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Sorry for the lack of thread, other than the Hush figures there really isn't anything for me until April next year.

Previous thread: >>11194380

>Newly Available:
222 - BATMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)

>November 2024
>219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)

>December 2024
>227 - LUKE SKYWALKER (The Mandalorian Ver)
>228 - RIDDLER (Hush Ver.)
>229 - SCARECROW (Hush Ver.)
>230 - BLACK PANTHER (Ver. 1.5)
231 - IRON MAN (Stealth Ver.)
232 - SUPERBOY (Return of Superman)
240 - 4-LOM (Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Ver.)
246 - TETSUJIN 28-GO (Original Color Ver.)

>January 2025
233 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 3 Ver.)
234 - CAINE (John Wick Chapter 4 Ver.)

>February 2025
237 - THE DEEP
239 - SPIDER-MAN 2099 (Comic Ver.)

>March 2025
243 - THE FLASH - (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)
255- MICHAEL JORDAN (Chicago Bulls Home Jersey)

>April 2025
242 - ROGUE (Comic Ver.)
244 - DR. FATE

>May 2025
247 - KNIGHTMARE THE JOKER (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)
248 - THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (Totally Not No Way Home Ver.)

>June 2025
249 - WEAPON X (Age of Apocalypse Ver.)
250 - CYCLOPS (Age of Apocalypse Ver.)

>July 2025
251 - X-MAN (Nate Gray)
252 - A-TRAIN

>August 2025
253 - JUBILEE (Comic Ver.)
254 - SHAZAM! (Fury of the Gods Ver.)
>Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green". Expect December to get spread out amongst early 2025.
Cap's up on amiami if anyone missed out
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i don´t think so my friend.
Not trusting genki dates. They may just be adjusting because of how long it takes for them to get stock but we'll see. Medicom still says November and HLJ updated with 22nd.
CTs version of Scarlet Spider is coming with 2 soft goods goodies one that has the correct sized and placed emblems on front and back. Also Tiger Stripe Wolverine is out end of December.
Yeah. Superboy will probably come in February. I'm not even a dc fan, but always like superman's design, so got the hush as well as all the reign figures for a rots display. I'll be done after superboy.
>Using a bootleg as the OP image for a thread
Shameful display
Yeah, this is pretty pathetic.
I only use reputable sources in the OP.
I wanted to make the pun.
DKR Batman and Robin Mafex two pack reissue is currently around $60 on Hobby Genki.
Solid set for that price, picked up that and the DKR Joker for about $130 shipped.
Is this worth picking up if I already hav the black costume version?
Only you can answer that question, kiddo.
>December 2024
>228 - RIDDLER (Hush Ver.)
>229 - SCARECROW (Hush Ver.)
Dang it
>claws longer than forearm
They're also curved. Looking cool doesn't always make sense.
is $150 shipped for a Mafex Azreal Batman a good deal?
I wouldn't call it good, but if you're willing to pay that go for it.
Who we predicting/hoping for this month boys?
Venom and Carnage reissues on amiami, did not expect to randomly open amiami and find Venom right there. Regretted passing on him for years
just ordered mine, thanks anon
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Looks like Disney is cracking down on CT toys
Well fuck, they're supposed to ship my Wolverine today. Hopefully they get him out before anything happens.
I guess since these ones have a name compared to the nameless straight shitty bootlegs they feel the need to crackdown on them.
Hm, a bit tempted for Venom. Did it have any issues? If I recall it was unusually short. I guess kind of like Thor, that whole era before they figured that out.
wew I had ordered the CT Revo anti Venom a couple of days ago but it shipped already
I was going to order the damn wolverine this week too
They (or affiliated sellers) have so many different stores, so unless you feel the need to order from their official store there are definitely options out there.
Just use a different seller. There are plenty. Only reason I chose them for my Wolverine order was because it was cheapest. If it turns out to be good I'll probably snag Anti Venom from their new store.
He's a tad short, but it is based on first appearance before he was huge. He could be a bit bigger though.
so is there a CT toys tiger stripe?
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Looks like he is out.
I just want Bobby Drake at this point. Hope he is the same size as spidey.
Hmm, I’m honestly not impressed with this release so far, but maybe more pics will help
Supposed to release before year's end. Pics went up early on in the week.
Tiger strip is releasing Dec 31st and is available for pre order. CT has been pretty solid with their release cycle so they likely will start shipping on the 12/31
It's really just a tick in the box for me. Superboy can't come quick enough!
The DKR Batman and Robin set is on sale and I'm mighty tempted, but do I really need a 4th Batman? The old man Bruce head is the main thing that's tempting me since I already have my preferred DKR suit, but buying an entire set for just a head seems silly.
Also, are there any good young Dick Grayson or Jason Todd heads that can go on the Carrie Kelly body?
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I guess these are the month's preorders. Not super excited myself, but they look good.
You talking about the HLJ sale? They were on sale a few days ago on hobby Genki for even cheaper. But I think the set is definitely worth picking up. You’re probably not gonna have much luck head swapping the Carrie Kelly, she’s very tiny. But of course she goes well with all of the TKDR Batmans.
I bought it for the old man head and the Robin figure when they came out, don't regret it one bit.

