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I'm thinking of letting my 6 year old anklebiter get into Roblox instead of keeping it as an off limits forbidden fruit that everyone in his class but him plays. What are some good toys? Do any of you buy Roblox stuff?.
Get him into private (or even homeschool) now before it's too late. Just because the bad parents of your child's classmates let their children play the most popular grooming platform for children in the world doesn't mean that you have to do so.
I'm not that familiar with the toyline (Is it even still ongoing?) but just gonna say that Roblox is notorious for its lack of child safety, it's basically the groomer hotspot

I'd let him play it if it's gonna help him socialise with his friends outside of school but I'd monitor it closely
I'd argue isolating your child is worse for their development than a risky online game, as long as its monitored it should be fine.

I grew up on Roblox and nothing ever happened to me (though I was 100% groomed on other social media platforms) but I'd definetely watch their online activity closely just to be safe.
Who said anon should isolate his child? I certainly didn't. Not letting your child play a risky online chatroom/game is not isolating them. If anything, OP should be looking for different ways to socialize his child, probably ones that don't involve video games if we're being honest since his kid can barely even fucking read at his age most likely. I think I started t-ball around his age.
Interestingly I can't actually find any Roblox toys available online. Might just be a UK thing? I'm not sure.

Sucks the game didn't have a toyline back when I was a kid because I would have loved figures like this
Everyone my age was playing Halo 3, Cod 4, and Elder Scrolls IV when Roblox came out. I think I was 11, probably the age range for Roblox today but at least as far as the kids I knew, we were all just becoming edgy preteens who wanted to switch to cool new online shooters and the like. A year before, I was playing shit like neopets and club penguin. I feel like if Roblox came out even a year earlier, I probably would have gotten hooked.
I was just never into edgier games, even as a kid. I played Halo 3 with my friends sometimes but that was basically it, the only online game I ever played frequently was Roblox. I only stopped playing it in my mid-teens because I just didn't like the direction the site was going in.

As an adult I'm stuck playing Fortnite because it's the only thing I can get anyone to play with me, shit sucks
>As an adult I'm stuck playing Fortnite because it's the only thing I can get anyone to play with me
What a sad state of affairs. I can only get my friends to play fucking Lethal Company and I'm so sick of it at this point.
I bought Lethal Company on Steam when it was new but still haven't played it because I could never get my friends on it and I'm way too socially awkward to use voice chat with randos.

I really wanna make friends I can just play *actual* games with, not exclusively trendy free-to-play shit, but making friends as an adult outside of education is just straight-up impossible.
Was I just too autistic to be groomed on Roblox as a child, or were there not so many groomers 15 years ago?
>making friends as an adult outside of education is just straight-up impossible
Yeah man, I feel your pain there. It's definitely harder as an adult to make new connections since life gets in the way. I personally wasted a lot of time associating with bad people (and acting like one myself) and when I finally got my shit together, the amount of real friends that I had left was very few. It seems to be harder today too since people don't like to use voice chat anymore either even if you can find someone in an online game. I think I've made 2-3 actual friends that I talk to irl in like 11 years of having a steam account lol.
honestly both
It's definetely more of a problem than it used to be, I think largely because the game is so much more popular now, so it's well-known among pedos as a place to go talk to kids. Then there's also the problem of horny teens using Roblox as a place to do RP's, which both attracts pedos to them and is innapropriate to the younger kids online. Something really has to be done, it's actually crazy how bad it is, you can find degenerate RP games just from browsing the front page now.
Yeah my problem is that I was a really shitty and unstable person when I was leaving highschool and starting 6th form, so I left highschool without any friends and was then unable to make any new ones in 6th form.

There really needs to be like, gaming/arcade cafes for adults to make cool friends in, it could just be my shit area but there's literally nowhere at all to meet people that don't involve drinking.
>there's literally nowhere at all to meet people that don't involve drinking
I think that's just the world right now unless you have a specific interest that brings you into contact with others. Other than that you really gotta put yourself out there and look for friends in unexpected places. I think I might have just become friends with my plumber after spending the weekend with him fixing my car after I learned he knew how to do certain things I didn't. We sort of bonded over our mutual interest of cars in that way.
No Roblox. Get him into any other game but that. It's groomer central and very addictive.
tbf, being active on Roblox is still probably safer than if they start using Twitter or Discord. I spent most of my childhood on Roblox with no issue, but then once I started using Discord I was getting groomed left and right.

