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>/lg/ Flickr Group:

>LEGO General Archive:

>Third Party Information:

>Retiring Set Data

>General Resources:

!!!BIG NEWS!!!

>4 new Lego "live action" movies announced at Universal Pictures, one of them will be a Ninjago movie with the original show's creators!



Will we get more Horizon sets?
Why is lego so anti history? There are no ancient rome or greec sets. Neither feudal japan or ancient china.
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Is Just2Good okay?
He keeps making a lot of internalised transphobia self depricating jokes, why doesn't he just detransition, or would the trans community dogpile him for returning to his original gender?
Justin, if you're here and reading this, detransition, we miss you.
I hope we at least get a thunderjaw at some point, I would wager there will be a small wave depending on how well the game/set does.
Kinda baffled that they are pushing Varl so much, because in the first game everyone was a second fiddly to alloy, and in the sequel... was done very dirty.
Himeji castle bros...
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>Nexo Anon didn't create thread
>faggot creates a thread and it instantly begins with shitposting and jewtube drama

Kill yourself
Nexo Chad is the one true op
Go participate in your fetish elsewhere
My fetish is cumming on legos.
I’m a semi popular bricklink seller.
I’ve probably cum on a plastic brick you play with.
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Can I continue my Dino attack question? How does an edgy military theme not gain a massive following?
probably its incredibly short lifespan
Kill yourself, faggot.
>I'm a bbc obsessed degenerate
Wow anon you're really owning me
And who'd want to buy over priced hand med downs anyway? I only buy retail or PAB
Bizarre dinosaur style+short life
PS5 has no games
Killed quickly and censored in Europe granted I am surprised it doesn’t have a diehard following the military stuff alone is a seller
Caveman theme, licensed or not would be KINO
>inb4 someone mentions the Playstation scifi game no one cares about with Art Institute robot design
No I would only be happy with actual cavemen or cavemen dino barbarians
Caveman theme with grug using stonepunk stuff vs animals
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this piece will shatter the cyberpunk mod community. good thing that cyberpunk's kinda cringe now
the fuck is your post even means. Nothing but slop buzzwords.
Tiktok zoomoid
>I only buy retail or PAB
soi consoomer
nobody itt even likes lego
Sounds like just another /lg/ thread to me.
Look at the prices on shitlink and call me a consumer again fuck tard. SIB for desirable sets regularly go for double retail, minimum.
>not thoroughly washing your BL orders before you add them to the pile
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>Only submission accepted was the fucking Rocks
How do they always manage to choose the worst option from these?
Lego (devs) REALLY hate Dreamworks man I wanna kill their shitknee ambassador
Nice, thanks for keeping the threads alive with OC. Can't wait to see any of those mocs you posted last thread. >>11238376
I thought Lego already stated they won't be doing more licensed ideas submissions? That seems to disqualify a lot of those options.
>Everybody likes rocks.
Even discounting the licenseshit, there's still better options than literal paperweights (Rocks)
>Canal Houseboat
>Egyptian Temple
>Wolfpack Castle
>The wizard Peaks
>The booknook
Working on the Science Station first then opening another of the 3 packs
The fact that SIB is your jump to assumption for using bricklink confirms how much of a consoomer you are
Yee definitely a few painful snubs this go round
It was cool. The aesthetic was overall fantastic but it had a lot of shortcomings. The dinos were surprisingly bad toys. The head on the T rex always falls off and the battery for the light up eyes was bad. The raptors or whatever they are don't look like lego. The pterodactyl was good though. People hyped up the helicopter but it sadly was very fragile and too big to actually play with.
"Welp this Science Lab won't build itself. This might be a bit tricky tho confined to a Wheelchair in an Advanced Space Science Research Facility intended for the betterment of Mankind and understanding of Life in Outer Space Environments "
Id enjoy a metal gear lego set. Im not even picky which game they pick, peace walker could be neat since it has tge base building and recruiting.
"Ahh yea much better.
Alright time to work"
Balaclava guy is my favorite minifigure head ever.
Hank Schrader stuffed the vote box
Ideas should be about fan creations, not licenses. They should do a separate thing entirely from lego ideas where people can vote on different licenses they want lego to pursue. Most of the time a potential license gets past the vote threshold, people are indifferent to the actual design, (which gets thrown out anyway) it's just that they want an officially licensed lego minifigure with someplace to pose him.
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the sets had cool mini figures and new prints
>trolling facebook market place
>most of the time it's nothing but overpriced lots by people 'who did their research' or massive amounts of friends sets
>see a lot for $15, on the photo is a rare part worth ~$20, the seller is an hour away
>message him, ask for another pic
>loaded with rare, 80s and 90s castle parts
>tell him I will be there ASAP, he tells me we have to meet at his house as he is under house arrest
>fuck it, go anyways, it's the middle of the day
>score a bunch of rare parts including a white dragon plume, some black classic spacemen, and some unbroken printed castle flags
>i often lick bricklink orders
Am I gay now?
Shot in the dark if anyone has this gasmask piece but what does the gasmask look like on a normal minifigure? I know it's compatible technically but I want to know if it looks halfway decent.
>Used bricks
Yeah, no. I'm not paying for useless greasballs like this >>11238268
to live off my dollar