As for head swaps there are a ton of custom heads to turn Carrie into Dick.
Yeah, HLJ, I never checked out the genki sales but if I had seen it at that price I probably would have copped it right away.
The old Bruce head looks really good, sucks that this is the only release to come with a neutral expression version of that head.
That Dick head looks good, where's it from?
Is the Batman just straight up a reissue? Elbows look odd..
That Stormtrooper would have to be pretty good to get over the SHF. Really wish Medicom would branch out more with their SW releases though
Bootlegs aren't toys
>Really wish Medicom would branch out more with their SW releases though
I mean considering they’re giving us 4-Lom and most likely the other ESB bounty hunters I’d say they’re branching out. Although I would like to see their take on Luke, Han, and Leia.
>turning a girl into a boy
>that dick head looks good
Just admit you're gay
It ain't gay to like Dick.
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Looks like we should be prepared for A LOT more wasted slots.
Very weird that this is apart of the Mafex line and not it's own thing, like UDF.
Each of those being 14K yen is fucking absurd
A lot of demand for this?

>laughs in muttley
They're getting more and more brazen with their predatory pricing strategy. They obviously know these are going to go clearance and they're marking their figures up so much so even when they clearance the figures, they'll still make profit. It's scum bag business 101. Nothing new. Outlet stores and businesses have been doing this since forever.
What the hell even is this?
if it came with an additonal pair of standing versions of the two I would so be onboard for this...
I was thinking that would make it more interesting for a lot of people, but nope, just them sitting.
Japan loves wacky races. Well Japanese boomers, and that's Mafex's target audience.
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This is such a 12 year old design for Batman.
>Dude what if Batman has like a machine gun and a trench coat
Snyder you hack. I'm glad James Gunn has come to give us actual goofy comic fun.
Hate how they did the arms, how much does it cost them to add bicep swivel? And it looks super gappy at the elbows, no unmasked head either... It's insane they're asking 80 bucks for this.
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Just give me Deathstroke madicom
Not a fan of nightmare batman but do you really think James Gun's designs are better? His new Supes is the worst design i've seen in movies.
Hey, his mom made that sweater.
Wow, I think I may actually go with the McFarlane this time.

>this comic book character design is for kids!!
Huh, interesting
this is literally the likeness of the stuntman and not affleck. guess they couldnt secure his likeness
What? It's got the Affleck mole. He didn't give likeness rights for the Flash merchandise. BvS and JL are fine.
Where the fuck is Jim Lee Wonder Woman
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I hope he manages to pull off a miracle with Superman but I fully expect another DUDE REMEMBER THE 80S slopfest with hollowed out OCs wearing costumes vaguely evocative of beloved comic characters, like everything else he's ever made.
>As for head swaps there are a ton of custom heads to turn Carrie into Dick.
Which one is this?
This pic looks so goofy that stopped me pre-order, the gap on hip joint is ridiculous and the plastic coat really shouldn't be here, elbow joint also look wrong.
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>ordered the ct toys spidermen from Ali 2 days ago
>they already arrived to the country, went through customs and are already in hands of the courier

wtf is this delivery speed?
Da fuq? I ordered Wolverine on like the 11th. It took until the 19th for them to even get me a tracking number, and that hasn't updated yet. I'm starting to get concerned. I ordered from Toy Planet Store.
Why do they keep sculpting the 1911 with the hammer up? It's a single action gun god damn it, it can't shoot unless the hammer is cocked!
you probably ordered the top/combo thing, it's always much faster than regular ones
Japan doesn't give a shit about what some sanctimonious American nerds think, lol. They don't care if it's not faithful to what was established in Detective Comics whatever form 78 years ago.They don't have the same hateboner for Snyder American nerds do. I don't get why this confuses people why Mafex still makes DCEU figure, they sell well enough in Japan.
Anon it's just a merch deal. Japan doesn't have any more love for these movies. There's hardcore otaku there was are as obsessed with comic books & lore as a /co/ user.
Apparently there's a CT Batman coming. I wonder if they'll make any variants. A Superman will probably follow in that case. Could you imagine if the 'first' smiling Supes comes from a Chinese knockoff?
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Finally got these 2
Mostly because I was curious about why they are so praised
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Oh man, classic spidey looks and feels good
The material feels a bit cheap and fragile, but nothing to worry if You handle it with care
The black lines of the suit are very sharp and I love the head with the massive eyes
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Black suit is kinda of a letdown
Not only the body is clearly inferior due to the lack of joints in the shoulders and the sliding down hips that the classic spidey has, the material and quality is waaaaaaay worse
Feet also pop out at a mere glance
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For their price and quality they are as expected, but the classic suit is definitely way better and what I would suggest to buy for anyone else wanting a CT toys spiderman
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The revoltech 2.0 is still dope
Why they never made the black suit with that mold?
The black one also has drop down hips, is yours too tight?
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The problem is that the diaper is so thin and extremely loose it ends up with that massive gap
Any chance for a Reeves Batman restock?
Which is this option? I can't tell how to get it.
Also I feel bad about talking KOs in an official thread, but these threads are usually slow
Go make a bootleg thread and stop shitting up the Mafex thread with this trash.
As the OP I am perfectly fine with this, these threads regularly die at like 60 posts anyway.

Jubilee is apparently now Mafex 252
December is looking like no releases, that's a lot of figures listed in December, but he'll have a better idea by the coming weekend.

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