee industry
she was still up on gundamit when i checked. very recent release so she should also be on any chink selling sites like ali or wish and be legit
I meant which full Gwen Stacy figure is that not the nude body
Is the 86toy body anatomically correct or is it like the Sozai Chan?
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correct but unpainted, there is a pussy and tits
nice, which body is that ?
>I've never ordered from Muscuto's Booth store, so I have no idea how long they take to ship things compared to all the other buyers who seem to ship them after a day or two.

I'm in a similar boat. I have ordered from them once but it was not new items that just dropped. It was existing things and it took 5 days from "Order Complete" on Buyee to "Shipped" but this one says on their booth "Because this item is warehousing after your order is confirmed, delivery might take a long time." Makes me think that they might take orders, make a bunch, then send them to the warehouse based on orders received. I also thing this because they didnt sell out. So it doesn't seem like he had only so many printed. I think print run comes after. Orion did this for his last drop in august and things are just arriving in peoples hands in the last week or so.

Also. Have a MEGA Mofu. This is her with stuff from my first Muscuto order with some D-Runips for the bust.
Which Gwen Stacy head is that?
The first release of the Marvel Legends Across Spiderverse Gwen. Theres a more recent repaint thats has purple hair instead if you want an alternate
Cheers. I really like the hip/waist ratio on it. Now I gotta figure out what skin tone to get. Is that one wheat or fair?
That the fair one, the tits are the 3 biggest one
the reference is 03A
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For a cheap chinese figure that come with so much part, she got good joint and can stand on their own+ a stand inclued
no clue
>MEGA Mofu
Baseman continues. But yeah, that's about where I'm at. I got all of my Orion stuff in like, a week and a half or so ago. Orion actually had release dates listed, so the case with Muscuto seems a wee bit different. I'm thinking their stuff is either made to order, or they're just delayed right now because they've been preparing for AK Garden (which is over now). I guess we'll see though. I've got plenty of other little ladies to keep me occupied. I'm mostly just autistically screeching into the void since I hate having money tied up into things that are in some kind of uncertain "I dunno" state lol.
Her body
life is unfair
Thanks. I've already got some pink paint to do the pink bits. Getting aftermarket Manatees will kill me, so this is a good alternative.
Its what people here call the taobao body because that's where it was purchased. Its mentioned in the approved figures post in op.
>pink paint to do the pink bits.
haven't do it on mine, too nervous to try and fail, to got a wrong color
I got tamiya rose x-17 but still
I've got Liquitex Professional Hard Body Acrylic Light Pink. I figure doing a wash of it in her crack will work, and then using some sort of stencil for the areola. I wouldn't stress about color. Women might all be pink on the inside, but the shade varies.
Post the uncensored version on the booru
It's discontinued :(
>Post the uncensored version on the booru
>some sort of stencil for the areola.
tried it without, haven't been happy with the result, cleanned it before it's dried
I will try better another day
Has been for a few years now. Might be floating around out there but no one knows who made it or if it has a proper name.... I wish I had gotten 2 of them
should I drop the money on both?
Do they make you hard?
Why is nobody talking about these?

>1/6 scale
>Comes with fully painted genitals
>comes with cute Rei like head sculpt
>only 50 bucks a piece

Below is a video of how the body looks without any accessories

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SushingToys will make figures of two miko bitches and two (original) boatsluts:
its cool and all but I'm waiting for a good 1/6 jointed body with huge tits to use my super duck anime kits on. a meiko shiraki with Ds isn't gonna cut it for me
MentalAgent's engineering:
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There are 1/6 breast parts.
Wolrdbox also makes whole torso parts with big breasts for their female bodies. I already have a worldbox body, so I'm hoping that they will release a cup bigger than E.
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The worldbox breasts that I'm talking about.
I've already gotten some of these along with the E cup worldbox parts. the wide neck part and off colors on those chest aprons are too jarring and the E cup is barely larger than the D one.
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Thoughts on her?
I have that body, articulation is shit compared to Worldbox. Also seems to be missing the neck joint so I had to adapt an extra one I had lying around.
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>custom 1/6 body with larger tits and ass than others currently on the market
In b4 >seamless
>no sculpted nipples
Instabuy, if she'd been in 1/12 scale. Love this figure otherwise.
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Oppai Loli
You just made me remember I need to clean my windows this weekend.
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Mandarake has a new listing for her for 12000 yen. Worth it?
>PAK Xenomorph
i guess
Starman Chun li
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These got put up on 5ktoys and I didn’t see anyone post about them
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Try reading the thread next time
Is that what the kids these days call a gyatt?