for a second I read that as ancient chima
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They're in a bath now :D
Much like Dino Attack a line of lego castle sets in feudal Japan exist yet they arent considered highly compared to OG castle stuff
Hi guys it's ya boy IamLego back at it again and do I have some news for you!
>Chima is going to be in season 3 of Ninjago.
>When the Ninja discover Ras is from Chima they call him a racist biker gangster methead furry and tell him to kys!
>Ras being fatally wounded by these words steals Golden Chi from the Lion temple and uses it to overdose the ninja out of existence.
>Ras shouts "for furryborea" and the Lion Guards cease him and lynch him for being a melanistic thieving tiger in the Lion Temple
and that is all folks stay tuned for more Lego leaks!
that is what being a mouse cuck does to you.
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will we get any leaked photos on the Blacktron Renegade remake soon?
"Can't let you do that, Starfox!"
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>Alien Conquest
>Space Police
We're so close to Star Fox
I'm sure somebody can combine parts from stuff and make some sick shit
I feel like I saw an old semi chunky Ar-Wing that could go Landmaster
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Really love this Mech and realized the Pod Robot can detach his almost Tank Tread shaped bottom to pop on Mech if you swap out the Stud top Port from the Hover Bike
As I'm not making my guy Disabled in fucking space I don't need the Wheelchair so those parts are freed
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Lost in the Sand
>Entire thread dead for the whole day nearly
So it really is UK/SEA monkies shitting up the threads entirely
Start enabling the /pol/ level flag shit and ban any SEA
International toys thread would be nice frankly but yes 99% of ips from Singapore are the one esl pedomonkey
>thread is dead so we should ban more people
It wouldn't make a difference to me but whatever.
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We are getting a $100 Superman movie set in August. It's Mr. Terrific ship and will contain spoiler characters in it.
Red’s needing his air tank attached to his helmet
I already have actual rocks, why would I want fake plastic block rocks?
based, I used to make lego submarines and play with them in the bath too.
What soap works well with washing Lego?
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how does ideas manage to consistently pick such shit winners
Oooo something I can put next to my botanical displays!
Icons is the reason. Since Icons got introduced Ideas is more picky on what licensed projects they can do, Lego can see whats popular and do it for their Icons instead so they have no need to give money to the Ideas designer.
>Why does Lego keep making thing I don't like >:(
They will sell a gorillion of these and no one in this thread will ever acknowledge that because it will invalidate their seeth posting.
What do you people actually like? Can you point to a single set released in the past 5 years that you actually enjoyed?
This is way, WAY more usable to me for mocs than the botanical bullshit. If the price isn't ridiculous I could see myself picking up one.
wish they wouldve gone with chrome gold instead of metallic gold for the pyrite (idc that its not accurate)
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New icons set leak
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built for being thunder drilled
thats the new modular? it looks fucking tiny
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>Can you point to a single set released in the past 5 years that you actually enjoyed?
are you retarded?

Not everybody in this thread mentally dead shitposter that hates everything.
Lego is fucking awesome these days.
I mean FUCK lego just had the best CMF collection lately. what are you talking about.

there are tons of awesome sets
I understand that you are nihilistic zoomer with no future because economy is fucked or something like that.

