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File: Ghostbusters .jpg (121 KB, 1140x612)
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121 KB JPG
Looks like the new Ghostbusters from Hasbro are amazing and look like they are from the 80s directly! They even got all four lights on the ghost fighting backpacks too.
Go fuck yourself Retrospammer
These are what I always wanted in the 80s, nice to see them finally come to life.
>They even got all four lights on the ghost fighting backpacks too.
I 100% expected to see his head Photoshopped onto Ray's or Egon's body, and I am now disappointed.
this, op is a faggot
He just knows we will recognise the background at this point, and that jannies are too stupid to do so
It's toy related so it's legal
There's already a Ghostbusters thread retrospammer.
Its not spam though
Hey be nice
Retrotoys are cancer they use to hire cheap DEI sculptors and fuck the customer into being a faggot.

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