what's the head from?
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Only the tits don't belong on that fig.
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Another one>>11234700
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lat one
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1 more just for you
>Bulma and C18 figure
>With pleasure face
>But panties
>And ugly tattoos
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I think the tattoos are optional waterslides, but are applied just for the promotional pictures, the listing parts them out as a separate item. The best way of confirming would probably be to contact 5k, they seem to have pretty open channels of communication with the producers of most of the figures they stock
>Best face are bonus
fuck every company who do short stock faceplate
I figured the tats would be optional but nice to see it listed as such

only an issue if you buy one, if you only want one buy them both and sell the other for some one who only wants the other one.

that said I agree i hate the face plate game that has started. just give me the fucking face plates. no bonuses, no buying other figures, fuck that bullshit
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>that said I agree i hate the face plate game that has started. just give me the fucking face plates. no bonuses, no buying other figures, fuck that bullshit

MMmmm, faceplates... *Drools*
>*Realizes he's part of the problem.*
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It says 1:12 but from the picture I get the feeling its going to be one of those taller figures.
Nah bro faceplates are great, it just sucks ass when they try to make you buy other shit or buy from a certain place instead of just giving you all the faceplates. and ususally they are the best faceplates
It's chinese 1:12, ie our 1:10
Really want shfiguarts sf stuff. It's all over 100buckaroos per figure. NO kos at all yet we have kos of some of the latest shf shit.

Why wont they ko the sf stuff!?

I like your box of autism and lewd faces
These faceplates are amazing, nice.
you spent over 200 on muscuto faceplates?
>bat labelled "BAT"
Your tomboy is spoiled.
Sounds like absolute hell. Why do so many collectors buy them if taking care of them is like a part time job?
18 looks ok and Bulma looks... weird? Or is that just me?

Also they should have done a Videl to capture the "this is my only option" market for all the people working on their collection for the buu/majin sagas. Whatever happened to bootlegs who beat the real deal to the things they're putting off?
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>I like your box of autism and lewd faces
More like boxes of awesome. They are Dewalt tstak tool organizers about $6 on amazon. I use them for important figures. They all lock together so you can move em all at the same time. I just cut some EVA foam out for the bottoms so things dont get knocked around. Wanted to get modular organizer boxes from Daiso after seeing those on twitter but US web store is closed.

>you spent over 200 on muscuto faceplates?
Nah, 6 are ali express sh studio knockoffs 6 are from Blueprint on booth. so really like $90(lol didnt do math till you pointed it out I really gotta start actually using my waterslide decals...)

>Sounds like absolute hell. Why do so many collectors buy them if taking care of them is like a part time job?

It ain't bad. Like i said keep them in boxes with a silicate packet. Only mess with a few at a time. whoever the flavor of the month is. pretty low maintenance since I play fashion doll and do photography then put em back in box or in acrylic display. They dont get dirty and i dont really need to dust or anything so actually having to do anything close to maintenance would be after a month of my dirty ass hands and focusing on one chick. also live in a temperate climate so they are fine to leave alone. Only time maintenance is cumbersome is when I do rosepetal bath shots or bring out the milky clear slime.

I think the most work i have to put in for any doll is adding/blushing nipples and cutting an opening in vag then blushing/for insertion shots on each one before she gets dressed and goes into her nicely labeled box. Not sure if anyone else does that though realistically but I have for around 50 1/6 ones and 20 1/12 ones(1/12 is super easy thoughj).
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ID on the breasts?
Upload this on the booru, please.
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Should I get her, 1/6 bro?
are the faces water decals? i need to know
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DESU not a fan of Jiaou doll. They could have a better recipe now than the last body i bought (Huge bust European) or the first one i got in 2017 but the 2017 one had skin peeling issues. It didnt crack but the top surface layer started to peel back. The european bust one had factory injection holes open on me through normal posing.(Kinda looked like putting a straw in a slice of cheese, twisting it, and pulling it out.) I swore that company off. They sell nice clothing though and their full dolls like this are unique and interesting in design. I usually wait for their release and just buy loose parted out heads and clothing from monkeydepot or rattlesnake toys and put them on a proper TBLeague figure. They also had plastic bones and only stainless steel joints in the past and I'm not sure if that changed but always get full stainless steel skeletons if you can and save yourself from posing mishaps.