There's also just not really any better options, most online games now are shit and don't have much of a social aspect
stop trying to get OP's child groomed, please.
Just make him play doom, he will have nightmares but he will be safer
The Jazwares line was cancelled last year, which was strange as it must have been really successful. Now a lot of the individual games have their own lines from different companies, so they don't really fit together with the Jazwares stuff.
>Jazzwear got canceled
May have been damage control from seeing how the company is going, but what do I know
nigga you on 4chan you are the groomer
id rather you give him Rainbow Friends or Garden of Banban. those 5poa fake minifigs are more of a "thought that counts" gift
That really sucks, I hate that Roblox has tried so hard to pretend it's a game development platform and not a building block game, a cohesive toyline that's commpatible with eachother fit the game so well before
I personally spoke to one of their board members who handles their toys at the 2019 roblox developers convention in cali. I asked him why they didn't go with minifigures from mega, since they had ball joints. I said they could have made building sets with known characters and known maps built on roblox. Got a half-assed answer about price and materials, and they stuck with jazwares which failed a few years later.
Mega blocks? Isn't that a dead brand?
>admitting to being a pedo
I don’t know if that’s the stellar argument that you think it is.
I think it would have been really hard for them not to try that when they looked at Fortnite do the exact same thing to untold success. It’s hard to blame them, but it hasn’t helped the game any, I suspect. The closest I’ve come to playing Roblox is seeing my friend’s brother play it when I’m at their house.
Yeah but that was like 06 or 07 or something kids then were kind of edgier or at the very least after neopets and webkins died just kind of decided anything meant for kids was baby nonsense , this didn’t reset until like 2009 or really 2010
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Not even subtle huh
Sure, just let your kid interact with child predators and people that exploit child labor. The game has no active moderation.
>pride flag
So you've got information, statistics, etc to back up your claim, right?
You're not just saying stuff, right? You've got evidence? Proof?
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roblox barely has any recognizable characters and some of the sets even had to resort putting real people as a toys. (it went as well as you expected) so there is some poor kid out there that probably owns a figure of a convicted pedophile and doesnt even know it. for example, picrel has gotten exposed as a pedophile who sent furry porn to 15 year olds.
This. The website is worse than Habbo Hotel these days.
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>when you're in a groomer gaslighting competition, and your opponent is >>11234567

Roblox is the most degenerate cesspit now - this wasn't the case 10+ years ago, but ever since the rise of Discord and grooming on the internet (as in, Discord Kitten grooming) it's full of 8 year old girls offering cybersex for fucking Robux.
Anyone over the age of 16 that wants to play it should only be allowed to play with other 16+ players.

I'd even say break it up into these brackets:
>only ages 8 and under can play with other 8 and under players
>only ages 8 - 12 can play together
>only ages 12 - 16 can play together
>only ages 16 - 18 can play together
>then 18+

Nu-Roblox has singlehandedly normalized grooming, Discord transsexuals, and insane shit.
I think this is basically why this toyline was stopped. The people approving the designs and making the figures don't understand these are coomer avatars, they're just avatars of popular content creators.

They make toys then find out about controversy afterwards, I guess they kinda just gave up eventually.

Granted, an anthro and a femboy aren't exactly harmful designs to let kids play with, they're only gross as an adult because we know they likely come from a place of fetishism
Child Rapist Athena screams out in pain as he gets called out, lol lmao
>who said anon should be isolating his child?
The very first reply to the thread, the one suggesting they should homeschool? Are you blind or just stupid?

it's not really in he games themselves that anything happens but the discord communities connected to the roblox games
You know, the homeschool kids actually get together for classes in most cases, at least once a week. Especially for sports. I can tell that you’ve never met anyone who was homeschooled which proves that whatever life you that you consider normal can be equally isolating. It also really has nothing to do with whether or not playing Roblox is a good idea for OP’s kid and it still isn’t.
avoid it if you can, just make sure to monitor his activity every so often because its filled to the brim with groomers
Which is why you get your kid into afterschool clubs based on something he or she actually likes. A model-making club, or a soccer club, or a reading club, or whatever works. Summer camp too is a good plan.

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