But yeah lego is cool.
At most don't you still need the wheelchair to be the seat for the hover bike? I mean you could just leave it attached to that.
>this piece
bro that's just the snowflake piece with a bunch of translightblue road signs stuck to it.
Dawn. Soak for like 8 hrs, rinse, repeat soak for another few hours. Then rinse. Occasionally some will need an additional brush scrub but Dawn works great at removing all the gross shit.
Looking at the white spaceman's suit, the helmet seem to attach to the oxygen tanks via a hose that plugs to the side of the helmet. Presumably the hose can be uncoupled when the helmet is taken off.
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It better be this Guy
>another corner
>1302 pcs
I do not see the value here

How are there 1302 pcs???
he's memeing it's $100

still shit though
Wait Kramer is actually legit, i thought it was a meme
It’s literally all in the base. Lego is addicted to providing you a wonderfully interested plain black/brown/grey base for the rest of the stuff you build. They realized they couldn’t bill an extra ten+ dollars for a single piece baseplate or flared armature to stand whatever it is they sold you (see the midi Star Wars sets, the fucking rocks icons, how about the plastic pots for the fake flowers?)
Stop encouraging it. If they try to sell you something that’s 95% baseplate or stand pieces, don’t fucking buy it.
fuck this is the first black box i actually want because i know what is this based on

but 100??
fuck THAT. what a steaming pile of dogshit. im actually mad.
This should be like 30-50 at best...
jang bootlego reviews

Kill yourself
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Thoughts on Monkie Kid?
That looks nice.
I actually like to absooorb Friends. I sort everything, identify sets and then try to complete the sets and resell them. Its ineffective AF and the return is usually max 4x and not worth the time, but I like to sort and complete the sets, if the bulk eventually pays for itself, even better. The rest of the bricks are then used by me and kids for our own projects.

But getting pieces from childhood sets is the hype for me. Recently I got many essential pieces from Robbers Retreat including most figs, flags and the door. That will pay for the lot itself, but If I complete it, I probably wont sell it.
I like those shrubs made with wolverine claws.
Yeah man don't sell old shogun sets. They are too good.
I am that OP you quoted, agree. Like I paid nothing for that lot so I have some room to complete the sets. I will often use Lego's PAB instead of bricklink for equivalent parts. A few big sets I've kept like the Pirate Roller Coaster and Megaton Magnetizer just because I love the builds and looks.
I like the irony of rocks made out of plastic, it's funny. oddly this should be just as popular as the plants, I'm surprised they didn't really try this yet without it being an "ideas" entry

otherwise, yes, it does seem extremely discouraging to even submit something to the Ideas site. it seems a virtual impossibility to get YOUR set made, even IF it does get the up-votes to qualify. what's the point? (that was rhetorical, I know it's brilliant free market research for Lego)
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I just saw these at FIVE BELOW!
it was only 5 bucks
Lego will sell that little shelf with 6 plastic rocks on it for like $200+
>perfectly-blurred image
does anybody else feel patronized?
are we little kids?
"OH! it's a LEAK!!!!!!"

everytime with this nonsense...
>finally a big Supes set
>but it's not the Fortress of Solitude
>chimney sweep
This is hilariously ugly in like every single way lmao

I'm surprised tho that nobody has made a crazy MOC of a like Crystal Cavern
We're getting some cool vibes with City Space and the Dreamzz/Old Friends Elves has some great colors for an "alien world" style scenery
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>live action slop
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>not the book designs, again
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>remake of a *checks info* 14 year old movie
jesus christ I'm old
>>>not the book designs, again
>check info
>a remake of a 14 year old movie based off a 21 year old book
oh god
>mfw movie is younger than me
You should read the books
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>14 year old film
>21 year old book
What the fuck [spoiler]they should make Silverwing a movie[/spoiler]

Holy Fucking newfag
I am once again begging Kramer to leak images of the renegade
Why did Lego bother bringing back the Indiana Jones license for 3 sets?
He will... in 2 more weeks.
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I detached it and just have them sit for the Bike normally
I may get some parts off a Bricklink order to make it more like the others
Or just dismantle the bike for other stuff
You NEED to get banned already
Jesus fucking christ
When the video is #sponsored
It's all Warner Brothers has at this point.
>20th modular set