I ended up relegating the Euro body to Low Teir Rainbow Hybrid Status and the 2017 one I call "Test" and test, surgery, sewing, superglue, paint, on her and flay of pieces of her skin to make clits and labias for silicon dolls i bought accidentally that weren't anatomically correct. One day when I'm done with her I will de-sleeve an arm and leg and add robot parts to her to make a mecha frankenstein girl.

They may have improved though in the years since i bought one. So not sure. I only have past biases.

>are the faces water decals? i need to know
They are not. I bought 6 UV printed faces from Ali express and 6 from Blueprint on booth.
Speaking of Aliexpress, how stingy are they when it comes to refunds? Only things I ordered from there were an umbrella and a phone case. A bit reluctant to make big money purchases.
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So, Snail Shell's Nun is pretty much definitely getting delayed, right? The month is half over now, and she was supposed to be out, and so far there's been nothing about her even from the chinks, right? Japanese sites still don't even have Lustia yet, there's no way the Nun is going to be out before January or February, right?
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>Speaking of Aliexpress, how stingy are they when it comes to refunds?
Never had to refund. Biggest purchase was around $300 and it all arrived in tact and quality I expected. I stay away from pre-orders there because of other people's warnings here. I think they have some guarantee like ebays and I think stuff automatically refunds if no traction has been made or no delivery by a specific date.
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you're making me miss my rainbow high dolls, but I gave them up to make more space and didn't do much with them.

The new ones kinda suck though.
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>The new ones kinda suck though.
Yeah, they suck so bad now. Less articulation, shitty gimmicks, and their clothes are all kid core now.

I have a giant green bin full of nekked ones. I mostly stole all of their clothes (back when they were actually good) to use on my skinnier/smaller Phicen girls.

I do have one Delilah on display though that I made anatomically correct and dressed up like Six from Battlestar Galactica.
If only they'd KO the Queen's Blade Revoltechs, but nah, whoever runs these just doesn't see value in them.

...speaking of KOs, is the Arcanadea Lumitea KO good? I've seen her with like 6 seraphic wings, but no reviews so far.
Do regular jiaou models come with sculpted nipples?
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Anon what did you do to her?!
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Any news?
>jp sites don't have Lustia yet
Hlj got her two weeks ago.

The month isn't over, snail shell is one of the few chinese companies that can manage to keep release schedules. Hell, Princess was released early.
I used the wrong glue
>Do regular jiaou models come with sculpted nipples?

They did before Chinese gov did the thing. New silicone girls and maybe figures in general don't have them unless they are marked as adult goods. It happened right after TBLeague announced the indian and black skin tones. They finally branched out color wise and they were forced into upper and lower female circumcision.

I think figs like Romankey X Cowl girls are fine because they have an 18+ logo on the box but some companies didn't want to limit their sales and licensing abilities so they complied and changed their molds instead of putting a damn sticker on the box.

Now purchasing things that have been released forever is playing russian roulette because you don't know if you are getting an old or new batch model.

I was lucky to get TBLeague indian girl with sculpted bits before the Purge.
lol is that micheal from gta5?
no, given how many things they dropped i suspect it'll be awhile before we see these come up again. i could be wrong though
Been delayed due to SN dropping shit tons of prototype stuff at once. Probably after xmas now.
It's annoying because I'm working on making a gothic type scene for Lustia, muse and another nun figure now my gaming set is finished.

They are not. I bought 6 UV printed faces from Ali express and 6 from Blueprint on booth.

Can you link the faces?
Do they fit figma and snail shell
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>lol is that micheal from gta5?
No clue. Played that game for like 10 minutes at launch and switched back to Skyrim. Could be. Black dude with the James Brown cut is from that frying pan and welder's mask game. Behind her head is Ken from barbie movie doing cyberpunk. Dude on the right is dude from ant man with the plans, guy in suit is I dunno, and Morgan Freeman. Girl head is a knockoff superduck Tifa.

>Can you link the faces?
>Do they fit figma and snail shell
No they fit Megami Device Asra and AUV series model kit heads.
It is Orionchichi for Block 2 megami device.
Trash then basically
sure looks like him
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I love Jack so fucking much, I wonder if they're ever going to make another figure of her. One with more faces and hands
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What brand is this from?
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4 inch nel
nice which figure is that ?
that super hero ultimate gohan
Need to buy 2 other 70 bucks figure that are characters nobody care about to get all the head of the 30 bucks Gohan
suplex him
What would be a good nude body to go with Figma Uruha Rushia?
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Is this the 1/12 version or 1/6.
If its 1/12 then the 86 toys nude body is good but you'll need to sort a head out.

