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Of all the long running video game franchises, Tomb Raider seems the most underserved in the toy department. Despite being one of the most iconic characters in video game history, certainly one of the most famous female characters, she’s had barely any toys and none in many years. Why is this? There’s so much they could do with the character and franchise, like you could have entire playsets full of traps and hidden passages to get to the treasure. I feel like LEGO should take a crack at it. Anyone else really wish she had more toys?
There was a third party Lara Croft coming that I saw in the coomer general
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have they shown it from the front yet?
Is it this?
I don't know whether it's been confirmed or only presumed that this is for their fighting line Burning Hammer. Colors and face might or might not be Lara Croft-ish at all. For all we know she might be a mix of Lara Croft and pranked Terry Bogard, or she might be black or whatever.
Still an interesting figure. That line, if she belong to that, is cheaper and appears to be quite better articulated than other Loose Collector lines.
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Just saw this amazing custom of Lara Croft Evening Dress from Tomb Raider Legend

They posted the recipe as well
Head - ML 60th anniversary Black Widow.
Body - ML Shriek.
Feet and hips - ML Namorita.
Holsters - ML MCU Black Widow.
Belt - ML MCU Kate Bishop.

Backpack - GI Joe Classified Spirit.

Pistols - ML Hood.

Skirt - Wired black fabric.

Mic and hands - ML Quake/Maria Hill.

Hair, pendant, various straps - Green stuff.

Necklace - Brown cotton thread.

Used Green Stuff to make the dress part on the chest a seperate piece.
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How many times must I see this exact same topic?
The bottom of the dress clearly not even pretending it connects to the rest of the outfit bugs me.
I have that one in the jacket that is kneeling. I think I even have the rest of the set as well somewhere with the motorcycle, not sure though.
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There's a few. It's hard to make a toy that looks good because ones that are too visually chopped-up don't appeal to people. So the best-looking ones end up being statues.

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