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I live in an old house in europe that generates dust like zerlings in stacraft. In NON_STOP. It's one of those old fashioned brown half wood houses so i can't even imagine how people live in those ikea-like sterile houses WITHOUT dust.

So i usually keep most of my toys/action figures/lego sets in boxes and rotate the collection on my open shelf near my PC, switching stuff sometimes.

But i want to finally display collection openly and make cool action scenes and stuff but the dust problem makes me not to do so.
I mention europe because products here will be different from what you can get in states i assume.

Question 1: Is picrelated good for dusty houses? I see such things on Amazon for around 150-160 euros

Question 2: May be stupid but how do you take care of dusty displays? How often do you clean it?

Question 3: Will dust slip through any cracs and make displays dusty anyways no matter how closed they are?
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pic is also around 150
But something tells me that the lower levels will be covered in dust after couple of days and it will look ugly
1. Will lessen the dust but figures will still get dusty over a longer time due to the gaps.
2. Soft brush outside to just sweep off the dust, good for getting into any small areas too.
3. With that type of cabinet, most likely, but you can can add weather strips to help lessen the amount of dust over time.
>weather strips
oh thanks so much! This changes everything completely!
Now i will think about getting one
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Ike’s Billy bookshelf with glass doors looks better
they good for books but a lot of stuff basically blocking the view and you can't see your toys from sides.
Better not put your detolf (or whatever the new detolf is) against any wall either.
>Billy = Bad because you can't see the side of the figures
>Detolf = Good cause you can see all sides
>Detolf against a wall = Bad because you now can't see all sides

Detolfs should be in the middle of the room to allow for optimal viewing.
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You are kind of retarded, anon.
But it's ok because we are on 4chan.
why not get an air purifier if its that dusty in your house?
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>why not get an air purifier if its that dusty in your house?
Even the Resident Evil 4 villagers can be collector if they want.
For reference, I loaded some Detolfs I got over a year ago with heavy duty weather strips, and over a year later there's basically zero dust in them. What miniscule tidbits that are present are pretty much just from me opening the thing to put new stuff inside. It's tedious as fuck to "dustproof" a Detolf, but it's 100% worth the effort.
Were your weather strips clear? I can only find opaque weather strips which ruin the aesthetic of glass cabinets.

Purifiers reduce dust but doesn't reduce dust coverage.
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Gotta keep those bottle caps pristine
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I lived in a similar environment a couple years back. Old fashioned wooden rent attic crawling with termites and enough humidity to turn white page books into antiques in a year so dust wasn't just the issue. Fixes I made included buying a glass display that wasn't completely airtight but it helped block dust, along with the decision to simply keep my other figures in their boxes until I moved into a larger space.

Q1: Yep, it'll be good enough that any dust that comes in won't lodge inside those tiny crevices in your toys like say mechs and robots.

Q2: Don't use open shelves. You're pretty much forced to use either your old nan's fine china display cabinets or nothing.

Q3: Yes but not so much compared to open shelves. Basically, they have about as much protection as your average kitchen cabinet. Expect to clean them maybe three times a year. Do compare that to open shelves where the dust accumulates in less than a month.
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Thanks anon! you are fully understand what i mean! The space where i live and sleep is not that humid but still dust spawn is impossible to decrease because this house is simply old.

And to thank you - i will show my original image.
...i have a literal cave in my house swarmed with big spiders. So that anon from previous comments kinda right actually - i do live ina RE4 house
Jesus, those boards at the back makes me think you're living in the bible age. What do your shelves look like?
I really want a room view now.
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>Welcome to my crib guys
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you misunderstood me anons.
My regular rooms are normal (but still they have the old look with brown furniture and huge tree trunks visible)
but that photo - it's a "cave" in the house where we put all kinds of garbage and wood for winter fireplace.
It does look kinda biblical, LMAO
I'll take the hearth cave over the humid hell I was in.
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Don't worry anon, you'll find a way to move into a better cave in Bedrock one day!
hope your current place is nice.
Seeing that giant expensive Bruticus in a humid + mold area was painful.
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unfun fact: at least two of my Transformers from 07-2011 went brittle in the heat and broke. How the rest of my collection withstood the tropical heat, I'll never know but my books suffered the most. Pic related was my cozy little prison cell and the tape on the walls was from my war against the termites.
where did you live if it's not a secret? Somewhere around asian countries? (im actually around Spain hense the RE4 references lol)

I also collect pokemon cards and humid places is basiclaly DEATH for them
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Philippines, so the architecture takes some inspiration from yours except we have a 30+ °C temperature all year round. My friend from Chile who also collects couldn't fathom how we can survive that kind of heat. Air Conditioning wasn't an option at the time and I was already saving for better places so sacrifices had to be made.

On the plus side, the dust sometimes made for some fun natural backgrounds for photography like pic related.
you could easily carve out some nice built ins over that bar for display

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