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why are you lot like this? leave theme for the kids nigel
Kids don't want 'em.
>You must consume.
>No, not like that.
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>$150 dollar imported titty anime girl
>for kids
>this thread
your troll attempts bore me
This isn't xitter, mongoloid. We don't need to rehash the "kidult" conversation for engagement.
Ignoring the whole adult collector vs. kids playing with toys argument we've had god knows how many times at this point, the why is literally in the headline. Whatever their political stance, most people would agree the world's a goddamned mess right now. Social media has made people more disconnected than ever and dating has become an ordeal for the average man. Nightclubs and other social spaces are dying as people stay inside more and the prices of everything only goes up. It's only natural people are delving deeper into hobbies they can enjoy on their own to distract themselves from the chaos of it all.
>why are you lot like this? leave theme for the kids nigel
go away gringo
If kids really wanted them that much, there wouldnt be so much of it left at Ross
Adults for toys are always weird and people assume they're for sex.
Nigger I just want to hug something for comfort fucking coomers ruin everything.
real life is so disgusting and retarded now, nobody cares about anything. You have 3 choices to cope with this:
-kill yourself
-get addicted to marijuana and tiktok, take SSRI's like 70% of humanity has and enjoy the apocalypse as a creepy narcissistic meth head. laugh at black people dancing on tiktok with your braindead coworkers and film yourself doing some of your own black people dances
-escapism into fiction-fantasy.

i chose fantasy. Stitch is cooler than anybody IRL
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Let me do what I need to do to cope. It’s not like I’ll ever be able to have children who I can buy toys for, I’ll never even be able to afford to move out
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jellycat makes very great plushies, nice bunny picks
I just buy them to hotglue them.
I once stayed at an old guy's house and he had all these nude art pieces dotted around his house. I hated it and once decided I would want to dot my own house with action figures or something actually visually appealing.
Srsly tho, im not collector, I buy very few items, like once/twice a year, if something is not 9/10-10/10 i rarely even consider geting it. Its like I have some periods when im more intrested/check if anything new or old is up to sale.
Its like a quasi hobby where I just sate my autism for few days and im good for the next year or smth. Anyone in similar circumstances? Ive got many other hobbies (most are creative ones) that I also treat in similar manner, but they are more present/I do them more often than /toy shit.
Scratching the itch or not, faggots that think that wearing suit+tie is making them grownup man should try to reminisence how fun could legos/toys be, but no, their fragile egos cant let them enjoy anything thats not beardly-man car enthusiastly approved.
what's the name of this cartoon, it looks cool
People often assume big plushies are for sex, but it's usually small stuffed animals (an sometimes Fumos) that those types like the most. People with actual sex plushies seem rare.
It's true, anime is for millenials. Zoomers like me only watch Skibidi Toilet and rizz milfs.
>decided I would want to dot my own house with action figures or something actually visually appealing
Buying my own place and realizing I could just put all my toys everywhere and not give a fuck about gay shit like interior design because I dont give a fuck about entertaining others is the most mindblowing shit.
But as an adult I finally have disposable income to buy fun things. I got the new Mimikyu comfy friends plushie and it’s great.
Yeah if I had that meowscarada I'd just use it as a sort of hugging pillow situation because one) Why the fuck would you mutilate some multi-hundred dollar or thousand dollar plush for an onahole slot and two) why would you want to have to clean that
Damn roger waters rly went downhill
I don't know it's better than dying sad.
But muh boomer sitcoms show that adults being miserable and dying sad is the natural order of things.
outside of lego kids do not want the toys, the industry is cratering because of this.
Just have kids you dumbasses
Cause I'm a woman with a heart condition that would make pregnancy a death sentence. So I try to fill the void with toys and shit to distract myself from the lingering pit of worthlessness. Couldn't give a fuck about global turmoil.
Just adopt.

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