Also if footfag anon is out there then this is for you for telling me about these high heels
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This out yet? If so, how is it?
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Also, they're doing a panda girl next, and a thicc goat milf after it.
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Honestly, may be most interested in seeing this ones figure. It's the hottest of the 3.
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>nice which figure is that ?
More of a recipe than a figure.

Megami Device AUV Susanowo (3 Faces/Misc Connection Parts)
M.S.G. Megami Device Color A Top
Frame Arms Girls Innocentia (Hands)
SH Studio (KO Muscuto(6 Faces, Pelvis)
SH Studio (KO Orionchichi(6 Faces)
D-House Body(Arms, Legs, Misc Connection Parts)
Fengyu (Hair, Inner Head, Thighs, Bust, Feet)

Icy Fortune Days Whimsical Animal Series (Cherry)
Generic OB11 Skate Shoes

Mix together and serve.

I think that is everything.
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I must have this goat for my satanic ritual scenes. Already have her robe and a sacrificial dagger in mind and the preggo belly and baby for Rosemary.
Anyone know where I can get some blank ahegao face plate ? With the tongue out
For figma, megami device, 30MS ... I take anything
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Thanks, anon, even though I didn’t end up getting them and ended up getting some KO Can of Beams effects from that Ali store instead since they’re really hard to get in the UK.
Use 30MS option part kit faces and waterslide decals for the eyes.

For the tongue cut and sand some pink runner to shape, white runner for teeth and stick it in the open mouth hole on the face plate with some tamiya thin cement. Like a 10 minute job for mouth stuff and 5 min for eye waterslide decals.

If you want to be extra, seal your work with some MSC then Use some gloss varnish to make mouth and tongue look wet and eyes look shiny.

Nice! I'll check those out. Didn't know their stuff got KO'd
Is there any heart shaped pupil decal I can print ?
i found a page of decal for 30ms but those were normal one

More like $77 or so. 1 yen = roughly $0.0065usd right now.

Also that's a PAK Catwoman
Were can I find these large chests? Any links please?
This popped up on booth recently.

For cheaper stuff incuding sheets of hearts, stars, tears, hot glue, and other stuff just try ali express.

>Were can I find these large chests? Any links please?
They are sold out on this store but i use these. https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256806803060254.html
Anybody tried those 30MS paint for face plate ? Are those accurate ?
Preorders are up in various places, but she hasn't shipped yet.
Actually, I was just going to ask if anyone has an update on her yet. I recall someone posting pics of the unpainted, uncut prototype a little while back, but haven't heard anything since. I agree - she's the best looking one of the three we've seen so far, and the only one I'm interested in (unless they also do a cat or dragon gal). Her proportions look less awkward than the other two for some reason.
I wonder if anyone how has this contacted one of the re-casters like GK-M or E2046 if they'd make a mold and sell copies.
do they do recasts on figures that aren't kits?
Kaiten Chop also came out with another set of decals.
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Many of their recasts are of complete statues, and they have recasts of a few GK action figures like pic related, so I don't see why a recast of a knockoff figma would be a problem
thank you for the links anon
If it gets to you and it's the wrong item or you want to refund it for whatever reason its a bit of a pain in the ass.
I ordered 5 of the CT Toys Symbiote Spider-Man Bootleg, but instead of recieving it i got an even shittier and cheaper version of it and got a garbage bootleg.
the images had shown the CT Toys one and ONLY the CT Toys one yet i still got the shitty one.
I had to ask them to get my money back and i only got it after i sent it back to them and they checked
It took more than 2 weeks in total to get my money back and it was a massive pain in the ass.
Check the store before hand to make sure you're not wasting your time
I guess it was only inevitable considering they’re just acrylic pieces, but given there’s no way to support the OG, I’ll just get the KO stuff. Wonder what other third party effect stuff is getting bootlegged?
>seal your work with some MSC
What's that?
Mister Super Clear (UV cut flat) spray probably.

I may have over-corrected somewhat...
Which seamless figures feel the most like sex dolls?
actual sex dolls
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What he said >>11236733 >actual sex dolls
Sex doll skin is soft and supple TPE for maximum pleasure.
Seamless figure skin is firm silicone to balance durability and not hindering movement.

