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What were the best toys you got from a gumball machine? We can talk about Gashapon stuff, too.
They used to be on every street when I was a kid. Nowdays I rarely see them anymore. Toys were usually low quality and too tiny for my taste.
I’m glad this thread is back.
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I got a little pocket knife shaped like a gun out of one when I was little. The blade was maybe 2 inches and folded into the gun. It was like this but a different type of gun.
PBS' Arthur miniatures, a handful of Cartoon Network characters, and those kung fu martians
im still looking for an explanation to their disappearance.
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Just came back from Japan and there were tons of excellent gashapon, like the Void series (saw Fox and Rabbit), the Tsumugibako, the Kinkeshi Full Action Kinnikuman, and lots of other random fun ones (not necessarily like action figures), but my favorites were these guys. First one I got was Bloody, then Jog. Found series 2 and had to go for those too. Saw the Mogol Hazard but they didn't appeal to me as much as the goofy mutants.
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>Gashapon stuff, too

Apologies for the crap picture, but I've been obsessed with the Gashapon Quest line over the past few months and I can't not show off the collection. Most of em were bought bits and pieces online, but I actually managed to get two of em through an actual Gashapon machine at a local con not too long ago. Sadly most of the stuff from this line seems to be online exclusives or otherwise not widely available, which is a shame because some of the best looking characters are stupid expensive on the after market. I'm probably done with the line unless they drop something new or those rarer figures become easier to hunt down.

I also managed to get a Praying Mantis and tiny Gundam Gashapons at the con, but don't have pics of them yet. If we had stuff like these in gumball machines where I live, I'd probably drop a lot more cash on those awful little things.
Man, I’ve ways wanted to get into these. Really nice collection!
the spongebob minis will always have a soft spot in my heart
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Thanks, they're fun little figures but I admittedly spent *way* too much on em. But just something about being able to literally build my own little JRPG adventuring guild is too fun to pass up. It's gotten to the point where I'm looking to buy things from other lines that scale with them to help flesh out there world. My last buy was a Playmobil dragon themed ship for the bad guys to sail around in.

I bought the lion share of em off Suruga-ya.com, they have weekly free shipping promotions so that saves a ton of money, especially if you're only buying a small amount of items. base bodies start around $6 a pop with most accessories being 4-10ish and armor sets being around 10-20. But you can actually get a few whole wave sets for like $40-50, which is honestly a decent deal considering how pricey they can get if you buy em piece by piece.

...I'm honestly tempted to build another character and grab a few more weapons after seeing what was up. But I kind of already have most archetypes covered and have a pretty good balance of multiple three member teams.
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was this a vending machine toy? I had one growing up but I always thought it was from a happy meal. I guess they kinda occupy that same "we can't get 'real' toys" niche.
It was indeed. I was also in the “here’s a quarter instead” club as a kid.

Homies were a little after my time but apparently very popular.

These guys are more my jam.

I’m the guy that will throw 75 cents into a machine give it half a twist and walk away when I see one and have change.

I like to hope some little kid with no pocket change and shitty parents like mine will be turning them aimlessly and get a freebie.

It’s a quarter to you… it’s absolute joy for a child. Small price to pay even if I never get to see the payoff.
I watched this a few years ago, I remember those guys being everywhere.

the ninjas.
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I have the opportunity to get a gacha machine for 100$, should I bite the bullet?
I wish these were still around.
Not Americans-anon, but clearly our gumball toys suck if we keep talking about the same ones. I couldnt even retain nostalgia for the mini ninjas or those extremely bouncy balls

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