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How did you come to terms with the fact that no matter where you buy or how much you pay, there will always be some kind of flaw, whether minor or significant, on your figures?

Still struggling with this, and I sometimes buy 2 copies of the same toy in hopes that one of them comes with fewer aesthetic flaws than the other.
I do my best to live with bent weapons and beaks and such. If I can, I'll see which has best paint. In any case, it's all about living with it no matter what
If it makes you feel better my Venom from the symbiote three pack has the same missing paint at the end of the spider symbol.
That shit is fucking nothing. Just grab some glossy white paint and fill in the gaps.

FLAWED shit is what is difficult or impossible to easily fix yourself.
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How would you fix this scratch on this $200 figure?
Be thankful it's on the back and not the front. Whenever I get shit like this, it's on the fucking head or chest.

If it's a shallow scratch you could try buffing it out.
Got a similar scratch on a 100 dollar figure. Was heartbroken but realized I could either edit it out from my pics and that getting these scratches is inevitable the more I tinker with them.
Will toy manufacturing ever become fully automated? I’m tired of quality control issues caused by careless workers.
>How did you come to terms with the fact that no matter where you buy or how much you pay, there will always be some kind of flaw, whether minor or significant, on your figures?
By being an adult and accepting the fact the literally nothing in this world is perfect and that you need to make concessions, big and small, all the time. You'll realize this one day when you grow up. Expecting something to be perfect is the perfect way to set yourself up for disappointment.
Step 1: don't have crippling autism
Unless it is really bad I just live with it. Small scuffs on a painted figure are inevitable and not worth worrying about. Outright misaligned paint apps or missing paint on the other hand is something I’d try to replace.
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Step 2: Just buy a bottle of model paint and fix it yourself, stupid.
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Thank God i already kinda hated the shape of the abdomen of that Venom logo. When the paint on mine started scraping off i just took a black gundam marker and colored the bottom part so it would be shorter. Can't get scraped anymore
Why is this considered inevitable? Why have consumers come to accept that figures are bound to have factory flaws? The more lenient we are with this kind of oversight, the less companies care, leading to more cost-cutting measures. We've seen this trend with Hasbro and Bandai Spirits, where quality control has noticeably declined over the years, even as prices have risen. These companies know their customers are sheep who won't complain and will continue to consoom regardless of the garbage they produce. Maybe I’m reaching on this one, but why can’t the quality control for higher-end figures (priced at $100 and above) be as strict as it is for electronics like smartphones and game consoles? Electronics almost always come in pristine condition out of the box, at least in terms of aesthetics.
How do you fix flaws like this, genius? >>11236472
Buffing it will just remove the paint
You are retarded
>buy some vallejo/citadel model paint
>touch up flaws
>don't be a bitch
Unless it's bad enough to warrant a return/replacement parts, I usually forget about it by the time I move onto my next figure. It's worse when the damage is self-inflicted. Then every time I look at it, I remember my goof like PTSD.
Nothing in life is perfect, and this is a valuable lesson that you must learn.
the way you fix a bad QC draw is to take it back and replace it. Sucks for limited run items, but don't be afraid to use returns.
I used to buy multiple copies of the same figure too, usually two but in some cases as many as four but it took up a lot of space and my collection didn’t even look that big on the shelves because so much of my collection was duplicates. Basically I just tell myself “they’re just toys” now and don’t worry about the condition of them so much
>but why can’t the quality control for higher-end figures (priced at $100 and above) be as strict as it is for electronics like smartphones and game consoles? Electronics almost always come in pristine condition out of the box, at least in terms of aesthetics.
realistically, there's a shit ton of electronics sold to you for hundreds with terrible QC that's not going to last a few years and end up trash. Wal-mart is full of sub$500 TVs that are massive and won't work after some years.
Realistically, the price you pay for most toys, while seemingly obscene for a niche, non-essential expense, really isn't that much.
A $70 import? That's a week of lunch for an office worker,and they wouldn't expect perfect food every day. It's just an unfortunate aspect of life.
Maybe, but the part that is actually scratched just looks like grey plastic to me. As long as you are precise, you could use a dremel with a polishing attachment.
I think anon means inevitable in that your toys are bound to deteriorate over time as you play with them, as unfortunate as it is. It's why premium paint jobs are both a blessing and a curse.
>Realistically, the price you pay for most toys, while seemingly obscene for a niche, non-essential expense, really isn't that much.
For real. Looking into other hobbies really reminds me how much worse we could have it. Your average import price looks both like pocket change and the greatest deal ever next to shit like cars, guns and antiques.
Depends on how much it was.

$20? I'll live.

$200? I'll keep it in the box in the cupboard and pretend it doesn't exist.
Once you get over the fact that nothing in life SHOULD be perfect, you will have a much better attitude toward everything and everyone around you. When it comes to figures specifically, you might want to ask yourself, whether you can actually see the flaws from afar. If it's a minor issue like the one in your pic, is it really worth freaking out over?

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