If you want to rub your chubby on/in something sex dolls are your best bet. Also seamless dolls still have those hard plastic hands and sometimes feet so its like getting serviced by a coal miner. Don't tell her that though or she will Toy Story Slice your Woody off in your sleep.
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What the fricken Frick?
>Anon discovers scalpers
I try to buy her from some guy for two months already but at least he agreed to sell her for $200 (shipping not included).
For me Volks peaked with Cosmo&Comet. I wonder what’s going on with this company. I mean, I had to find their site and order that model kit directly from them, so strange they don’t sell their kits anywhere else.
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>for two months already
He's stringing you along, bro.
He could as well tell me to fuck off at the very start, he’s not the first and last guy I wanted to buy Lisbeth from. I’m playing waiting game, I have time and if he won’t sell her to me I will just cope getting only the tan version of her.
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Dude, she’s the second Tiger figure they teased, get in the line, we’re still waiting for the first one!
Just surprised it's shot up so much. I would sell mine for around 200 plus shipping to an Anon here, only caveat is it would be a E-transfer and not paypal.
If you wanna take a risk. I wouldnt scam you. I know it's hersay, but I have sold some second axe figures to an Anon here awhile back.
This is why I'm having a hard time deciding to cancel my tan PO. Don't want to regret it and find out she's $300+ in the aftermarket.

>only caveat is it would be a E-transfer and not paypal.
Paypal thinks I owe them like $200, tried to resolve it and they shut my account
My email for anyone interested.
>Don't want to regret it and find out she's $300+ in the aftermarket.
There's like, a 100% chance of that. Hell, she might even go up higher since tanned characters tend to be so stupidly popular.
Would u say shes worth it or not?
Especially at the high price. Is she even any better than lustia?
What is that Homer?
Jakks Pacific
I bought her because I like Asanagi
I didn’t even read the manga she’s from until after
>buying rare, second-hand nippon figures on fukcing ebay of all places
you deserve those prices lol
I mean, it's what you would expect. The tail is annoying, but other then that.. big bewbs
showzstore is offering seemingly affordable resin printing now, for those of you who have files but no desire to expose yourself to toxic resin fumes.

The waist section looks really bad.
Is she any better than lustia? She doesn't look as if she comes with much considering shes over 200
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She's here
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Anon posts statues breaking rule 2, never taken down
then feels emboldened to post said statue obviously hot glued breaking both rule 2 and 3
3rd picture is already hot glued or had you not noticed?
Not sure what you mean unless you are saying the promo pic shows it on it >>11231650
which it doesn't
or if you alluding to the fact that that statue has more glaze on it then a krispy kreme donut from multiple applications as is indicated by the yellowing of the glaze
I'm gonna fucking vomit
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She's a fantastic figure with excellent poseing mobility. She's rather limited in terms of included options but she does include an entire second bare torso. She is 100% worth her original asking price, anything significantly over that is kinda excessive.
What body is that?
Genitals not obscured
Glue on legs
Blatant glue
Passable, but obviously glued
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Just ordered the "Bulma"and "18", they probably will be shit, but I'm a sucker for trashy outfits
I'm a sucker for trashy/slutty fashion too but the fact that they have the exact same body just palette-swapped is a little concerning.
If that's glue then that anon should see a doctor because it looks like piss.
This looks amazing. inb4 she's overpriced because she comes with a long weapon ill never use
Man, that is some yellow jizz wtf. Looks like he straight up pissed on the statue
My Hasuki mechanic girl just arrived, the quality of the paintjob and sculpt is really good. I've held off from their stuff since the disappointment I got from the ninja girl, their first release but this was an eye-opener.
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I know nothing about this character save that she is from some obscure literal Chinese cartoon, but I can't stop obsessing over this figure. Apparently, it has sculpted nipples. Do you know where I can find reviews for figure and less known 1/6s in general? Looked everywhere but couldn't find anything...
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>What body is that?
Tbleague s38 (PLLB2020-s38) pale\large breast size
>Do you know where I can find reviews for figure and less known 1/6s in general?
Not one true source. Maybe a Forum like Men With Dolls or smaller YouTube channels. I follow a lot of 1/6 users on Instagram as well so if I see someone with something I want I reach out and ask.
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It's old glue, it yellows after awhile.