We all know there's been more than that. The Ninago cities, the marvel ones, the bricklink ones, that gay chinese lantern garden, etc
How does it feel playing with funwhole, Jang?
wtf I thought lego sent stuff to jang
why would you buy sets that you could get for free
They saw the projections for Dial of Disentary and just cut their losses with the Indy brand, also fuck the consultant who prevented us from getting the temple of doom set
Kill yourself, faggot.
You require so much attention, I have to assume you were neglected as a child.
Not sure why they don't just bring back Adventurers in that case.
This general seems to attract an unusually high proportion of actually insane anons, not the usual
>dude I totally believe in conspiracy theories and le heckin cryptids crazy I’m such a schizo
but in that they are genuinely detached from reality, some have admitted to being institutionalised, there was that guy who created really weird storylines with his minidolls that gave strong cwc vibes, and obsessing over literallywhotubers like Jang is another species of this.
Kino, post more when you sort and build the sets.
Not a lot of smart eggs in Lego’s current seats is why
who's gonna tell him about the black washed astrid?
Oh Jesus fucking christ.
What are you building Anonymous Poster?
nothing, Im waiting for the dragon tower to get a decent black friday discount so I can get my hands on it
Nothing new till after Christmas.

Just finished this guy and have been enjoying it immensely.

People here don’t play with or actually buy Lego.
>black washed astrid
NTA but yeah, heard about that. Hope this trash bombs hard. I'm so fucking sick of this shit generally, but in this case it's extra stupid, they're Vikings, it makes no sense. I can deal with them changing her name in the movies, but the race swap shit just ruins the experience.
I can think of one other integral detail that is part of this movie "How to train your DRAGON" that didn't exist in real life.
hopefully a snowball fight diorama
That would require a lot of research and pin-point accuracy. Getting offended means something anymore
>dragons aren't real, so now you want to look at browns
I loved through the 80's and 90's. I've had my fill of flat assed, thin lipped neanderthal brow white girl love interests. I personally invite a little extra flavor in new movies.
>Movie is fiction therefore replacing white girl doesn't matter.
>I've had my fill of flat assed, thin lipped neanderthal brow white girl love interests. I personally invite a little extra flavor in new movies.

Black cock may be the extra flavor you're looking for.
because he's retarded
>4 chud bringing up black phalluses unprompted.
Seems to be something of a fixation around these parts.
>paid shill
>e-beggar (and way less paid shill on the side)
Well, most of us haven't loved through the 80's and 90's, and in fact we've never even stuck our dicks in anything softer than a Friends minidoll, so maybe cool it with the hate speech, buddy
>culture war bullshit
Can we please have one thread on this entire God-forsaken site without everyone winging about niggers and faggots?
And now we return to your regular program of Youtubers, thread spam, slop, and fake leaks.
Followed this alt build for the Interstellar Ship
Really like it but it DOES kinda sit on it's wings, Leaning it forward helps but too much pressure will pop the wings off
Debating if I can come up with something to clip under the front of the ship
It's cool to have somewhere to clip the backpack drone too
Also that's ALOT of extra parts left over
I don't even remember these Red Parts from the original Ship build

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>almost 500 pieces
>really solid build
>only prints
>just 30$, can easily find it for around 21$
Is it juat me or is this set ridicolously good
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Downside is its new dark purple and not old purple.
I wish they did a Warcraft 1/2 set for the 30th anniversary.
Blizzard is too fucked over to let a proper set release again, plus Lego saw how bad lego overwatch did so they are a bit wary of vidya licenses, they know stuff like Mario and Sonic are exceptions more than the standard and thus put their A (or B) games to the pedal there
Not much atm, I need to get back to sorting my big boxes and sell the sets that I don’t want anymore. Just playing around with posing and stories on the few sets and mocs I do have built
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hell ye, sick figs bro
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luv it m8
simple as
This is so fucking hideous it's unreal lmao
Literally zero consistency or theme it feels. Its so all over the place
bit racist m8, that's just what china looks like
Now i like monkie kid but this is just visual clutter to the max
Everything's fighting for attention
well yeah, it's 3 different location sets, of 3 completely different places and 2 time periods slammed together
individually all the sets are fine
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Wait what the fuck
This is the hero factory logo
I have not seen anyone point it out
what even is this blend of styles
Been pointed out plenty. The Ninjago and Monkie Kid city sets are filled to the brim with other theme references, especially Constraction

One of these days I'll get one of those huge MK sets. Just wish I knew which one to get.
it's up

