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>Second best selling comic in the world
>an over 50 year old media empire of video games, movies, and cartoons
>absolutely ZERO decent modern Asterix figures

I don't get it
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I saw a lot of toys during my last Euro trip, but it seems that Smurfs are still the biggest thing. I too want that guy, and I keep hoping Dasin or whoever will make one
Funny to see this just after I noticed they had Astérix in Britain in Amazon Prime. I really need to see it again, it's been two decades since the last time.
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Playmobil is where it's at
>such a big guy he needs a plate to stand
>if I cut those pigtails off, would you die?
>it would be extremely painful…
>you’re a big gaul
>for you
barf. what an injustice in his own continent
Just because something might be popular it doesn't mean that there is significant enough interest to produce merchandise of it (In this case action figures).
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>Tell me about Obanelix! Why does he carry the menhir?
Euro LIDL also got some bootlego in their Playtive line Astérix themed.
You can still find some in store or webstore depending on your country.

The problem was with Uderzo (maybe Goscinny too ?) there always was some low key stuff but not good toys despite numerous proposal.
Shame there's no actual Lego Astérix, those figures are atrocious.
Whould love to build the whole village set by set.
Lego is based in denmark, why don’t they try appealing to europeans more again? Last time they did was sports
European myself, Lego was my favorite thing as a kid and Astérix was a part of it too (watched the cartoon movies, own almost all the albums). Lego + Astérix just feels like a very good match that should have happened long ago.
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Hello Kitty is an evergreen merchandise juggernaut, how does it get away with having literally no fandom surrounding its media? The media is barely even there for it, just an occasional cartoon and maybe some picture books? The whole IP is pretty much JUST merchandise and not much else, yet somehow it sells unfathomably well and gets quality releases like Chogokin
French man here, only 40-50 and more years old men care about Asterix (men such as my father), no kid care and young men rather buy figure for japanimation
English & 35; I was raised on Asterix and Tintin comics.
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Spaniard and 38, I mostly buy anime figures and own a shitton of them, but I would totally buy good toys of Asterix and Tintin. Read the comics as a kid many times and still get the new Asterix ones.
Where's the goddamn "90's" nostalgia merch for Asterix then? Surely he had at least the same relevant presence that Tintin cartoon had. Or was there better nostalgia in Europe?
Based Playmobil
My mother is a huge fan so I bought her every single village set.
Thread theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-UDnBEjuGI
>but I would totally buy good toys of Asterix and Tintin
Tintin and friends with the moon rocket would be like a dream come true for me
>the moon rocket
I built it in Lego when I was a kid inspired by the comic blueprints, minifigure sized do it was pretty damn tall.

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