Also why the fuck is this still up? Did all the mods and jannies take the week off?
Damn anon you are making me want to get a few of these
am i mistaken or are these 1/12?
Are you proud of yourself? Do you realise you could have bought an Angela White fleshlight for about the same price, and you won't damage the finish on it by shooting loads all over it?
Let me tell you how it's done:
>balance coomer statue on your fat gut
>insert trouser snake into fleshlight of your choice (for me, it's Mia Malkova, and I like to switch between her slip 'n slide and her ballon knot, as is tradition)
With the money you save by not ruining an expensive statue, you will eventually be able to afford a life sized Tifa fuck doll.
The Angela White fleshlight is godlike, backing this anon's recommendation up. The Lisa Ann one as well if you've desensitized your dick from deathgrip jerking too much, it is super fucking intense, clears that shit right up
>i mistaken or are these 1/12?
These two are 1/6 but the 1/12 girlies are fun too.
Where do you order these?
>Where do you order these?
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I see the retards are once again gobbling low quality bait.
Thread cringe level: Highest.

Also when.
>Did all the mods and jannies take the week off?

They do it for FREE anon! Plus you know janny is useless. FFS they took down a soi face pic but shit like this is still up and the dude keeps posting his spermed on statue
You guys don't get laid, right?
Supposed to be Q1 next year. Unsure if she'll get delayed, I have no experience with this manufacturer. Kinda blind pre-ordered her cause she's so cute, we'll see how it goes.

Depends. Single right now, but I've been collecting for years and have been in relationships since starting. Women aren't as uptight as you might think.
How many hookups have you been involved with this year?
Coomer general is a few blocks away.
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Does a anyone know if the Amazing Yamaguchi Harley Quinn her neck is removable? Like at the hinge/balljoint and above at the base of the neck?
That balljoint at the base looks like it's a regular one, but it's been giving me trouble to get it out to the point i'm worried of breaking it.

I'd really like to have some relatively easy headswap potential with her.

pic related

golden showers skirt the boundaries of the law?
>golden showers
I mean, it's not hot glue...
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>it's not hotglue
Yes it is unfortunately anon. The yellow stuff is just cum that's turned yellow from being old (from oxidization and all that jazz or should I say jizz). But if you want me to piss all over her I'll be happy to oblige
>Could have bought a fleshlight
I did. Also have another one coming (the Lilith Fukumoto one, pic related is Kissa Sins). Sometimes I just empty the contents straight on the figure. Starting to smell a little fishy.
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forgot picrelated
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Her little footsies in my cum <3
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I swear Figma Miku 2.0 is still up there as far as best ass tech on a figure.
Also hotglue-anon, please stop.
Coomfic idea, succubi exist in the transformers universe, and the decepticons latest plan to acquire energy for energon cubes is capturing a succubi, and forcing them to breed with humans to fill them with power, and then draining that magical energy from them for their own resources.

Alternatively something with polynians joining the decepticons, but this idea was just an excuse to have decepticon insignias on their lower stomach.
Dude, stop, no one wants to see your glued statue. it's disgusting not hot. You want to do that shit keep it to yourself, you are not in accepting company.
We want to talk about toys here, not display what ever fetish we may have. You want to find accepting company go to /gif/ they have people who like to do that there and share their videos about it.
bootleg whennnn
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I'm killing this thread
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>it's disgusting
Yep. Maybe i'll smear shit on her next, or mortar her crevices with my crumbly smegma. Make a fetid cocktail of my cum shit and piss all mixed together and lather her up.
New Thread
Not often enough, but that's more from laziness and geographic isolation. Though I'm sure there might be some lonely farmers daughters around here, or at the very least, single mother slampigs.
>Sometimes I just empty the contents straight on the figure.
Is this what Tesla was talking about when he mentioned man made horrors beyond my comprehension?
>Also have another one coming (the Lilith Fukumoto one
We might all be judging you for taking this shitpost to the most horrific of levels, but that is pretty based. I'm probably going to get the Sasha Nakamoto. It's like an inside out hentai tentacle.
Just know that when the jannies come back from smoko, they are gonna nuke anything you've posted which breaks the rules, which is literally everything. See you after your vacation.
Have fun on your vacation, putting it front and center on the top page is going to make it very visible to the mods who may have just not been paying attention to the thread since it was a few pages down.

All memes and shit posting aside, get help guy. I am not sure at what point you decided to be a disgusting mongoloid but that can't be good for your mental health and given your activities probably your physical health as well.
Now I want that too

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