That's because no one cares about hero factory
Anon in that pic has mixed a bunch of sets together and madeit 10x more cluttered than the original set which is already pretty cluttered but not as bad as that
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Found these two window pieces by the trash bin today. Both real. Scavenging has been kind of slow now that the weather has been cold.
I fucking despise the "skeleton leg as a railing" technique
God I love you, you gypsy fucking son of a bitch!
Nice that he didn't mention that the colurful substructure of the hull is easily visible. But I guess that's isn't something people care about.
What am I supposed to be looking at?
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My mimic.
I've tried putting tentacles on the side but it looked like trash, so he just leaps and bites people now.
We had feudal Japan like 25 years ago?
ninja and orient expedition. the only rome/greek related stuff is cmfs and the colosseum. outside of landmarks, lego hasnt really tried being historically accurate
Literally the first set i ever got.
But /lg/ told me that Sonic bombed?
are the teeth just loose pieces?
There's nothing inside the chest to pin them onto so the gems are keeping them in place
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holy kino
>black washed astrid
Not really bro. Her white chad grandfather bleached her grandmother and her white chad dad rebleached her mother. Male ancestors doing their part while you seethe about stupid stuff.
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original chad bleachers. her role in this movie makes perfect sense and should be celebrated.
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>bulbous pedipalps
someone's gonna get laid
Wait till you notice the Znap sign
>le bleach cope
I see you've been rehearsing your miscegenation pilpul.
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Thight this was a dead fish
>/pol/ schizos going on and on about incomprehensible bullshit instead of posting Lego
Brick Headz are awesome and I’m tired if pretending they aren’t.
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How many minifigs do you have?
I have 29 (picrel) + 2 in a sealed box!
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>people still underestimate the ticking bomb that Dragonborn paladin is

Have a look at this boring looking tournament knight.
It will cost you $50 to get one.
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Save the pseudo science for pol. At some point humanity literally has to race mix. Just look at Utah, they have genetic diversity like the shallow end of a kiddy pool.
>Save the pseudo science for pol. At some point humanity literally has to race mix. Just look at Utah, they have genetic diversity like the shallow end of a kiddy pool.
>I see you've been rehearsing your miscegenation pilpul.
>original chad bleachers. her role in this movie makes perfect sense and should be celebrated.
hope next thread will be created by Nexo Chads.

so faggots like you will fuck off
If lego made mario minifigs (as unlikely as it may seem) would it be better to have simpson-like molded heads or normal ones?
I bit the bullet and spent $15 to get one from brick link. My local stores have dried up and the new CMF line is coming in January. I still feel like I paid too much but I won't risk leaving my collection incomplete. Might still pick one up to keep sealed.
>How many minifigs do you have?
A few thousand.
simpsons style, nose is too big to look good on a regular head
poorfag cope
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For as much as we rag on reddit, it really is beneficial to have moderation that prunes off topic posting. They even put some effort into having themed days which encourages positive engagement.
There any other weapons?
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Maybe, but it seems accurate. Top pic is the loose minifig torsos I'm not currently using; bottom pic is the minifigs that are currently assembled. I just counted 119 torsos in the red torso bag to give a sense of scale.

Plus I have a couple handfuls noodling around on my build table at the moment.
Godspeed scavanon
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Uh yeah might as well help us get back on topic
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A few hundred total, but a lot of those are SW minifigs from when I was a kid that will be going with their sets as I sort them
Using the tournament knight as an example just makes me think we'll have a bunch of chinamen selling them on ali soon
That bottom-right axe with the split stick piece is cool.

>a fork
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I can't help but look at pieces like the roller skate, frog or sausage and be only able to see a roller skate, frog or sausage. The bonsai tree blossom build to me looks like shit.
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looks like an average street corner in an old british/french/german town
Have you ever seen the type of club the rollerskate stack is based on? >>11239866
Wtf is that fire piece
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Where are the speed champions leaks?
(Not buying btw just curious)
need foilage, a good amount of it. what's the best set I could pick up at the moment for that kinda thing? or would I be better off just scrounging some up off bricklink
For me it would be scrounge but that fucking wreath has a lot of leaves
just use bricklink or you could try one of those botanicals sets if you really dont want to but bricklink would be best and you can just pay for the pieces you want
Every time someone asks how many figs people have and anons respond with hundreds or more, as should be expected, this response shows up.
How the fuck is it surprising that autist collectors have that many minifigures? Many have probably been collecting since childhood
Scrounging on bricklink really is best for this, lots of sellers have odd bits of foliage pieces in their inventory and they're usually cheap
Looks like a lot of pubs/restaurants in english towns with old centres
The space constraints alone make it sound implausible but I've seen anons here prove otherwise
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Rock Raiders!
Can you name them ALL lg ?
They don’t take up much space.
About 175? In pic related.
Its a hyperpoorfag who is likely one of the residential shitters
Lego Star Wars Autist since childhood here, at last count as of March 30 2024 (yes I date my Minifigure Manifests) I have 924 LSW figs. I have a number from other themes as well. Storage is actually really simple, I place my favorite minifigs in cases to display them, and the rest are sorted into Ziplock bags by type (stormtroopers, Jedi, etc.) and all those bags placed into a box. There's probably about 800 figs in there and it is not a big box at all, just sits on the floor in my closet along with the boxes for non-LSW figs.
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Yeah but you're missing the most important one.
He's in the picture thoughbeitst
no he's not it's in the back there on his plane thing
gonna be real, rock raiders is a pretty mid theme
Probably not
Nevermind, was about to post. This is what I get for not expanding the thumbnail.
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Chief is in the rear with the gear!
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There were seven Spanish angels
At the altar of the sun
They were praying for the lovers
In the valley of the gun
When the battle stopped and the smoke cleared
There was thunder from the throne
And seven Spanish angels
Took another angel home.
Admittedly adventurers was my favorite during that time period and rock raiders was my brother's jam. I didn't like the big solid plastic wheels mostly. Seemed cheap to not have rubber tires. The game was great though, we both bought chief for the original price way back in the day.
axel rck008
bandit rck002
doc rck003
jet rck009
sparks rck005
chief rck006
I remember seeing it spelled "Axle" and "Docs" but it may be a locale thing.
Brinklink says Axel and docs
so you are both right and wrong
RIP #whiteboymexicansummer
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They don't take up that much room, especially compared to constructed sets or mocs, the box in pic related is smaller than one (1) of the houses from the medieval village and it has 40 minifigs in it, could probably fit a few more as well
Is this a book shelf stop? Nixe
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Yeah, no thanks bro.

Gib zelda and dnd
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I don't have the patience to count every single minifigure I own (my basement shelves are filled with Lego creations), but I do have an army of 196 Emmet minifigures and that's not counting the other Emmet figs I have outside of the army.
Where are the couches?
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It's a playset, or about half of one because the other house isn't in the photo, I don't like having lego that I can't play with and my book shelves are so full that they don't need stops
>Brick Testament butchers soulful Lego pieces, slices them apart and glues them back together to create abominations
>troons out
Like pottery
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Rate my Forestmen crew
>mixing white dot and undotted eyes
Of course, madness is a demonic aspect
https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3626bpx48&idColor=3#T=C&C=3 https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3626bpb0175&name=Minifigure,%20Head%20Female%20with%20Black%20Eyes%20with%20Thick%20Eyelashes,%20Red%20Lips,%20Open%20Mouth%20Pattern%20-%20Blocked%20Open%20Stud&category=%5BMinifigure,%20Head%5D#T=C
Try these two to replace the white eyes, Padme will likely be better but its up to your decision
Looks cool, I like the variety
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A little heresy will fix that right up
These are good too, I just used a sharpie to the eyes, it does look a lot better >>11240016
Thanks anon
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>Durr Burger
I hope it's the in game design and actually good
But it'll be a front side only type building that they keep doing
I will approve it, wonder what other yellow semi-modern faces would work well for classic lines? Still great team and work overall
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I have three. One has some Lego Movie characters chilling on it. One is in mech form. And then there's this one with the specialist Emmets.
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Blocks your path
Huw, go fuck yourself for deleting my brickset comments you sniveling lemon looking goblin
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Also nice double quads
yes, but I already have bowser buildable fig from the original wave.
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Mixed eyes aside, I like them. What's the part number of the head that's on the Ninjago torso?
Not that I care but wasn't Elm's Deep pretty much confirmed or hinted at by most credible leakers?
You must build them a home.

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>eating well
Biggest thing is a mass production of cutlasses again but the hair is a no go
I assume he's gotta be teasing something more than that
Still ugly as sin, I don’t care about juan piss either
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Greetings, anon. I haven't been on the threads in a few months but nice to know you're still out there.
I was asking because that other post said the second lotr set would likely not be a location which is weird that a leaker wouldnt be aware of what other leakers said
I only have the Slimer and Venkman 'headz cus I got them free with Lego points.
Molded. I can't believe there are people who think regular head Simpsons would have been better.
Silver roller skates to make the Ecto1 grill is kino.
It would be better if all the licensed lines kept more in with legos consistent visual style. Obviously Mario’s facial features would look horrible stretched on a normal minifig head but these moulded heads also look really weird and bad for humanoid heads. When Lego finally decided that the Clone Wars faces looked horrid, because they did, they didn’t replace them with overmoulded crap to fit the cartoony art style, they just brought it back to Lego’s own consistent visual style.

I made a Mario minifig as a child, I didn’t feel that a generic black moustached yellow head was inadequate to convey who it was meant to be, he doesn’t need to have a huge bulbous nose on his minifig just because his design has one of it clashes with Lego aesthetics, Playmobil don’t feel the need to give Asterix and Obelix their big noses. Not to mention that they don’t do this with minifigs of regular people with distinct features, Ian Mckellen and Sean Bean have big noses but the Gandalf and Boromir minifigs that are based on their likenesses don’t have an obtrusive nose print because it would obviously look bad.
I think it’s different when it’s a non-humanoid, like the recent dragon heads are cool, and as much as I don’t like the theme, the Chima heads are right for those kinds of animal characters, but Mario is a guy, you probably know at least one person irl who looks a lot like him.
An even better example is the recent Zelda set, those characters have big anime eyes in the games they’re from (both OoT and BotW) but in the minifigs they just have normal LEGO style faces and they look way better because of it.
The people who insist on licenses following the original style guide of the license as precisely as possible are faggots who don’t actually like Lego, or minifigures, just like the thing they recognise from the existing franchise
That's because its a diorama but leakers are too pussy to talk about it
The Dilo sucks horribly cause they hard cucked Dino Figs but the Jeep is nice
Hate stickers still. Really wish we'd get a slight bump up in quality, better pricing ($80 for a Bronto and a Stump) and get some older stuff like the Plane and Spino from JP3
What would be your choice for Jurassic Park 2 sets? Mine would be the city and the cliff
Hey it's not so bad with Canopy removed

As for sets I think Ingen Armored Jeep/SUV, The Dirt Bikes and Pachy or Gally's
That Chase scene is good

Maybe the early Stego and River scene with Ian and his buddy
Could give us Stego's that I don't know if we've got yet
2 of them with a nice little greenery/river build

Could do the Night Camp stuff with 2 T-Rex's too
That'd be a fun cheap set
Make it $40-50 range
2 Rex's, like 6+ Mini figures, Bonfire and like 4 or so Tents and maybe a SUV or Jeep

%100 the RV Command Center
Make it a $100 Set I don't care
Load it with details, Twin T-Rex's, Baby, Like 4 Mini figures
The ML320 SUV
Just full "Jungle Ambush"

Could do the Junkyard Scene with the Raptors near the end. Would do well because where have we gotten any kind of scrap yard set? Not even City wants to do it it feels
Bullshit. No one has that many minifigs you fucking Larper.
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How much does it cost to get a company to print a custom head, or design a simplistic print that sorta matches a guy to go with it? Just as a question, since I wanna recreate this freak (white eye guy) as a minifigure, but more a classic early 2000’s one because I like that style, any advice?
dope where are these from
You should just make the design yourself, open up a classic smiley template in Gimp or something and work from there. It's really not hard to make decals yourself because the designs are so simple.
I would say then you can print out the decal yourself on waterslide paper or clear sticker paper, but printing white on yellow/flesh can't be done that way. Some anons have mentioned local pad printing companies in these discussions but I have no experience with them.
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Reminder that Town is a castle theme.
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>2 Rex's, like 6+ Mini figures
>maybe a SUV or Jeep
>$40-50 range
if pic related lands at the $100 usd mark then you'd be looking at least $175+ for all that
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What the actual fuck?
>Peek Target
Jesus christ, That's depressing
looks like a gypsy
So, white eye, moustache, a bit of hair on the chin and top of the face, and a :) still because its funny, got it
Dinosaurs are goofy and soul
What’s the point in getting Ninjago minifigures if they’re just going to change their outfits next year anyway?
I love these little niggas like you wouldn't believe
I wish there were some in sand red

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